Applying for a dangerous goods driver licence

hazardous goods licence

hazardous goods licence - win

Cannabis: A timeline of stigma

I went down the history rabbit hole and decided to write a small timeline about the laws that created and push the stigma against cannabis. To start, we can't talk about the stigma without mentioning the guy who started it all; our good-ol' friend Harry Anslinger.

Harry Anslinger (The guy that screwed us)

Anslinger was a United States government official who served as the first commissioner of the U.S. Treasury Department's Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN, now known as the DEA) until 1962. He was a supporter of prohibition and the criminalization of drugs while spreading anti-drug policy campaigns. Who, with the end of alcohol prohibition threatening his influential position, manufactured a drug war and used his position to prop cannabis up as a dangerous substance in order to criminalize it.
Known for some aggressive racist comments:
"Reefer makes darkies think they're as good as white men," in addition to, "There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the U.S., and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz and swing result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others."
“American youth is jeopardized by the weed— those who are lured into user of marihuana are destined to be transformed into moral and mental degenerates— some raving maniacs, other violent criminals”
And for assaulting/blackmailing the American Medical Association to submission:
Ilegally halting virtually all research into marijuana while he blackmailed the American Medical Association (AMA)* into denouncing the New York Academy of Medicine and its doctors for the research they had done.
Being the petty asshole he is, had prosecuted more than 3,000 AMA doctors for illegal prescriptions through 1939.
Read more:
You can just look around anywhere to learn more about Anslinger, but as we are about to see, Mr.Anslinger was involved in just about most major anti-cannabis legislation.

Uniform State Narcotic Drug Act 1934

During the Reefer Madness (1934) era (peak anti-cannabis year), concern about the rising use of marijuana and research linking its use with crime and other social problems created pressure on the federal government to take action. Rather than promoting federal legislation, the FBN (Anslinger) strongly encouraged state governments to accept responsibility for control of the problem by adopting the Uniform State Narcotic Act. The act prohibited production of narcotic drugs within state borders, except by specific license and under strict regulation and authorized states to exercise police power to seize drugs and punish lawbreakers.
Although the marijuana provisions remained supplemental to the main body of the act, any state wishing to regulate sale and possession of marijuana was instructed to simply add cannabis to the definition of 'narcotic drugs, in which case all the other provisions of the act that apply to opiates and cocaine applies to cannabis as well.

Marihuana Tax Act 1937

The federal government would continue to oppress cannabis in the United States until cannabis was effectively made illegal with the passage of the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 (drafted and introduced by Anslinger himself).
Under the Marihuana Tax Act, every person who sells, acquire, dispense, or possess marijuana must register to the Internal Revenue Service and pay special occupational taxes.
Under the act:

The Boggs Act 1951

In the late 1940s, Anslinger launched an attack on judges, claiming that the drug problem was caused by too-lenient sentences imposed on drug offenders. This was picked up by Anslinger disciples in Congress and resulted in legislation—the Boggs Act, signed by President Truman on November 2, 1951, and amended by the Narcotics Control Act, signed by President Eisenhower on July 18, 1956.
These acts introduced severe mandatory minimum punishments following conviction; a first offense for marijuana possession carried a sentence of 2-5 years in prison and a $2,000 fine (the equivalent of $20,000 today); a second offense would get you 5-10 years, and for a third offense you were looking at 10-20 years behind bars.

The single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961 (Scheduling begins)

The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 is an international treaty to prohibit production and supply of specific (nominally narcotic) drugs and of drugs with similar effects except under licence for specific purposes, such as medical treatment and research.
In an effort to make narcotic drugs available for legitimate medical use while also curtailing drug abuse, the parties placed narcotic drugs into four schedules. Classification of a narcotic drug and the type of regulation that would be imposed on that drug substance would depend on a drug's potential for abuse as well as its medical benefit.
Unlike the Controlled Substance act (CSA), the special class of drugs in schedule IV (CSA Equivalent Schedule I) exhibit strong addiction-producing properties or a high liability of abuse that cannot be offset by medical benefits or that poses too great a risk to public health to hazard using them commonly in medical practice.Cannabis, and heroin (diamorphine) were added as schedule IV drugs.
Read more:
Read Article 28 :

Controlled Substance Act 1971 (Rescheduling)

We all know this one,
The CSA was signed into law by President-disgrace Richard Nixon on October 27, 1970 and superseded the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. Under the federal Controlled Substances Act, marijuana is currently categorized as a Schedule 1 drug – that is, a drug with high potential for abuse with no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the U.S.
The DEA justifies marijuana’s Schedule I classification by the lack of U.S. research on the substance. But scheduling itself prevents research which could show marijuana’s medical efficacy and safety. The DEA has effectively blocked marijuana researchers from being able to follow the standard FDA development process for bringing a new drug to market as a prescription medicine. U.S. researchers face daunting regulatory hurdles to studying any Schedule I drug, including a rigorous approval process by both the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for every trial.
Read more:

Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986

President Reagan signed the Anti-Drug Abuse Act, instituting mandatory sentences for drug-related crimes. In conjunction with the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984, the new law raised federal penalties for marijuana possession and dealing, basing the penalties on the amount of the drug involved.
Possession of 100 marijuana plants received the same penalty as possession of 100 grams of heroin. A later amendment to the Anti-Drug Abuse Act (Clinton/Biden’s Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994) established a "three strikes and you're out" policy, requiring life sentences for repeat drug offenders, and providing for the death penalty for "drug kingpins”. Specifically:
Three Strikes" statute provides for mandatory life imprisonment if a convicted felon: (1) has been convicted in federal court of a "serious violent felony"; and (2) has two or more previous convictions in federal or state courts, at least one of which is a serious violent felony (the other offense may be a serious drug offense)
Despite the growing number of states that legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes or recreational use, it remains a federal offense to cultivate, distribute, sell, purchase, possess, or use marijuana. Now in 2021 USA, with the senate majority leader being a democrat, we must push together as a community towards the rescheduling and legalization of cannabis.
So what can we do?
One of the simplest form of activism is to call your local representative and let them know your views on marijuana. You can also call your state’s congressional representative and tell them they need to become part of the cannabis caucus. But most importantly, remain involved, because the biggest enemy of any cause is apathy.
submitted by Tokengi to trees [link] [comments]

Toe to toe with a Cayman S

So on my way home from picking up some PC parts today I ran up against a 2020 plate Porsche Cayman S, not a bad looking car for a Porsche if I'm honest. Anyway he rushed up beside as I pulling off the motorway.
Up onto the sliproad we went, he was in the lane immediately to my right, the motorway was under roadworks so we were both doing just under 50mph, in lane to leave down the same road, me in the inside lane him in the centre lane.
The light goes green and we both launch hard, taking the wet roundabout on the edge of adhesion, I can feel my back twitch and he has the Porsche on the very edge of slip, that said I'm gaining on him despite this.
As we swing off the roundabout and onto the road I just have the edge, unfortunately there are lights ahead, red ones, and while the road is 3 lanes wide only one is free of traffic. It's a busy road and it's mostly lorries. The light goes green and despite behind him I get a far better launch than he does, the Type R takes off in the rain like a scolded cat, while the Porsche spun up, then bogged down. A snap to the left narrowly avoided me running into the back of him. Keeping planted we approach another light, set to red and side by side we slow slightly I drop the Type R into 2nd gear just as the light goes green and we both launch back into full throttle.
The Porsche very slowly inched forward from me, I can hear every single horse from the car working as hard as they can but over a couple of hundred yards he's gained maybe 6 inches. It's downright obvious that he's running a lot of power, but I reckon I got back on the gas quicker than he did.
Shifting into 4th gear I ease off, I don't really need to earn any points for my licence and clearly the Porsche driver is thinking similar as we both back off. I give him a quick flash of my hazard lights and we cruise for a bit.
A mile further on we reach another roundabout and we both so happen to be going the same way. Coming into the tight left I catch him sleeping and not only catch up to him, but blast past him on the outside. He clearly punches it as he realises what's happening, but it's too late, I was already ahead, and the road, getting tighter and harder, played my tune and with each successive corner he was falling further and further back.
It was around here we drove back into the village and we both slowed right down. I don't know who you were Porsche driver, but mass respect for going for it in the rain. You gave me a good challenge and I had great fun. Hope you did too.
submitted by adydurn to EP3 [link] [comments]

Firstly, don't buy drugs on reddit (or even the clearnet). Secondly, CBD buds aren't legal.

Link to original post.
Can't believe it's been a year since posting, but here we are, reposting to open up the comments again now it's been archived. I meant to rewrite it to be less angry before reposting but haven't had time.
2 things to get off my chest that eat at me most days I come to clear the modque. This is not a post to try and reinstate the rules, it is just some explaining.
edit 1: Apologies for getting heated in the comments of this one, this post is the outlet for the festering rage that increases every time I read about someone being scammed or claiming CBD flower is legal. I'm normally pretty chill, I promise x
edit 2: Adding some Q&A from the comments into the main body. Some of them I've included because they are good points that are a good idea to add, others are to stop others asking the same question.
edit 3: you guys who previously thought CBD flower was legal, and have now changed your stance and agree with what I'm saying, you guys are the real MVPs. Whether you commented or not, you're the real homies fr.

Don't buy drugs on reddit, or on the clearnet.

On average, we hear of one person on this sub being scammed by another redditor (and sometimes a clearnet site) every 2 days. I'd hazard a guess and say most people don't message us about being scammed out of embarrassment (in hindsight). That's a lot of money being wasted, money that (given our average age) we really can't afford to just piss away.
You know it genuinely makes us upset when we see someone scammed for a couple hundred quid. Not because it breaks the rules, not because the sub is at risk, but because someone has lost money they worked for and they are also encouraging the scammer to keep scamming.
So, this is me saying just don't fucking do it. Business conducted without connection to the sub is irrelevant to us, and this post isn't to protect the sub or us. If someone is here vending through PMs there is a 99.99% chance they are a scammer.
Imagine, right, you've got 10LBs of grass in 20 different strains in 3 different forms. You clearly have money through previous sales, and you're set to vend.
Do you, a, frantically PM people through reddit asking you to buy through Wickr. Or, b, setup shop on a market and continue to build rep.
Also, everyone who says they have a firrrrrrrre link (flame emoji x 10) who deals through Wickr you should message they are also a scammer. You will loose your money and your dignity. They will also have your address that you will more than likely be blackmailed with shortly after (which is also a common occurrence).
Every person who's been scammed messages us the same way 'I know it's stupid and I know it was obvious they are a scammer but u/WorthlessPieceOfShit scammed me and here's proof.'.
Hindsight is a bitch, so get some fuckin forsight and don't be a moron.
Also, clearnet websites, don't even touch 'em.
Instagram is like wading through a pool of shit to find a gold plated coin. Yeah the coin is there, but it is neither worth the trouble or time. It can be alluring to those who can't be arsed with learning to use the markets because of how easy it is, and then after the fact will justify why Instagram is better than any other alternative.
Not only that, think of your OPSEC for gods sake.
For those of you who struggle to keep your singular brain cell company who will still go on to piss money into the wind, if you contact us with proof that you have been scammed, there is no repercussion. Don't be afraid, we will only judge you in private ;).

Reddit Plug Comment Q&A

Q) So is there no way of finding a dealer on reddit?
A) Wherever you look, you will always be able to find a source. If you attend your local female only 60+ chrrurch group for long enough you will find a lovely old lady who knows a guy who knows a guy who comes through. All I'm saying is that, as an amateur, you will miss the obvious warning signs of a scammer and with no way to verify legitimacy of a reddit plug (other than PGP) you will fall victim. I say amateur, because those who know what they are doing don't buy through a damn social media platform, unless they know them personally or have an exceptional circumstance.
Q) So where do I find a plug online? You all talk of doing it but don't let up. or What market?
A) Right, this isn't the place for this sort of question, and truth be told there isn't a reliable single outlet for it any more. However, the one and the only search term you need is DNM. With this single acronym, you have the full capacity to go out and research every single aspect of ordering safely online. Where to go, who to buy from, how to keep yourself safe. It's all out there and very easy to do/find. Like seriously. Just do the research, learn the shit, learn how to use bitcoin and tumblers, learn how to use PGP, learn it all (like we all had to) and you'll be up and running in no time.
If you can't work it out, then you really should stick to street dealers. I don't say that patronisingly, I mean that if you can't work it out from there on your own, you will end up getting scammed or getting caught.

CBD Buds Are Illegal

Update: in another one of the usual shite and misleading responses to a petition our favourite home office shed some light on CBD products, too, and it's even more stupid than we thought:
In relation to industrial hemp, the Government has no intention of amending this policy. The Government operates a robust and risk-based licensing system to enable the cultivation of low THC cannabis (industrial hemp) from the non-controlled parts of the cannabis plant (i.e. seeds and fibre/mature stalk). Our policy enables the production of hemp fibre for industrial purposes or the obtaining of seeds which are then pressed for their oil. The cultivation of cannabis plants must be from approved seed types with a THC content not exceeding 0.2%. The ‘0.2%’ reference is used solely to identify varieties which may potentially be cultivated, within the scope of this policy. The current policy is in place to prevent misuse and diversion of the controlled parts of the cannabis plant, and currently, there is a large number of companies successfully operating under this industrial hemp policy.
Home Office
To be honest this contradicts some of the laws quoted below, so it should be taken with a teaspoon of salt, but even so.
End of update
No, it isn't a grey area. NO, CLEAR don't always get it right. Yes, you can get nicked for it. Yes, it is illegal.
Here is a link to the law in question. There are no 2 ways about it, CBD buds are not legal.
Here is another supporting sheet, and whilst it is produced by the government, it doesn't serve as a legal document, moreso advice, so take that with a pinch of salt.
Home Office policy provides that licences may be issued for the cultivation of cannabis plants with a low tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content for the production of hemp fibre for industrial purposes or the obtaining of seeds which are then pressed for their oil. For both of these uses, licences are granted to enable the use of non-controlled parts of the plant (i.e. seeds and fibre/ mature stalk only). This policy is only applicable where non-controlled parts of the plant are used.
There needs to be a defined commercial end use and the Home Office only issues licences for cultivation of plants from approved seed types with a THC content not exceeding 0.2%. The ‘0.2%’ reference is used solely to identify varieties which may potentially be cultivated, within the scope of this policy, and to differentiate between the fee level is applicable under the Misuse of Drugs (Fees) Regulations 2010. The Hemp (Third Country Imports) Regulations 2002 also require, except in specified circumstances, that hemp from ‘third countries’ be imported under a licence an
Oil, tea, handbags and shampoo can be made from industrial hemp, and the plant that they were made from may contain low levels of THC and contain CBD as long as they are produced by licensed peoples.
Flower, however, is not legal under any circumstance. Theoretically, completely THC and THC-V free flower would be un controlled (legal). But that is impossible by current standards, and doesn't exist (yet). Every CBD heavy plant has atleast trace THC(-V). The bulshit 0.2% rule that ill-informed people and love toting is nothing more than the number that allows a company to grow that plant under license, and for that plant to be grown for industrial use. Nothing else.
Feel free to also brows 2001s misuse of drugs act in which you find nothing contradictory of the above.
So please, for the love of god, stop hounding us and eachother over whether it is legal and why you think it is.
If you can provide me with proof of the contrary, I'd love to see it, and would happily change my stance.

