Casino Max Review - Casino Whizz

casino max bet limit

casino max bet limit - win

Any of you have serious success with the casino ie. Horse racing, table games or slot machines. Best I've done was a max bet on high limit roulette & got about 180k

submitted by memeboi48 to gtaonline [link] [comments]

Decentralized Online Casino BetHash Ups its Max Betting Limit to Woo High Rollers

Decentralized Online Casino BetHash Ups its Max Betting Limit to Woo High Rollers submitted by bethashio to bethashcasino [link] [comments]

Explanation for noobs who don't quite understand what's going on...

Mods: does DD tag apply? If not change it.
I wrote this in response to someone elsewhere who asked simply:
So they're betting against the company? Like, they have no faith in them? Investing like this makes one feel horrible.
Yeah. There are three ways you can short.
1) You buy an option with a predetermined end date with the RIGHT to sell a stock at a certain price (depending on how much you want to pay determines the price.) If a stock is $10 and you expect it to drop to $5 in 6 months, you might buy a $9, 10 month expiry "put" (right to sell at price) option. This might cost you 50c per share.
IF you're even slightly right, ie it drops to any price lower than $8.49 before expiry you made 1c per share. You can also change your mind and sell the option (either more (profit) or less (loss) than 50c/share).
IF you're properly right, and it does drop to exactly $5 you make $3.5 per share. If it rises, or drops to any number above $8.50, you lose the price of the option (50c/share).
2) You're a big player. You call your buddies at Pension Fund X42 and say "Hey can I borrow those shares you have for x% interest and return them to you later?" A set timeframe may be set. I don't know for sure, but probably. Anyhow, Pension Fund X42 says "ok" because they aren't looking to sell them, so might as well make some interest on lending them.
So you borrow them, and immediately sell them. You pay your daily interest to the pension fund, and you wait. When the price drops, and you decide that you've made enough, you buy them back and return them. You keep the difference in prices whatever that may be, minus the interest.
If you're wrong... You're still obliged to return the shares to Pension Fund X42. So at some point you have to decide to eat a loss and buy the shares back.
3) You're a big player and you are ok with a bit of lawbreaking, you Naked Short Sell. This is great because it's cheaper! No interest payments!
Here, you simply sell shares you don't have, and buy the imaginary shares you just created back later so that the number of shares on issue doesn't get too far out of whack and you don't get investigated. Any gap between your sell price and buy price is profit or loss depending on which way it goes.
What's happened right now is mostly a combination of 2 and 3. I'm sure there is a bit of 1, but 1 only causes predictable losses (Like the cost of playing a hand at a casino. You only lose the amount you bet if the cards don't go your way.)
So the risk with 2 and 3 is that because you're obliged to buy back the shares at some point, if they go up, when you have to quit, you have to pay the current market price and your actions can make the price go up even more.
Now you're in a short squeeze. You are obliged to buy but the price keeps going up every time you do. It's entirely possible that others see the price going up and buy, so you're now competing to buy a limited number of shares with everyone else. So the price goes higher. Your losses are potentially infinite.
What's slightly different between this particular short squeeze and all the others is:
1) The dumb fucks naked short sold AT LEAST 40% more shares than ever existed. They're obliged to buy back more shares than is possible. The only way out of that self-made trap is a complicated mess of desperately buying, returning, rebuying from the people you borrowed them from, and returning them with losses at every step. Imagine if I sold you 10 cars, but only delivered 6. You're standing there with your wtf face and I say "Hey! how much would you sell those 4 cars for?" You can name your price at this point. I pay it. Then I "finish" my "10 car delivery."
2) Retail traders are acting as one single semi-coordinated hive, loosely behaving similarly to what would in prior short squeezes, be a competitor hedge fund. They own a lot of the shares the hedge funds (HFs) NEED to buy - but they're not selling. They're actively cheering for the HFs bankruptcy while watching the price of the stock they hold skyrocket. Only other HF billionaires are allowed to do that and get away with it.
2a) HFs can be negotiated with. If you're really, really getting bent over and fucked, and you grovel enough, you can usually cut a deal where they stop trying to fuck you. If they won't talk to you, they'll often talk to your bank/brokesome other bigger player that can convince them that your bankruptcy will also cause significant losses or bankruptcy of another party they're not trying to fuck and they might like to have as friends one day. "You quit this, and we'll owe you one." It's always good to have favours to call.
2b) The self proclaimed retards on WSB can't be negotiated with. They don't need favours. They don't care if you go bankrupt or there's collateral damage. They don't give a fuck about any of them. For the most part they only hold a few hundred shares each max - and also for the most part, they're playing with their own money that they can actually afford to lose even if it hurts for a year or two.
How do you negotiate with, or swat a million wasps stinging you? You can't.
Thanks for all the awards guys! I'll soon have enough to make a Tiara and become your Яetard Prince for the day! I was actually expecting posts telling my how wrong I am. I only think I know what the fuck is going on most of the time and usually figure out later that it wasn't.
I'd like to thank the academy, and my parents who never believed in me, and Scruffy, my first dog, who, like WSB, played chicken with truck, and, and, and...
I figure since this is so popular, I might as well nominate my suggestion for the inevitable u/deepfuckingvalue movie. It's fairly likely to be seen as a sequel to the Wolf of Wall St, so.... "The Fox/Foxes of Main Street" ? Yeah, nah?
Edit 2 NOTE
To all the people trying to PM me for advice: I have no fucking idea what WILL happen next. I just think I cobbled together enough of what HAS happened to explain it somewhat.
Ie: I'm more like a journalist. Would you ask a journalist for stock advice? (please don't answer yes...)
submitted by myne to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

How to avoid getting limited (hopefully insightful & worth the read)

You're new to sports betting. You see a 2% arb on an NBA game. You hit it for $500. You made $10 risk-free 5 hours later. You buy an extra six pack of beers with that $10. That's great's the issues with it.
Limits will come. I've been limited on various sportsbooks. I've been betting for many years, and when online sports gambling was legalized, it was like a field day. Arbs galore. Errors galore. Here's what I've learned. Because, trust me, there is not a casino or online sportsbook that is above giving you a max bet of $2.
1) Betting "massive errors" is the #1 way to get limited. A sportsbook accidentally posts Ravens +175 instead of Titans +175 and you max it out. That's actually very similar to how I got limited on Fanduel. I hit an error for thousands, and was immediately limited after the wager settled. Casinos aren't like other businesses - they can decide to just NOT take your money for a bet. I used to get thousands on Fanduel, now I can barely get $50. Consequently, when there is an error, you need to think about how valuable that error actually is. If they post Bucs vs. Washington as Bucs +400, then, sure, maybe it's worth blowing up an account over? Maybe? But think about all the great, +EV, profitable bets you could be making over the next few years. Is it worth risking that? Maybe it is, I don't know - obviously depends on the profit margin of the error and how much you care about your account. Is it worth not being able to bet Bills +76 points (or whatever that Fanduel promo was) and all those other absurd promos?
2) Arbing is often identical to betting errors. That's because, when you're arbing books, there is usually one "smart" book and one "dumb" book. Let's say Harden gets injured, every site updates the game, one site doesn't. You arb it. For the most part, all you are doing is taking a plus EV bet (a profitable bet) and a negative EV bet (an unprofitable bet). There are obviously books who have consistently "dumber" lines and more errors (Fanduel is of course one). That mean's you'll be winning more on the dumber books, and you'll get limited quicker on the dumber books, because usually when there's arbitrage, one book hasn't updated its lines yet to news (e.g. a player injury). But that's not what you want! As a sports bettor, you are hoping to create a little "hedge fund" for yourself - making a ton of profitable odds boost bets, taking advantage of promotions, betting on line moves, etc. to make tens of thousands per year. Getting limited by a dumb book will set you back massively - they are the ones you want to be able to bet on. Think about the future of your account before arbing a game for 2% or betting $200 on an error.
3) Am I saying you shouldn't bet on incorrect lines? No. Just the bigger the error, the higher the risk of getting limited, especially if you bet it really big. So also watch your sizing. It's tempting, I know, to max bet a major arb or massive error. But betting 5k on an error is, for obvious reasons, a lot more worrying for your account than betting $50. Also, if it's a "clear and obvious error," the sportsbook has the right to void the bet (happens very frequently in fact). So, ideally, keep your bet sizing in the triple digits, and avoid betting clear mistakes unless they're offering Chiefs +2000 to win the Superbowl or something that makes it worth it. You want to avoid bets that scream pick off. If the Chiefs line moves from -3 to -6, and you can still bet -3 on one sportsbook, then bet $950 on it. That's not a massive error, and you made a profitable bet. Will you eventually get limited for making money off the sportsbook? Probably, but it may take a few years. A lot of recreational bettors are betting -3 at the same time, so it's hard to determine who "thought" about the bet and who just bet it, because obviously the sportsbook wants bettors who just bet things without really considering the price they're getting.
4) Odds boosts/promotions have no effect on getting limited. You want to act like a normal, recreational bettor who, in the sportsbook's eyes, is just a little smart and running hot. From what I've heard talking to reps at major sportsbooks, they don't analyze user profit & loss statements when deciding who to limit. That makes sense. The guy who has a 1000% ROI because he just bet Chiefs Superbowl last year just ran hot - they still want his business. They look for people "picking them off" and have systems to determine who is. Betting all the promos / boosts that are good is perfectly fine.
Reach out with any questions. I've been around the block in sports betting, have been limited, have been banned.
submitted by stats_and_sports to sportsbook [link] [comments]

Do's and Do not's for safe modding update 2.00

I created this list for new Kiddions users to answer the question "Is this mod safe".
Don't use the mod between Dec 8th - Dec 22nd because R* may do a ban wave before and after they drop the December 15th. According to u/kiddion bans don't exist, but his mod may not work after the update. I've started using it again myself and I have had no issues so far. I even got $47 million from the casino rig.
Don't be a douche bag. If you go around wrecking the environment for others, you will get reported, and that could lead to being banned.
Don't brag about your wealth. A lot of people, especially grinders seem to be really offended by people that use mods.
Be careful about who you give money drops to. I think R* can track that
Change your Social Club privacy settings so that no one can see how much money you have or where you got it from.
I have used the casino rig to get over 200 million. I usually use the "Empty session" option in Kiddions, and then disable the daily limit, and then do max bet on the slot machine. You can do up to 49 million at a time, and then there is a 25 minute cool down period. I've done this 3 times over the course of a couple hours. Keep an eye on the lobby and make sure no other users are in the casino if you do this. The one downside to using the casino method is that R* can tell where you got your money, so when it shows that you got 200 million from the casino, they could be suspicious. Someone suggested leaving the money as chips so they can't see it in your bank account. I started to do this myself for secondary bank account.
I think the bunker method might be safer way to get money because I think it would appear to R* that your just grinding.
If you're going to raise your RP, do it slowly. I usually raise mine a few points per day while I'm in an empty lobby.
I've heard from other other reddit users that because Kiddions is an "external" mod, it's harder to detect. Other mods are "internal" are easier. As of now, Kiddions has not been detected.
submitted by LintStalker to Kiddions [link] [comments]

