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The Jesuit Order’s Pfizer Marypoison Vaccine

❗ The Jesuit Order’s Pfizer Marypoison Vaccine

July 22, 2020 — ‘US Signs Contract with Pfizer for COVID-19 Vaccine Doses’
“Washington—Trump administration will pay Pfizer nearly $2 billion for a December delivery of 100 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine the pharmaceutical company is developing, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar announced Wednesday. The U.S. could buy another 500 million doses under the agreement, Azar said. … The program aims to deliver 300 million doses of a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine by January 2021. … Pfizer and BioNTech said the U.S. will pay $1.95 billion upon receipt of the first 100 million doses it produces … Britain announced Monday it had secured access to another 90 million experimental COVID-19 vaccines made by Pfizer … The FDA has told manufacturers it expects any vaccine to be at least 50% effective to qualify.”
[^ Behold the Jesuit Order’s Holy Congregation for Propaganda of the Doctrine of the Catholic Faith, i.e. The Inquisition.]

April 27, 2018 — Pfizer: ‘We Are One’ [Displays Roman Catholic Crucifix as Focus @0:33]

“Through 6-12 month paid internships, Pfizer intends to offer opportunities to brilliant professionals of the future. For this reason, it has entered into partnerships with some of the best research institutes and universities (… Cattolica [Jesuit Controlled Franciscan ‘University of the Sacred Heart, Milan’], … La Sapienza [Jesuit Controlled] .” [Emphasis Mine]

Possible (Not Probable) Jesuit Priests Related to Pfizer Co-Founder Charles Erhart
~ Rev. Henry J. Erhart, S.J.
~ Joseph F. X. Erhart, S.J.

William Bentley Ball, K.S.G.
~ Legal Counsel Department — Pfizer Inc.
~ Jesuit Catholic Laymen
~ Catholic Educated, (Jesuit Controlled) Private ‘University of Notre Dame’ (1948)
~ Augustinian Educated, (Jesuit Controlled) Roman Catholic Private Augustinian ‘Villanova University School of Law’
~ Catholic Educated, (Jesuit Controlled) Roman Catholic Private Sister’s of Notre Dame ‘Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin School’
~ Member, Board of Governors, (Jesuit Controlled) Roman Catholic Private ‘Thomas Aquinas College’
~ General Counsel, Pennsylvania Catholic Conference, Public Policy Wing of the Roman Catholic Church, Pennsylvania
~ Papal Knight, (Jesuit Created and Controlled) ‘Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great’
~ Honorary Degree, (Jesuit Controlled) Roman Catholic Private ‘Catholic University of America’
~ Honorary Degree, (Jesuit Controlled) Roman Catholic Private Franciscan ‘St. Francis College’
“Following school Ball began to practice Corporate Law for … Pfizer Drug Co. Ball visited the Vatican where he was made a Knight of the Order of St. Gregory the Great for his services to the Catholic Church and Faith. In 1986, following the ascension of William Rehnquist to Chief Justice, William Ball was one of many considered for the Associate Justice seat that went to [Jesuit Georgetown University’s] Antonin Scalia.” [Emphasis Mine]
—William Bentley Ball; ‘The Catholic University of America: The American Catholic History Research Center and University Archive’
“William Bentley Ball, one of the nation’s foremost Catholic constitutional lawyers and a member of the Thomas Aquinas College Board of Governors … received his law degree from the University of Notre Dame in 1948. After working in the legal departments of … Pfizer, Inc., he taught constitutional law at the Villanova University School of Law from 1955 to 1960. He then served as General Counsel to the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference for the next eight years, after which he formed the Harrisburg, Penn., law firm of Ball, Skelly, Murren & Counsel, where he continued to represent the Conference until his death. … In Search of A National Morality (Baker Books/Ignatius Press 1992), … Mr. Ball became fast friends with Thomas Aquinas College … Over the next several years, he provided valuable assistance to the College … His love for the College endured, and in 1996 he accepted an invitation to serve on the College’s Board of Governors, a magnanimous commitment in view of the many worthy organizations and institutions clamoring for his attention. A model of Christian charity, William Bentley Ball was the legal giant of our times for Christians everywhere,” said President Thomas E. Dillon, who attended his funeral in Harrisburg, Penn. ‘The College is profoundly grateful to this champion of religious freedom not only for the achievements he won for so many, but for his commitment to authentic Catholic liberal education and to Thomas Aquinas College in particular.’ Mr. Ball’s family directed that memorial contributions be sent to the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation or to Thomas Aquinas College.”
—Thomas Aquinas College; ‘Thomas Aquinas College Newsletter,’ (Winter: 1999–2000)