CBD Flower Isn't Legal Comment Q&A

Q) What do you make of this?
Specifically "The law states products ‘derived from’ industrial hemp can be exempt from the MODA if they have been ‘processed’ and contain less than 1mg of THC or CBN."
I always thought that was the loophole or grey area, that it is considered a processed hemp product by way of drying, curing and trimming, but I've not spent all that long looking into it and I'm not at all qualified to comment, I'm certainly not a legal professional.
A) Interesting point, and an article I hadn’t seen before.
Here is the government fact sheet they are referring to, in which it states:
'An “exempt product” means a preparation or other product consisting of one or more component parts, any of which contains a controlled drug, where—
a) the preparation or other product is not designed for administration of the controlled drug to a human being or animal;
b) the controlled drug in any component part is packaged in such a form, or in combination with other active or inert substances in such a manner, that it cannot be recovered by readily applicable means or in a yield which constitutes a risk to health
c) no one component part of the product or preparation contains more than one milligram of the controlled drug or one microgram in the case of lysergide or any other N-alkyl derivative of lysergamide.'
Do you mean to tell me that they prepare the CBD buds half a gram at a time? Not a chance. So that breaks rule b. So CBD if prepared in a quantity above half a gram (at any point if it was in contact with more than half a gram) , even if it is broken down into grams to sell). There will not be a single place that picks half a gram at a time, prepares it and then packages it in half gram quantities only. Thus, still illegal.
And the products are advertised and meant for human consumption. So, still controlled under the laws i originally stated.
Q) But it's legal under EU law, which we abide by, so that's where the grey area is isn't it?
A) CBD flower isn't legal according to the EMCDDA, in fact they don't even distinguish it from high THC weed as far as legality.
The only time Cannabis is Legal under EU law is if prescribed medically, be it THC or CBD strong. Even further, they only allow four brands of either to be prescribed: sativex, marinol, cesamet and bedrocan two of which are fuckin synthetic.
Are you saying that the legality of regular weed is a grey area because is can be prescribed medically by the EU? No. Are you saying that because the EU allow it to be medically prescribed you can appeal in court? I should hope not.
Further than that, the EMCDDA just set out the guidelines, i.e. if the country sees fit they can decide their own drug laws (such as in the case of CBD flower being legal in France and Italy, yet illegal in the UK).
Source 1 , Source 2 straight from the horses mouth.
Q) But it's sold in headshops, so it isn't your fault if you get caught is it?
A) This just isn't true, I don't know how else to put it. Less you show me the 'if I didn't know it was illegal, it's not illegal law lol'.
Just as a side note, why do you think Holland and Barret don't sell the flower, and only sell the oil eh? Cmon now use your noggin. Quite a few CBD shops have been raided too, so the fact that they exist isn't testament to legality in any way.
If you're local corner shop sold ketamine in its sherbert packets, and you knew what you were buying, and it says ketamine on the reciept, you're still getting nicked for having ket on you regardless of whether you can produce a reciept to say you bought it at a shop. Just because the shop gets nicked, doesn't mean you don't.

Sorry For The Rant

Now that these two things are very clear, I can stop getting twisted over people getting scammed and just laugh as the information is here and clear, and I can link this post whenever CBD is being debated.
The majority of you guys are sound, like really sound, and I know most of us would kick it if we met, so don't take it personally. Those who this is aimed at will know lol.
submitted by wilk007 to uktrees [link] [comments]

Fittipaldi Family - r/Formula1 Editorial Team

[Ed. Note: Readers of the Editorial Team (and discerning Formula1 users elsewhere) have probably noticed that TheStateOfIt has pulled a Mika on us and retreated into a sabbatical as he deals with life. Thankfully for us, however, he has proven faster than Mika – no mean feat – and has returned to provide us with an extraordinary trip through the Fittipaldi family's history.
We hope you enjoy it as much as we did]

Featured Focus: Fittipaldi Family

words by TheStateOfIt
Coming into the Sakhir Grand Prix, the news ticker on Formula 1’s website is running at supersonic speeds, combing over the tidal wave of news erupting this past week.
Updates on Romain Grosjean’s recovery and the critical analysis of safety features, from the holiness of halos to the hazards of Armco; shock over Lewis Hamilton being the latest victim of a global pandemic; glee over George Russell delivering a solid enough PowerPoint presentation to earn the step up; welcoming Jack Aitken into the big league; the oddity of Sergio Perez announcing that he has yet to announce anything; the impending storm clouds over Alex Albon’s future; Nikita Mazepin’s arrival and related insights into his behaviour; and the continuation of a family legacy in Mick Schumacher’s promotion into Formula 1.
Among all that, one piece of major news that already seems to have flown right by us is the announcement of a fresh face into the paddock. It is not a surprise that Grosjean will require some time to recuperate from injuries suffered in Sunday’s race, and since Haas’ 2021 drivers cannot step away from their F2 commitments, they have named their reserve driver, Pietro Fittipaldi, as Grosjean’s deputy for this race.
Pietro, however, represents more than just a fresh face. As his surname indicates, he is a continuation of a familial legacy pivotal to Brazilian motorsport. Without the Fittipaldis, we would probably never have seen other Brazilians in Formula 1. Furthermore, Pietro is the first third-generation driver in Formula 1, marking the Fittipaldis as the most enduring family in Formula 1, with four drivers, one team, and 50 years in the sport.
So, as we step into Sakhir, we should look back at the five Fittipaldis and the legacy they have left so far and will now continue building, not just for their family, but to Formula 1 and motorsport overall.
If you are cognizant of F1 history, you probably just did a double take. Five F1 Fittipaldis? But there are only four drivers — Emerson, Wilson, Christian and now Pietro — and the team was founded and run by two of them. How could there be five Fittipaldis?
Forgetting the fun factoid of fledgling Footwork feature Max Papis finding footholds in the Fittipaldi family by becoming an in-law, there have indeed been five Fittipaldis in Formula 1. And the first one, the one you all do not know about, might just be the most important one of them all.

Wilson “Barão” Fittipaldi Sr.

Nicknamed “Barão”, or Baron in Portuguese, Wilson Sr. might be the most important Fittipaldi of them all. Without him, not only would Emerson and Wilson Jr. not well, exist at all, but the entirety of Brazilian motorsport would have a different shape without him. Just because he never stepped into a Formula 1 car does not mean he was not crucial to the sport.
Born in 1920 to Italian immigrants in Brazil, Wilson did indeed participate in a few races here and there, but that was mostly on the local level, as Brazil’s motorsport scene was taking its first baby steps. But it was off the track — the commentary booth, to be precise — where Wilson Sr. found his calling card. Following the construction of the Interlagos circuit nearby, Wilson was approached, almost by chance, to call races at the circuit in 1940. As motorsport started to take off in the post-war era, Wilson was able to land himself a job with Rádio Excelsior, and soon Sao Paulo’s major radio network, Rádio Panamericana, as they sought to cover motorsports to appeal to young listeners.
Fittipaldi’s voice soon became a national treasure akin to that of Murray Walker, especially after covering Chico Landi’s victory in the 1948 Bari Grand Prix, Brazil’s first Grand Prix win on European soil.
Wilson was not just a normal radio journalist commentating over races, though. He became a significant figurehead in Brazilian motorsport through organizing some significant motorsport institutions in the nation. He established the Mil Milhas (1,000 Mile) race at Interlagos in 1956 as Brazil’s primary endurance racing event, a tradition that not only carries on to this day, but has been included in international sportscars and Le Mans series events.
Wilson also established the Confederação Brasileira de Automobilismo, Brazil’s primary motorsport association that helped to cement the nation’s place in FISA, getting a Brazilian foothold into international motorsports and establishing a platform for Brazilian drivers to hone their talents on the motorsport stage.
The drivers he probably helped the least, though, were his sons, Emerson and Wilson Jr. Odd, right? Well, Wilson Sr. apparently was hesitant to pour in the funding required for his children to compete, which could have put a hamper on their careers before they even left São Paulo.
Mercifully, his sons started their own business in the automotive industry, from repairs to bodykits, that helped ease the burden on Barão’s wallet. But once the Fittipaldi family reached the biggest stage, Barão was there every step of the way.
Wilson Sr. was selected as commentator when television coverage on Formula 1 started with Emerson’s debut in Lotus in 1970. And when Emerson took his first World Driver’s Championship two years later, Wilson Sr. had the unique privilege of commentating over his son’s triumph. He could even be found on the pitwall of his son’s team, Copersucar Fittipaldi, as they made their (rather disastrous) venture into Formula 1. Later in life, he would mentor his grandson Christian and great-grandson Pietro as they moved up the motorsport ladder, before his passing in 2013. Aged 92 at the time of his passing, he was one of the giants onto whose shoulders his sons, along with the large poll of Brazilian talent that followed in F1 and in other categories, would stand.
He may be a relative unknown in contemporary Formula 1, but for any Brazilian out there, from the aspiring karter shooting his shot, to the casual everyday fan, you have the Baron to thank for that.
[Ed. Note: As a Brazilian, it was truly amazing to see Wilson Sr.’s contributions researched and explained so beautifully, and it just further underscores TheStateOfIt’s knowledge and research ability, which have been so valuable to the Formula1 Editorial Team from the start]

Emerson Fittipaldi

This guy needs no introduction. Take any Brazilian that has entered Formula 1 (or IndyCar, for that matter) and ask them what was their inspiration, nine times out of ten, it was Emmo.
His father and elder brother, Wilson Sr. and Wilson Jr., were definitely Emerson’s biggest inspirations in Formula 1. From a young age, Emerson was already helping out his older brother engineer his karts, before taking the wheel himself and promptly dominating. He was also adept at motorbikes and hydrofoil boats, but to him, single-seaters were where his talents lay.
Since his father showed no inclination to establish a base for Fittipaldi to race, he and Wilson just started their own garage, putting their engineering expertise to work to fund their racing careers. Once Formula Vee reached Brazil, this expertise was crucial to their grander schemes, as the Fittipaldis workshopped on their cars, sold it to others, and then Emerson beat them with his own car, taking the title at 21 years of age.
However, big as Brazil is, everyone knew Europe was where it was. And after an extra season dabbling in GT cars, Emmo dropped everything and made the long haul to Britain with absolutely nothing known about him. He did not have a contract with any team, so he only meant to race for three months to test the waters.
It was a shock to the British racing fraternity, then, when the complete unknown from South America, bought a Formula Ford and started winning races immediately. Racing school owner Jim Russell took notice and instantly brought Fittipaldi into his Formula 3 stable. Despite only joining halfway through the championship, Fittipaldi romped and secured the British F3 crown with five wins in the last six races. Not to downplay Fittipaldi’s feat, it bears mention that Alan Rollinson, who was dominating the championship until Fittipaldi’s arrival, mysteriously stopped participating when Emmo entered. Who knows what would have happened if Rollinson rolled on.
By now, Emerson Fittipaldi had caught the eye of two team owners in Formula 1. One was Frank Williams, who by then was just getting started out in team management and striking a deal with De Tomaso, but still was not very competitive in the overall scheme of things.
The other was Colin Chapman, Lotus chairman. Initially signed up for a Formula 2 deal in 1970, his meteoric rise to the top was further aided by Chapman, who let Fittipaldi start a few races for Lotus’ Formula 1 squad in their third car, which was used for other up-and-coming talents to hone their skills. Fittipaldi had basically did the real life, any% speedrun to make it to Formula 1 at 23 years of age. Might not seem like much nowadays, but back then, Fittipaldi was the 18th youngest driver to start a Formula 1 race and in the best team in the circus thanks to championship leader Jochen Rindt.
Come Monza, however, Fittipaldi seemed to be in deep trouble in Lotus, especially since he launched right off the back of Ignazio Giunti in practice, which he remembers making Colin Chapman a bit mad. However, this incident was rendered moot later, as team and championship leader Rindt fatally crashed braking for the Parabolica. Distraught, Chapman withdrew Lotus from this and the next Grand Prix, and as second driver John Miles quit the team following Rindt’s accident, Fittipaldi suddenly found himself as the number one driver for Lotus as they returned for the penultimate race of the season at Watkins Glen. With Jackie Ickx looking racey, Fittipaldi’s job was to hold him off to give Rindt a chance of posthumously winning the title.
In just his fourth start, and his first as team leader, Emerson did more than just keep Ickx at bay: he won the race. Granted, he only did so as the three ahead of him - Ickx, Jackie Stewart, and Pedro Rodriguez - all suffered from mechanical gremlins and fuel issues, but that takes nothing away from Fittipaldi’s feat. He became the third youngest winner in F1 history in just his fourth start, and his position as Lotus number one was well and truly cemented.
The rest is well written in lore. Fittipaldi stuck through 1971 with Lotus as they developed their Lotus 72 chassis, even taking part in the oddity that was the Lotus-Pratt & Whitney jet turbine engined project. This led to a dominant 1972 championship campaign, culminating in the previously mentioned victory in Italy with his father commentating over his victory. He was only 25 at this point, becoming the youngest World Driver’s Championship at the time, a record he held for three full decades before the arrival of Fernando Alonso.
Things, arguably, should have also gone his way the following year, but an intra-team rivalry with new teammate Ronnie Peterson and unreliability not only awarded Jackie Stewart the title, but prompted Fittipaldi to leave the team and make the switch to McLaren, where he would win his second world title before even reaching 28 years old. He had the world at his feet.
Then he fell off the map. By choice.
As Stephen Mangan summed it up in the movie Rush, Fitti-fucking-paldi had left McLaren for Coper-fucking-sucar. He had moved to Wilson’s team to not just boost the team’s image following its struggles in its inaugural season, but to help his brother in managing the outfit and to keep national spirit up for the squad. However, instead of leading the team to stardom, what followed was years of mediocrity and unreliability, with the occasional feel-good podium thrown in, the most notable being a second place finish in front of his home crowd at Jacarepaguá. At just 33, he retired from Formula 1 to manage the team full-time, but that was of little use as the outfit folded in 1982. You would think that would be that for this Fittipaldi, but that was just the end of the first half of his career.
In 1984, aged 38, he was tempted to head to the USA to join IndyCar. Far from the youthful spirit of his F1 glory days, Fittipaldi proved that he was still extremely fast, adapting to oval racing incredibly quickly and finding a career renaissance in his 40’s, winning the CART championship at 43 years of age and winning two Indy 500’s, in 1989 and 1993.
This second victory, at 46, should have been sweet, but Fittipaldi generated controversy by drinking orange juice instead of the traditional milk to promote Brazil’s citrus industry. The fans at Indy either have something against oranges or did not like the break in tradition for an industry-boosting tactic, and booed the living hell out of Emerson.
He had planned to retire at the end of 1996, but a massive shunt in Michigan that year curtailed his racing career a bit early, and any chance of another full-time return to racing, if there ever was going to be at 50-plus years-old, was put to bed in 1997 when he was lucky in escaping from a microflight plane crash with just an injured back.
Emerson was definitely the stalwart of the Fittipaldi family, and the one with the greatest legacy in carrying the Fittipaldi family’s name. His meteoric rise to superstardom was a rare sight to behold in Formula 1, but to leave all the success he had had to assist the family team was equally brave and gutsy. And then, when it was not enough and most drivers his age would be contemplating retirement, he went on to start a whole new career, earn fans (and haters) in a completely different region, and raced until his body could not take it any more. His two careers left an entire nation inspired to follow in his footsteps and created a hotbed of talent, from Piquet to Senna to Barrichello to Massa, that gave Brazil a constant presence on the grid until 2017, more than 4 decades after Emerson’s debut.
I would end it there, and talk about how Emerson seems to be enjoying life in retirement, even taking part in the recent zenith of simracing events happening in this lockdown period, buuuuut there are also bad news.
Recently, it was reported that Emmo is in deep financial debt, getting in 145 legal cases worth 8 and a half million euros from creditors, accusing him of hiding assets in the United States. It is not the first time Emerson has been in financial trouble as of late, as in 2016 some of his assets, including championship-winning cars, were seized from his museum by the Brazilian government, though Emerson highlighted the targeting of Brazilian media and his problems being symptomatic of a larger, nation-wide economic and corruption issue. Who knows, though, where Emerson goes from here.