New to online Slots? - Starter guide/tips for newbies playing online slots

Okay so I decided to create this guide with the hopes of it becoming a sticky thread for all newbies to the online slots world, to read as we deal with the same topics repeatedly and the same answers/advice are given repeatedly. Not that we do not want to help, but these would prevent you from getting into situations before its too late, or blaming casinos when you were in the wrong.
Signing up or Registration
Registration – Please carefully read the general terms and conditions about every "Right" the casino has and please note that you accepted these terms upon signing up, which means you are saying you are okay with it and agree with what the casino state about what they can and cannot do.
Claiming Bonuses
Read the bonus terms carefully before claiming any bonuses and look for the following pointers when reading the bonuses rules:
There are other bonus terms that I have not mentioned but I think the above ones are the most important as these could affect you in terms of confiscation of your winnings should you breach any of them.
This is pretty much standard for a casino to ask for some form of Identification, proof of address and proof of deposit when requesting a withdrawal. Depending on the amount win, some casinos might not need documents, however when a substantial amount has been won additional verification or security checks might be done which means a longer withdrawal time frame. Verification or KYC is necessary, however I feel when casinos ask for selfies with your ID next to you etc. in my opinion is just ridiculous. Also, I have noticed some casinos requesting your source of income to see where you get the money to make deposits etc. This seems standard and you would need to do it to get your withdrawal, however all of us have different opinions about this verification procedure.
Many casinos have different withdrawal time frames and when you accept the general terms and conditions you have to a abide by them, by this I mean stop being impatient and complain that the casinos withdrawal time frames are the worst etc. As you knew this before you started playing provided you have read the terms and condition. You decided to deposit and play so then wait for your money, eventually it will come unless you breached some rule, or the casino is a rogue casino.
Here are some of the tips you should note when it comes to withdrawals at casinos:
Self-Exclusion is a big thing these days and most cases substantial amounts are involved that are being confiscated. There are at times very little that us forum members or even AskGamblers can do when a player self-excluded and played at a sister website or similar, as we know the result and of course the house is kind of right. However, I think it's bad that a casino only realizes the self-exclusion portion on a player profile once it reaches withdrawal stage, because I feel they should have something in place that can detect that you self-excluded upon registration or before you even make your first deposit. People with gambling problems tend to self-exclude but the alternative is to read this guide - . My advice is to keep your casino account open and do not play there anymore, because even if you request a permanent account closure, some casinos tend to self-exclude you without you knowing it and this would cause problems in future since you opened another account at their sister website or something.
submitted by Sea_Yogurtcloset_752 to bestcasinoscanada [link] [comments]

[FNV] The Guide on How to get The Best LOD Possible with mods

[FNV] The Guide on How to get The Best LOD Possible with mods
This guide has some minor issues. I plan on fully updating it and making a TTW version + a frontier version if needed when the frontier comes out on January 15 (HYPE!).

As of now here's some quick fixes when you get to the Generating Lod section of the guide :

TTW- Don't generate Lod for "Capitalwasteland" in lodgen
NV/TTW- Get xLODGEN and generate terrain lod for both "wastelandnv" and "wastelandnvmini" if using MOREMOJAVE

Now back to the guide....

Video I posted earlier Showcasing the lod
Ok so this is gonna be a big one. In this post I'll detail two guides, one for base FNV and one for TTW-
[I'll do a TTW guide later because I have a lot of work I should be doing rn and typing out the ttw version would take a bit]
telling you how to completely overhaul your distant LODS and landscape. This will not cover grass mods or landscape overhauls in that sense but It will add new buildings hence more content and for TTW{lies} some optional building revisions to make your wasteland/s seem new. While technically everything is optional I will be tagging mods that are not necessary for your games distances to look just as good as mine (though I highly recommend downloading everything I say if you don't know what you're doing). Now lets begin with base New Vegas. Note: Everything is listed in install order ;)

-Prerequisites (STABILITY):
I have a GTX 1070ti and an 8700k fyi. With ENB I reach 70-80 percent GPU usage and around 20-40% CPU usage max.
Install JIP, Johnny Guitar, NVAC, NVTF, FNV mod limit fix, Heap replacer (Very important for smooth gameplay). If using an Nvidia card disable FNV vsync and use the vsync in Nvidia Control panel (test this as this doesn't increase performance for everyone).
Note on tick fix: If you use ENB disable bUseD3D9Ex. If you use Nevada skies disable bInlineCommonFunctions to remove the clicking sound during storms (this may not be needed anymore so test for yourself) . Finally If you want to play over 60 fps set bAlternateGTCFix=0 and bFPSFix=1.
YOU ARE NOW DONE WITH THE BASIC PERFORMANCE INCREASES. If you really need more fps try installing TTW (it runs better for me for some reason) or try turning down Actor fade/Object fade
The reason you're here in the first place. Start by installing these mods in This order and do EXACTLY what I say lol


  1. Lod Additions and Improvements
  2. Much Needed Lod + NMC Patch if you use NMC/Ojo patch if Prioritizing Ojo (IMPORTANT: Disable both the mod and its patch in your mod manager, not just the esp. We'll activate these later).
  3. Wasteland Flora and Terrain Overhaul: Install the Main file for my look. (You can also install UHQNV Rocks - Roads and Terrain Overhaul in the optional files. I let all my other texture mods overwrite it. That being Nmc, ojo, etc etc)
  4. TCM's Lod overhaul + NMC patch if needed (You still need the NMC patch even if you don't use ojo as TCM uses ojo textures by default. The TCM author is working on his own NMC patch so be on the lookout for that)
  5. Lucky 38 Lod Fix: Fixes that busted ass Lod while inside the Lucky 38
  6. Improved LOD Noise Texture: If you dislike the regular Lod noise. (Optional as I'm personally not using this)
Q: Where's Less horrendous Vicki and Vance Casino?!
A: It's Included in TCM's Lod overhaul :)

For the new buildings and towers showcased In my video next download:
Uncut Wasteland: For the guide you only need the regular version but the NPC version will of course work just fine. Download any patches you may need for other mods and fix conflicts In fnvedit if needed (I personally use outside bets TTW and the outside bets patch for uncut and these do not work together by themselves. This is where things can get tricky and why the TTW guide might take a little longer). THIS AND THE NEXT MOD HAVE THE BIGGEST IMPACT OUT OF THE STRUCTURES SECTION OF THIS GUIDE.
MoreMojave: Adds more Locations to explore around your wasteland. Works with AWOP but I recommend using it as a replacement as its way less op and broken. This is a big one. NOTE: As of now I personally get this missing Lod glitch at this one area (3:44 in my showcase Video). It's a Lod from MoreMojave so If this happens to you and you just can't stand it remove MoreMojave.
Nellis Air Force Base Lightweight Overhaul: Adds more stuff to the barren Nellis air force base. I made this one optional because the LODS don't fully work I've noticed, and it has very op containers (can easily be deleted with FNVedit) but I couldn't leave it out as It's one of my personal favorites as of late. (highly optional)
(WORLDSPACE CONFLICTS WITH MOREMOJAVE) Jean Overhaul: Adds that beautifully dilapidated casino and courthouse Lod showcased near Jean skydiving in my video. Note that you can't actually enter the buildings it adds atm, they're just for flavor. A must have for me personally (optional)
Nv Animated Zeppelin + NV Bos Zeppelin and their update files or Animated Mojave (Both zeppelin's version): Only pick Animated Zeppelin and Animated Bos zeppelin if you're not interested in the other features Animated Mojave adds or you don't know how to remove certain features yourself. (optional)
Camp McCarren Animated Monorail (Use the AAM version if using Animated Mojave from the previous mod): Well... it adds an animated monorail... kind of self explanatory (optional... but come on, you know you need it)
Ultra-Luxe Fountain Expanded: Very simple mod to make the ultra lux fountain more fancy like. (optional)
NV Animated Neon Pole Dancer for Gomorrah: For all the perverts reading this like me ;). (optional)
Lucky 38 E3 Lights Restored or The Mogul Mausoleum - A Lucky 38 Overhaul. The former simply adds meshes so will be more compatible with things if you want to be extra safe. The latter is more performance heavy While inside of the lucky 38 as it also edits the interior which is kind of beyond the scope of this guide. (optional)
Q: What about Primm overhaul, the many goodsprings overhauls, Novac overhauls, Nipton, etc etc
A: First reason being performance and stability. Some of those beloved overhauls add too many things to tiny areas and will cause fps issues for most people. Second, I want this guide to be as compatibility friendly while still looking amazing so I only overhauled tiny areas that rarely see use by other mods (Jean/Nellis). Third, I just don't like those mods. Goodsprings is iconic to me, novac is iconic, nipton, etc etc. I like how they look in the base game. If you want you can add those mods though. The Lod generating process will be the same in the end but make sure you go to the locations and double check that generated Lod is working properly.
At this point you should have all the appropriate ESP's and mods with Much Needed LOD disabled in both your right and left windows (mo2). Not sure how the interface in vortex looks but just disable the whole mod basically. No esp or anything.
NOTE: I'm not gonna go in depth on installing lodgen you'll have to do that yourself. A thread that might help: How to install fnvlodgen with mod manager?(noob question sorry) : fnv (
(IN MO2 ADD THIS ARGUMENT TO YOUR LODGEN pointing to the directory of a newly created LOD Output folder for your LODS to go in).
(Vortex users) If you use vortex I'm actually not sure what you'd do. You'll sadly have to look up how to create a Lod output folder for vortex.
Example for Mo2 Users:
-o:"C:\ExampleFolder\Mo2\mods\LOD Output"

Picture Example

-Now Run Lodgen through your mod manager.
Make sure you Set your alias to 8192 by 8192. Leave the compression settings at whatever they default to for you. Don't generate tree Lod or terrain Lod if you have the option.
After that Finishes generating You can close Lodgen.
Now enable the Much Needed Lod mod and esp (Make sure it's placed below The Lod additions esp). Also if for some reason Flora Overhaul is below these two esp's put it above it (Place Flora Overhaul Below Both Load Additions and Much needed Lod)

-Open up Lodgen again and Generate everything For your Mojave wasteland EXCEPT for NVDLC01BgMT.
NOTE: We do this because Much needed Lod Doesn't work well in old world blues apparently. I actually haven't tested myself but I do know when I have much needed LOD installed during the generation process on BigMT I always Get error messages :(

After that's finished tick you LOD Output mod and have it overwrite everything. Most of you should be all set (IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS TELL ME AS I WAS VERY TIRED WHILE I TYPED THIS AND MAY HAVE MADE A MISTAKE SOMEWHERE... I don't think I did though)
Add these Lines to your FalloutCustom.ini:




Q: What this does?
A: This will Increase the distance at which Lod loads into the world a bit more than the max values. It wont effect timing but it MAY effect performance. I noticed maybe a 1-2 fps drop but I have a very well optimized game with good specs to boot. Test this yourself :)
submitted by Defiant-Savings3062 to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2020 Year-End Results

I think we can all agree this has been an interesting year, to say the least. In spite of being locked down for the entirety of Q2, I was still able to get a decent amount of sessions (for a part-time player) before and after the lockdown:
Basically what happened was after the COVID shutdown, I had a nice upswing followed by a terrible downswing, which was -400 units in 10 hours. At bottom I was two standard deviations below EV. It was a grind of getting back the 400 units (60 hours), but it should have taken more than twice that amount of time to generate that AV based on accumulated EV in that time.
As an aside, personally I like the effect that COVID has had on my local casinos. No smoking, three players per table max, and no changes to rules or pen have all been a plus. The only cons are limited games available with capacity restrictions, and that combined with higher table minimums mean you have to be disciplined and select good times and games to play (I typically took 1 to 2 bathroom breaks per hour, which always coincided with bad counts). Also, with higher table minimums comes increased EV, but also increased variance, as I quickly discovered.
submitted by flavadave41 to blackjack [link] [comments]