John E. McKeen
~ ‘Director, Vice-president, Member of the Executive Committee, Executive Vice-President and President, Chairman of the Board’ — Pfizer Inc.
~ Catholic Educated, (Jesuit Controlled) Roman Catholic Private Congregation of the Mission ‘St. John's Preparatory School (Brooklyn, NYC)’
~ Honorary Degree, (Jesuit Controlled) Roman Catholic Private Congregation of the Mission ‘St. John's University (New York City)’
[Founder of the Congregation of the Mission; Vincent de Paul was a member of the Priory of/at Sion after being absorbed by the Jesuit Order (1617–19) making Vincent de Paul a Jesuit]
~ Honorary Degree, (Jesuit Controlled) Roman Catholic Private ‘Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Milan, Italy)’
~ Awarded Honorary, Commander, ‘Order of Merit of the Italian Republic’ (1955)
“John E. McKeen received his Secondary Education at St. John's Preparatory School, Brooklyn, N. Y., … He began his business career in 1926 as a Control Chemist with Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc., Brooklyn, manufacturing Chemists … He was elected a Director of the firm in 1944, Vice-President in 1945, and a member of the Executive Committee later that year. In 1948 he was elected Executive Vice-President and in 1949 he became President, in which office he continues, and since 1950 he also has been Chairman of the Board … In 1880, Pfizer began producing citric acid from citrate of lime imported from Italy … Mr. McKeen holds honorary LL.D. Degrees from … St. John's University in Brooklyn … In 1958, he was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Agricultural Sciences by the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, Italy. … His honorary awards include … commander, Order of Merit of the Italian Republic (1955), …”
—James T. White; ‘The National Cyclopædia of American Biography,’ Vol. 1 or 60, p. 294, (New York: 1960)

Robert L. Shafer, S.M.O.M.
~ Former Vice-President of Public Affairs and Government Relations (1966–96) — Pfizer Inc.
~ Benedictine Educated, (Jesuit Controlled) Roman Catholic Private Benedictine ‘College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University’
~ Jesuit Educated, Private Jesuit ‘Georgetown University’
~ Permanent Observer, (Jesuit Controlled) Roman Catholic Sovereign Military Order of Malta, United Nations, NYC (2004–15)
~ Chairman, Bord of Directors, (Jesuit Controlled) Roman Catholic Private ‘Convent of the Sacred Heart (Connecticut)’
~ Member, Board of Regents, (Jesuit Controlled) Roman Catholic Private ‘St. John’s University’
“As a representative of Pfizer, he lobbied the U.S. Congress and the governments of other countries where Pfizer had subsidiary corporations.”

Pfizer Receives Vatican’s Blessing on Viagra
“Pfizer even sent representatives the Vatican to see how the Catholic Church would respond to the pill. Luckily for Pfizer, the Vatican approved of Viagra because of its ability to marital sexual encounters.”