Wilson Fittipaldi Junior

Wilson Jr. may be the older of the 1970’s Fittipaldis, but as the one with a delayed start in Formula 1 and with a far less successful career that his brother, Wilson will always be viewed as the Brent Gretzky of the Fittipaldi family.
Actually, labelling him the Brent of the family is a bit harsh. He was very much the spark plug behind the Fittipaldi’s engineering ventures, funding most of the brothers’ racing aspirations, and had already made the trip over to Europe in 1966, before Emerson ever stepped foot in a Formula Vee car, but he could not cut any mustard and returned to Brazil. He even tried his hand at hydrofoil racing in his early days, but a nasty incident left Fittipaldi thinking that motorsport was much safer.
Once Emerson made it big by winning a Grand Prix, though, Wilson thought that was the perfect opportunity to tail his brother into the European racing scene. In fact, he followed in his brother’s direct footsteps, heading right into Jim Russell’s Formula 3 seat in 1970. Though his rise was nowhere as meteoric or as impressive as his brother’s, Wilson was still able to steadily climb the ranks, and finishing 6th in European F2 in 1971 was enough to get Wilson a seat at Brabham for 1972.
However, he joined Brabham at precisely the wrong time, where the outfit was going through its blunder years, as Ron Tauranac experimented with lobster-claw designs and ownership was being passed around like a hot potato, eventually ending up in the hands of Bernie Ecclestone.
While all this was happening, Wilson was paired with Carlos Reutemann and two-time champion Graham Hill, and was instantly outclassed. With Hill, it was not much a surprise, but compared to fellow rookie Reutemann, Wilson was not matching him on pace at all. While Reutemann stunned the racing world by placing the woeful ‘lobster-claw’ Brabham BT34 on pole on his debut, Wilson was not setting any worlds alight with consistent but sub-par performances. As Hill left the team and Wilson was promoted to second driver in 1973, things did not look much better for him, scoring just three points while Reutemann was out there snagging podiums, and soon Wilson was out of a team.
Not that it mattered, because Wilson was busy setting up his own.
He already had the seeds planted for the outfit in November 1973, after his last race for Brabham. He did not want to waste the talent he had in manufacturing Formula Vee cars and GT bodykits go to waste, so hiring his friend Richard Divila to design the cars, he took the whole of 1974 off to establish the outfit. And he did not just take the whole year to establish his new team, but he took the whole of Brazil to start this team. I should probably remind you that Brazil, at this time, was governed by an authoritarian, militaristic government, one of many military juntas supported by the United States to install right-wing leaders sympathetic their fight against potential Soviet threats. This government was one that took pride in the ‘Brazilian Economic Miracle’ of the 1970’s, which saw Brazil’s economic standing rise to unprecedented levels in the decade (before the cost of the “miracle” led to the economic debacle of the 80’s), though this came through authoritarian rule that suppressed dissidents and drove inequality in the nation.
Why did I just go on the brief geopolitical tangent to talk about a Formula 1 team being established? Well, sport was heavily intertwined with this economic miracle, wherein international dominance in certain sports were a symbol of Brazil rising in their relevance and power in the world. While this was most reflected through Brazil’s dominance in the FIFA World Cup in 1970, motorsport had a big role in it too, primarily sparked by Emerson’s two championships in 1972 and 1974. And when Wilson announced his intention to run a Formula 1 team, based in Brazil, with Brazilian engineers and drivers, the money came rolling in, as Brazil’s leaders had their sights set on champagne, trophies, and prize money.
Brazil’s biggest ethanol and sugar manufacturer, Copersucar, wasted no time in becoming the title-sponsor for the team. Embraer, the state-owned airplane manufacturer, loaned their technology and engineers to design the car as well. The car was presented to the nation’s president at the end of 1974, with Wilson intending to drive the car himself in 1975.
However, this meant that Copersucar-Fittipaldi was no longer a Fittipaldi family project. It was now Brazil’s national Formula 1 team.
And boy, did they let their nation down.
Especially in their first year, with Wilson at the wheel. With the FD01 featuring some unique design features, like a March 711-esque raised front wing and a sleek engine cover, their oddities unfortunately rooted them to the back of the grid, with Wilson failing to qualify twice, managing a best finish of 10th. Both Wilson and Copersucar-Fittipaldi were last out of the drivers and teams that attempted pretty much a full season. No points and no hope, Emerson’s turn to the team looked like, and may have very well been, a family move to support Wilson, but at the time there was no question that it carried undertones of saving national pride as well.
Despite the occasional podium, Fittipaldi was never anything more than a lower-midfield team, however, and media and public support quickly vanished, the team switch to the UK never truly solving their problems. Once Copersucar stopped sponsoring them, and with Brazil now in significant debt thanks to the economic “miracle”, the team became impossible to sustain and it duly left Formula 1 by the end of 1983.
If Wilson was left to his own devices to establish a family-run team without expectations, it might have lasted longer. But with the weight of an entire nation-state, there was just no way Wilson could keep it afloat. He would be an ever-present figure, supporting his son Christian’s motorsport career in the 90’s and making appearances now and then in Stock Car Brasil, even joining Christian for a Mil Milhas, the race set up by Wilson Sr., triumph in 1994.

Christian Fittipaldi

With Christian, we move into the third generation of the Fittipaldi family, the second with actual Formula 1 driving experience. Although he did not set up his own national motorsports organization and become the voice of a nation like “Barão”; although he does not have any World Championships to his name like uncle Emerson; and although he certainly did not start an F1 team that gathered support from the whole nation like Wilson Jr., that does not mean Christian lacked any talent. Far from it, his career is sadly rather undervalued.
Christian was mentored by his father right from the start, as he took to go-karting and then single-seaters. And, like his uncle, Christian’s rise was meteoric. In 1989, he won the Brazilian Formula 3 title in his first step beyond Formula Ford, winning the continental title in 1990 and, while pulling double duty in Britain, managing to finish fourth in the UK F3 championship as well.
Then, at 20 years old, Christian would stun the racing world by winning the F3000 championship on his first go in 1991. Granted, he was driving for Pacific Racing, one of the best F3000 teams out there, but he still had to put up a tough fight against Alessandro Zanardi, barely holding off Zanardi to the championship by four seconds in the final round at Nogaro.
However, unlike his uncle, he did not get signed up by any recent constructor’s champions. Far from it. He ended up with Minardi for the 1992 season, which did not look all that bad at the start. Granted, they were backmarkers, but they had just come off their best season in recent history, with two fourth places from Pierluigi Martini to show for it.
However, the new Lamborghini engine caused all sort of trouble and Fittipaldi failed to qualify multiple times, being saddled with reliability issues, and even fracturing his fifth vertebrae after an accident qualifying in the French Grand Prix, which would be the first of many injury woes for him. Despite all those troubles, though, he impressed by dragging that Minardi in places it had no right to be in, culminating in Minardi’s only point of the season at the Japanese Grand Prix. Still a sprightly 21 years old at this point, it made him the fifth youngest driver at the time to score a point in Formula 1.
Next season was supposed to be Christian’s breakout year. As he moved to lead driver ahead of Fabrizio Barbazza, the Minardi M193 was miles better than the previous year’s chassis, even if it was still not exactly the strongest car on the grid. For the first half of the season, Fittipaldi looked strong, scoring a miraculous 4th place in the chaotic South African Grand Prix, and following that up with a fifth on the streets of Monte Carlo. The brilliantly-haired Barbazza was not faring too bad either, and Minardi were at last looking like a decent midfield outfit.
Then Pierluigi Martini returned to the team. For those that do not know, Martini is essentially Minardi’s hero. He started on the front row with them, he led a lap for them, and drove for them for almost his whole career apart from 1992, the year Fittipaldi joined. But with Martini back, he started to challenge Fittipaldi pace wise, and the wily veteran was actually keeping up with the young Brazilian pace-wise, even qualifying in 7th at Hungary where Christian could only make 14th on the grid.
This came to a head at the end of the Italian Grand Prix. Martini was in 7th, with Fittipaldi barely trailing behind in 8th place coming to the finish line. It would be the first time since the wet European Grand Prix where both Minardis would place in the top 10, and in front of the home crowd some more. They were practically nose to tail heading to the line.
Then came the most (in)famous moment of Christian’s career: The Backflip.
You have all seen it and gone “oOoOhH what a wAcKy accident”. I know I did when I first saw this. Stuck the landing, 9’s across the board, with an 8.5 from the Bulgarian judge, did not lose a place, and across the line. A highlight reel moment, but in reality, this was the end of Christian’s Minardi career. He was mad and insisted Martini slowed down and swerved to protect his position in front of his home crowd, endangering Christian in the process. He even claims to have seen the telemetry that indicates Martini let go of the gas. Martini insists he slowed because he was missing fifth gear, and the botched gear shift was to blame. Either way, tempers flared in the garage, forcing team principal Giancarlo Minardi to step in. Christian never talked to Martini again, and was dropped from Minardi after the following race in Portugal, in part due to needing sponsorship money, and in part because of the incident. We all laugh at that wAcKy incident now, but it left Christian out of a drive.
For 1994, Christian managed to find a seat with Footwork Arrows, but being stuck in lower-midfield teams for three years, he felt he needed a change of scene. Despite more impressive results for Footwork, outpacing teammate Gianni Morbidelli, nearly scoring a podium in Germany and a sixth in Canada ruled out due to an underweight car, Fittipaldi was not going anywhere. Even though there were rumours of a high-profile move to McLaren (granted, this rumour was based on one blog and severely lacks verification), Christian up and left to race where his uncle was having his career resurgence: the big old U.S. of A.
While things started out promising for Christian, getting second place in his first (and only) Indy 500 and finding himself with multiple top ten finished in 1996, a massive shunt in the second race of the season at Surfer’s Paradise sidelined him for quite a few races in 1997, and this marked the beginning of four straight seasons for Christian where he would be hampered by injuries and concussions caused by multiple wrecks all the way to 2000. Though he would win a few races and launch quite the campaign in 2002, those injuries definitely put a hamper in the prime of Christian’s career.
From there, though Christian went on to try everything in motorsport, and I mean EVERYTHING. He dipped his toes into NASCAR, though the less we speak about that, the better. He shot his shot in the World Cup of Nations, A1 Grand Prix, but could not match Nelson Piquet Jr.’s earlier results to give Brazil a shot at the title. He went back home and experimented in Stock Car Brazil for a couple seasons, without success as well. But he found his true calling card in Daytona Prototypes. In the American endurance racing circuit, Christian became a powerhouse, ending up as a three-time Daytona 24 hours winner, a victor in the 12 Hours of Sebring, and taking home two sportscar championships in 2014 and 2015, aged 44.
He finally hung up his racing suit for good last year, but is still involved in the sportscar scene in the United States, showing up as the Grand Marshal in this year’s 24 hours of Daytona. However, the mark he made on Formula 1 was more than just a fancy backflip. He took two underperforming teams in Minardi and Footwork, and actually got them into positions where they had no right to be. In fact, a paper by Bell et al. (2016) that created an all-time list of driver’s rankings based on performance relative to teammates, consistency in terms of reliability and team’s performance, redeemed Christian’s stint in Formula 1 by ranking him rather well.
Like, really well. In fact, they ranked Christian as the 11th best driver ever in Formula 1. Better than Lewis Hamilton.
Granted, this was based off up to 2016 results, leaving out a few rather successful years of Hamilton’s career, plus Christian has a W I D E confidence interval due to his short stint in F1, and other people, like u/whatthefat, have argued against Bell et al.’s model, but let us not completely dismiss. Maybe there is an alternate universe where Christian does not backflip, stays on good terms with Minardi, finds a solid drive in Formula 1, and does not get injured every darn season. In that alternative scenario, he might even have won a few races, maybe a championship. And maybe he would have had the results to lay a claim as the 11th best driver ever in Formula 1 without the need for long explanations.
Instead, all we have for this Fittipaldi is a radical backflip to remember him by.