Sabacc with standard deck of cards

I want to play Sabacc, but can't print or afford a real deck. So I made some rules for a standard deck of cards. I wanted to make it simple to start, but add the ability to add rules as people get familiar with playing. I used other people's variants for inspiration and I take no ownership for these rules and want no credit for them. I just wanted to share them so someone else might enjoy them.
Sabacc - Terran Deck Variant
Items needed: Standard Deck of Cards (with Jokers), 2 Six Sided Die, 23 Credits per Player (Counters, Tokens, Chips)
Card Values: Black Suits are Positive, Red Suits are Negative, Ace is worth 1, 2-10 is worth their number, Jack is worth 11, Queen is worth 12, King is worth 13, Joker is worth 0
Start of the Game: Each player gets 23 credits.
Start of a Hand: Choose a dealer. The dealer deals two cards facedown to each player and places the rest of the deck in the middle of the table. This is the draw pile.
Ante: Each player places one credit in a pot to the side of the cards. This is the Sabacc pot. The first round starts after everyone adds the pot.
Length of Hand: A hand is played at least three rounds.
Round of Play
Betting Phase: The person to the dealers left starts the bet. The minimum bet is one credit. The maximum bet is equal to the total number of players. The betting moves clockwise and each player may do nothing, raise the bet, or forfeit any credits bet, discard their cards, and leave the hand. After each raise, all players must match the current bet or forfeit the hand. The Betting phase ends after the dealer's turn.
Shift Phase: During the Shift phase the dealer rolls two dice. A shift occurs if the numbers on the dice match. If a shift occurs then all cards discarded and replacement cards are dealt to each player equal to the cards the player discarded.
Call Phase: After the second round and between the Shift phase and the Deal phase, any player may call and end the hand.
Deal Phase: Dealer deals one card facedown to each player in turn. After being dealt a card, the player may discard any card in their hand. A player must have a minimum of two cards, but there is no limit to the maximum number of cards a player can have.
Winning Hand
Winning: After a hand is called, each player adds their black suit cards and subtracts their red suit cards. The winner is the player closest to positive 23 or negative 23 without going over wins. The winner wins the bets of all players.
Pure Sabacc: If a player gets exactly 23, either positive or negative, they have a Pure Sabacc. A Pure Sabacc wins the bets of all players and the Sabacc pot.
Sudden Demise: If there is a tie either positive or negative then the person with the most cards wins. If there is still a tie then the dealer gives each player who has tied a card. The scoring for all players is recounted, and a new winner is declared. If there is another tie, resolve as above.
Reverse Sabacc: If all players are over 23 then all bets go to the Sabacc pot.
Dealer Shift: After each hand the Dealer's role is taken by the player to the former dealer's left.
Sabacc Pot: If the Sabacc pot is not won in the current hand it moves to the next hand.
End of the Game: The end of the game occurs when a player loses all their credits and the latest hand is over. The player with the highest total of credits wins. If the Sabacc pot is higher then all players, no one wins.
Advanced Rules
Advanced rules are decided on by players before the game starts. The variants below are only examples. Different players have their own variants.
Interference Shield: Before the Shift phase, any player may place any cards from their hand face up. That card is now considered locked. During the Shift phase, if a shift occurs any cards locked are not discarded. A locked card can still be discarded by a player after cards are drawn during the Deal phase.
Junk: During Deal phase, a player can take the top card from the discard pile instead of being dealt a card from the top of the deck. The player may still discard a card from their hand.
Bombing: If a player ends the hand with more than 23 or less than -23 then they bomb. If a player bombs then they add to the Sabacc pot a number of credits equal to total they bet in that hand. Should a player that tied bomb after an extra card, then that player must also add to the Sabacc pot.
Null Sabacc: In addition to 23/-23 being a Pure Sabacc, a player who gets a total of zero has a Null Sabacc. A Null Sabacc beats anything but a Pure Sabacc.
Idiot's Array: If a player has a hand of only a joker (0), a two of any suit and a three of any suit then they have an Idiot's Array. An Idiot's Array beats any other hand including a Pure Sabacc. In the event two players get an Idiot's Array each player draws a card. Card closest to zero wins.
Alternate Arrays
Specific arrays of cards can be specified before play begins. These Arrays beat any hand of equal value and make the player eligible to claim the Sabacc Pot if they win. Some examples:
The Queen of Air and Darkness: Any hand containing a Queen and Ace.
Endurance: A hand of all black or red suits except for a king card of the opposite suit.
Balance: Hand has equal number of red and black cards.
Demise: The value of the hand is any points over 23 (positive or negative). If the bombing rule is being used then the player must follow those rules and add to the Sabacc pot after winnings are distributed.
Moderation: A hand with a red ten and a black ten.
The Evil One: A hand containing the Ace of Spades and the Ace of Clubs. All cards count as negative.
The Star: Any hand containing an Ace and only numbered Diamonds count toward total.
Alternate Variants
Corellian Spike
Corellian Spike is just one of many variants of Sabacc, but it is also one of the most popular. The rules for it are the same as normal Sabacc, except for the following:
Dealing the Spike Card: Before the first draw phase, the dealer deals one card face up in front of each player. This is the Spike card.
Drawing Cards: In the Draw phase, players may buy a new card for two credits which is added to their bet. If the player buys a card, they may either add it to the cards in their hand or swap it with the Spike card. The player may then discard a card if they wish.
Shift Phase: In shift phase, if double ones are rolled then the Spike card and hand cards are discarded and replaced by the dealer. Doubles of any other number result in only hand cards being discarded and replaced.
Winning Hand: The winner is the player closest to zero. A Pure Sabacc is a total of 0.
Sudden Demise: Ties are resolved by the player with the lowest card in their hand winning the hand. If both players have the lowest card then the player with the most cards wins. If there is still a tie then players draw a card. Lowest card wins.
Corellian Spike Arrays
An Array beat any arrays below them in the list.
Idiot’s Array: A joker, two of any color, three of any color.
Fleet: Four of a kind equaling zero.
Yee-Haw: Pair with red and black of the same number and a joker that equals zero.
Rylet: Black three of any kind and red pair, or vice versa.
Gee-Whiz: Black 1 to 4 and red 10, or vice versa.
Straight Khryon: Run of four cards (eg. 4, 5, 6, 7) that equal zero.
Bantha's Wild: Three cards of a kind and other cards that equal zero.
Rule of Two: Two pairs of that equal zero.
Alternate Variants (cont.)
Casino Style Betting
Casinos and private games alike can be very high stakes. In those cases the following rules can apply.
Ante (A Big and Small Blind): The player to the dealers left puts in five credits into the Sabacc pot. The player to that player’s left puts in three credits into the Sabacc pot. All other players add one credit to the pot. Values can be changed by players or casio.
Bidding: Minimum bid of one credit. Maximum bids are ten credits. Minimum raise is one credit, no limit to raises until max bid is reached. Values can be changed by players or casio.
No-Limit/All-In: Players or the casino may choose to have no limits. In the case that one player does not have the credits to stay in a hand then they are considered All-In. The player with the lowest chips bets all their chips. The other players match that total. Any betting that goes on from then on is a side pot that goes only to players who pay into it. If the All-In player wins the hand then any side pots go back the players who contributed to it.
End of Game: Game ends once only one player who can ante.
Null Sabacc: If a Sabacc pot remains at the end of the game the pot goes to the house. If it is a private game then pot goes to the winner.
Bombing: Bombing is treated the same, except the amount added to Sabacc pot. Bombing requires the player to add the total of all bets for the hand to the Sabacc Pot.
Corellian Spike: Cards are bought for twice the initial ante (not big or small blind).
submitted by CorruptPixie to StarWarsSabacc [link] [comments]

Online Cheating FAQ

Free tools & menus
Although the majority of free menus ARE viruses, scams, detected etc. As far as I know there is 1 decent free menu, decent as in safe to use any paid menu can easily out-class it and can probably crash there game.
The free tools/menu that I would recommend are
Kiddons Modest Menu -
This is the one and only free mod menu out there. Its recovery options and tools are lacking however you can set your own experience level with it. It also has a god mode option and a basic vehicle spawner. You can make a decent amount of cash with this menu by going into Online Services/Casino/Rig Slot Machines and remove the limit. With this play the Egyptian themed slot machine and always bet max. You will win every time and you’ll make around 2.5mil per loop, you can cash out the chips to cash. It’s a slow method but the most effective one with kiddons and it still beats dropping yourself or grinding.
This is a stat editor for GTA 5, it’s only really useful for setting your character stats, unlocking locked items and skipping heist preps. You cannot modify your xp or cash with this although there might be a way to modify your health, which would be pointless as all menus include a god option. This is also free, Its not a menu but I still include it as it is a cheating tool.
GTA 5 Online Mechanics to know for modding
GTA 5 is a P2P, or Peer to Peer game for online. There are two special types of players used for this, Host and Script Host. Hosts will be hosting the lobby and most menus, except for kiddons ofc, have an option to use a host kick that will kick ANY player in the game, regardless of what protections they have enabled. This is basically an UNBLOCKABLE kick, this is why becoming host is so valued, some people will even kick ½ the lobby in order to gain host. As a host your game can still be crashed or kicked by other modders though, it depends on whether or not your menu is good enough to withstand the kick. Some mod menu’s. You then only need to kick one person. After host there is script host, you can take this away from any player WITHOUT kicking them, although kicking them also works, Script host has a stronger kick than normal but it can still be blocked, so even though it’s nice to be script host it isn’t required or even super helpful.
Paid Menus and what they are good at
I’ll be listing menu’s then talking about them and what they have pros/cons at. There isn’t an exact tier-list however as it mainly depends on what you want
Luna – This is the mod menu I personally usually use, its quick to update and has pretty good recovery options, kicks and protections. As far as I know it’s got the best protections from other menu’s as well as kicks/crashes. It’s not the most stable menu however and I’ve noticed that I crash more with it than normal, although not an extremely high amount. It costs $25 and can be got from Not taking sides, menu was either taken down by a C&D or it was an exitscam. There is no proof of a C&D, articles use Luna as source and Luna use Articles as source but there is also no proof of an exitscam as menu was doing pretty well at the time they got rid of it.
Impulse – Impulse has a few tiers, I’m not too familiar with the individual tiers however Impulse is usually known for its good trolling options, last I checked its recovery options were not that good however it’s still a good menu if you’re looking to troll. It can cost $15 - $50 depending on what tier you get. You can get Impulse from
Disturbed – Disturbed is a medium tier menu in my opinion, its not good at crashing other people or protecting against other menu’s however it has great recoveries and it is cheap. It costs around $10-$15. I would not recommend buying Disturbed VIP as your better off getting a different menu. You can get it from
Phantom-X – Phantom-X is also a cheaper menu, It compares to Impulse in the sense that it’s good for trolling and I’ve even seen some people say its better for trolling. However Phantom-X doesn’t seem to be good at that much else. From what I’ve heard its pretty stable. It can be brought from there main website is pretty hard to find and after 30 minutes of searching I could not find it’s official website as I’ve not personally used Phantom-X.
Paragon – Paragon is one of the more expensive menus. It’s very stable and has a pretty nice looking menu in my opinion. I’ve used it for a while during the free weekend and liked it. It used to be known for its great protections but recently it’s been lacking in protections. However it has decent trolling options, more recently it seems like an all-around menu. You can get it from
Ozark – I haven’t tried Ozark much, it’s a cheaper menu but its also in beta. It looks promising and has some unique features. Apparently it has a WIP Lua Injector which is great news for people who are in special groups or know how to code Lua. You can get it from
2Take1 – 2Take1 is usually considered to be the best menu out there, especially if you know Lua as it is the only menu with a working Lua injector. However it is also the most expensive menu and it also partially uses a subscription model, the menu costs $140 to permanently keep and it can be brought from
Menu’s that you should NEVER get
I’ll just list these off without much elaboration as they are usually stolen code, have poor support or are viruses.
Free Youtube/Ebay/Discord Menus – 99% of these are going to be viruses and the other 1% is going to be detected. Don’t install Kiddons from a youtube video go to the unknowncheats link I posted, make an account and get it from there if you want it.
Kingpin – Pretty bad over-all, usually considered to be the worst menu out there.
Never get any mod menu’s that are new, they can be exit-scams and will usually take the cash
and bail after a month. Examples of these exit scam menu’s are
- Over
- Hypno
- Indara
A lot of these exit scam menu’s are also using stolen code.
Since most mod menu’s use bitcoin only there are resellers which can sometimes charge at a slightly higher price but will deliver the menu and accept payment forms like PayPal. These are resellers that I know of/am aware of. If you know of a reseller comment it below and I'll add it.