John G. Wall
~ Mechanical Engineer — Pfizer Inc.
~ Grand Knight of St. Nicholas Council, Jesuit Created & Controlled Roman Catholic Military Knights of Columbus
~ Member, (Jesuit Created & Controlled) Roman Catholic Secret Society Ancient Order of Hibernians, Division 29, NY County
“Even before the French Revolution there existed in Spain Secret-Societies, some averse to Monarchical Government, others in favour of clerocracy. Among the latter may be mentioned the ‘Concessionists,’ who carried their zeal for Ferdinand VII. And their tenderness for the Church to such a degree as to desire the return of the blessed times of the Holy Inquisition. They also sought to get hold of the management of public affairs to turn them to their own profit; and the dismal administration of the Bourbons shows that they partly succeeded. Probably from this association arose that of the ‘Defenders of the Faith,’ Jesuits in disguise, who in 1820 spread themselves over Spain, taking care of the throne and altar, and still more of themselves.”
—Charles William Heckethorn (1826–1902; Swiss-British, Prolific Writer, Historian); ‘Secret Societies of All Ages and Countries,’ Vol. 2, p. 213, (London: 1875)
“This strange alliance of Catholicism with brigandage is not incomprehensible in an age when men passionately sought temporal power for the Pope. It was a lawless mechanism as well suited to the Irish as to the Spanish temperament. Sir Garrett O’Moore Creagh preached his secret doctrine to the wild Irishry, and it is probable that the fraternity of the Defenders was one of the most potent elements in helping mutually incompatible representatives of Irish septs to sink their domestic hatreds and personal jealousies and prepare for a massacre of Protestants and the delivery of their country from the Scots and English settlers within the pale. Behind O’Moore were French and Spanish Jesuits, and the redoubtable hero was probably only an instrument in their hands, his country only a pawn in the game of world politics. He initiated the combination of a criminal and political Secret-Society working with a seditious national priesthood for the overthrow of Government by force of arms. These elements have been permanently and disastrously rooted in Irish national life ever since. The secret association of Defenders blossomed into the open movement of the Confederate Catholics and the massacre of 1641. The history of the Defenders after Cromwell’s bloody reckoning with the Irish Catholic Confederacy is little known. The open movement of insurrection had been stamped out and the organization was simply a Secret-criminal-political-Society, submerged but venomous. It was an age of intrigue and religious plotting. Roman Catholicism in those days meant foreign domination to the British, and the shadow of militant France and Imperial Inquisitional Spain stood behind the now exiled Stuarts. The Irish Catholics, as distinct from the English Catholics, supported the Stuarts more from hatred of the English than from any belief in the Divine right of Kings—unless they be Irish Kings. The exiled Irishmen who infested the European capitals acted as couriers, bravos and intermediaries in the seething web of intrigue. The Jesuit influence in the development of the Defenders was reinforced, and their ceremonies and symbolism slowly changed to an elementary ritual closely modeled on that of the ceremony of initiation to the Society of Jesus of the period. This ritual has descended with many accretions and modernization to the present time; and the American branch of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, misled by it, traces its origin back, not to 1641 and the Garduna, but to 1563 and the foundation of the Society of Jesus.”
—Major Hugh B. C. Pollard (1888–1966; British S.O.E. Intelligence Officer, M.I.6. Madrid, Jesuit Coadjutor, Flew Jesuit Created & Controlled Knight of Malta Fascist Roman Dictator General Francisco Franco, S.M.O.M. from the Canary Islands to Morocco Triggering the Jesuit Created Spanish Civil War); ‘The Secret Societies of Ireland, Their Rise and Progress,’ p. 6-8, (London: 1922)

Bill Carapezzi
~ ‘Executive Vice President, Global Business Services and Transformation’ — Pfizer Inc.
~ Jesuit Educated, Private Jesuit ‘Fairfield University’
“Bill holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from Fairfield University … and a LL.M in Taxation from New York University School of Law.”

Frank D’Amelio
~ ‘Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President, Global Supply’ — Pfizer Inc.
~ Catholic Educated, (Jesuit Controlled) Roman Catholic Private ‘St. John’s University (New York City)’
~ Jesuit Educated, Private Jesuit ‘Saint Peter’s University’
“Frank earned his MBA in Finance from St. John’s University and his bachelor’s degree in Accounting from St. Peter’s University.”

Rady Johnson
~ ‘Executive Vice President, Chief Compliance, Quality & Risk Officer’ — Pfizer Inc.
~ Jesuit Educated, Private Jesuit ‘Georgetown University Law Center’
“He is a graduate of … the Georgetown University Law Center.”

Ronald E. Blaylock
~ ‘Executive Member on the Board of Directors’ — Pfizer Inc.
~ Jesuit Educated, Private Jesuit ‘Georgetown University’
~ Former Member, Board of Directors, Private Jesuit ‘Georgetown University’
“Mr. Blaylock … formerly served on the board of Georgetown University. … Mr. Blaylock earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance from Georgetown University …”

Susan Hockfield
~ ‘Executive Member on the Board of Directors’ — Pfizer Inc.
~ Jesuit Educated, Private Jesuit ‘Georgetown University Medical Center’ (1979)

Bei B Zhang
~ ‘Vice President, Metabolic Research’ — Pfizer Inc.
~ Jesuit Educated, (Incognito Jesuit) ‘Fudan University’ (Shanghai, China) [Founded by Jesuit Ma Xiangbo, S.J.]
“Education: Fudan University, B.S.”

Team Resources:
Johnny Cirucci:
Eric Bowman:
Doc Felipe:
En Goodz:

❤️ Yahusha is Ha'Mashiach, the Yachid of Yahuah, who is Elohiym and 'Echad
If you shall confess with your mouth Adonai Yahusha, and shall believe in your heart that Yah has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved.
🇻🇦 The Whore of Babylon is Rome
submitted by EnGoodz to Jesuitworldorder [link] [comments]

Banca internacional #04 PT MT – Banca e inversión, mitigando PT withholding tax.