Pietro Fittipaldi

And this leads us to Pietro. As he takes the track this weekend in Sakhir, he becomes the fourth Fittipaldi to drive in Formula 1, earning the family the record for most representatives on the Formula 1 grid, and the first with three generations to enter races in Formula 1. Unlike Mercedes, who have negotiated with other teams instead of digging right into their reserves, Haas directly promoted their reserve driver into their seat opened up due to Grosjean’s tremendous accident last week. However, even with Grosjean’s absence, Pietro is quite lucky to end up in this seat in the first place.
His career also has an odd start, one you do not expect. He started out his childhood in karting, yes, but Pietro’s first car racing series was not Formula Ford. Or Formula BMW. Or Formula 4. Or any other, normal, entry-level series you’d expect in open wheels. Instead, Pietro Fittipaldi got his start in NASCAR. Specifically, the Whelen All-American series where, at age 15, he won his track’s championship. He only made the move to ‘normal’ single-seater entry-level championships two years later, where he would then win in British Formula Renault’s Protyre championship in its final season, dominating the field.
The next few seasons saw Pietro make a slow and steady climb up the junior ranks of single-seater racing, mixing a disappointing campaign in the F3 European Championship in 2015 with a title in the much lesser-known MRF Challenge over the 2015-16 off-season. From there, he moved on to Formula V8 3.5, previously known as Formula Renault, for the 2016 season. And this is where things get interesting.
You see, Formula V8 3.5 was in its death throes at that point after Renault withdrew their backing from the 2016 season. For 2017, the series was still given a lot of weight in the new Super Licence points system, with the champion receiving 35 points. However, the entry list that year was severely depleted, with only eight full-time entries, one of them being Pietro. There was still a fair bit of competition for him to ward off, namely Rene Binder, Roy Nissany, and Alfonso Celis Jr., but Pietro took the title and the 35 points that came with it. This was just in time, as the FIA were going to slash the Super Licence points for the series down to 20 for the champions. The series then folded, but Pietro still had 35 points.
The following year saw Pietro attempt to step up and take on two major series at once, pulling part-time double duty in both the World Endurance Championship and IndyCar. However, those plans were done for after Pietro broke both his legs during qualifying for the 6 Hours of Spa, scuppering his chances of making it to the Indy 500. He did manage to scrape a single top ten finish on his return, but most of his season was gone.
By this point, Pietro was named as the reserve driver for Haas, but the major issue was that he still only had 35 points, just below the 40 required to actually make an F1 start. His efforts in DTM in 2019 were not great, with Pietro finding the transition to touring cars difficult, and thus Haas was left scrambling, with the 35 points from his Formula V8 3.5 title soon to expire in 2020. However, there was one series left for Pietro to push for points: the Asian Formula Three championship.
It was no guarantee, though. Previous entrants into Asian F3 for the sake of Super Licence points have had their plans scuppered due to the short nature of the series, most notable of which being Dan Ticktum. All Pietro needed was fifth in the championship, but his season started weakly, with mechanical issues in Sepang leaving him with zero points in the championship. By Abu Dhabi, Pietro was only sixth in the standings, and given the form of his surrounding competitors, he would need to pick up his pace fast, otherwise nothing short of a miracle was required.
Enter Covid-19.
As the news out of the bizarre pneumonia in Wuhan started trickling out, and with the Chinese New Year signalling a potential spread of the disease across the region, many people put themselves on high alert. Crucially for this story, Asian Formula Three drivers Devlin DeFrancesco and Sebastian Fernandez, who both withdrew from the championship, citing concerns over the spread of Covid-19 in the region.
As DeFrancesco and Fernandez were ahead of Pietro in the championship standings, he had an easier task of surpassing them to score those Super Licence points, which he promptly did, earning 6 points to bring his total to 41, just enough to qualify for a Super Licence.
And not only has he qualified, but now he is taking to the track. Representing not just Brazil for the first time in a while, but bringing back the Fittipaldi family into the sport it has come to shape.
Whether it be through establishing the sport in the nation, winning multiple championships, inspiring legions of future drivers, broadcasting to millions, attracting the government to invest in your team, or by simply doing a backflip, the Fittipaldi name is embedded in both Brazil and Formula 1’s history, and the family has shaped and transformed Formula 1 in a multitude of ways.
Who knows what Pietro will do? Will he defy expectations and place the Haas on the cusp of points? Will he fade away during the race? Will he retire? Will he start? Who knows? But from history, we have seen the Fittipaldi name has been one to follow for decades. So we will follow Pietro. He has got a big name to carry, but whatever he does, he is the one pushing the Fittipaldi family legacy in Formula 1 forward.
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The sound of a roaring engine and screaming teenagers echoed out of the darkness and into Pablo Grittburn’s shack. The ranger frowned, picked up his dusty clipboard and flashlight, and ambled outside onto the road. Summer had nearly ended but its heat lingered like an unwelcome guest, making his singlet stick to him like glue. He flung his small arms outwards, pulling over his mustard brown uniform as he shuffled, huffing and puffing, toward the gate.
“C’mon mate, we haven’t got all day.”
Pablo glanced up to see an old van, plastered with dirt and graffiti from roof to rim, with a sandy-haired lad smiling at him from the driver’s side window. Sandwiched next him and struggling to sit upright were three girls, laughing at the top of their lungs. He could almost smell the alcohol in their breath as he approached.
“You got your ticket?” he yelled up at the driver. The top of his balding head barely reached the van door handle.
“What?” spat the boy. He swung around and yelled into the rear, “Oi, shut up you dipshits.”
Jeers came from the back of the vehicle, which Pablo gathered was packed with more people than its seatbelts could possibly allow. He couldn’t see through the back windows. Colourful beach towels were draped across them like curtains.
“What, mate?” he said, looking down at Pablo with one hand cupped against his ear.
“I need your ticket,” the ranger repeated sternly.
The boy floundered around in the glove compartment as the girls laughed even louder. “Fuck me.” He bellowed. “Has anyone got the ticket?”
Pablo sighed as more vulgar shouting followed. He contemplated asking for the young man’s driver’s licence, almost certain he wasn’t the better part of sixteen, but decided against it, telling himself that the sooner he got rid of this car the better. As if sensing his rising impatience, a mousey-faced boy appeared from behind one of the hanging towels. He had a daft expression on his face. The towel fell away and the window lowered.
“Hey, can I interest you in this babe’s number?” he said, pointing to a sunglass-clad girl leaning on his arm.
Casually, the girl sat upright, took her rolled-up cigarette, and scorched the boy’s knuckles as they hung over her shoulder. A high-pitched squeal followed as the boy retracted his hand and clasped it, his jaw hanging open in disbelief.
“Ow! You crazy bitch!”
“Yeah, I’m single,” the girl said coolly, giving Pablo a placid look.
Pablo ignored them both, looking back at the young driver who was now dangling a crumpled white paper from his two fingers, arm resting across the windowpane. He made no effort to lower it as Pablo stretched to claim it from him.
“It says you came in with ten,” Pablo breathed, as he squinted through both open windows and looked down at the unravelled ticket in his hand. “I only count nine of you.”
“There’s ten of us here,” the young boy replied. “Dave-o, show your ugly face.”
He felt around the back of the passenger’s seat, lifted his arm and punched something solid.
“Oww,” moaned a sick voice.
“See? Ten,” he said, and flashed Pablo another sickly smile.
The ranger grumbled under his breath as he quickly matched the numberplate against his clipboard list, crossed it off and hurried towards the gate, relieved that it was the last car to be leaving the park for the day. Nothing made the day worse than having to head out into the park to confront a brigade of illegally-camping teenagers, especially after dark. He thanked the heavens that it wasn’t going to be required of him tonight.
His belt jingled as he selected a bronze key from his key ring and swiftly inserted it into the giant rusting padlock. As he turned it, the internal mechanisms of the lock fell into place with a satisfying clunk, and he began hauling the barrier open, shielding his eyes as the cast-iron frame kicked up orange dust and dirt. The van revved its engine impatiently and out of the corner of his eye he could see the sandy-haired boy leaning out of the driver’s window signalling at him.
“Hey, old badger,” he yelled as the van rolled on through.
Pablo pretended not to hear and focused on fastening the gate shut firmly behind them.
“We hit one of your friends back there!”
Pablo peered through the metal grating to see him pointing back towards the national park.
“Sorry about that! You might wanna teach them to keep off the road!”
And with that, the van sped off, drunken cries and squeals of laughter fading slowly off into the distance.
“Kids,” Pablo grumbled to himself as he gripped the padlock, giving it one last downwards shake. He needed no reminder why he didn’t have any of his own.
Sighing, he turned back in the direction of the park. He wondered what poor animal the teenagers had encountered.
A cool breeze brushed the back of his neck and fluttered inside his shirt as he stared at the broad road ahead of him. Its smooth gravel stretched onwards, travelling straight and wide like an airport runway, where it was cut off abruptly by a wall of black mist at the edge of the gate light beam. As Pablo stood, watching, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was strange about the park tonight. The bugs and insects that usually met in hordes around the gate floodlight seemed sparse in number. Their collective chorus of buzzes and chirps, a signature song for the long, lively nights out here was, tonight, faint. And even the sound of crashing waves in the distance, normally a heavenly rumble so constant that Pablo’s ears neglected to hear it after a while, seemed mysteriously absent.
Deciding that he should do a quick sweep of the main road, Pablo began heading towards his jeep parked out by the rainwater tank near his shack. As he walked, taking a shortcut through the bush, bright lights began to dance in front of his eyes. The ranger held his hand to his temple, swaying, feeling suddenly dizzy. When his senses finally returned, he was back staring through the chain link fence of the park gate.
Pablo took a long sip from his water canister, surprised at how he had managed to wander in a circle. Just gotta take it slow, he thought, as he made his way over to his jeep again. It had been a long day, and he could feel the fatigue starting to set in. But he couldn’t stop now. There was still so much more he had to do.
A short time later, Pablo was hurtling along the desolate highway, the wind providing a brief refreshment as it blasted through his open windows. He had only driven for a few minutes when he saw something that made him slow to an abrupt halt. There was a dark patch on the road ahead. He squinted through the bug splatter on his windshield.
It was a pool of blood. About as wide as his own car. Pablo felt a jolt of sorrow as he realised this was likely from the animal that the teenagers had hit. The blood streaked all the way to the roadside where it became a speckled trail that disappeared into the shrub land on Pablo’s right. He veered his jeep so that his high beam lit up the bushland beyond the blood trail. What if the animal was still alive? At the edge of his car beam, he thought he could just make out what looked like two yellow eyes glaring back at him. A howling cry drifted towards him on the wind and through his open car window. It sounded desperate and afraid, like a fawn calling for its mother. A spotted ridgeback deer most likely. Dismayed, he snatched his rifle from the passenger seat, loaded it and leapt out of his jeep onto the rocky roadside.
Pablo’s frown deepened as he followed the glistening red pools into the shrubs. Ridgebacks were timid animals, always leaping away at the first sign of an approaching vehicle. It was rare for them to be killed on the road. Pablo gripped his gun tightly, quietly fuming. The teenagers had probably driven into it intentionally.
He kept to the sandy patches of earth that spotted the area, but the farther he walked, the thicker the vegetation became, and the more his jeep’s high beam struggled to penetrate. After a while he lost sight of the blood trail, and relied on the animal’s cries to point him in the right direction. The ground beneath Pablo had transformed into mass of matted twigs, shrubs and leaves, so he stepped quickly, not giving any hiding critters the chance to strike.
Eventually the terrain gave way to a dimly lit sandy opening. He heard the fawn’s call, much clearer this time, mere metres away. He tracked the sound of it around a large spinifex, and found the fawn, but instead of it being half-alive as he had expected it to be, he was confronted with a small deer, standing unharmed, surrounded by a scene of sheer horror and death.
It was as if an animal had exploded from the inside out. Scattered in the sand in front of him were pieces of fur, flesh and intestines, for as far as he could see. He saw the top half of a deer – its body had been ripped asunder and its back legs were metres away from the rest of the body, joined by a messy string of gizzards in between. The young fawn sniffed at its mother’s remains. Pablo knelt down and examined the severed deer head. Giant portions of its skull were missing and its face appeared melted away, as if by some sort of acid, revealing bared teeth that gave the animal a vicious snarl. He stared at the morbid remains, unable to comprehend how it had been so destroyed. It was a sight beyond belief.
Just then, the entire world around him plunged into darkness. Pablo lurched to his feet and swivelled around.
His car’s high beam had switched off. Had the battery died?
Instinctively, he fumbled at his belt for his flashlight, but his hands fell upon an empty holster. In a panic he crouched down and began feeling the sand beneath his feet. Slowly, it occurred to him that he might have left the flashlight back at the shack, and he cursed at his own carelessness.
With the moon blocked by the mountain ranges, it was pitch black, and his movements had left him unsure about which way the road was. He gave up searching and rested on his knee, fixing his eyes in one direction, trying to allow his eyes to adjust to the dark. He listened carefully for the sound of the fawn, but it had stopped crying. In fact, everything around him had fallen perfectly silent. There was no rustling of leaves, no creaking of brushwood, not even the feel of a soft breeze against his face.
Seconds later, a strange sensation overcame him. It started as just a tingle in the ends of his fingers, but then swarmed his chest and rippled straight through to his spine. His hands gripped at his heart. It was a feeling of horror beyond imagining, like he was drowning deep underwater without ever being able to escape, without ever being able to die.
Then came sounds of tearing flesh and snapping bones, like something was feasting right beside him. Pablo didn’t know how long he remained frozen. His feet were beginning to lose their blood flow but he dared not stand, nor even breathe. All his ranger senses were telling him that something wanted him dead with every fibre of its being. He braced himself for an attack, but none came. The feeling seemed to fade away as quickly as it had arrived and Pablo was left gasping for air. He scrambled to his feet and gripped his rifle, pointing it erratically in all directions. Hot sweat trickled down from his hair and into his open mouth.
Suddenly light blared from a distance. The headlights of his jeep were illuminating the area around him once more. He took cautious steps backward, keeping his rifle raised, worried that the predator was still close by. The mutilated corpse remained a terrifying sight in front of him, but the deer fawn had disappeared. He didn’t linger to find out what had happened to it. In a fit of nerves, he turned and ran, using his jeep headlights as a beacon, stumbling and falling through the undergrowth, but not stopping until he finally felt the solid surface of the highway beneath him. He doubled over catching his breath, heart pounding, thankful to be alive.
As he headed back to the safety of his shack, Pablo tried to make sense of what he had just witnessed. He couldn’t get the image of the mutilated deer’s body out of his head. There was no animal he knew of in the park that could have caused that much devastation. The park wasn’t known to host any large predators – only foxes and the occasional small wild dog that sometimes ventured this far down from the mountains. It just didn’t make any sense.
He remembered the horrifying sensation he had felt, as if his heart had turned to stone. Pablo clutched at his chest and shuddered at the thought. Had he suffered a heart attack? He had never experienced one before, but if it was, then that was a greater concern to him than any wild animal out here.
By the time Pablo returned to base, he was only feeling slightly more settled, but he took a deep breath and got to work anyway. The constant stream of tourists during the day had made him neglect his other duties, and he had a bucket load of tasks left to do. He darted around the side of the shack and fed Gobana the Monitor Lizard her dried waxworms, checked the nearby pitfall traps, reset the fox baits out by the bush line, and raked the trash from the sandy parking bays out front. Then he completed his analysis of the week’s soil samples, swept the shack clean and logged all the day’s visits in the system before finally allowing himself to brew a late-night cup of tea.
Before long, an earthly aroma of tea leaves had filled the entire shack. Pablo moseyed outside onto the veranda with his copper mug in hand and lowered himself into his favourite star-gazing chair, ahhing in delight. By now his fearful encounter with the deer had all but left his mind, and without the weight of a long list of tasks hanging over his head, he was feeling considerably more at ease, ready to take in the spectacular night view.
For several minutes he did nothing but stare at the pearl moon hovering over the distant never-ending coastline while taking gentle sips from his tea. He took great solace in knowing that, right now, there was nothing but desolate shrub land or boundless ocean stretching for miles around him in every direction. It was for moments like these that he had become a ranger in the first place. Moments where he could just stop to marvel at how truly enormous this place was. From the Buegen Ranges in the east, to the Dropsound Canyons in the north, all the way to the South Pacific Ocean. The more he had visited this place in his youth to study its brilliant night sky, the more it had begun to make him feel like he was the only person left in the world, an addictive notion that had made him leave the hustle and bustle of his suburban life and never look back. That was a year and two months ago to the day.
As he let his thoughts wander, something drew his eyes away from the stars and towards the mountains in the east. He gazed curiously across the empty expanse. There was a faint glow coming from the direction of what he knew was Cliffer’s Bluff. He sat forward, watching intently. It was growing stronger every second. Praying that it wasn’t what he thought it was, Pablo peered through his telescope poised at the end of the wooden railing. It was moving south, down the highway. Carefully adjusting the focus he was able to make out what looked like two headlights.
A car.
“Ruddy, flippin’ campers!” he cursed, as he stormed inside and tipped the rest of his tea down the sink. He grabbed his hat from the hook by the door and stopped to peer through the fly wire screen as it eased to a close. The lights were fading away now. They had turned east and were heading for the coast. Hastily doing up his ranger shirt, he paused on the last button. His eyes darted across the clipboard lying on the bench beside him. Hadn’t he accounted for every vehicle that had entered and left the park that day?
Scowling, he continued suiting up. Whoever it was must have been camping for a while and were due for a hefty fine. He located a spare flashlight from his cupboard, grabbed his badge, hunting rifle, notebook, and headed out for a second time, fuming with frustration.
The drive was a long and tiring one, and the last thing Pablo wanted to be doing on a night like tonight. He re-adjusted himself irritably on the rusted jeep seat, trying to avoid the springs protruding from its moth-eaten cushion. His life would be so much easier, he grumbled to himself, if those overpaid pencil pushers just listened to him and banned tourists from the park for good.
Before long, however, his frustration turned to anxiety. The ranger’s surroundings were doing nothing to put him at ease, and his fingers began to create nervous waves as they strummed the steering wheel.
Normally he felt at home cruising the empty road of the national park, but tonight he couldn’t help but feel like a total stranger. Having been on the road for a near three quarters of an hour, he would have expected to have come across at least some sign of the wildlife that frequented the area after dark. But there was nothing. Not a bat, an owl, or even the glistening green eyes of a fox peering at him from the bush line. He scratched an itch on his neck and withdrew his hand to find blood on his fingers.
What in God’s name…?
He examined himself in the rear vision mirror, surprised. There was a cut across his neck – a perfectly horizontal line of dried-up blood. It looked like it had drained a fair bit of fluid too, having stained the top of his singlet red. He dabbed at the wound with his shirt, wondering how on earth he had sustained such an injury. Probably when he had fallen over in the scrub when he had ventured out here earlier? He licked his fingers and rubbed as much of the stains as he could away. Maybe he was getting used to life as a ranger, he thought, as he focused back on the road. In truth he had lost count of the injuries he had sustained over the last year.
On his left, the road sign for the Cliffer’s Track turnoff slowly loomed into view, only revealing the faded letters ‘Liffers Tra’ etched into a rusted metal plate, hinged to a thin wooden pole, bending unsteadily in the breeze. Pablo brought his jeep to a stop, illuminating a rocky path ahead of him that branched off the main dirt track and curved upwards out of sight towards the cliff face. A pair of green eyes appeared and a fox trotted from out of the bush side, disappearing around the sharp bend. Pablo clicked in his seatbelt and followed it, leaving the smooth gravel of the main road, toward the location where his illegal overstayers had likely set up camp.
It was eerily dark and he made his jeep hug the inside of the path as best it could, in case his wheels slipped under the loose stones. After a zig zagging drive upwards, he was met with the sound of thumping waves. For a second he thought he could make out the sounds of joyful screams traveling towards him on the strong wind current.
“Flippin’ youngsters,” he murmured. “You get bitten by a snake all the way out here and then we’ll see who’s laughing.”
The sides of his jeep shuddered and shook as they tried to maintain a hold on the softening sand. Finally, the track levelled out and he could see the horizon, its edge a dark line cutting through the starry sky. His tyres crunched on the rocky surface as he entered the parking area and when he circled around the old light house to the far end, his headlights fell upon an awkwardly parked white car.
Its doors were wide open, and its headlights were on. It wasn’t an off-road vehicle by any means, so the fact that they had made it up here was nothing short of miraculous. Pablo parked a couple of metres away and stepped out of his jeep, giving it a moment before approaching. He couldn’t see through the doors from the angle the car was parked on, but he guessed he was about to walk in on a naked couple enjoying the flexibility of their youth.
As he edged closer, however, he found it empty. Strange, he thought. Why would someone risk their car battery dying like this?
The car’s headlights illuminated a path, down the cliff face, and across the rocky outcrop in front of him. At the very end of the bluff, flickering in and out of range of the car’s beam, was an image that made Pablo stop dead in his tracks. A man was sitting on the very edge of the cliff, feet carelessly hanging over the five-hundred-foot drop below him, his shirt flailing in the torrential wind. Then without warning the figure’s head sunk below his knees and he toppled over the edge, without the faintest scream.
Pablo’s heart skipped several beats. Had he really just seen that? Did that man really just fall to his death? Panicked, he ran, clambering towards the edge of the bluff, cutting his hands as he grabbed barnacle covered rocks. He just needed to be sure. Sure the man wasn’t hanging on for dear life just below the edge. He crept on all fours, knees digging into the sharp stone and peered down into the ocean abyss below. The harsh wind battered at his face. All he could see in the moonlight was the whitewash of giant waves crashing upon rock. Pablo pulled himself away for fear of losing his own life. No one could survive a fall like that. Even the strongest of bodies would have snapped like a twig as soon as it hit the water.
Nursing his bleeding hands, the ranger raced back over the rope line toward his jeep. He hopped in, flicked on his lights and radio and sent out a distress call on the emergency line.
“This is ranger Grittburn, central highway post, Northwest National Park, and this is a code red. Potential casualty in the southern end at Cliffer’s Bluff. Do you read, over?”
A faint crackle came at Pablo through the receiver. It seemed like there was a voice, but Pablo couldn’t make a word from the indecipherable static. It sounded like a child’s laughter. Grunting, Pablo adjusted the radio frequency and tried again, but the static only grew worse. He needed to get back onto the road where the reception might be clearer. Frantic, he drove back down the mountain as quickly as the terrain would let him.
Back on solid road, his jeep picked up speed as he headed back towards base, sending out radio signals intermittently. But his radio had gone from emitting muffled static, to producing nothing at all, and now its lights were dead. He flicked the power switch back and forth, but the machine showed no sign of coming back to life. He brought his stocky fist down upon the dashboard.
“Darn it.” He cursed.
As he tossed the radio receiver aside, he noticed something white flash in his side mirror. He angled it towards him. Right behind him, trailing in very close pursuit, was the white car he had seen on the mountaintop. Its headlights were off, making it difficult to see, and it was driving dangerously close to his rear bumper.
Pablo signalled off to the side of the road and eased his car to a halt on the loose gravel. For a moment he thought the driver was going to cruise casually around him, but they slowed exponentially, and came to a lurching halt in the middle of the desolate road some distance ahead. Its hazard lights began to flash. Pablo quickly undid his seatbelt and grabbed his rifle, but left his notepad behind. He deduced these people must be friends of the man who fell and were in need of his help.
With his rifle swung onto his back, Pablo crossed over to the car driver’s side window, beaming his flashlight onto the glass. He expected to see the panicked face of tourists squinting back at him, but the window was tinted black.
“Evening. Park ranger,” he declared awkwardly after a few moments, tapping his knuckles on the glass. But there was no answer. The car remained still, lights flashing on and off. The seconds ticked by and Pablo started to get a sinking feeling. He tried the door, but it was locked. He knocked louder, calling to the driver to open up, and shone his flashlight through the window again. For a moment he considered plunging the butt end of his rifle straight through the glass of the back window. Then there was a loud click of the doors unlocking. Pablo froze.
“Hello?” he croaked. Slowly he lowered his rifle and approached the front door. With an overly cautious step backwards, he pulled the handle and eased the door open.
The front of the car was completely empty. No driver. No passenger. No one at all. He shone his light into the back seat, but there didn’t appear to be anyone there either.
Bewildered, Pablo leant one knee on the driver’s seat and ducked his head inside, shining his flashlight all around the car interior, trying to locate someone, anyone who could explain to him what was going on. Instead, he was only met with a smell. It was a putrid smell of rotting flesh that was so piercing it made Pablo’s hardened stomach churn.
“Lord almighty…”
Pablo pulled a rag from his pocket and held it firm over his mouth and nose. It was surprisingly clean inside considering the vile smell. There was no blood, no dead animal, no sign at all where the smell was coming from. Pablo scoured the back seat as best he could, but it was spotless. In fact, it looked like a car driven straight from the dealer. What was going on here?
Thump. A sound came from the back of the car.
“Herro?” Pablo muffled, his flashlight between his teeth, body sprawled between the front and back seats of the car. He paused and listened intently. He was sure he heard something.
Thump. There it was again.
It was coming from the trunk.
“Hello, is anyone there?” Pablo pulled back the middle seat that looked like it gave access to the trunk, but he was blocked by a metal sheet that looked bolted to the car frame.
“Help me! A girl’s voiced shrieked faintly from the back of the car.
“Hello?” Pablo panicking now, knocked hard against the metal. “Hello?” He yelled.
Help me, help me, help me.” The unmistakable sound of a young girl’s muffled scream echoed from the trunk. Pablo threw his handkerchief aside.
“It’s okay, I’m going to get you out, okay? Just stay calm. Everything’s gonna be fine.”
Pablo couldn’t believe what he was hearing. A girl. Trapped in the trunk of this car.
He scrambled out of the car and raced around to the back of the vehicle. He tried forcing it open, but the trunk wouldn’t budge. The girl began thumping and screaming louder. Sprinting back to the front of the car he leapt into the driver’s seat, searching for a button that unlocked it. The car looked so different to what he was used to, and where there should have been a dashboard with buttons, there was nothing at all. Just a smooth black surface. It was the same everywhere. What kind of car was this? Pablo threw his hands up into the air, feeling hopeless. More thumps came from the trunk.
“It’s gonna be okay,” he repeated, jumping back outside and racing back to the rear.
But the girl had fallen silent.
Worried that she was running out of air, Pablo swung his rifle off his shoulder. Maybe he could shoot the lock.
“Is that you, Father?” came the voice again*.*
Pablo bent down on hands and knees.
“Hello, little girl, I’m not your father. But I promise I’m going to get you out and take you to him okay?” Pablo looked helplessly at the car trunk. There wasn’t even a lock that he could shoot anyway, and it was far too risky. He ran his fingers along it — he could only barely feel the groove where the trunk opened. There was just as much chance getting through the steel barrier as there was this, he thought. The girl’s voice started up again, this time clearer. She had stopped crying.
“Father, he’s trying to get me.”
Pablo leant in close, ear pressed against the car, voice starting to quiver. “Who’s trying to get you? Did someone do this to—"
“Okay, Father.”
“Is someone trying to hurt you?”
“Okay Father. I won’t talk to him anymore.”
Pablo opened his mouth, but paused. It sounded as if she was talking to someone else.
“Who are you talking to?” he eventually asked. But there was silence. Pablo reverted to coming up with a plan of what to do. He was going to have to head back to base camp and radio for back-up, but that meant he would have to leave the poor girl here, terrified. The least he could do was reassure her that he would be back.
“Listen to me,” he said crouching down and speaking with his cheek pressed up to the trunk. “I’m going to help you. My name’s Pablo. What’s yours?” There was silence again. Pablo took a deep breath and continued. “You can trust me, okay? I’m the ranger out here.”
“You can trust me, okay? I’m the ranger out here.” She said, mimicking him. Her voice almost had a playful tone to it.
“Yes, that’s right, I’m the ranger.” Pablo replied. “My name’s Pablo, what’s your name?”
“My name’s Pablo, what’s your name?” The words were barely out of Pablo’s mouth before the girl had repeated them. Pablo clambered to his feet and stepped backwards.
“Listen… I’m going to get help, stay ca—"
“Listen… I’m going to get help, stay calm.”
The girl was no longer just copying Pablo. She was repeating every word he said. At the exact time he said it.
And then Pablo saw the man. Half obscured by shrubbery, he was standing on the side of the road, staring straight ahead, his eyes wide and mouth sagging open. His hole-ridden shirt clenched to him like a wet rag.
“Daddy’s angry now.”
The words came out of Pablo’s mouth, but they weren’t his own.
He was so shocked he couldn’t move. He wanted to run, but his leather boots felt filled with lead. The rear lights of the car shone blood-red and before Pablo could even turn his neck to see it backing toward him, it collided with his chest and knocked him clean off his feet. His head struck gravel and his body was sucked under the car, his legs crunching twice as they went under the tyres. The ranger rolled over and yelled into the abyss, clutching his calf, and whimpering in panic as he saw the car heading back toward him. He tried to drag himself forwards towards his rifle, but it was too far out of reach. He turned his head to see lights blaring in his face as the car slammed directly into him, sending his body tumbling over the road.
Pablo lay bleeding and breathless in the dirt. The sound of a soft hum filled his ears as the car drifted passed him, and in his last moments he saw the blank face of the old man, standing over him, lit up red in the rear brake lights.
The car disappeared, slowly, into the wilderness.
Part 2
submitted by DwellingOfDoom to libraryofshadows [link] [comments]