Disturbed keys can only be brought through there discord. You can find a link through there site (

Updates: V1.1 Added more Resellers, Crossed out Luna
submitted by Game-Crunch to GTAOnlineCheats [link] [comments]

Omni Slots Casino Review gratis spins and free bonus money!

Omni Slots Casino Review gratis spins and free bonus money!

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Here at Omni Slots Casino, you get 50 gratis spins after sign-up! Yes, it's a no deposit bonus upon successful registration. Besides, you get a hefty welcome bonus pack with 500 EUR and 100 free spins!
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About Omni Slots Online Casino

Keep On Spinning is Omni Slots slogan printed on the brand logo. And this slogan is well justified. Just imagine seeing over 500 pokies in the lobby and they are all yours! Hosting games from 10+ vendors, the reviewed gambling destination is a real paradise for Australian users who love pokies. Besides purely game content, Omni Slots has an omnidirectional bonus kit that comprises many types of bonuses, from reload deals to generous cashback, all neatly packed into a catchy monthly bonus calendar. Curious players who are set to improve their gambling skills and deepen their knowledge of gambling are encouraged to jump to the casino blog where over a hundred of relevant articles are posted. Signup process is nothing exceptional – it is safe, goes smoothly and requires the minimum personal details from a player. Once signed up, the player interacts with the casino straight in a browser, no app downloads needed. Findings reveal that Omni Slots have many positive ratings on professional forums, that is why the online casino cannot but be recommended to everyone.

Depositing and withdrawing funds

AUD and other currencies (bitcoins are not in the whitelist) can be deposited using any of the six safe and trusted methods including Visa, MasterCard, Neosurf vouchers, Skrill, Neteller and paysafecard. Min/max transaction limits at depositing are $10/$1000. The max deposit does not restrict the number of daily transfers.
Quite predictably, withdrawals are less comfortable than deposits because their choices are narrower with only Skrill, Neteller and bank transfer used. Anyway, Australians seem to have gotten used to tight cashout options and shrug off this inconvenience. The minimum amount that the player has the right to withdraw is $20. The max amount that the casino is able to process per day (per user) is $5000, but a monthly limit is $25,000. The pending period is 24 hours during which a player can revoke the cashout.
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Omni Slots mobile casino for Australians

When at home or out and away, Omni Slots is always at hand thanks to the well-designed mobile casino that fits almost every mobile device. Thanks to a wide variety of game providers present in Omni Slots, players have lots of HTML5 mobile-optimized pokie choices to suit everyone’s taste.

Video pokies

The casino has integrated some 500 pokies (and counting) from an array of famous providers such as Amatic, Betsoft, Gamomat, Leander, StakeLogic and Wazdan. Three-reel pokies are located in the Fruit Slots section, while 5-reelers are found in the Video Slots tab. First off, a noticeable downside to the game list arrangement is the lack of filters. There is one that helps readjust the list by provider yet it is hidden under the Looking Glass icon for some reason. Some gamblers may not guess to click on that icon because it looks like a Game Search widget.
Pokies from Betsoft are most numerous in the casino collection. Every game from this provider carries the mix of exciting gameplay and visual perfection more typical of modern animated cartoons. Being one of unmatched leaders in the field, Betsoft provides Omni Slots players with a big inventory of fabulous pokies which are full of fantastic bonus features. It is hard to pick the best pokie from many titles; apparently, most of them show excellence in many aspects. Anyway, some of the most tried and true titles are Gladiator, Good Girl Bad Girl, The Slotfather, Mega Gems and The Tipsy Tourist.
Pokies from Gamomat, a German company, are poorly promoted in Australia and they are almost unknown to the general public. Yet their portfolio deserves attention for a few reasons. First, Omni Slots offers Gamomat pokies of the Fire Pot series, among others. These games are known to have six progressive jackpots each: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and others. Second, there is a Golden Nights series that provides for a side bet that unlocks a unique bonus feature with huge prizes. Examples include Royal Seven, Book of Moorhuhn and Fruit Mania.
Leander’s pokies give other vendors some competition thanks to high-quality graphics and interactive bonus features. Some of the most sought-after solutions are Megadeth, Trick Or Treat and Little Pigs. Many of their games have 20 paylines but there are also pokies with 25, 30 and 40 variable lines. Wild symbols in Leander’s pokies usually bring high prizes, for example, in Jean Wealth, five wilds win x5000 times ($50,000 at max).
StakeLogic with their branded Megaways technology are a young and ambitious company offering a variety of highly animated pokies to Omni Slots users. Spectacular graphics and animations are combined with some interesting bonus solutions such as side-by-side games with double reels, double symbols and reel modifiers. Their pokies are on a par with the industry giants and even exceed them in some respect. The most enticing and incredible pokies from StakeLogic are Wild Genie, Space Stallion and Mystical Santa Megaways.
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Table games and live casino

The game of 21 comes in multiple variations including Super Fun 21, Pontoon, Vegas Strip, 21 Burn, Pirate 21 and others. Most games in the catalogue have side bets that pay out hefty wins. Concerning roulette, European, American and French tables are the centerpiece of the Table Games section, yet the casino also features some minor variations of this game such as Multi Wheel roulette and Common Draw roulette.
Live tables in the reviewed online casino are served by Pragmatic Play that offers the most popular table games with realistic and thrilling gameplay. Players get access to quick bets and full betting history, while enjoying the true atmosphere of land-based casinos. Their offer currently includes Live Roulette, Live Blackjack, Live Speed Roulette and Live Baccarat. Combining fun with impeccable state-of-the-art technologies, Pragmatic Play delivers highly immersive games to all AU users who have signed up with Omni Slots.

Omni Slots Casino Bonuses for new users

On depositing the qualifying sum, an Australian player will get a 100% first deposit bonus up to $300 plus 50 free spins. FS’s are not accrued automatically – to receive them, a player needs to send a message to the Support and let them know what kind of platform is used for playing (desktop or mobile). The WR for the welcome bonus is x35 (d+b), whilst FS winnings are subject to a WR of x50. Note that that the bonus is sticky. In addition, all new players who have placed $30 (or greater) to the casino balance are eligible for a 50% second deposit bonus up to $200 (plus 20 free spins) – this has the same WR as above.
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Bonuses and promotions for regular bettors

Players who deposited $20 in the previous week, may claim 10 free spins on Monday, and these bonus spins will be used on the pokie of the week handpicked by the casino. WR for free spins winnings are x50 and winnings are capped at $250.
Every first day of a month, the casino releases a Promotions Calendar that features reload bonuses, free spins, special bonus events, Pokie of the Week promotions, tournaments and other unique perks for each day of the month. The calendar is refreshed at the beginning of every month.

The bottom line on Omni Slots Casino

This is a legal and licensed online casino that invites Australian users to join in, claim two welcome bonuses and play over 500 pokies from a bunch of top-ranked providers. Banking methods are Australia-specific (bitcoins are noy accepted). Being a reliable place with fast and easy payouts, the online casino is recommended for visiting and playing at.
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submitted by freespins1 to u/freespins1 [link] [comments]

The problems with PvP and why planned 5th age probably won't solve them

I have been very into the PvP-style of this game starting from 2011, although I haven't been playing the game since 2014 until last month, but the execution has always been way off. There has been some progress and some tweaks here and there, but PvP will never be even remotely balanced or populated unless the following key points are addressed:

  1. Crowns-only equipment from packs
- It is unbelievable that this game has been able to continue with its marketing, especially to kids, with such blatant gambling elements for so long, while some other larger game companies (like EA) have finally been called out for their practices. Wizard101's casino lootboxes are literally the worst thing about the game, and it seems like they are just going more and more into that direction. And unlike many other game companies nowadays thanks to the new laws, Wizard101 doesn't even disclose the odds of receiving a certain item (I bet they are so small that people would be too de-incentivized from buying).
Anyway, if this all was just cosmetics and stuff it wouldn't be such an enormous issue, while still being blatant gambling. The problem really shows in PvP, as basically everyone who wants to do well, especially in the low end PvP, NEEDS to have the OP PvP-gear, at least if they haven't already previously got the warlord gear, which they will never get without the crowns gear.
The plans for the 5th age are to remove the OP PvP-gear which you can get from tickets, but in that case the crowns-only gear will just become even more dominant, only moving the problem and not solving it in the slightest.
Even if the crowns-only gear would be sold for a hefty price-point in the crowns shop it would be annoying, but still better than literally having no guaranteed way of ever getting it, as the lootboxes could just drain infinite amount of money without ever giving you what you want. Unless of course, there are some hidden "pity-timers" which guarantee certain loot after a certain amount of rolls, but that information is not disclosed to us. (of course it isn't..)
This point is made far worse by the additional RNG-added to the crowns-only equipment, like may-cast wands, which completely ruin any kind of semblance of a competitive experience the moment they go off. You cannot strategise against random attacks.
Solution possibilities:
Remove the crowns-only equipment, nerf it to be in par with the normally attainable gear, give everyone easier access to the crowns-gear, or just limit it to be non-PvP.
  1. Ranked PvP costs to attend (to non-subscribers)
- I have played hundreds, if not thousands of games during my short life, as I think games, video games especially, are one of the greatest man-made things ever created. I also have a Master's degree in game design, and I'm currently studying a PhD-related to the topic, and I have NEVER, I mean NEVER EVER, come across another game which would charge their players for attending the competitive scene, and not offer a permanent way of unlocking it somehow (this does not include games which are completely pay-to-play, with the paying including everything, as well as PvP, like World of Warcarft). It not only does not make any sense, as you really want to have people growing a PvP-community around any kind of online-game which wants to stay active when the main PvE content runs stale, which always happens between expansions in MMOs, but paywalling a game mode will cause even the players who do play to get a sub-bar experience due to lack of players, especially new players.
I completely understand that the point is and always have been to attract people to the subscription-method of paying. Well, I have to say that I personally hate subscription method as a customer, but I know that a lot of people think that's alright. To me it just feels like I have to rush and play as much as I can during a subscription, even when I don't really even want to, causing the time spent to be less enjoyable than if there was no fixed time. This is one of the main reasons WoW never attracted me, as I can't stand subscriptions.
Thankfully, wizard101 has another option, paying by area. The cost of the areas is so high, and there is more added after every world, that the game would not actually make any less money by attracting people more towards the area-buying option. It would also truly incentivize developers to create new worlds more often, as the payout would be more clear. For subscription-players, adding Karamelle did not really cause a reason to spend more, as they already had access to it, so creating worlds more frequently only serves to lure back players who have stopped playing completely after their memberships ended and they maxed out the content, as the game didn't offer enough to do as a "temporarily f2p-player".
This could be solved by letting everyone compete in the ranked PvP (and why not derby too) even when they are not members. This would give players a reason to login to the game when they are not subscribing, and to players who seek to mostly play PvP, it would provide more opponents. I mean seriously, what game which has this many players online for the PvE has such a ridiculously small PvP-community? Even back in 2011-2013 when the game was fairly young and I played in the UK server (had to migrate to the US this year as the server there is dead), it was basically impossible to find 3v3 or 4v4 ranked games, and even the practice games weren't that common. While I really enjoy 1v1, I think the strategic difference in other modes is something players cannot and have never been able to explore due to the lack of players. And that is a very sad thing for a game that is already 12 years old.
So basically, the ranked PvP needs to either be completely free, OR there needs to be a way to permanently unlock it (preferably with gold, or at least with a reasonable crowns fee). This way players who are not members, or who (like myself) don't want to be members can still participate and bring more players to the table. You can see this change already in the tournaments being free: during the time I played ages ago and tournaments came, I never got to play a single tournament despite trying many times, as there were never enough players willing to pay the crowns fee. Now, nearly all of the tournaments start, at least for some level players and that is great. I fear though, that KI has learned nothing and will switch the cost back up with the start of the 5th Age.
What some larger game companies for some reason don't understand, is that f2p-players are not worthless, they are the reason why most online-games stay online: they create the incentives for people to spend in the first place, and if you manage to keep the f2p-players happy, you will get a lot more paying players just through word-of-mouth, than if you only try to keep paying players. (We can see a terrible example of how not to do this already by how limited the new f2p experience is, still after 12 years.)
  1. Spellments and unobtainable spells
- I'm sure no one reading this was surprised about this next topic, but as well as basically unobtainable gear, unobtainable spells and spells which are stronger than the normal versions of those and can basically only be upgraded through packs also break the "harmony" of a competitive experience. There are currently some spells which cannot be learnt other than through packs, and while not all of them are game-breaking, they can still in certain circumstances offer an unfair advantage, or even if they would not now, they certainly will in the future with the direction we are going towards. The solution for this is simple, but KI won't do it, as they are too invested in milking children for that undisclosed chance of getting some of those spells. (I won't buy a single pack personally and I will attempt to estimate how much disadvantaged I will be now and in the future for as long as I remain interested.)
For the unobtainable, another part is the spells which can only be got through luck while farming. That sure is a lot better, as technically the farming doesn't cost anything as long as you have access to the area and you will get other useful rewards while doing that. The problem arises though, if those spells, especially the infamous Headless Horseman, are so strong, that you NEED to have them in the PvP to stay competitive. And to make matters worse, of course the intended way to get these spells as well is to buy packs instead of farming. (I have been testing the lorefarm, got one spell which isn't useful to me after around 100 tries. I think that's a bit much just to get prepared to be on even footing on PvP, talk about new player PvP experience.)
Now then, spellments, are another kind of monster added to the game. I naturally enjoy the concept of upgrading spells, and making low-level spells more useful in the late game is not a bad design choice, it's just that it revolves around the same problem that everything I've been talking about this far, lootboxes.
I know that there are some ways of farming spellments technically for free, but apart from a specific few, those are barred behind skeleton key doors, and there are no other ways to get those than farming, and.. yes you guessed it, randomly from packs! You see the theme here? And even though some of those only give minor damage enchants which won't matter too much on the average eye, the utility buffs (namely the myth's troll minion summon upgrade) are just blatant forms of p2w gambling.
Solution, make spellments available to everyone more easily, not just randomly to select few whales. If KI would actually do this, despite all odds, then their purpose would actually come to reality and they would enhance the game experience, letting people experiment with different kind of combinations in the late game. Also there needs to me many more paths, only two kinda makes the whole combination idea pretty pointless.
Alternatively, restrict spellments to PvE only.
I liked the changes to the crit system, restricting more previously necessary cards and enchanted TCs outside of PvP , and turn-based system, those are a good start, but won't make a difference if the above three points stand unchanged. The main problem in the monetization is the gambling in the form of lootboxes, which is like the worst kind of cheap mobile game experience. The game has beautiful world and animations and the basic idea behind the combat is simple, yet interesting, and it can lead to very interesting situations. Nerffing and buffing spells/items won't make a difference while the OP-items/spells from lootboxes remain as KI's main interest.
Also for anyone to be able to experience something other than 1v1 ranked PvP, the first step needs to be removing the barrier of entry, or creating an option for permanent unlocking at least.
I have very little hope for them suddenly changing their 12-year course and giving up lootbox-p2w from PvP, but this has been quite a year so I guess nothing is impossible. Here's for hoping.
Signing off.
submitted by Viikable to Wizard101 [link] [comments]