Este contenido fue publicado originalmente el 19/08/2019 - Aca
Posts anteriores de la serie


Los que siguen los posts de -Banca Internacional- y los freelancers IT con los que estuve charlando en /Merval estaban esperando otro post con información con respecto a “Export de servicios, incorporación, DTAs y residencia fiscal.”. Ese post está al 90% sin embargo visto y considerando la situación por la que paso Argentina post elecciones primarias y las reacciones de pánico de inversores vía este medio me parece más relevante ofrecerles información que les proporcione soluciones a problemas del ahora.


La banca internacional no viene libre de problemas para el residente fiscal de la República Argentina ya que se tributa en su ingreso mundial y se deben declarar cuentas en el extranjero a la AFIP. A contrariedad de lo que quieren hacer creer a la gente, la sola posesión/operación de cuentas domiciliadas en el extranjero no es ilegal. Ilegal es la evasión fiscal. El problema se genera cuando las jurisdicciones donde el cliente se bancariza y existe algún impuesto sobre depósitos o dividendos y surge la doble tributación. Con el fin de este inconveniente existen los Double Taxation Agreement/Treaties (DTA/DTT) o Tratado de Doble Imposición en español.

Los que invierten o están bancarizados en Estados Unidos tienen claro que entre EEUU y Argentina no hay tax treaties, así que tienen deducciones de 30% (withholding tax). Este framework no es exclusivo de EEUU, en otros países como los de la Unión Europea es común y las tasas varían entre si, inclusive dentro del mismo país pueden ser diferentes. Un buen ejemplo de esto es Portugal, país que va a ser centro del presente artículo.

Portugal (on-shore) impone un withholding tax del 28%, mínimamente por debajo del impuesto por EEUU. Sin embargo Madeira (Portugal off-shore) impone un 22%.

¿Podemos abrir una cuenta en un banco domiciliado en Madeira y hacer uso del descuento en la tasa de 6%? Si, podemos, pero no es lo que vamos a hacer ya que esto requiere un time frame superior. Para bancarizarnos en Madeira necesitamos documentos apostillados y en algunos casos visitas personales , couriers.... Quizás en este momento ese 6.5% no amerite los requerimientos cuando podemos mitigar el 28% en su totalidad.

Argentina está pasando por una situación difícil de entender para quien no haya vivido una experiencia similar en primera persona. Los ahorristas quieren mover sus capitales lo antes posible y evitar así seguir perdiendo poder adquisitivo, poder acceder a una banca que ofrezca mejores servicios y a mejor costo. Poder mover fondos sin tener que justificar destino y en lo posible invertir como para tener retorno.


Como aprendimos anteriormente Portugal impone un withholding tax de 28% en intereses. Visto que residentes fiscales en Argentina tienen que tributar sobre su ingreso mundial, sería de importancia intentar evitar la doble imposición. Ya que no existe DTA/DTT entre Argentina y Portugal hay que mitigarlo de otra manera. Evitando invertir en Portugal e invertir en una jurisdicción dentro del Area Economica Europea y preferentemente área SEPA donde los intereses se paguen net/gross.

Enter Malta. Malta es considerado un centro financiero semi-shore (como Singapur, Hong Kong, UAE, Bahrain). Si no fuese tan engorroso bancarizarse en Malta evitaríamos Portugal.

Entonces el fin de nuestro esquema es Banca en Portugal y Banca de inversión/depósitos/plazo fijos en Malta. Preferentemente multi currency y con acceso a transferencias sin costos SEPA para minimizar el costo de capital y mantenimiento. La razón por la cual necesitamos la banca en una jurisdicción on-shore en la Union Europea es porque para poder acceder a servicios de inversión/plazo fijos en (algunos) proveedores Malteses, es un requerimiento “una cuenta a nombre del inversor en una institución de crédito de la Union Europea”. Cuentas en Channel Islands/Jersey/Isle of Man no son válidas. Irónicamente cuentas de ciertos bancos en Kuwait si (más de esto después).

De esta manera la institución de Malta puede remitir los intereses/depositos vía SEPA sin costo, a la institución en Portugal donde el usuario puede hacer uso del capital vía tarjetas de débito, otras transferencias SEPA a un Exchange de Cryptocurrencies, o así mismo transferir dichos fondos vía un servicio de pagos tipo TransferWise a Argentina o cualquier otra jurisdicción.

Modus operandi

El proceso es simple, para hacer uso de este esquema, como explique con anterioridad, es necesario iniciar dos relaciones bancarias. Una en Portugal (retail) y otra en Malta (inversión).