Sitting my full license tomorrow. Any tips?

When i did my restricted I asked for some support and advice from newzealand and I passed first time! I was wondering if the full license test is much different and if you have any specific advice for a successful test?
submitted by therewillbeniccage to newzealand [link] [comments]

Investor Insight | Synairgen: An Investment Brief by Rupert Marlow

Please read the disclaimer at the end of this note
Rupert Marlow – 25 January 2021


Synairgen, with little apparent external support, has developed what could be one of the most effective drugs for tackling the Covid-19 pandemic, SNG001. Originally intended as a broad-spectrum, respiratory anti-viral, it is now in various Covid-19 trials awaiting results. For a company of its size - at the end of 2019 it employed only 14 people - to have made the progress it has is an astonishing achievement.
In short, there are four Covid-19 trials or sub-trials involving SNG001 that are currently in progress or awaiting results. There is the second part of SG016, the at-home trial in the UK; there is the main part of SG018, an international phase III trial for patients in hospital; there is a second leg to SG018 looking at Long Covid-19; and there is the US ACTIV-2 trial for out-patients. All of these are likely to report results in the coming months, and these will be absolutely crucial for determining Synairgen’s future. For the moment, therefore, the company is in something of a waiting game.
This note suggests a target share price of £12, but essentially SNG001 is likely to be either a comparative failure or an emphatic success. There are sound reasons for thinking the latter is more probable, but the risks are unusually high.


Synairgen was established in 2003 by three professors from Southampton University, and its shares were listed on AIM in June 2005. The first project was to assemble a BioBank of samples in order to build models of respiratory diseases, particularly asthma and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), and research how these might be treated.
In time this led to the development of a broad-spectrum, respiratory anti-viral, SNG001, the active ingredient of which is interferon beta-1a. This is inhaled directly into the lungs, in a formulation that is pH neutral, once a day for 14 days, by means of an Aerogen Solo/Ultra nebuliser. SNG001 is therefore simple to administer and, in the context of respiratory infection, more efficient than other methods of delivery, such as intravenous or subcutaneous. As a result, the dosage can be considerably lower than it would be with those other methods.
Synairgen owns a number of patents protecting SNG001, both as to its mode of delivery and its pH neutral formulation. The most significant initial patents were lodged between 2009 and 2011, while in July 2020 an application was made to cover the use of inhaled interferon beta in Covid-19 patients, and in September 2020 a further application was made to cover its use in COPD patients being treated with corticosteroids.
Beyond SNG001, Synairgen’s has an approximately 17% entitlement to the net licence receipts or royalties earned by an Australian company, Pharmaxis, from an antifibrotic LOXL2 inhibitor. Pharmaxis is currently searching for a partner to carry out a phase II trial.

Interferon beta-1a

Interferon beta-1a is one of a number of interferons, which belong to a family of naturally occurring proteins known as cytokines, which play the essential role of stimulating and regulating the innate immune response. As reverse evidence of the importance of cytokines, Covid-19 can result in, often fatally, a cytokine storm, when a compromised immune system runs out of control and the body is swamped with cytokines. As a result, the immune system starts to attack the body’s own organs.
Normally, there are many pathways by which interferons, which do not themselves attack the virus, orchestrate the innate immune system. When, for example, a cell is infected by a virus, it releases interferons, which stimulate the production, within neighbouring cells, of a particular enzyme that inhibits protein synthesis, thereby making it more difficult for the virus to replicate. They activate white blood cells, such as natural killer cells, which (as their name suggests) kill infected cells, and macrophages, which remove those dead cells. They initiate the removal of virus particles within an infected cell to its surface, so that the T cells of the adaptive immune system can bind on to them.
Evidence suggests that, of all interferons, interferon beta-1a produces the strongest respiratory anti-viral response in humans, hence its selection as the active ingredient of SNG001. It has also been used as an injected therapy for multiple sclerosis for 20 years, so there is considerable experience of its impact on the human body. Patients can experience side effects, but since SNG001 is delivered directly into the lungs, the blood concentration level is roughly one-tenth of that seen in MS patients, so any possible side effects are materially diluted. In any case, trials to date show that SNG001 is well tolerated.
There is a growing body of evidence that interferon beta-1a is especially critical in protecting patients exposed to Covid-19. Although the virus is believed to suppress the production of interferon, most people, once infected, still generate the interferon they need and experience only mild symptoms, if any. There are, however, two groups of people to whom this does not apply. Some people, notably those with comorbidities and older people in a process known as immunosenescence, simply do not produce enough interferon, so their immune response is compromised. There is also a small number of people, interestingly most often male, who have a genetic mutation that has the effect of destroying the interferon that their bodies generate. Both groups are more likely to experience severe symptoms when exposed to Covid-19, and SNG001 works by giving those people the interferon beta-1a that they fail to provide naturally for themselves.
The theory has been that, since interferon is most critical in the early stages of infection, SNG001 should also be administered early. Viruses enter a cell via a surface enzyme known as an ACE2 receptor, and one concern was that, since the presence of interferon tends to increase the number of these ACE2 receptors, the cell could be more easily penetrated. It has, however, been realised only recently ( that the ACE2 receptors upregulated by interferon are a short version, which Coronavirus cannot bind on to as a means of entry. This opens up the possibility (see SG016 below) that SNG001 may, after all, be effective at a late stage in disease progression. In this context, it is worth noting that the Aerogen nebuliser can be used in conjunction with a ventilator.


The initial objective for SNG001 was to prove its effectiveness as anti-viral therapy for patients with asthma or COPD, and during 2019, in the year before Covid-19 arrived, Synairgen was running the second part of a trial, SG015, to observe how COPD patients with viral infections responded to being dosed with SNG001.
The intention had been to recruit 120 patients, but with 109 recruited, the trial was paused in September 2020 to minimise the risk of infecting patients with Covid-19. Nevertheless, it showed that SNG001 was well tolerated and that it resulted in a significantly enhanced anti-viral response against placebo. One further and significant result was that, unlike intravenous or subcutaneous delivery, the benefits of SNG001 were not compromised by the use of corticosteroids, such as dexamethasone, which many patients need to control inflammation.
A full report on SG015 can be found here.
It is unclear whether, in due course, SG015 will be resumed and formally completed with a further 11 patients recruited or whether the plan, supported by evidence from the pandemic, will be to move directly to a phase III COPD trial.

COVID-19 and SG016

The arrival of Covid-19 changed Synairgen’s immediate priorities. Could SNG001 be re-purposed as an early-stage therapy?
As a result, Synairgen initiated a double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase II trial, SG016, involving 221 Covid-19 patients divided into two groups - 101 newly hospitalised and 120 at home. The hospital part of the trial began in late March 2020 and has been completed, while the at home part has finished recruiting patients, so we are waiting for the results.
The main findings of the hospital part of SG016 were announced on 20 July 2020. SNG001 was, once again, well tolerated and reduced the likelihood of developing severe disease by an impressive 79% against placebo. On admission, nearly all patients had an OSCI (Ordinal Scale for Clinical Improvement) score of 3 or, more commonly, 4, while severe disease was defined as an OSCI score of 5 (non-invasive ventilation or high-flow oxygen) or more.
The only patients to die during the trial, three in number, were all on placebo, but this was not statistically significant. One interesting result was that there was no apparent relationship between the benefits of treatment with SNG001 and the prior duration of Covid-19 symptoms. Overall, the results were not only highly encouraging, but also far better than anyone had dared to hope. The peer review, which was published inThe Lancet Respiratory Medicine30511-7/) on 13 November 2020.
The at-home, and ongoing, part of SG016 involved patients within seven days of the onset of Covid-19, before severe lower respiratory tract symptoms had developed. Patients had to be over 65 or over 50 with a recognised comorbidity. The completion of enrolment demonstrates that home treatment is a viable route for treatment. As to the trial results, we have been told to expect these during the second quarter of 2021.