[WARNING, LONG POST] I thought I'd share my story and a concrete solution to handling your gambling and the problems that come with it; the emotion, the debt, anything that would give you the same (temporary) relief it gave me

Hi, so my story is very similar if not worse than most of the people who post on this sub. I wanted to share because I want to be able to tell others, that you're not alone, youre not unworthy, you need to be more forgiving of yourself and the steps I personally took to get to a better place in my life.
So here it goes:
I was an occasional gambler, played with maybe 100 dollars a month on the blackjack table and didnt think I had a problem until one day I decided to play with a bigger bank roll.
Went in with 1000 and by the end of 2 days, I was up 15K.
But I wouldn't be here if I had a happy ending.
Saw that I could turn 1000 into 15K so easily, why not turning 15K into 150k? It's pretty much the same thing!
Started making bigger bets, putting down 1K on BJ hands, doubling down and splitting it like it was nothing. Turns out, the Casino always wins.
I lost that 15K and to make it worse, I thought I could go back in with another 1K, maybe make 5K and call it. I wanted it back. BADLY. So I started playing big hands as if I still had that 15K.
Lost that 1K in a span of 10 minutes.
Went back in with the attitude, I won't be dumb and play like that again. Played it small, 50 dollar hands at most.
Guess what? WRONG AGAIN. Lost another 1K in 6 hours.
I was so pissed and so determined that I could win it back again because I've done it before. It was not a question of if, it was a question of when.
And lo and behold, I actually managed to get to 10K. But the devil never rests. I wanted more. So I played more. And even after been given a lifeline, I STILL BLEW IT.
I lost ANOTHER 10K.
I was shell shocked but my go to attitude was that I was not going to lose. That risk taking part you love about yourself? Where you throw all caution to the wind? It spoke so loudly in my body, I drained all my savings of 5K to win that money back.
And guess what? I lost that too AND IT STILL DIDNT COMPUTE.
But it doesn't end there.
I did the one thing I said I wouldn't never do and started pulling money out of my credit card. 10K limit.
You can already see how this one goes.
Lost that 10K. And to be honest, I can't even recall how long it took but when I tried to make another deposit and the screen told me I had been declined, I finally looked at my bank statement and realized I had literally maxed out my 0 debt credit card at the casino. Plus money advance.
In a span of a few days, I spent 3 years of saving to pay down my debt and have some actual cash on hand all because of one decision fueled by greed and illogical emotion.
I hated myself. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat. I even thought about killing myself because I couldnt even look at myself in the mirror and see that the person in the mirror could be THAT stupid.
I remember going into work thinking, "I could have quit this job, I don't have to work 60 hours a week anymore" but now, it was "I'm gonna have to find 3 jobs and work 80 hours a week, fuck that, I will go off myself; that's way easier than this torture". I was living paycheque to paycheque, could barely afford rent, barely afford food, stopped paying the minimum on my credit card and wallowed in despair.
I can speak about it in hindsight with less heaviness but at the time, it was without a doubt the most serious I had ever been about really hurting myself.
Luckily, I had enough. I knew that wasnt the answer. But I still didn't know how to handle how I felt and how to deal with all my negative emotions and thoughts.
So I reached out.
I reached out to my kid brother and told him everything. I was ashamed. My kid brother doesn't look up to me but between him and I, I am the one who is responsible, sensible, doesn't put my problems on others. My kid brother was the one who dropped out of high school, did some unsavory things for money, got tattoos and rebelled against our parents. But he was the only one I could speak to earnestly to and I'm lucky I could, because without him, I wouldn't be here.
I told him, and tho I recommend finding someone who would cast no judgement, my brother is the exception. After some choice words, he laughed, said I was stupid and told me something I will never forget.
"It's just money, whats done is done"
And that was it. It's just money and I can't relive the past and change it. He gave me an answer so succinct and without question that I felt this relief. It wasn't the end of the world. But life moves on and all you can do is push forward instead of looking back.
And I know maybe I shouldn't speak about money so causally but the reality was that money comes and goes. Sometimes you have alot and sometimes you have a little.
But the most important thing is that you're alive and well. As long as you have that, money problems aren't impossible problems because there are real solutions. And it may feel impossible but the key word, is MAY. It is possible and I am here to help you see that.
There is hope. It's always there. You just have to believe in it and reach for it.
After telling my brother, I had a better sense of where I was and what I needed to tackle next. Which was the financial consequences of my actions.
Living paycheque to paycheque with this 10K (and climbing) credit card with an interest rate with a minimum payment that was going to outpace my earnings no matter what was daunting. I could already see that either I find a bag of drug money behind my apartment to pay it off or I was gonna go bankrupt within a few months.
The solution was work more hours, finding another job, sell my kidney or start robbing people. (I know you might think of this as a joke, but I do vividly remember seeing someone walking past me on the sidewalk with a TV and thought, what if I stole that, sold it, and it could help pay my debt. I was never serious but its already an issue when you would consider actually doing it, even if you thinking you're "joking").
I stopped going out to eat, I started cooking more at home (tho I am still eating as if I was in university again eating rice, ramen and noodles to survive but that was the price of gambling) and picked up more shifts at work while still maintaining a healthier balance (you still need to sleep).
But I needed to deal with the credit card right away.
And I found one.
Another credit card.
Now, it sounds crazy and it sounds really reckless, but this solution hinges on the fact that you are NOT GOING TO GAMBLE AGAIN.
There were promotional credit cards that offered very LOW INTEREST RATES for a few months if you BALANCE TRANSFER.
I was lucky and when I applied, I had good enough credit score to qualify (most of them were 0 income credit cards) and I received in total, 15K Credit limit with 0% APR (Annual Interest for 1 Year) to balance transfer for a balance transfer fee.
So I transferred over 10K onto 2 cards, paid the balance fees (which is normally 3-5% of the balance being transferred, which amounted to 1 (240 dollar) minimum balance payment) to receive 0 interest for one year.
And the moment I did it, that drowning feeling went away and I finally had time to breath.
Because of that decision, it gave me more time to focus on finding more work or another job and not always be awake at night, counting my pennies to see if I had enough food for the week. That alone was worth the application. I could budget, save money and start lowering the principle amounts so when the promotional APR ended, I could actually manage the minimum payments.
Currently, I put down roughly 35-40% of my monthly earnings into my credit card debt and live off of the rest. At this rate, I am on track to pay off that 10K debt by the end of the next year. And if you are wondering, my take home is just under 2500 a month 40hours a week excluding any extra shifts or overtime that I may be able to work (which is put 100% into my debt).
Now I don't know if any of you guys are in the same position where you could apply for a credit card, get a good balance and stick to the plan but without it, I wouldn't be able to live my life not feeling enslaved to this 16 digit square in my wallet.
And to be honest, I am going to continually apply to more credit cards that offer a promotional balance transfer interest because again, its just money and without leveraging this opportunity, I would not be able to actually pay off the principle and be forced to only make interest payments while the banks keeps laughing.
If you've made it this far, you read this post because you felt a kindred spirit with me. That you're in the same position as me but don't know where to start. And thats ok. You aren't alone. You're still here and you're only human. We all make mistakes and live with the consequences of our actions. But without forgiving yourself, you will never be able to move on and you will be trapped in the purgatory of reliving this whirlpool of negativity.
I wanted to share how I dealt with my emotional and financial problem because anything helps. This post may not speak to some of you but if it reaches only one of you, this was well worth the time.
If you ever need to speak to someone with no judgement (unlike my brother) please feel free to PM me and I will give you my ear.
TLDR: Forgive yourself for the mistakes you've made. Reach out to a loved one to unburden yourself. Come up with a solid solution to your financial problem (BALANCE TRANSFERS) and you will give yourself hope that there is an end to this madness. And there is. It just takes time.
submitted by fattyboy905 to problemgambling [link] [comments]

I know why I'm here.