Debajo esta la lista de los bancos Portugueses que operan con no residentes pero que además hacen el on-boarding del cliente de manera digital. Aspecto clave de nuestro esquema. Funciona con otros bancos también, esto esta resumido a los servicios que entre otras cosas, aceptan argentinos, on-barding remoto y que probé personalmente, con la intención de escribir este articulo.

Una vez abierta esta cuenta, con nuestro IBAN Portugués a mano, podemos proceder al registro de la cuenta de inversión en Malta, La cual requiere de un poco más de trabajo manual. Es un 70% digital y un 30% analógico pero también se puede hacer a distancia.

Por una cuestión de simplicidad voy a incluir dos bancos en Portugal y dos instituciones del mismo grupo inversor en Malta. Se puede abrir una cuenta bancaria a distancia también pero hay que tener más paciencia/tiempo ya que requiere papeleo.

Instituciones de interés

Atlantico Europa es un banco con sede central en Lisboa y regulado por el Banco central de Portugal bajo licencia #189 (, Comisión de Mercado de Activos (SEC Portugues licencia #343) y Banco central Europeo (ECB). En Europa no es un banco de gran antigüedad, la subsidiaria Europea data del 2009 y posee Sucursales en Portugal y Namibia y Angola. Similar al Caso de Standard bank en Jersey. El banco trabaja con residentes y no residentes retail, privado y corporate.
CRS: Si, compliant.
Withholding tax: 28%, Puede reducirse vía DTA.
Deposito mínimo: 0 EUR.
Deposito mínimo requerido para apertura: 250 EUR
Balance mínimo: 0 EUR.
Costo Mensual: 0 EUR.
Underfunding: 0 EUR.
Divisas: EUR, CHF, GBP, USD.
Tarjetas de débito: Si, en EUR.
Tarjetas de crédito: Si, en EUR.
No residentes: Si.
Divisas exóticas: No.
Seguro de depósitos: Si, ECB standard. EUR 100.000 x cliente x banco.
Inversiones: Si. Bonos, fondos, acciones, ETFs, FX y otros. No todos disponibles en todas las jurisdicciones.
Limitaciones: La web y la App suelen mezclar Ingles y Portugues pero no es una situacion imposible. Las tarjetas de debito y credito estan disponibles inclusive para no residentes pero hay un catch, el delivery es a la sucursal o dentro de portugal. Se puede usar una "mailing address" en Portugal or ir de manera personal.

Banco BPI S.A. - Portugal
Banco BPI S.A. establecido en Lisboa en 1995. Supervisado por el Banco central Portugues bajo licencia #10 ( y el ECB.
CRS: Si, compliant.
Withholding tax: 28%, Puede reducirse vía DTA.
Deposito mínimo: 0 EUR.
Deposito mínimo requerido para apertura: 0 EUR.
Balance mínimo: 0 EUR.
Costo mensual: 3.5+Tax a 7.5+Tax EUR.
Underfunding: 0 EUR.
Divisas: EUR, CHF, GBP, USD.
Tarjetas de débito: Si, dos ofrecidas en el paquete en EUR.
Tarjetas de crédito: Si, en EUR.
No residentes: Si.
Divisas exóticas: ZAR, CAD, NZD, SGD, JPY, AUD, NOK, DKK, SEK, PLN.
Seguro de depósitos: Si, ECB standard. EUR 100.000 x cliente x banco.
Inversiones: Si. Bonos, fondos, FX y otros. No todos disponibles en todas las jurisdicciones.
Limitaciones: N/A.