In view of the encouraging results from SG016, and following discussions with the US Food and Drug Administration, Synairgen has launched SG018, a Phase III randomised, placebo-controlled trial of hospitalised Covid-19 patients. The first dose was administered in the UK on 12 January 2021, and the trial is taking place in some 20 countries, involving 610 patients with an OSCI score of 4 (mild disease - oxygen by mask or nasal prongs), compared with OSCI scores of 3 (no oxygen) and 4 for SG016. This slightly later dosing means that SG018 is arguably a little more ambitious than SG016.
Following a revision to the trial announced on 18 December 2020, there are two arms – c.300 patients to be dosed with two syringes of SNG001, and c.300 patients to be dosed with placebo. Synairgen has appointed Paraxel Biotech to conduct the trial, and the details are set out on page 18 of the placing circular dated 14 October 2020, as revised by the press release dated 18 December 2020,
Patients will be dosed once daily for 14 days, and the primary endpoints will be time to recovery (i.e. no limitation of activities) and, secondly, time to hospital discharge. In SG016 the comparable hazard ratios for these (per protocol) were 2.29 and 1.53 respectively. The secondary endpoints will be based on progression to severe disease or death, as well as a safety assessment. Finally, there will be additional assessments on days 60 and 90, by then unblinded, for symptoms of Long Covid-19.
On the basis of the science and the results from SG016, there must be a good chance that the results will be positive. Since the hospitalised arm of SG016 was run, the use of effective treatments, such as blood thinners and dexamethasone, has become more widespread, so those on placebo should do better in SG018 than they did in SG016. The headline results from SG018 may not, therefore, be quite so spectacular as they were for SG016.
The UK has recognised SG018 as a matter of Urgent Public Health and given it National Priority status. In the US, the IND (Investigational New Drug) application for SNG001 has been cleared, and the FDA has awarded it Fast Track status. Allowing for recruitment, dosing and post-treatment assessment, preliminary results should be available around May 2021. Given, however, the urgency of the situation, it is possible that the regulators will ask for an interim view of the results before then.


The US has established ACTIV-2 (Accelerating COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines, and the 2 refers to outpatients) to investigate the most promising treatments and vaccines. On 25 January 2021, Synairgen announced that SNG001 would enter a phase II/III, ACTIV-2 trial in Covid-19 patients not yet requiring hospitalisation. The phase II part of this randomised, placebo-controlled trial will involve up to 220 at-home patients across the US. It will be blinded, not double-blinded, so Synairgen and the regulators can monitor progress as the trial proceeds and, if appropriate, initiate phase III.

Other trials

SNG001 was initially on the Recovery trial sponsored by the University of Oxford that has been looking at existing treatments to see how effective they might be against Covid-19. In April 2020, SNG001 was, however, removed from the trial. Why is not entirely clear, but it does not appear to have been a scientific reason.
The World Health Organisation has been running its own Solidarity trial with the aim of doing much the same thing. On 15 October 2020, they announced that interferon beta-1a, along with remdesivir, hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir, had little or no effect on overall mortality, initiation of ventilation or duration of hospital stay. The interferon beta-1a was, however, delivered by subcutaneous injection, while SNG001 is delivered via a nebuliser directly into the lungs, which is critical to its effectiveness.
Finally, Synairgen, in conjunction with Clinigen Group, has launched a Managed Access Program. This is, of course, not a trial, but it does mean that patients can apply to be treated with SNG001 as an emergency.

Vaccination and competition from treatments

The best hope is that vaccines will lead us out of this pandemic as 2021 unfolds. Pfizer and Moderna claim an efficacy of over 90% for their respective vaccines, which both use messenger RNA that has been adapted to get the body itself to generate the distinctive coronavirus spike protein. This is distinct from conventional vaccines, such as Oxford/AstraZeneca’s, which take the form of a deactivated or otherwise inactive version of the virus that still contains the spike protein. The evidence, so far, suggests that the messenger RNA vaccines are the more effective of the two, but either way, to get these vaccines up and running within twelve months of the virus appearing is a remarkable achievement, and this should give us all some comfort in the event of further eruptions of this pandemic or an entirely new one.
Nevertheless, the task of vaccinating the whole world will be enormous, so Covid-19 will not be eliminated quickly. There are also more general questions about vaccine take-up, how long they provide protection for, the extent to which they reduce transmission of the virus and whether mutations might lower their effectiveness. While vaccination will, no doubt, be the principal route for ending the pandemic, this does suggest that treatments like SNG001 will be needed for some time to come.
But, even if its trial results are positive, SNG001 will not have the treatment field to itself. A number of drug treatments have already been approved, such as dexamethasone and, more recently, tocilizumab. As a general rule, however, these are for critically ill patients, so do not directly compete with SNG001. There are also a large number of other drug trials taking place, and some of these will undoubtedly demonstrate significant effectiveness against Covid-19. In other words, for SNG001 to be commercially successful, it may have to demonstrate not only absolute effectiveness but also superior relative effectiveness.
In this context, however, SNG001 has three strong competitive advantages. First, the evidence to date suggests that it is particularly effective, possibly unrivalled, in the early stages of disease progression. Secondly, since it works, not by recognising the virus itself, but by enabling the innate immune system to function as it should, it will work against mutant variants of Covid-19. Finally, it is easy to administer.

The possible applications for SNG001

As things stand, therefore, SNG001 has five possible applications. SG018 is designed to test its use on patients newly hospitalised with Covid-19, specifically scoring 4 on the OSCI scale (see above). The second possible use is for patients soon after they first show symptoms of Covid-19, and that is covered by the second, ongoing, at home, arm of SG016. The third possible use is for Long Covid-19, for which there are no obvious treatments at present, and that is covered by the 60 and 90 day assessments of SG018.
The other two possible applications go beyond Covid-19. Given now the awareness of the damage, both to human health and the economy, that respiratory viruses in general (and Coronaviruses in particular, of which we have experienced three in the last 20 years, SARS, MERS and Covid-19) can do, governments are being urged to stockpile effective, broad-spectrum therapies. The idea is that these would then be immediately available to provide some protection until appropriate vaccines can be developed.
The other use takes us back to Synairgen’s original plan in that, before Covid-19, SNG001 was envisaged as a broad-spectrum anti-viral for COPD patients, hence the phase II trial SG015. The COPD market as a whole is huge, causing 3.2 million deaths per year globally and at any one moment affecting c.2.4% of the world’s population. There are no treatments for COPD itself, but subject to further trials, SNG001 could have a major role in that market.

The future for SNG001

The results from SG018 may not be known until perhaps May 2021, but based on both the strong science behind SNG001 and the results from SG016, it is probable that the results will be positive. On that basis, and given the urgent need for treatments that work, there has to be a significant likelihood that SNG001 will start to receive approvals in, say, mid 2021, or perhaps earlier if the regulators make interim assessments. Given also that the trial involves over 20 countries, it is to be hoped that approval will eventually be granted by several countries.
Following the placing in October 2020, £33 million was set aside for producing 100,000 treatment courses of SNG001 per month in 2021, but in order to obtain orders once the trial results are known (assuming they are successful), Synairgen will need to show that it can increase production rapidly to a significant multiple of that figure. The company has therefore already signed up two sources of interferon beta-1a, Akron Biotechnology and Rentschler Biopharma, and two companies to handle fill and finish, Catalent Biologics and Thermo Fisher Scientific.
The pattern of sales for SNG001 as a Covid-19 therapeutic can therefore be expected to climb rapidly to a peak before falling gradually away as the pandemic is brought under control, but the scale and timing of that are almost impossible to predict. After that, there is the question of stockpiling against future pandemics or a resurgence of this one, and this could be a source of demand for many years to come. In due course, there is then the possible market for treating COPD patients.

A financial assessment

As explained, the level of sustained sales is hard to predict, but in order to arrive at some sort of financial assessment, let us use, as a long-term number, the above production figure of 100,000 treatments per month.
The question of pricing is no easier and will depend on many factors, most obviously the strength of its competitive position within the overall market. Richard Marsden, Synairgen’s CEO, has mentioned a price of $3000 for the 14-day treatment, but that may be something of a starting point in negotiations that can only take place once approvals are forthcoming, and there will, no doubt, be significant, subsequent price erosion. On the other hand, drugs that keep people out of hospital or reduce their stay are valuable. In any event, let us assume for these purposes a long-term sustainable average price of $1000. On the basis of 100,000 treatments per month, that equates to an annual revenue of $1.2 billion.
If we further assume a profit margin of 67.5%, and given an exchange rate of $1.35, that would generate a gross profit of £600 million per year. If, in view of the risks and uncertainties involved, we then apply a price to earnings ratio of 5, that suggests a target market capitalisation of c.£2.4 billion or a share price of £12, given that there are 200 million shares in issue.
Piling assumption upon assumption in this way and arriving at a single target price gives a false sense of precision. In practice, the share price is likely to remain volatile before responding to SNG001’s evident success or failure. On the one hand, the trials might not meet their endpoints, so SNG001 does not obtain any worthwhile approvals or orders. There is also the question of competition from other drugs, and post-pandemic opportunities may prove elusive.
On the other hand, both the science and the evidence so far suggest that SNG001 has enormous, broad-spectrum potential, and it is entirely possible that the above numbers are too cautious. As explained, success seems more likely than failure, but the risks are high, and in the end, investors have to decide for themselves.

Disclaimer - The writer is a shareholder in Synairgen, and the views expressed in this note are his alone. This note should not be interpreted or used as investment advice.
submitted by fylde7 to synairgen [link] [comments]

What Do I Need to Operate Forklift Truck?

You don’t need to hold a UK driving licence to drive a forklift truck or undertake forklift training and there is no legal requirement, unless you wish to drive the forklift truck on the public highway. In this instance, you and the forklift vehicle would have to comply with the appropriate road traffic legislation.

Medical Fitness for Forklift Training

Forklift truck operators are responsible for some heavy loads and so it is important that operators have an appropriate level of medical fitness for the work they are expected to undertake. These medical considerations are detailed on pages 8 and 9 of booklet HSG6 provided by the Health and Safety Executive which states:
“It is good practice for all operators and potential operators to be screened for fitness before employment and again at regular intervals in middle age. Examination at age 40 and thereafter at five-yearly intervals up to age 65 is recommended. Operators over 65 should be screened annually. Examination is also recommended in all cases after an accident or sickness absence of more than one month, or after a shorter period if it appears likely that the illness may affect fitness to operate.”
The standard of fitness required to operate a forklift truck is generally the same as that required for a Group 1 Driving licence (i.e. a full UK driving license). Applying the principle of individual assessment of fitness should ensure that people with disabilities are not disadvantaged.
Some people with disabilities will have developed compensatory skills. Reasonable adjustment to work equipment including forklift trucks, as can be required by the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, may enable a disabled person to operate a forklift truck safely. Competence in an emergency must, however, always be considered.

Points to be considered concerning the normal level of fitness required are:

General – Lift truck operators should usually have full movement of the trunk, neck and limbs, and normal agility. However, a very experienced worker who loses a limb may be successfully re-employed after retraining. A stable disposition is required, but a history of previous mental illness should not necessarily preclude selection. An individual who is dependent on alcohol or non-prescribed drugs should not be employed as a lift truck operator.
Vision – Proper guidance of the lift truck and its load depends upon good judgement of space and distance and this generally requires the effective use of both eyes, although some people with monocular vision can undertake certain kinds of lift truck work satisfactorily. Distance vision should be of the same standard as for driving a car on public roads. If distance vision is corrected by glasses or contact lenses these should always be worn while operating a lift truck.
Hearing – The ability to hear instructions and warning signals is important, but if a risk assessment specific to the job and the individual indicates that deafness does not constitute a hazard then it should not disqualify someone from operating a lift truck.
Epilepsy – This should not debar a worker from operating a lift truck if he/she is eligible for an ordinary driving licence (ie has been free from epileptic attack for one year) but any recurrence of seizures must always be reassessed medically. Flashing beacons on a forklift truck may trigger epileptic fits.
submitted by tinadutta055 to u/tinadutta055 [link] [comments]

No By-Law Against Feeding Birds?

This morning I decided to investigate whether feeding birds is illegal in Vancouver, apparently, it's not. Here is the backstory: I often take public transit and frequently stop at Broadway & Victoria. In the last year I noticed an alarming number of pigeons and crows near the McDonald's on the corner by the skytrain, which is across the street from Starbucks and the bus stop. One day I saw there was a man throwing bird feed on the ground in the McDonald's parking lot. I commented about it to the Barista at Starbucks, and she was visibly angry. She said it's filthy and they end up having to clean up tons of birdshit. Fast forward to this morning. I grabbed a coffee and while waiting for the bus noticed there were hundreds of crows zooming around, making loud crow noises, hundreds more perched above my head on every wire, and rooftop within vision. And sure enough, there's that same guy across the street tossing bird seed all over. As I am looking around I see this old man with a walker waiting for the bus, and a bird shits right on him. Then I take a real good look at the sidewalk, and the glass roof of the bus stop, and everything is literally covered in disgusting bird shit. Wall to wall feces. So I decided to walk across the street and ask that man why he is feeding the birds.
As I am approaching him he notices me, and starts active all evasive. He looks about thirty, thin build, maybe six feet tall, Middle Eastern descent. I calmly and politely wave and say "Hey, how's it going? Can ask a question." And he breaks into this Middle Eastern style gibberish, pretending he cannot understand English. So I start making hand gestures as if we're playing Pictionary and the term is "feeding birds". And I am asking him why he is feeding the birds, there's hundreds of them and doesn't he realise they are shitting everywhere? He just plays dumb, walks away and keeps tossing seeds, but I see a facemask fall out of his pocket. So I say, "Hey buddy you dropped something." And he turns around, looks at his feet, stoops over and picks up his facemask. And I go, "Ah hah! You do speak English, so you're a liar too huh." And he says, "I hope they shit on you."
So I tell him where to go, and head back to the bus stop. Then I notice him standing by his vehicle, getting more bird seed, and the engine's been running the entire time. I decide to get his licence plate number and report him. I call the police but they say it's not a crime to feed animals, and tell me to call the city. So I call the city, and they tell me there is no law against feeding birds. And I stressing to this city official that it's not like an old lady is tossing a couple seeds to a few pigeons, this guys tossing bags of seed onto the street attracting hundreds, maybe thousands of birds, and they are shitting on everything, which is disgusting in and of itself, but also it could be seen as a health hazard since it's well known birds are vector species for viruses. And with that much bird poop everywhere who knows what could happen, never mind that it turns a normal, nice looking street of businesses into poo encrusted cesspool. But the city official just continues repeating himself that it's not against the law.
So I gave up. And decided to post my little diatribe here. I wish there was a by-law against doing this, and think the city council should create one. What do others think?
submitted by Gilbara to vancouver [link] [comments]