I'm 17 months clean from drugs and drinking. I always enjoyed sports betting. Things never got too out of hand but as of recently I have been losing so much on casino games like blackjack and roulette. I recognize I have a problem. And I know I need to stop. I have limits set on my sites but that doesn't mean anything when it's still causing me such stress. I shouldn't be maxing out those limits the first 2 days of every week.
This can get so much worse. Its time to start holding myself accountable.
My hope is that next week when I start my new job it will fill some of that need/want to bring in income or fill that empty void of fulfillment it seems im always seeking.
This was a bit of a rant. But I am happy to be here and be a part of this group.
submitted by beingabetter to problemgambling [link] [comments]

FortuneJack Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

FortuneJack Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

FortuneJack Free Spins Bonus
Get 50 No Deposit Free Spins to FortuneJack Casino! Click on the link below to open your account and enjoy the best Bitcoin Casino! As soon as you register here, you will also qualify for 6 BTC welcome bonus and 250 free spins on Provably Fair slot machines!
>> Click Here For Bonus <<

FortuneJack Bitcoin Casino Review

FortuneJack stocks games by a plethora of top developers and has hundreds of titles to choose from. It also has some of the industry’s best online casino bonuses, all of which are targeted towards players who use Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, and other cryptocurrencies.
In addition to a vast online casino, stocked with some of the best iGaming titles around, FortuneJack has a sports book. This sports book made its introduction in late 2019 and by the time it was ready to be launched in early 2020, it ran into a roadblock in the shape of the coronavirus crisis.
As a result, it was delayed somewhat and at the time of writing the sports book is still not as active or action-packed as we expected it to me. But that will no doubt change and if you’re reading this FortuneJack review in 2021 or later, there’s a good chance it will be up and running.
There is also a dedicated Dice Games section, where players can place bets on the outcome of dice games. This is the ideal section for fans of games like Craps and Sic Bo, and while there are other dice games in other parts of FortuneJack casino, this is where you should be if you want a dedicated and complete dice gaming experience.

FortuneJack Bonuses

For now, this FortuneJack review will focus entirely on the online casino aspects of this site, looking at everything from its slot machines and table games to its bonuses, payment methods, and more. The question is, how does this Bitcoin casino compare to other top cryptocurrency casinos we have reviewed?
FortuneJack has a generous Welcome Bonus to entice new players into the casino. This bonus offers a huge 5 BTCs and 250 Free Spins as part of a substantial Welcome Package. This is a great bonus to get you going but it’s not quite as cut-and-dry as the promotional material might have you believe, so make sure you keep the following in mind:
  • You can qualify for 25 Free Spins just for registering. No deposit is required to collect this bonus.
  • Your first deposit returns a matched deposit bonus of 110% up to 1.5 BTC, or the equivalent in your chosen cryptocurrency. You need to deposit a minimum of 0.002 BTC to qualify for this.
  • 250 Free Spins are also provided along with your first deposit, providing the minimum deposit amount of 0.5 BTC is met. It’s worth noting that this minimum is higher than the minimum required for the deposit bonus, so it is possible to qualify for one and not the other.
  • All bonuses have a wagering requirement of 40x, which means the funds need to be wagered 40 times before they can be withdrawn.
  • To reach the full 5 BTCs, players will need to make three more deposits. These additional deposits have a matched rate of 50%, 50%, and 100% respectively.
The bonuses outlined above are only valid for the FortuneJack online casino and cannot be used to place sports bet. However, there are separate bonuses available for sports bettors, including a 100% matched free bet and a money-back special. As always, the sports bonuses are not as generous as the casino bonuses as the profit margins are much smaller and betting sites simply can’t afford to give away several Bitcoins.
Another point worth mentioning is FortuneJack’s loyalty bonus. Loyalty schemes are pretty rare on modern online casinos, much rarer than they should be, but they are more common on Bitcoin casinos.
In FortuneJack’s loyalty club, players are rewarded every time they play, getting up to 20% cash back on the money they spend in the casino and benefiting from regular reload bonuses and other rewards. Like all good loyalty clubs, it has several levels and the higher you climb, the higher your bonuses and rewards will be.
>> Click Here For Bonus <<


  • Cryptocurrency Online Casino
  • Very Generous Welcome Bonus
  • Free Spins Available Without Deposit
  • Lots of Games to Play
  • Super-Fast Payments
  • No Withdrawal Limits
  • Great Loyalty Bonus

FortuneJack Casino Games and Software

Several big-name providers keep the FortuneJack games room well stocked with slots, table games, Live Casino games, and more. These providers include:
  • NetEnt: The developer of classic, game-changing titles such as Gonzo’s Quest, Starburst, and many other player favourites.
  • Betsoft: If it uses 3D graphics and features amazing visuals, there’s a good chance it was created by Betsoft. This developer has created titles like The Slotfather, A Night in Paris, 2 Million BC, Max Quest, Spinfinity Man, and more.
  • Microgaming: One of the oldest and the best developers. It’s from Microgaming that we get progressive jackpot slots and the Rolling Reels feature, as well as countless other innovations.
  • Yggdrasil: Creators of the Vikings Go Berzerk series and one of the fastest-growing iGaming developers in the industry right now.
  • Quickspin: A Playtech-owned company that has created a host of top real money slots.
And this is just a small selection of the developers offering games for the FortuneJack Bitcoin casino. There are over a dozen other top developers, including Evolution Gaming, which is where FortuneJack’s gets its Live Casino games.
Evolution Gaming is the world’s best Live Casino brand, and that’s no exaggeration. Evolution Gaming has more games streaming from more live studios than any other developer. This is where titles like Lightning Dice, Dreamcatcher, Monopoly Live, Deal or no Deal Live, and Football Studio were born.
>> Click Here For Bonus <<

FortuneJack Casino Payment Methods

FortuneJack players can deposit and withdraw using a selection of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Monero, and Ethereum. All payments are processed following a pending time of no more than 12 hours, and because FortuneJack only accepts fast-paying cryptocurrencies, this means that the money will be in your account within hours of withdrawing.
There are no withdrawal limits on FortuneJack, so you can deposit as much as you want and withdraw as much as you need. The only downside is that FortuneJack doesn’t allow payments made with traditional methods. But this is a cryptocurrency casino on a cryptocurrency casino review site, so we’re certainly not going to mark them down for that.

Limits and Licenses

FortuneJack can be played on mobile and desktop; it is licensed in Curacao and players can choose between English and Japanese as a site language.
There is a Provably Fair section where players can find information on the site’s security, safety, and fairness. All of the games are 100% secure and fair, with low house edges and high payouts. If you want to play the best games and have the best chance of success when you do, this is the section for you. You can find the link in the menu at the top of the homepage.
Last but not least, FortuneJack has something known as Jack’s Club, which is a premium, VIP loyalty club. If you qualify to be part of this club, you will get your own VIP manager and can benefit from more generous bonuses and rewards.
>> Click Here For Bonus <<


FortuneJack is a beautifully designed online casino that has a lot to offer Bitcoin gamblers. All new players can collect a big Welcome Bonus, explore a vast selection of games, and if they have an issue, FortuneJack’s customer support team is one of the best in the business.
We couldn’t recommended this cryptocurrency casino highly enough!
submitted by freespinsbonus to u/freespinsbonus [link] [comments]

Rush Casino 500% free bonus, gratis spins, no deposit code

Rush Casino 500% free bonus, gratis spins, no deposit code

Rush Casino Gratis Spins and Free Bonuses
Join Rush Casino and receive either 500% up to $50 or 100% up to $800 on the first deposit. In total, you get $1600 free cash in the welcome bonus. Additionally, play free spins on popular slot machines!
  1. Sign up by clicking on “Join Now”.
  2. Click on deposit, and choose your payment option and amount.
  3. Click on “or see available Bonuses” and click on 50% up to €50 or 100% up to €500.
>> Click For Free Bonus Here <<


Rush Casino allows you to play free online or wager real money on slot games, live casino and table games using your desktop, tablet or mobile. They have all the latest and classic game offerings from providers such as Netent, Play'n Go, Quickspin, Red Tiger, BetSoft, and Evolution.
If your bet is a small stake spin on one of the latest video slots like Gonzo's Quest to pass that 15-minute commute a little quicker or trying to hit the jackpot on all-time classic slot Mega Moolah, it's all there for you on Rush Casino.
The casino also have a comprehensive live casino section where you can test your skills on Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat and more which will give you the thrill of a visit to Sin City, without the need to leave the comfort of your own home.
Rush Casino is operated by Rush Gaming Limited (a company registered in Malta) and is regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority, Licence Number MGA/B2C/701/2019 issued on 30th March 2020. Rush Gaming Limited, Level 5, Quantum House, 75 Triq l-Abate Rigord, Ta' Xbiex XBX 1120.
In respect to services offered in the Republic of Ireland, the Revenue Commissioners, under remote bookmakers' License number 1013060 issued on 2nd July 2019.

Rush Casino Welcome Offer

The MegaRush welcome offer consists of up to €900 (or $1600) + 100 free spins to play on the Book of Dead and is split over 5 deposits.
Euro & International markets
1st Deposit bonus: Deposit €10 play with €60 or 100% up to €500
2nd deposit offer: 50% up to €100
3rd deposit offer: 25% up to €100
4th deposit offer: 25% up to €100
5th deposit offer: 25% up to €100
Up to €900 in total bonuses
>> Click For Free Bonus Here <<
Canada / New Zeeland
1st Deposit bonus: Deposit $10 play with $60 or 100% up to $800
2nd deposit offer: 50% up to $200
3rd deposit offer: 25% up to $200
4th deposit offer: 25% up to $200
5th deposit offer: 25% up to $200
Up to $1600 in total bonuses
>> Click For Free Bonus Here <<
1st Deposit bonus: Deposit 100 kr play with 600 kr or 100% up to 5000 kr
2nd deposit offer: 50% up to 1000 kr
3rd deposit offer: 25% up to 1000 kr
4th deposit offer: 25% up to 1000 kr
5th deposit offer: 25% up to 1000 kr
Up to 9000 kr in total bonuses
>> Click For Free Bonus Here <<

Rush Casino Cashback

Depositing players will also have the chance to opt-in to receive 10% weekly cashback. The maximum cashback which can be paid out is €1500 with a minimum payout of €20.
Please note that you can not opt-in for any offer when using the following payment methods: Neteller, Skrill and Paysafecard.

Wagering Requirements

All bonuses offered and free spins are subjected to a wagering requirement unless otherwise specified. Let’s have a look at the wagering requirements that Rush Casino has set for their welcome bonuses.

Wagering Requirement for Casino Welcome offer

The wagering requirements for the MegaRush casino offer is set at 25x D+B. This means that both the deposit and also the bonus would need to be played a total of 25 times. When playing towards meeting the wagering, a maximum bet of 5 Euros per spin is allowed. In terms of timescales, you have a total of 7 days to meet the wagering requirements. If the requirements are not met, any potential winnings will be deemed as forfeited.
>> Click For Free Bonus Here <<

Rush Casino VIP Program, Loyalty Scheme and Promotions

Once you have benefitted from a casino/ site’s welcome offer, you look forward to something new, something to keep you on your toes. This is normally found in a loyalty program that a site hosts. As we bring you this detailed MegaRush reviews, there is no loyalty program to talk about. But, let’s keep in mind that the site is relatively news, being launched in 2021. Hence, things can change in the future.

Rush Casino Support

Should you have any questions about the Rush Casino site, bonuses or anything else, you can start off by checking the FAQ section.
Alternatively, there is always the customer support team that is eager to help and assist. The team is available. Also, you can reach them via the following communication channels:
  • Chat - Launch the chat icon located at the bottom left-hand side of your lobby. Simply choose your chosen language, enter your name and email and you are good to go.
  • Email - You can drop an email with your questions, and get a reply back within a couple of hours max.
Support is available in English, German, Swedish and Norwegian. You are asked to choose your preferred language of choice prior to launching the chat.
>> Click For Free Bonus Here <<
submitted by freespinsmobile to u/freespinsmobile [link] [comments]

Best Exclusive Casino Bonuses & Free Spins - daily news!

Best Exclusive Casino Bonuses & Free Spins - daily news!

Latest Casino Bonus List
This is our exclusive casino bonus list with free spins, no deposit bonuses, promo codes, tournaments and other rewards. We highly recommend these online casinos to play for real money. With us, you always play safe and win more!
>> Check Latest Bonuses Here <<

Where to find exclusive casino bonuses?