easisave - Malta
easisave es un producto de FIMBank PLC. Consecuentemente no es en si un banco sino que nos ofrece cuentas de fácil acceso con onboarding digital. Solo ofrecen cajas de ahorro y plazo fijos. Se puede abir únicamente una caja de ahorro sin embargo un plazo fijo requiere una caja de ahorro (donde se pagaran los intereses). Las cuentas son libres de costo.
FIMBank P.L.C. es un banco con sede central en Malta (Licenciado por Malta Financial Services Authority bajo licencia C17003 (, su otra sede se encuentra en el Dubái International Financial Center opebando bajo licencia #273 ( y operan mayoritariamente global trade finance, import/export cartas de crédito y banca offshore para compañías de una tercera jurisdicción. Además hacen servician a clientes personales bajo el producto de nombre FIMBank Direct.
FIMBank PLC es una compañía publica incorporada bajo las leyes de Malta y listada en la bolsa de dicho país. Quien esta detrás de la firma? Tiene solo dos accionistas, United Gulf Holding Company B.S.C (Banco establecido en 1991, EMEA) y Burgan Bank K.P.S.C. (Banco establecido en 1975 Kuwait/GCC/Jordania). Estos dos bancos además son subsidiarios de KIPCO ( Kuwait Investment Projects Company fondo de inversión soberano del estado de Kuwait. Fundado en 1975 y con activos superiores a USD 30 Billiones.
CRS: Si, compliant.
Withholding tax: 0%, El cliente declara y paga acorde a su jurisdicción de residencia fiscal.
Deposito mínimo: 0 EUR.
Deposito mínimo requerido para apertura: 50 EU 50 USD.
Balance mínimo: 50 EU 50 USD. EUR 1000 para plazo fijos.
Costo mensual: 0 EUR.
Underfunding: N/A.
Divisas: EUR, USD.
Tarjetas de débito: No.
Tarjetas de crédito: No.
No residentes: Si.
Divisas exoticas: No.
Seguro de depósitos: Si, ECB standard. EUR 100.000 x cliente. Maltese Depositor Compensation Scheme
Inversiones: Si. Caja de ahorros, plazo fijos.
Limitaciones: Si. Para registrarse como cliente es imperativo tener una cuenta domiciliada en la Unión Europea excluyendo dependencias de la corona pero incluyendo a Reino Unido y Gibraltar. La cuenta no puede ser un EMI y debe ser una cuenta en una institución de crédito. El IBAN de la cuenta es chequeado al momento del registro.
Individuals (Maltese nationals and non-Maltese nationals) who are 18 years and over, holding an account with a credit institution within the European Economic Area (EEA), which currently includes Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark (excluding the Faroe Islands and Greenland), Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and UK (excluding Channel Islands and Isle of Man) or an account with Burgan Bank in Kuwait, Turkey or Jordan.
Para registrarse en easisave y hacer uso de los plazo fijos hay que abrir primero una easisave savings account donde se deposita el mínimo requerido al momento de la apertura.
Depósitos y extracciones de la cuenta easisave son posibles únicamente y exclusivamente desde/hacia el IBAN usado al momento del registro y a nombre del cliente. Los intereses se pagan gross/net a la easisave savings account haciendo uso del 0% withholding tax Maltes.

FIMBank PLC - Malta
FIMBank Direct es el nombre que se le da a la banca Online de FIMBank. La diferencia principal con easisave es que vía esta entidad se pueden abrir cuentas corrientes, las cuales no requieren una cuenta en otra entidad de crédito domiciliada en la Unión Europea para operar o dar servicio. El catch es que los costos son mas altos que lidiar con easisave directamente. Sin embargo ofrece mas flexibilidad. Hay que leer los costos con atención, cuando están en USD aplican a operaciones no en euros. Los pagos SEPA desde una cuenta easisave son gratuitos cuando en otro caso tienen costo. Otra diferencia es que requieren mas papeleo que el requerido para easisave.
CRS: Si, compliant.
Withholding tax: 0%, El cliente declara y paga acorde a su jurisdicción de residencia fiscal.
Deposito mínimo: 50 EUUSD.
Deposito mínimo requerido para apertura:
Savings account 50 EUUSD.
Current account 5000 EUUSD.
Balance mínimo:
Savings account 50 EUUSD.
Current account 2500 USD.
Costo anual: 100 USD.
Underfunding: 100 USD.
Divisas: EUR, USD, GBP.
Tarjetas de débito: No.
Tarjetas de crédito: No.
No residentes: Si.
Divisas exoticas: Si bajo pedido.
Limitaciones: La caja de ahorro tiene la misma limitacion que easisave (ya que es el mimo producto) donde se debe tener una cuenta en la Union Europea en una entidad crediticea. Lo mismo que la limitacion de easisave. Esta limitacion no existe para la cuenta corriente.
Seguro de depósitos: Si, ECB standard. EUR 100.000 x cliente. Maltese Depositor Compensation Scheme

Happy banking.