do not take the covid vaccine

Now that everyone is on lockdown, you have all the time in the world to research vaccines. We are heading towards vaccine mandates and where there is risk, there must always be choice. Forced medical interventions using coercion (our freedom) goes against the Constitution, the Nuremberg Code and our basic human rights. Knowledge is power. This post contains a lot of important information everyone should know if you care about yours and your family’s health, medical freedom and true informed consent. Feel free to copy and save this info and you can exercise your own due diligence in looking further into each individual topic. Doctors aren’t taught in school about vaccine ingredients, how to support your immune system naturally, how to identify vaccine injury, adverse reactions or to report them, most haven’t heard of VAERS. They are taught the schedule, when and how to administer them, the antibody response theory in how they ‘work’ and that they’re ‘safe and effective’ and we owe them all the credit for declining diseases. The pro vax argument is quite simple, the “science is settled”, with many vested interests and many contradictions. The other side much more complex with many facets and it personally took me hundreds of hours of reading to retain the information I know, I was PRO vax but started my unbiased research with a completely open mind, although wanting to be right I was completely open to whichever side the truth was on. For years now I’ve extensively looked into BOTH sides to come to my own risk/benefit analysis and ultimately the most important decision for my child’s health which was not taken lightly. My unvaccinated daughter is a picture of health in her organic being that has never been injected with GMOs, neurotoxins and foreign cells, never gets sick, robust immune system, no medical conditions and has always been very developmentally accelerated. At 3 she knows how to write and almost read. No she is not a disease threat to your vaccinated kids. She is healthy. I truly believe with every part of me she would be a different child if she was ‘up to date’. I’ve been passionately speaking out about this for years now (with much backlash and unfriendings lol) in hopes to plant seeds as the future health of generations to come start with our informed choices and knowledge today. Our children today are the sickest we have ever seen (a statistically significant difference to 30 years ago since the amp up of the childhood vaccine schedule) due to chronic illness: allergies, asthma, eczema, autoimmune diseases, developmental delays, seizure disorders, childhood cancer and diabetes, etc. Due to this global crisis I feel that there is a mass awakening happening and people are finally starting to question things 📷 ********* The information below has been copied off someone who chooses to remain anonymous and worked as a nurse for 20 years and a naturopath for 25 years. They have put everything together so well and have touched on all the pertinent topics. ******** Your informed choice re vaccinations & how to decline politely with evidence. In order to decline what is ‘offered’ in regards to the impending covid & all other flu & ‘disease preventative’ vaccines, it is important to be informed or educated about vaccines & vaccinations, so that you can honestly be making an informed decision when you choose not to consent to vaccinations of any kind. Legal disclaimer:- This is not a prescription & I am not making your choice for you. Issue:- The government is pushing through “Mandatory laws,” which they want to roll out in Australia on May 1st . This will make it mandatory for all daycare’s children & parents to have the flu vaccine. After that they will target school children & parents & then will head for all adults. Even if you are a pro-vax family, wouldn't you prefer to have the freedom of choice to choose exactly which vaccines you would like you or your family to have, as if you're travelling overseas & possibly choosing vaccines for diseases that are only current in that country? Or would you rather surrender all your human rights to the government & let the government mandate choosing vaccinations for you? Where would that ‘policing’ for the government stop? Would no vaccination for the flu or other diseases every year, mean you can't renew your passport or driver’s licence? We need freedom to choose around vaccinations. My Focus: To find a way to both share knowledge and appeal for personal & global freedom of choice in regards to any mandatory vaccinations in australia & for any other countries where they try to make this happen. My personal views in regards to vaccinations. I worked as a nurse for 20 years & have now been a naturopath for 25 years. I've supported & treated people with what is happening for their health & respected their choices to vaccinate for diseases & yearly flu shots or not. I've noticed over the years, without any doubt that people who choose to nourish their systems with healthy foods & lifestyles & do not vaccinate, are those that stay most well. Ie. They rarely get sick & if they get a cold for example, it follows a healthy path & is over with, within 5 days. So non vaccinated clients, like vaccinated clients see me to support their healthy lifestyles & to keep an eye on their health proactively; and to empower themselves with personal growth & to deepen their spirituality. However vaccinated clients in comparison, appear to be the more immune challenged individuals. Not only do they have more food allergies, nervous system & immune system problems, organ stress, lowered alertness & generally more health issues, but curiously they also have more companion viruses, bacterias & parasites present. So when it came time for me to look after my own family, it was an easy decision. I made the informed choice to honour the health & bodies of myself & my family, by not putting poisonous particles into our bodies, in the hope that our body’s would ‘get over’ the turbulent shock those vaccinations would create, fast enough to regulate the immune system into a greater awareness of a labelled pathogen. While I understand the well meaning & loosely sensible idea of exposing the body to a little of what could harm it, boosts the immune system’s awareness to it; what scares me, is it is not just the pathogen being injected into the body’s deepest & last line of the immune systems defence. This unnatural way of being exposed to a virus only confuses the body’s homeostasis! The biggest concern I have, is the truth is, the pathogen is not injected in isolation. It is done so with numerous other toxic conjuvents that help it be trapped into the nervous, endocrine & organ systems of a body. So I've instead chosen to boost our immune systems naturally, with great nutrition & holistic healthcare. Because of that informed choice as a family, we have all stayed well. The immune system is: a complex network of cells and proteins inside the body. that defends the body against infection from any microbe (germ) entering from outside the body, ie. viruses, bacteria & parasites. The body has four layers to its immune system that deals naturally with any microbes or pathogens on the outside of the body. First line of defence is : Cilia or hairs in nostrils, the ears, genitals & on the skin that help prevent germs entering the body. Second line of defence is the mucous producing cells we have in every orifice including throat, ears & lungs. Third line of defence: Is the small intestine ( small bowel) walls, which have lymphoid follicle cells & mucosa, ‘Peyer’s patches’ in it’s ileum, which excrete antibodies. Antibodies attack pathogens of any kind entering their territory ie. viruses, bacteria & parasites. Interestingly, a healthy bowel is also full of an array of gut microbes ( mainly bacterias) which play an important role in many areas of a healthy human’s normal development. It has been scientifically discovered that everything from immune system maturation, nervous system function, a healthy heart & digestive system is dependent on these microbes, which work in harmony as a microsystem to create a healthy microflora balance. The body created this balance in the bowel to protect us against any disease. Fourth line of defence:- Bone marrow, lymphatic nodes & spleen - These organs /tissue make most of the white blood cells, which later mature; in the organiser of the immune system, the thymus gland. The thymus gland & parts of the brain help regulate the distribution of these phagocytic cells, to distribute to the lymphatic system & blood. These destroying cells are generally called phagocytes and include many types of white blood cells (such as neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages, mast cells, and dendritic cells). They also include other immune cells called lymphocytes, such as B-cells, T-cells and natural killer cells. These phagocytes & lymphocytes roam through your system launching an attack on any bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi & even cancer they may find. The immune system keeps its own natural immunisation register. Which is a record of every microbe ( bacteria, fungi, protozoa or virus) that it has ever defeated, so it can recognise and destroy the microbe quickly. if it enters the body again. Abnormalities of the immune system can lead to allergic diseases, immunodeficiencies and autoimmune disorders. Additionally sometimes too much is going on within or around the body that confuses the nervous system & immune system, so the microbes do not get found. Vaccination history & safety We are told that vaccines are tested & safe. We are told that people who do not vaccinate cause harm to people that are vaccinated. But how can this be so for vaccinated people, if the vaccines in them are there to raise someone’s immunity & protect them? On September 7th 2018, Vaccine injury Lawyer Robert Kennedy Jr, who also produced the documentary ‘Vaxxed’, demanded relevant government documentation proving that all federally approved vaccines had been quality tested over the past 32 years. There were none!!! He won that case against the US government, in the United States district court of New York, as he proved that the US department of health & human services & all the vaccine makers had been lying to the public for over 30 years about the effectiveness & safety of vaccines. He pointed out that five of the US healthcare monitoring agencies, the CDC, FDA, IOM NIH & DHHS may also be threatening the existence of state medical boards & exclusive medical guilds like the AMA because of these findings. He pointed out that vaccine makers have been fraudulently exempt from what all other pharmaceutical drug makers have been forced to do concerning biannual recertification for quality & effectiveness - meaning their vaccines had not been tested for over 30 years!!! This case can now be cited by all parents fraudulently mandated by any government’s regulation / requirement that they must vaccinate their children. This case can also be legally cited by all employers being mandated to be vaccinated in order to retain their jobs. This case can now be legally cited by all those who seek compensation for vaccine injury. All government officials who have passed laws legalizing vaccine fraud at the state, or country, have otherwise aided & abetted this vaccine fraud & can now be charged with vaccine fraud, criminal malfeasance & in some cases, war crimes under the Nuremberg Code. Big Pharma & Bill Gates agenda If you are studying vaccine safety, you need to know about Bill Gates’ 'philanthropy’, as his actions against humanity are deeply questionable. Many people now feel Bill is linked with that 1% power & money hungry percentage of billionaires in the population that have historically owned the 6 biggest companies in the world- ie. drug, IT & Oil companies. They have called themselves ‘the Elite, or One world order’.Their power game is they feel they are untouchable. Their passage of power is clear. They want the prestige of world domination. World domination means they will know where everyone is, what they are doing & how they can best control them to make money & profit from their existence. Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are proving to be a form of strategic & disguised philanthropy that are actually feeding his many vaccine & IT related businesses. None of us want to have a trackable ID ( identification) in our body; we are all quite happy to carry our drivers licences & passports with us, thank you very much. Yet Bill Gates has been trialling his nano-technology in humans, hidden in vaccines, as tracers, to record human activity for the impending 5G technology, as part of world domination plans. ID nano sized micro-chips, ie. the size of blood cells in humans, are being hidden in vaccines containing labelled pathogens, eg. polio, along with the other dubious conjuvents. These vaccines are then injected into humans that may be considered by the elite to be of lowered socio-economic status in their lifestyles. ie. Areas like India & Africa. These unsuspecting people, are goaded into being ‘helped with their health’. When they weren’t sick in the first place! They have their own indigeous medicine that they have used for centuries. Why would white men think their ‘trial concoction of medicine’ is any better??? Bill’s greed to ‘save the world his own way’ to boost his notoriety, at first appears messianic, until you learn he combines technology with these already unsafe vaccines & then uses innocent humans as his guinea pigs!!! For those who observe him, his dream appears to be to create for that 1% elite a global vaccination ID enterprise; which would give them dictatorial control over global health policy. Call it what you want, corporate neo-imperialism, making us succumb to authoritarian dictation, abuse, taking away human rights to choose, creating sickness in humans so that the drug companies also owned by that 1% elite can both make money from sick people & track their every action. For example, Bill Gates immorally talked his way into India’s National Advisory Board in the year 2000 & drastically increased the amount of Polio virus vaccines given in India, with those he was funding to be made. The result? A devastating vaccine-strain increase in polio, causing an epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. Even WHO had to admit that this epidemic was coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program. By 2018, ¾ of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines! Thankfully in 2017, the Indian Government wised up to Bill Gates. minimising the vaccine regime and evicting Bill Gates & his people from the National Advisory Board. Concurrently, Polio paralysis rates dropped. For more than 20 years, WHO (who has been funded by Bill Gates) & Bill Gates have been accused of bullying families of the world into vaccinating & causing vaccine injuries in various countries. ie. The people in remote areas of India, Kenya, Tanzania, Nicaragua, Congo, Philippines, Afghanistan and Mexico are being guinea pigs for their drug companies. Vaccines like HPV, Malaria, Meningococcal, Tetanus & DTP were all trialled there! They have even successfully trialled a sterility vaccine on people who didn't choose to be sterile! These vaccine trials have been causing paralysis, seizures, infertility & febrile convulsions to around ⅕ of all those vaccinated. Areas of Africa where vaccine tests were carried out, also reported that on average, there were 10 times more deaths from vaccinated children, than from their unvaccinated children! Barbaric! Heads up medical establishments, ‘proving harm’ to innocent humans & then hoping you'll find a way for that not to happen, is not a sensible, healthy or kind way to treat Humanity. Can you imagine this nanotechnology as a foreign body, moving into blood systems that regulate nervous systems? It would either be the quantity of nano- technology pieces in the vaccine, ( hoping that one would lodge in a body & survive), or the general size of the nanotechnology, that would block biological pathways & of course cause paralysis in most individuals bodies! Very scary, crazy & unethical WHO & Bill Gates! I hear today in April 2020 President Trump opposed their vaccine tracking system disguised as putting trackable dye, that is invisible to the naked eye, but trackable with cell phones & satellites), on the grounds of personal liberty. He has also recognised that Gates is aggressively propagandizing on behalf of his vaccines throughout the corona pandemic. So he has apparently now kicked WHO & Bill Gates ‘advice’ off his health advisory board & is seeking alternative instruction. Helleluyah!. Thank Goodness they are seeing the light! Their work is not advantageous to anyone’s health! Health is not achievable in a syringe! SO WHAT IS CURRENTLY IN THEIR VACCINES ? Simultaneously to the nano-technology, the vaccine conjuvents already in every single vaccine are designed to block neural pathways & confuse the body’s homeostasis so they can't leave the body in a hurry. Eg. aluminium hydrochloride. This leads to a systemic reaction in the body, which can cause a raft of ill- health conditions. Ludicrously, as we aware humans start asking questions about the efficacy of vaccines, Drug companies have removed the ingredient list from vaccine packets, so we can be less informed. Isn't it our human right to know exactly what is being put into our bodies? Here is a list of the toxicants & hazardous chemicals currently being used as conjuvents with the dead or alive viruses in vaccines. Their various polluting particles are capable of literally poisoning organs, cause blood clots, allergic reactions, cardiovascular & respiratory illnesses, immunodeficiencies and autoimmune disorders, autism, nervous system poisoning, blood toxicity, damaging DNA of that body & future generations & some are even carcinogenic in 1 in 5 people. Additionally it is known that we are getting immune to antibiotics, so why would they put them into vaccines? Why would you want to cause toxic shock to someone's immune system by putting any of this ‘shit’ into vaccines?! • Acidity regulators • Aluminium Hydrochloride ( traps the vaccine leaving the nervous system) • Ammonium Sulphate ( toxifies the gut, liver & lungs) • Amphotericin Sulphate ( fungicide) • Beta- Propiolactone (a recognised carcinogenic & organ toxicant) • Calf Serum • Chick embryo • Egg protein • Emulsifier • Fetal bovine Serum • Formaldehyde (a recognised carcinogenic & organ toxicant to ecosystems & human health) • Genetically modified organisms • Gentamicin Sulphate antibiotic • Hydrolysed gelatin- from calf & pig skins & bones • Lactose ( dairy allergen for 60% of the world) • Latex - used in vaccine preparation • Monosodium Glutamate- MSG- all vaccines contain this soy allergen even if they are not listed. Was removed for infants under one for food additives, but still in vaccines! • MRC5 - Human aborted fetal tissue! • MF59 (squalene oil), an adjuvant • Neomycin antibiotic • Phenol- organ toxicant • Phenoxyethanol - antifreeze • Polyribosylribitol- part of the HIB bacterium • Polymyxin antibiotic • Polysorbate skin & organ toxicant • Sorbitol- gastric & liver irritant • Streptomycin antibiotic • Sucrose ( sugar anyone?) • Taste improvers • Thimerosal ( organ toxicant) • Tri 📷 butylphosphate kidney toxicant & neurotoxin • Yeast And now dyes & nanotechnology to be added ……, Unless You Make A Stand For Yourself & For The Generations To Come From Your Cells. Contraindications & side effects of vaccinations When I nursed, we were told if anyone was already unwell, they should delay their vaccinations until they had a strong immune system, knowing vaccinations were designed to trigger big immune reactions. Sadly I see these boundaries pushed by GP’s. I have even referred people to their GP’s for further cardiovascular investigation & had one ignorant GP decide to give his client a shingles vaccine. She had no idea what was in the syringe & he neglected to ask her. Just add it to the pile of yet another medical misadventure…. In the clinic, I see clients who’ve been to their Drs & even specialists complaining about their worrying side effects after their children’s vaccinations. They have been told dismissively that their symptoms are temporary; “go home & rest.” Or more often what is happening to them, the day after vaccination, ‘is unrelated to the vaccination’ Just one eg. severe ticks suddenly appeared in twin boys that were both vaccinated the day before & were until then completely well. Their parents tried to get support from their GP & Specialists who were of no help or support. Documented throughout the internet are the known side effects of vaccinations. High temperatures, restlessness, crying, headaches, rashes, pain & swelling are dismissed as minor reactions by parents & doctors. I have also noticed that ‘someone’ has removed all of the serious side effect descriptions off the internet as the vaccination campaigns expand. The less known & scary effects to the nervous system, like inflammation of various nerves, facial palsy, nervous system ticks, convulsions, visual disturbances (optic neuritis/ neuropathy), autism, poor concentration, memory loss, tingling or numbness in extremities on spine, long lasting migraines & headaches, tiredness, low energy, dizziness, fainting, been unwell since a vaccination- with colds or flus they can’t shake. Not to mention the vaccine induced illnesses like Guillain Barre syndrome, anaphylaxis, blood platelet thrombocytopenia, swollen lymph glands in the neck, armpit or groin as the lymphatic system tries to cope. Gastro-intestinal problems, immune deficiencies & even the beginning of that disease the vaccine is trying to prevent in their body. Eg. shingles. The reality is more horrific to me than any threat we have in our developed countries of getting a disease, that we could use natural medicines to treat. I've also seen body’s trying to push the vaccine out ( via the nature's law of cure) ie. outward a month later- where a child gets swollen fingers, or the adult gets a severe version of the flu they were trying to prevent in the first place. Our human body’s are made to adapt for sure. But they have no idea that mankind would invent such atrocities to be added to disease causing viral pathogens & injected into the deepest layer of the immune system. Why are humans so gullible & allowing this? Oh yes, threatened with fear of death of their family member or being told they are being neglectful does that to people! Would it not be more ethical for WHO to refocus its resources on improving health to prevent such diseases? Ie. recommend cleaning up rubbish strewn environments, gift more allergy free nutrition, providing supplements & natural medicines the indigenous people of the land ask for instead? Etc . I am sure it would cost way less than vaccinations. Bottom line is: Good health does not come in a Syringe! Covid -19’s- We now know the Media explanation of Covid -19 has once again been driven by WHO ( & its financial backer). Fear itself is the virus this time. It has been propelled into humanity to gain control over the people’s minds. It has had humanity stop in its tracks and listened to what ‘the right thing is to do’ as advised by WHO. Governments have sought further control, by first following WHO’s instructions & then appealing to people’s hearts ie. ‘Stay home & keep the world safe”. We have all innocently obliged with the threat of death from covid-19, if we don’t. Covid-19 however is a strain of the common cold or flu virus that most of us would get at some time in our lifetime anyway, which as you see above will raise our body’s immunity to it. It targets the respiratory system. So I feel really only those with poor health, or pre-existing medical conditions need to worry about it. Also in our part of the world its affinity appears to be more with the elderly passing away from it. Super sad for them. But I also wonder if the fear of it was enough to lower their immunity anyway! Coincidentally with Bill Gates’s reign, in the last 20 years Sars & MER’s viruses have appeared ( Manmade or naturally?) Many people are discussing, there is another strain of the virus going around that was created & this is the bio-warfare version. What we do know is, from president Trump, is that WHO has lied to us & created a global panic. Trump has people independently investigating WHO now, which wont please the illuminati / Elite one bit! A second extensive study has also found that the original Coronavirus Mortality rate is actually 0.4%, not 3.4% - which confirms its similarity to a seasonal flu. From a holistic practitioner point of view, I just want to add that viruses like bacteria aren't ‘the baddy’s’ everyone makes them out to be. Many of them already live harmoniously within your body, helping you gain new insights & develop yourself. ie. Holistically viruses, like any health condition, come with metaphysical lessons for your personal development. Viruses transmute & change all the time depending on their host (ie. the body they are inhabiting). They cannot live outside of the body. For more than 1 hour. However, could it be that a virus like Covid was manipulated into a biochemical weapon that caused young people to also die from this pneumonia like respiratory disease? How interesting that it first infected US industry competitors in China? It’s timing has definitely been fuel for Bill Gates vaccination campaign; all part of his drive for world domination. Interestingly enough, 5G technology towers are still being erected while everyone is in ‘shut down’. Could this be the opportunity Bill Gates has co-created with his minions so that he could roll out a covid -19 vaccine complete with trackers in it for the whole world. One vaccine size fits all, to ‘save the world’? I witnessed covid -19 manufacturing patent papers on the internet when it was first announced. True or not, I'm very sure I choose not to be part of this biochemical warfare & human control system that these dark elite powers are creating. Yes, sure, it’s sensible to be aware around any pathogens. Good handwashing techniques should always be happening, plus a healthy gut & a healthy lifestyle. However I really don’t think that unnecessarily stressing & therefore lowering immune systems function by vaccinating and poisoning the immune system is the answer. Also this latest flu vaccine appears to have had a respiratory disease added to it. I've had clients who've had reactions to it this year, test positive for needing either whooping cough of TB homeopathics! Confirming to me, that these have been used. In their production! I feel it's senseless to make someone sick in an attempt to make them healthy! Do you really want those diseases in your system complicating your immune system this winter? What you can do right now to say no:- • In Nursing we are advised to wait until someone is well before we show them to the Dr to vaccinate. Unfortunately many health professionals offering vaccines ( including pharmacists) have pushed away this sensibleness, as vaccines make them money. We could still try though. Mention you have a cold, flu or current allergies to at least bide yourself some time. • Call their bluff. Say you have already been vaccinated or immunised, or will be by your GP’. That you prefer vaccinations that way, from your trained professional. Then voice the doctors medical code- see below. • If you're of NZ Maori descent utilise the Treaty of Waitangi’s health advice: Especially their “participation clause” :> Ie. You are invited to decide what you would like with your healthcare! ie. “According to the Ministry of Health, the Treaty of Waitangi sets out three key principles that facilitate the relationship between the Crown and Maori in healthcare. • Partnership means working closely with Maori to develop plans that drive Maori health benefits. • Participation ensures Maori take part in all levels of healthcare decision-making, planning and delivery. • Protection makes sure the New Zealand Government works towards Maori having the same health benefits as Pakeha.” • Baffle them with brilliance:- “I express my choice as a sovereign being to have the power to choose my reality.” • Express your divine choice as a sentient being saying that “vaccinations will lower your vibration” • Utilise your spirituality or philosophy & express you have that or religious concern about vaccines. Ie. “God doesn't want this for me.”” If our gorgeous Hari Krishnas & Jehovah witnesses brothers & sisters have their lists of what they can or can’t partake in, then why can't we? Nb.15 American states decline vaccines because of their philosophical exemptions to vaccines; and 45 states can refuse on grounds of religious exemptions. All you have to say is, ‘This is my faith,’ we respect an individual's faith in this country.” • Exercise your medical knowledge: All public health interventions, including vaccination, include health risks. So you can say, “As an individual who is respected for her / his ideals and values, it is my right to exercise those to protect myself and/or my children, as we do not accept existing medical evidence about the relative safety of vaccines. Where there is a risk, there must be a choice.” • Discuss the legal case proving vaccines are unsafe:- ie. “I have done my research & found that vaccines aren't as safe or proven as we are led to believe. I found a case which we can now cite as legal support to decline a vaccine. On September 7th 2018, where Vaccine injury Lawyer Robert Kennedy Jr, proved & won his case where he showed that vaccine manufacturers are now illegally making & producing vaccines that havent been tested for 30+ years. They are Aided & abetted by the unsuspecting medical community. So I would be a fool to accept vaccines into my immune system. • Discuss your beliefs on being vibrationally compatible with a disease. Eg. A while back it was ‘fashionable’ for a mum to take her child to a ‘chickenpox party’ in the hope her child's immunity will be alerted to the chickenpox virus, yet hope they would not get the virus. If the child was of at the same vibration as the child currently hosting the virus & the party - ie. lowered health through poor diet or an unhappy home life or even their personality’s outlook, they may contract the virus. Other children may be at a different ( higher or lower) vibration & not be compatible with attracting that virus into their system. • If you’re of Catholic Faith, the Catholic Church recognizes the value of vaccines and the importance of protecting individual and community health. It asserts, however, that its members should seek alternatives, when available, to vaccines that are made using cell lines derived from aborted fetuses. See the list of conjuvents above-most vaccines contain them from various humans or animals. • Express your fear: Claim, I have suspicion and mistrust of vaccines after what I have witnessed happening to non-westerners after exposure to Bill Gates Vaccine schedules in places like Africa Nigeria & Afghanistan ( see notes above). • No to Nano! - I do not consent to being microchipped with nanotechnology or a dye like some poor animal. Bill Gates has made this clear that he wants to utilise the covid-19 vaccines for ID & tracking of people. ( probably using 5G) No thanks, that is a breach of my privacy & my health. I value my sovereignty. • Claim vaccination is racism - several studies have found racism as part of the legacy of medicine. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study, was a clinical trial conducted with African Americans who were denied appropriate treatment opportunities. Naturally these were key factors underlying African Americans’ distrusting medical and public health interventions, including vaccination. Additionally in parts of Asia and Africa, mistrust of vaccines is often tied to “Western plot” theories, which suggest ( & can now be proven) that vaccines are ploys to sterilize or infect non-Western communities. • Claim Vaccines are now known to spread other diseases because of their conjuvents. In 1999, British journalist Edward Hooper wrote The River: A Journey to the Source of HIV/AIDS. He speculated that the virus that causes AIDS transitioned from monkeys to humans via a polio vaccine. He argued that the polio vaccine was made from the cells of chimpanzees infected with the primate form of HIV (Simian immunodeficiency virus, or SIV), which adapted in humans and caused the disease. He also stated that there were coincidences in the sites where the polio vaccine was first administered and where the first cases of HIV originated. Nigerians in 2003 also confirmed this belief. • State your views that ‘vaccines can lead to wars & disharmony around the world:- The local Taliban in Southern Afghanistan say ‘The polio vaccination is an American ploy to sterilize Muslim populations and is an attempt to avert Allah’s will.’ Remember vaccinations have been known to sterilise populations of people! • NZ Human rights Act 1993- Quote: ‘As per the Human rights act 1993, I can't be discriminated upon for my ethical beliefs.” My body, my choice! • Further to that, the Doctors medical code of conduct under the World Medical Association stars:- “Drs must not use their medical knowledge to remove human rights” • Australia doesn't have a legitimate government or federal state. They have no authority to do anything. Therefore they have committed many crimes against we the people of Australia. ( sorry I know zilch about this one- please add to it if you know more ) • Tom Barnett on youtube says we can't catch a virus. So you can learn that thoroughly and promote that as your ethical health choice. I know we were taught viruses do not live outside of the body for more than 1 hour. So if you have good hand washing, health & lifestyle etc. Then there is a high chance you won't be susceptible to viruses, bacteria. Unfortunately I'm a bit indoctrinated here, so I'm on the fence & do take bug precautions but I also trust my healthy immune system & natural supplements. • British Law ( also known as Common Law) verses Roman Corporate Law. 27 years ago when I was studying naturopathy, we had a guy come & talk at length to us all about this. We were all in full support of stopping writing our names in capitals so we didn't accidentally sign their contracts & we could even decide to fit under the indigenous people of NZ ( even though most of us were it is apparently a choice) ie. we would do that so that we could practice as indigenous healers,( if the pharmaceutical industry tried to shut us natural therapists down even further ) as we were all born in NZ. The challenge then came at not needing their corporate system. Damn it, they'd made it, so that everything we needed was tied up in it. Our banks, our businesses etc. It is a hard one to escape. So I loved what Saul wrote & if I had the inner balls & could live off the grid & still be able to help people via the internet, I'd be in! But I don't know how to yet. ( open to education on the same!) So meanwhile I have dipped my toes into this for 27 years. I don't write legibly on forms when I choose, I don't write in capitals & I only share the information that I choose. When it comes to avoiding Vaccination, I totally believe we could utilise our knowledge of the common law. Contract law versus initial contract etc. But like Saul has explained, we need to do all he suggests & it's not an easy road, but then nor would succumbing to vaccinations be! How I plan to look after my health instead. Vaccinations are seen as a way of us as a population controlling disease, that many of us know is seasonal etc. Pro- vaxxers believe wholeheartedly in this & then I see them eating mega junk food, eating low vibration food, smoking, drinking up a storm & being fearful of disease. It's just so misaligned when you think about it. So there will be come back, if you make an informed decision to not vaccinate. It's a good idea to know within yourself what you plan as an individual or family is; in both defence of yourself & for your immune system. Then when people attempt to question your theories you know what you're doing. In your plan make sure you include a healthy high vibration diet- lots of fresh organic fruit & veggies, proteins, good fats & water every day. Supplement with prebiotics, probiotics & anything you are lacking through dietary choices. Be happy with your life. Have a spiritual or meditative element to your life Be involved in a supportive tribe, or circle of friends. Health is much more than what’s in a syringe The letter to respectfully decline vaccination as an informed human This letter outline is built upon your previous letters shared with the sacred revolution, thank you! Choose when to act with it though please. There is no point setting off alarm bells to these people to give you extra attention if you don’t need it. Ie. If your country or people do not get presented with the need to vaccinate, have it up your sleeve instead. Share this with your tribes. The more informed everyone is, the faster we can change world views & make this world a healthier place to live. Unless we want to discuss making our point known collectively at the top of the government chain now as a tribe/ collective/ revolution? HOW TO USE THIS LETTER:- Go through the letter below & delete things that are not of your voice or opinion about yourself or your beliefs, throughout this letter. Add in information, you would like to see in it. Have a look back over the bulk of the info above for more ideas, or add in your own knowledge. Make this letter your own please & keep me confidentially out of it thanks :>. Ie. Author unknown . Love & blessings
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High Consequence Dangerous Goods (HCDG) licence Register of transport exemptions Spraying of flammable liquids Storage and handling of dangerous goods Manufacturers and importing suppliers and suppliers of hazardous substances and dangerous goods: A step by step guide Transport of dangerous goods in or through CityLink The driver of a goods carriage transporting any dangerous or hazardous goods shall, on the occurrence of an accident involving any dangerous or hazardous goods transported by his carriage, report forthwith to the nearest police station and also inform the owner of the goods carriage or the transporter regarding the accident. (Rule 136) CLASS LABELS Home Business Licences and permits Hazardous goods licences. Hazardous goods licences. Knife dealer's licence. Licence needed if you intend to deal in or sell certain kinds of knives and blades. Firework dealer's licences. You must be licensed to store or sell fireworks. Skip Twitter feed. Tweets by North_Ayrshire. Review of Electoral If you are driving a vehicle carrying dangerous goods then you must, by law, hold an ADR licence which is the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road. Prior to January 2007 this only applied to vehicles over 3.5 tonnes but now you must have the ADR licence if you’re in an HGV or in a Ford Transit and examples could include: Applying for a dangerous goods driver licence. You need a dangerous goods driver licence and vehicle licence when transporting dangerous goods in a receptacle with a capacity of more than 500L or more than 500kg of dangerous goods in a receptacle. However, a dangerous goods driver licence is not required when the dangerous goods being transported: For more information, see the guide on ADR and other tests for dangerous or hazardous goods vehicles. Apply for an ADR test with DVSA’s ADR III form . Driver training certificates required under ADR A dangerous goods driver licence AND dangerous goods vehicle licence. is required if the vehicle;. is carrying any quantity of dangerous goods in a receptacle with a capacity of more than 500 litres; or; is carrying any receptacle containing more than 500 kilograms of dangerous goods. the goods are transported in an intermediate bulk container (IBC), and the IBC is not filled or emptied on the vehicle, and; the total capacity of IBCs containing dangerous goods on the vehicle is not more than 3,000 L, or; the goods are mineral ores and concentrates classified as UN 3077—Environmentally Hazardous Substances, Solid, N.O.S., or Dangerous goods driver licence Dangerous goods vehicle licence Was the information on this page helpful? Yes No. Updated on 07/10/2020. Back to top. Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Youtube. Information; Laws and regulations Industries Safety topics Dangerous goods site licence - Applying for a dangerous goods site licence. Explosives storage licence - Applying for an explosives storage licence. Explosives import/export licence - Applying for an explosives import/export licence. Explosives manufacture licence - Applying for an explosives manufacture licence