Want to start claiming bigger and better bonuses? That’s what this guide is for. You’ll find out how bonuses work so you’ll never be left scratching your head when reading T&Cs. You’ll also be able to distinguish between genuine offers and casino scams. Our guide makes it easy to pick your perfect promotions, whether you’re looking for a match bonus or a no-deposit offer. But if you’re ready to jump right in, check out our picks for the top casino bonus offers below.
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What is a Casino Bonus?

Casino bonuses are rewards given to you at an online casino at different stages. The most common ones are welcome bonuses that you’ll get when you register and/or make a first deposit, reload bonuses, loyalty rewards, weekly offers and seasonal campaigns.
But why do online casinos offer bonuses? It’s simple. They know a bonus is a great incentive for players to deposit and keep playing for longer. But bonuses do give you extra chances to play using house money and even win real cash, so it’s a fair trade off. We wrote this guide so that you can claim bonus offers with more awareness and get the most out of them.

Types of Casino Bonuses

There are many different types of casino bonuses you might come across while playing at our recommended sites. Here’s a rundown of each type of offer you’ll see casinos advertise:

Welcome Bonus

This is a casino’s top tool to attract new customers. There are two main kinds of welcome bonuses: the first is a no deposit bonus when you register, and the other is a bonus you’ll get on your 1st deposit (sometimes extending to subsequent deposits as well).

Cashback Offers

A cashback bonus gives you back some of the money that you lose during a particular period of time, like a week or a month. The casino will give you a percentage of your losses back in bonus credit, allowing you to re-boost your bankroll.

Deposit Bonus

A deposit bonus is exactly what it says on the tin – it’s a bonus that requires you to make a deposit. Usually, the size of the bonus will depend on how much money you choose to deposit.

Free Spins Bonus

Some bonuses offer you free spins on a particular slot machine rather than awarding you with cash. Normally, you’ll collect your winnings from these spins as bonus funds that you can then spend on any other game in the casino.

No Deposit Bonus

No deposit bonuses give you money to play with in the casino without requiring you to put any of your own money at risk. You can sign up and accept the bonus, after which you’ll instantly see the bonus funds in your account.

Free Chip Bonus

A free chip bonus is a kind of no deposit bonus which appears as fixed cash in your account after you sign up and opt-in to this type of bonus. Free chip bonuses can be allocated to specific games but you typically have a lot more choice with selecting games.

Match Bonus

In these promotions, the size of your bonus is based on how much you deposit. For instance, if a casino offers you a 100% match bonus of up to $100, you will get a bonus dollar for every dollar you deposit – up to a maximum of $100.

Reload Bonus

Reload bonuses are offered to existing players at a casino. To take advantage of these promotions, you will need to make a new deposit. Match bonuses, free spins, or other types of promotions can all be a part of a reload bonus.

Loyalty/VIP Bonus

These bonuses are offered to players who have been active members of an online casino. Often, a site will offer several kinds of loyalty or VIP promotions, with those in the high tiers of the rewards program getting the biggest and most lucrative bonuses.

Weekly/Monthly Bonus or Promotions

Some casinos offer recurring bonuses that you can claim on a weekly or monthly basis. These offers may be the same every month, or could change on a regular basis with varying prizes. You can benefit and opt-in for these as often or infrequently as you like.

High-Roller Bonus

High-roller bonuses are offers designed for those who want to make larger deposits and play for higher stakes. These bonuses are often bigger and have more favorable terms as a reward for high rollers.

Refer-A-Friend Bonus

Do you have a friend who might want to join the casino you are playing at? If so, a refer-a-friend bonus is a great way to get them started. These offers give both you and your friend a reward when they sign up and make their first deposit.

Birthday Bonus

Happy birthday! Many of our recommended sites offer bonuses as a special gift on your birthday. Usually, you won’t have to make a deposit or do anything special: the casino will simply give you the funds to enjoy, just like any other present.

Game-Specific Bonuses

These bonuses are designed to be used on a specific game in the casino. For instance, you may see a slots bonus, a roulette bonus, or a blackjack bonus. These bonuses usually offer better terms, or larger matches on the specific games than a general welcome or reload bonus would.

Device-Specific Bonuses

Some casinos will give you a special bonus if you sign up from a specific device. In particular, these promotions are common for mobile devices, allowing you to get a bonus if you make a deposit or register your account from your phone or tablet.

Exclusive Bonuses

Sometimes, sites like ours have access to exclusive bonus offers you can’t get anywhere else. If we have exclusive promotions or codes, you can be sure we’ll tell you about them so that you can take full advantage!

Live Dealer Bonuses

These bonus offers are specifically tied to live dealer games that feature real human dealers using physical casino equipment over live streaming video. If you want to play these types of realistic online casino games, then these are the bonuses for you.
>> Get Exclusive Bonuses Here <<

How do Casino Bonuses Work?

You might think that bonus offers are simple. Just claim the bonus and take some free cash. In reality, even the top casino bonuses come with terms and conditions that you must fulfill when taking advantage of these promotions.
It’s important that you understand how these terms work before you claim or accept a bonus offer. Here’s a look at a few of the most important areas you’ll want to be familiar with before you pick a bonus.

Low/No Deposit Requirements

Some bonuses require you to make a deposit to claim them, while others don’t. For deposit bonuses, be aware that the size of your bonus will be relative to the deposit you make. For example, for a 100% match bonus, if you deposit $20, you will get $40 in bonus funds. With no deposit bonuses, you avoid the initial transaction but may still need to deposit later to meet wagering requirements.

Betting Limits

Apart from the fact that some bonuses will only let you play specific games, casinos often place limits on how much you can bet per spin when using your bonus cash. For example, you might not be allowed to bet more than $5 per spin. The reason casinos do this is that it makes it harder for players to trigger max payouts by activating all paylines or hitting certain in-game features.

Wagering Requirements

Wagering requirements tell you how much you need to bet before you can access your bonus winnings. This is usually expressed as a percentage of the bonus. For instance, a 30x wagering requirement on a $100 bonus, means you must bet $3,000 (30 x $100) before you can withdraw funds. Some games, especially table games, may contribute only a small portion towards meeting wagering requirements.

Match Deposit and Cashback

A match bonus will give you bonus funds based on the amount you deposit. For instance, a 50% match on a $200 bonus would award you with $100 in bonus money. Each bonus will typically match one deposit, though casinos will sometimes offer a series of matches for new players, covering your first few deposits.

Winning Limits

Some promotions place limits on how much you can win while playing on a bonus. This is especially common for no deposit bonuses, and some match bonuses. This could be a multiplier – such as 10x your bonus amount, or a flat amount, such as $200. Many casinos exempt jackpot winnings from these caps, allowing you to still have a chance to win progressive jackpots while on a bonus.

Time Limits

Most casino bonus offers require you to meet their wagering terms within a set time. For instance, you may have 30 days to complete the wagering requirements from the time you accepted the bonus, or the bonus might be forfeited. Many no deposit bonuses feature shorter time limits. You must ensure you’re wagering at a pace that will fulfill bonus requirements before the time expires.

New/Existing/Returning Player Bonus

Various bonuses are designed to be claimed at different times. Welcome bonuses are offered to brand new players who have never played at a casino before. Reload and loyalty bonuses are for existing players, while certain other promotions are designed to attract you to return to a site you haven’t played at in a while.
>> Get Exclusive Bonuses Here <<
submitted by freespins1 to u/freespins1 [link] [comments]

Gambling Tips for Online

To gamble is to risk but there are options to help cut back the risk.
Set your limit
First and foremost important is to remember, gambling is for fun! Do not gamble if you cannot afford to lose. Have a specific amount set aside for gambling and stick to it. Don't borrow money to gamble and don't ever go past your set limit.
Take Frequent breaks.
Don't attempt to play at a casino if you are under stress, depressed or troubled in any way. All distractions can cause you to lose your concentration and obviously result in losses you may not incur otherwise. Bright lights and loud noises are created to the casinos benefit. If you are gambling online, ensure that you are not going to be distracted and if you are, stop play until another time.
Slots Tips
Tip #1. Always play the max coin amount on progressive slots. It is best to play max regardless of whether the slot is progressive or not but how painful would it be to hit a jackpot on less than max bet?
Tip #2. Know the payout schedule before sitting down at a slot machine. Just like in poker, knowledge of the odds and payouts is crucial to developing a good strategy.
Tip #3. If you are not having luck at a particular machine, then move on to another one. Don't play it all night, hoping for it to finally pay off.
Tip #4. Always ensure your bet registers in the machine prior to pulling the bar or hitting spin, you will not be given the max coin winnings if the machine doesn't record a max coin bet being placed.
Tip #5. Never leave your machine until you are done playing. There is no worse feeling that someone taking the machine you were playing at because you went for a drink or to use the restroom. Make sure you take care of personal business prior to choosing your slot. There are waitresses for drinks.
Blackjack Tips
Tip #1 The most obvious is to ensure you know the rules of blackjack. It is always a good idea to have a strategy when you play blackjack. All winning systems are based on a basic strategy which consists of statistically speaking, there exists only one best action a player can take for each of the possible hands he can receive versus each possible upcard the dealer may have.
Tip #2 Learn about the house rules of each casino, the better the house rules, the more money you can expect to win in the long run. And yes, house rules do vary between casinos.
Tip #3 Learn the proper way to use your bankroll. There are statistically proven methods to keep control of your balance and the amount of bet you should place based on your total bankroll.
Tip #4Never drink alcohol when you are playing and always leave the game once you start to feel fatigued. You may start to make mistakes that you won't even notice.
Poker Tips
Tip #1 The best tip for poker playing is to read up on the game play, the variants of the game and ensure you know the rules of the game.
Tip #2 When you first start, it is a good idea to sit out and watch the other players prior to starting your game. Watch how they bet and how much they bet.
Tip #3 As you advance as a player, learn how to bluff. You must know the game well and bluff only when you feel secure that the other players will not call your bluff.
Tip #4 It is also a good idea to try to play against less skillfull opponents. Obviously, you will have a better chance at the game if you have more knowledge and experience.
Tip #5 Most important is what many of us have heard before, "Know when to hold 'em and when to fold "em". Mistakes are made quite often in poker when players want to stick it out with hands that have no value. That is a guaranteed loss. And stick with the no alcohol while playing rule.
Video Poker Tips
Tip #1 Just as with poker, you must know the game of video poker. There is a wide variant of video poker games, with each having a different set of winning card combinations. It is a good idea to pay attention to whether or not a machine uses one 52-deck of cards or more than one. The more cards there are, the less likely the player will win.
Tip #2 There is no such thing as a loose or tight video poker machine. They do not operate on reels like a slot machine, each card has an equal chance of showing up on any hand.
Tip #3 Always play the maximum number of credits allowed on progressive video poker, if you hit a royal flush, you will want that jackpot.
Tip #4 Until you are a master player, play at the lowest coin denomination amount possible. This will give you more cash to play on and learn as you go.
Tip #5 It can be very helpful to play a handheld video poker game (like you can get at any store with board games), this will also give you experience and a good knowledge of how the games will play.

submitted by shomesrobery to 2021safeMalaysiancasi [link] [comments]

Right as I was about to stop I got the jackpot

Right as I was about to stop I got the jackpot submitted by PinkLloyds to gtaonline [link] [comments]

Colorado Amendment #77 Awareness Post

Hey all,
Just wanted to bring some attention to Amendment #77 on the Colorado ballot. It reads:
“Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado constitution and a change to the Colorado Revised Statutes concerning voter-approved changes to limited gaming, and, in connection therewith, allowing the voters of Central City, Black Hawk, and Cripple Creek, for their individual cities, to approve other games in addition to those currently allowed and increase a maximum single bet to any amount; and allowing gaming tax revenue to be used for support services to improve student retention and credential completion by students enrolled in community colleges?”
Currently, Colorado casinos have a $100 max bet rule, which gets applied to poker as well. This amendment would allow these casinos to remove the max bet. If you live in Colorado or know anybody that does, please encourage them to vote yes!
submitted by ProtectMyGoldenChin to poker [link] [comments]

Emojino Casino 100 gratis spins and 1500€ free bonus code

Emojino Casino 100 gratis spins and 1500€ free bonus code

Emojino Casino Gratis Spins and Free Bonus
Welcome to Emojino Casino Online! Create your account now and collect 20 No Deposit Free Spins! Next, get 100 Free Spins and 1500 EUR Free Cash Bonus in our exclusive welcome bonus pack! Play the best slot machines, progressive jackpots, table games, live dealer and scratch cards!
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Emojino Casino Review

Emojino has been founded in 2020 and is completely focused on casino games. Currently, a collection of 12 game providers with a games count of 990+ different games are offered by Emojino. Dependent upon the country that you reside in the precise count of games may vary. To guarantee a high level of safety, Emojino is regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority. Beside English, Emojino gives the chance to change the website’s language to 7 more options, including Finnish and Danish. Continue reading the following Emojino review for further info on the casino.