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CDL Hazardous Materials HAZMAT Endorsement Exam Questions ...

This CDL Hazardous Materials (HazMat) Marathon contains 75 questions that are very similar to the official DMV CDL test.Download for free Commercial Driver L... Old Video about Classification of Dangerous Goods by Air. Some of the Label are not in use anymore. Use video only as reference.For Dangerous Goods´s APPs ch... For the ADR basics in the UK, you need to do 3 days training and there are 120 exam questions to answer."Tanks" in the UK, you need to do 1,5 days extra trai... WARNING! This video contains a lot of obvious-lies...obviously. I'm just doing a quick run through talking about what is involved in the five day course you ... The learning objective of this video are to give those personnel involved in handling dangerous goods:An understanding of the criteria used to determine whet... CDL Hazardous Materials HAZMAT Endorsement Exam Questions and Answers Part 2 (Part II). If you like this video, please donate to This CDL Hazardous Materials (HazMat) Exam contains 25 questions that are very similar to the official DMV CDL test.20 CORRECT ANSWERS TO PASS (5 MISTAKES AL... Aviation - Dangerous GoodsWatch more Videos at By: Ms.Richa Maheshwari, Tutorials Point India ... Hazmat Labels - Available for Hazard Classes 1 through 9 in Worded, Personalized, Blank or International Wordless, Labelmaster's DOT Hazmat Labels meet the d...

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