Users of different skill levels should find something for their preferences because of the broad lobby of games. Elk Studios, Play’n GO or NetEnt are amongst the most popular game studios available at Emojino, but of course you can also test some of the best slots created by other outstanding names. Players have the option to find different slots like video slot games, classic slot games as well as 3D slot games. The collection of top slot machines at Emojino includes Pink Elephants 2 from Thunderkick, Mustang Gold from Pragmatic Play and Berryburst MAX from NetEnt. Progressive jackpot slots like NetEnt’s Divine Fortune Megaways are also offered at Emojino.
Customers at Emojino cannot only try out slot machines but also live roulette, live blackjack or live baccarat from Pragmatic Play, NetEnt and Evolution Gaming. However, that is not the only thing – The games collection also includes live versions of dragon tiger, european roulette, sic bo or poker. Customers who would like to play table games should also find games that suits their taste as Emojino offers table games developed by , for example european roulette, poker, american roulette, blackjack or sic bo. However, the casino offers even more – You also have the chance to test out keno or wheel games. Do, however, keep in mind that the accessibility of games can vary for your location.
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At Emojino, there are 15 payment methods customers have the possibility to make use of to make a deposit. The casino accepts well-known e-wallets like Skrill and EcoPayz as well as credit cards, for example MasterCard and Visa. Moreover, bank wire transfer deposits like Trustly are permitted just as prepaid payments, for instance Neosurf or Paysafecard. Still, it should be stated that dependent upon your location there might be varying deposit and withdrawal options available. Keep in mind: There might be deposit limitations per given payment method. To view the Emojino deposit limits, you can look at the cashier section or get in touch with the customer support.
In case you wish to pay out your winnings, you can utilize 11 payout options. Players have the option to utilize Trustly, Visa, Bank Wire Transfer or Skrill, to mention only a few of the provided payout options. When considering a withdrawal, note that there are withdrawal restrictions beginning at €40 and up to a maximum of €10.000 per transaction. At Emojino, there are no limitations regarding free payouts, so customers can initiate an unlimited volume of free withdrawals. Therefore, the casino will not bill any payout fees. After requesting a payout, it will be processed automatically by Emojino. It should be noted that Emojino also carries out withdrawals on the weekend.


The sign up process at Emojino is straightforward. First of all, enter your personal info into the registration form. When you entered all personal data to the Emojino registration form, a confirmation of your account is necessary. To this end, you should get detailed instructions on the validation procedure via SMS or email. Finalizing the approval allows you to start playing.
Undergoing an account verification is needed at Emojino in order to initiate transactions. To this end, submitting a scan of an official document (id card, driving license or passport) is needed. In addition, a confirmation of your abode, that can be completed by turning in a bill (bank statement, phone bill or electricity bill), is needed. It is no permitted to upload a supplier bill that is older than 180 days.
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If you have any questions, you can contact the Emojino customer support in different ways. For instance, the customer service can be contacted via email ([email protected]) or service phone line. Usually, you should receive an answer to your email within a short time period. Additionally, utilizing the web form on the casino site is another contact option. Besides, a Text Chat is available 24/7 on the casino site. To review the customer service response, we asked a few questions. The team always provided quick and helping responses. The casino also has , where you should find answers to common questions.
Every online casino has to fulfil high safety requirements, otherwise they lose their licenses. Emojino upholds the highest security standards by coding the site with SSL128. The according licensing commission, in this case Malta Gaming Authority, reviews the fairness constantly.
Emojino helps to facilitate responsible gaming by offering protection options. These measures provide you with the option to:
  • Set a turnover limit
  • Cap your losses
  • Restrict your sessions
Furthermore, if you have problem with gambling, you can reach out to the NGO Gamcare that Emojino refers to.


The Emojino welcome offer can be claimed by all new players. This 100% bonus enlarges your initial deposit up to a maximum amount of €300. 100 Free Spins are also part of the package. Amounts of €20 and more are necessary. You can make use of payment methods like EcoPayz, Paysafecard or Neosurf for this purpose. A payment of €300 will unlock the highest bonus. Then you can avail of a total sum of €600 to place bets with. Adding a bonus code is not necessary.
The automatic credit of your bonus funds should be completed within a short time. If you decide not to utilize the bonus you can reject it afterwards. Your bonus funds are available for playing when your cash funds are spent. You are able to test out slots created by Playson, Play’n GO and NetEnt, as well as other famous game providers in the present portfolio, using your bonus funds. At Emojino, you are not allowed to claim more than one new customer promotion simultaneously.
You are asked to wager your bonus 40 times within 10 days before you have the possibility to initiate a cash out of any winnings. Additionally, wager all won amounts from your Free Spins 40 times. Requesting a payout before you completed the wagering criteria causes the expiration of your bonus. Do not forget to finish the conditions on time, otherwise you will lose the bonus and your winnings. Your deposit, of course, will stay.
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From what we know, at present no bonus (e.g. a no deposit bonus or a highroller bonus) other than the welcome offer can be claimed at Emojino. At Emojino, participating in a loyalty program or availing of VIP player advantages is not an option. It could be case that registered players have the option to join slot tournaments soon, at present we do not have any info regarding that topic.


Being launched in 2020, Emojino is a Blockchain Games N.V. casino brand. TrueFlip has also been launched by the company. To the best of our knowledge, it is not publicly listed. With the operator being committed to high security standards, Emojino bears the following license:
  • Malta Gaming Authority with the license number MGA/B2C/778/2020


In sum, skilled customers and newbies can avail of a varied gaming atmosphere at Emojino. Offering 12 popular gaming providers, the casino games section is average. Additionally, with various payment options being accepted at Emojino, you should be able to find a payment that suits your needs. Moreover, when joining the casino as a customer, you may be able to claim generous offers. So, join Emojino now to convince yourself!
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XE88 Newly Developed slot game - Serengeti Heat Slot Reivew 2021

Inundate yourself in an African experience and feel the sweltering sun on your skin without leaving your receiving area with Serengeti Heat, the online video slot from XE88 2021. An epic play which brings you profound into the core of the extraordinary landmass, you'll be turning the reels for money while wondering about the view. With an individual design, the illustrations on this game will be one of the main things that hit you with colors that truly rejuvenate Africa. The brilliant fluid of ambers and oranges fill your screen with simply a desolate acacia tree spotted to a great extent somewhere out there. However, the Serengeti wouldn't be half as alluring without the natural life and you'll discover a lot in this game! Zebra and giraffe, along with the lofty lion, are only a couple instances of what you can hope to see. Yet, will this be a couch safari that you'll appreciate? Here's a more critical glance at Serengeti Heat from XE88 with the full realities and subtleties you need.

Interesting Play

Beside the visual style, one of the main things you'll see about this slot is the fairly one of a kind state of the reels. You can disregard the traditional 5x3 design, Serengeti Heat resembles a twofold finished cone offering a 3-4-5-4-3 shape. While this changes up play, it implies that it's more hard to arrange a five image coordinate in light of the fact that there's less occasions to do as such on the reels. It's not simply the general shape and measurements that are offbeat, you won't discover any paylines in this slot all things considered! A staple of virtually every game, XE88 have shunned the typical style of play for a more current methodology. Rather than attempting to remember designs on the reels, players essentially need to coordinate images continuously.
Fanatics of this style of play trust it's a lot less complex methodology which is simpler by and by and offers more opportunities to win as well. What's more, that is positively the situation for Serengeti Heat since it additionally includes two-way play. This implies that images can be perused from one or the other option to left or left to right, multiplying the odds of a match. The lone special case for this is the five image line which needs to run from left to right.

Something for Everyone

In the event that you like to redo your wagers, don't stress that you'll need to find a way into a solitary style of play as you'll actually get the opportunity to set up your own inclinations. You might not have paylines to pick from yet there's as yet the coin worth, and there's an enormous reach to play with. As there are no paylines, you won't set a wager for every line, except rather you'll have a general stake to pick. The base beginnings at 50 and runs at preset spans up to an astounding 10,000 giving a gigantic max wager reasonable for those pursuing a major success. Regardless of whether you're on a limited financial plan or a hot shot, the wagering on this game can be acclimated to your pocket.
As an additional alternative, you likewise can wager any successes for the opportunity to twofold your cash in XE88 Casino. A totally willful game, you don't need to play this extra and it's a high-hazard approach. On the off chance that you do choose to play you'll be wagering on the shade of playing a game of cards in an offer to win double your prize. In the event that you take care of business you can bet again – on the off chance that you dare! – however fail to understand the situation, and you'll re-visitation of the principle game with nothing. For more info visit:
submitted by xemalaysiaapp to u/xemalaysiaapp [link] [comments]

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It’s played for a wide variety of different stakes and on this page we’ll primarily explore the minimum and maximum bets for Blackjack in an online casino. Following that we’ve also got info on how betting works, how returns are calculated and why blackjack tables have min and max bet amounts. Min & Max Bet Blackjack Stakes: Online Casinos There are no self-exclusion, bet limit, or other types of policies in place to assist gamblers, nor is there any info on outside gambling assistance groups, which is a real missed opportunity here for Casino Max, and I hope they fix this going forward. Customer support is available via live chat, email, and telephone around the clock. Free bet expires after 30 days. Max winnings from free bet £1000. #12. BoyleSports. Maximum Payout £450,000; READ REVIEW VISIT SITE Free bet stakes not included in returns - Casino Bonus must be claimed within 7 days • To withdraw bonus/related wins, as is their £500,000 limit on major golf, tennis, basketball, The maximum limit for outside bets may vary between $1000.00 and $10,000.00, while depending on the casino and the table minimum. This limit is valid for every single outside bet . Or, a player may place the maximum bet on a particular color, while also placing another maximum bet on the 3rd Dozen. Casino Max is more than just a gambling destination for players from the United States and from across the globe. The casinomax portfolio includes several promotions that offers you a high-energy entertainment experience, a robust RTG (RealTime Gaming) selection of slot machines, online casino table games, video poker, loyalty/rewards programs and spectacular sign on bonus package. Live casino blackjack, roulette, baccarat, sicbo bet limits compared. The table below is a useful tool for serious high rollers looking for high bet limit live deal blackjack, baccarat, roulette or sicbo. It is also useful for small change players looking for small bet minimums for their chosen game at live casinos. 'Max bet' is a rule which indicates the highest amount you can bet on a casino game. It is Table maximums can be as low as $50 at the small locals casino Poker Palace, but major strip casinos usually offer some tables with a $10,000 maximum. Exceptions are the Golden Nugget in downtown which permits $15,000 bets, and three tables at Caesars Palace which permit bets between $5,000 and $50,000. A MaxBet refers to a maximum bet, which is essentially a limit set by an online casino on how much you can bet on casino games. Mostly, this restriction appears on slot machines but applies to all other games. This is why it is very important to read the terms and conditions to learn about such bet limits before placing a bet. But in VIP-halls of the same casino you can make a bet of $2000 or even $10000! And if you have specially requests you try negotiating with the administration to satisfy them.

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