Token Wallet address BTC 19xvUdQoZosrzYKNaTCK834zRkg5Bogop BCH qqqmyqjspnq0fazk9wvv0elc8vxdp2rkvgfqs3s87x LTC LKNvBgwEtE3w7oEUYiSVb96qCe7xFDBvp8 ETH/DAI 0x1cbbcf2ca8849893ad7feac5ef5c735f6d91fa4e XMR 44AXEt8ZkmjgGuUrPaoNTzBGhp92L3HozSYxAip7dz8qL6A3neJBriLRSjC8Qnam4tEhfw2yXzcXsbZ2dJiWHDC7Ji8nBvx 
submitted by diyexageh to LATAM_PersonalFinance [link] [comments]

Trending Project Topics For Final Year Students At A Glance

Since is consistently in the matter of helping students, particularly, final year students thinking hard for final year project topics that will be qualified to present to their project supervisors and at last to make them rave stamps in their outcomes; we have gotten concerned and wish to make a variety of final year project topics that are catchy, relevant and have a minimal cost of research.
This article is certainly not a final authority in the importance of these proposed final year project topics, however, is a quasi guide, that should give final year students thought of what their final year project topic ought to be and how to approach and how to go about constructing them.
Having a reasonable final year project topic can be a genuine test, particularly, mulling over the condition of the current economy; final year students look for final year project topics with insignificant research cost, are applicable to the ebb and flow situations in the nation and snappy, rather than extensive and ‘befuddled’… simply like the parenthesized word.
After some time, we have gone over the final year project topics that are quite confusing and for the most part excessively occupied with factors. For instance, “The impact of Recession on the Manufacturing Industry and Communications as it Affects Banking Habits”: this topic was a moment of cerebral pain, yet at the same time, we made a difference.
Without bringing up, one can promptly say that the above final year project topic isn’t appealing or has insignificant research cost, it may be important, yet its significance is lost in the over-crowdedness of factors to test. Factors being “Recession” “Manufacturing Industry” “Communications” and “Banking Habits”; one is left to wonder which of these factors ought to be tried, what instruments to utilize, and the entire final year project writing experience turns into weight and discipline, rather than a learning experience.
Belatedly, yet huge to this article, the above final year project topic could have been begotten in a few, less difficult structures, as:-
  1. “The Importance of Communications as it affects Customers’ Banking Habits”
    1. “The Importance and Impact of Communications in curbing premature Retirement in the Manufacturing Industry”
    2. “The Impact of Recession as it affects Customers’ Banking Habits”
    3. “Banking Habits and its effect on the Manufacturing Industry”
    4. “Recession and its impact on Productivity in the Manufacturing Industry”
And so numerous other basic and catchy final year project topics that could have been produced using only that complicated one; straightforward and catchy as well as negligible in research cost and general project writing exertion.
As guaranteed in the beginning, we will exhibit an example of straightforward yet successfully dexterous final year project topics from a portion of the well-known departments
  1. The role of audit in managing fraud a case study of Unilever plc
  2. The problem of financing government corporations
  3. Role of accounting information on small and medium scale business in Nigeria
  4. private sector and the problem of working capital management
  5. Effects of fair value accounting on users of financial statement case study of 6 selected companies listed on the stock exchange market.
  6. Importance of proper accounting in modern-day business
  7. Management accounting and its application to organizational, planning, control and decision making
  8. Impact of auditing in controlling fraud and other financial irregularities
  9. Petroleum profit tax and capital expenditure of the Nigerian economy Taxation as an aid to economic development: the pros and cons.
10. Tax as a stimulus for growth and development in Nigeria
Banking And Finance:
1. The impact of information technology on banking operations in Nigeria
2. The impact of the e-payment of the system in operational efficiency in Nigeria banks.
3. The effectiveness of non-bank financial institution on the growth of Nigeria economy
4. The importance of an effective management information system in the banking industry in Nigeria.
5. The effect of training on the performance of the employee in an organization.
6. The role of entrepreneurship in economic growth in Nigeria
7. Liquidity and credit management in Nigeria banking and industry
8. Staff development program and employee performance in the banking industry.
9. The effect of staff motivation on bank’s services delivery
10. Procedures and appraisal of risk management for nonbank financial institutions.
Business Administration:
  1. The effect of business organization in Nigerian companies
  2. The role of the auditor in small business organizations
  3. The importance of management in general business administration
  4. The effect of environmental factors on the performance of small and medium scale businesses in Nigeria
  5. The extent which business administration assists in banking operations
  6. Personality and its effects on group performance
  7. Significance of entrepreneurial studies in the understanding of business analysis
  8. The impact of internal control measures on the detection and prevention of fraud in banks
  9. The significant role of business organization in small scale enterprises
  10. A critical study on the effects of job stress on the performance of bankers in Nigeria

Computer Science:

1. Design and implementation of a computer-based warehouse information system

2. Student project allocation and verification system for monitoring duplication

3. Design and implementation of an internet cafe billing system

4. Design and implementation of an online hotel reservation system

5. Design and implementation of an importation tracking system

6. GPS and GPRS based telemonitoring system for emergency patient transportation

7. Design and implementation of the stock management system

8. Design and implementation of online tutorial on fish farming and production

9. Design and implementation of an information management system for the computer science department

10. Design and implementation of an automated school fees payment system


1. The effect of bank verification number (BVN) on fraud prevention in Nigeria banking industry and Nigeria’s economy

2. An analysis of the impact of stock market development on economic growth in Nigeria

3. The impact of the CBN's cashless policy on the development of the banking sector of Nigeria

4. An assessment of the role of financial market in the economy a case study of Nigerian stock exchange

5. Impact of exchange rate fluctuations in value-added tax on the economic growth of Nigeria

6. An empirical investigation of the impact of government education spending on economic growth (1981–2012)

7. The impact of capital formation via savings and investment on the growth of the Nigerian economy 1980–2013

8. The impact of technology on economic development in the Nigerian financial market activities” with a special focus on your united bank for Africa (UBA).

9. Human capital development and economic growth in Nigeria: an empirical analysis

10. Securities and exchange market and the Nigerian economy; adaptive expectation hypothesis 1990–2015

Education :

1. Comparison of using two educational media in teaching and learning the digestive system of farm animals in secondary schools in Adamawa state

2. Evaluation of coaching classes in secondary school students’ performance in chemistry

3. Effect of instructional materials on teaching and learning in nursery and primary schools

4. Effects of computer-based instruction on the learning effectiveness of hearing impaired pupils in Lagos state special primary schools

5. Effect of birth order on students educational development in mainland local government area of Lagos state

6. Distribution and utilization of educational resources in two state/federal government-owned schools in Lagos state

7. An investigation into openness-values and counterfactual thinking factors influencing secondary school students’ academic achievement in Ondo Nigeria

8. Transforming tertiary institutions for mass higher education through distance and open learning approaches in Nigeria

9. Selection and utilization of social studies instructional methods by secondary school teachers in Ebonyi state

10. Perceptions of business education students on the relevance of entrepreneurship education at the colleges of education level

Home Economics:

1. Challenges militating against the effective teaching and learning of home economics in senior secondary schools in Rivers state.

2. Factors affecting the performance of home economics students in senior secondary schools in Akwa Ibom state

3. The effects of home economics on the business growth of Taraku soya milk manufacturing company Nigeria limited Benue state

4. The effects of two teaching methods on academic performance of senior secondary school students in home economics

5. A comparative study on teaching practice experiences of home economics student-teachers: challenges and possible panacea

6. The level of home economics education literacy among secondary school students in Aliade local government area, Benue state.

7. Assessing the home economics education awareness level among junior secondary school students in Calabar cross river state

8. Availability of teachers and laboratory facilities for effective teaching and learning of home economics in a junior secondary school in Enugu north

9. Comparative study of academic performance of home economics students in a junior secondary school in Asaba local government area.

10. Availability of qualified home economics teachers in effective teaching and learning of home economics in senior secondary schools

Information Technology:

1. Information technology and services delivery: a case study of a tertiary hospital in Rivers state

2. The effect of computer usage on academic achievement of secondary school students in Nigeria

3. Enhancing the Nigerian economy through wireless internet network enhancing the Nigerian economy through wireless internet network

4. Improving the capacity of a renewable power system, using solar power panel (a case study of computer science and software lab

5. Social media entrepreneurship as a tool for national development: a case study of selected bloggers and webmasters in Ikeja, Lagos

6. A survey of database management in enhancing the work performance of OTM graduates in selected organizations in Abuja

7. The use of information and communication technology in the teaching of vocational subjects in Nigeria polytechnics

8. Assessment of the utilization of internet services among students in federal institutions in Kaduna state

9. The application of information technology to the learning and teaching of economics in Nigeria: a case study of secondary schools in Jos

10. Analysis of data mining techniques of telecommunication companies in Nigeria: a case study of MTN Nigeria


1. The problems and prospects of corporate social responsibility in the Nigerian manufacturing industry

2. An assessment of the role of broadcast media in women mobilization during the 2015 general elections in Nigeria

3. The effect of advertising on consumer preference patterns for malt drinks in Enugu metropolis: a comparative study of Guinness Malta and Amstel Malta

4. Customer relationship management and marketing performance in the Nigeria banking industry

5. Customer relationship management and company performance in the Nigerian food and beverages industry

6. A comparative analysis of consumer attitude towards different brands of motor oil lubricant products in Enugu urban

7. Corporate reputation and marketing performance of the alcoholic beverage industry in Port Harcourt

8. Brand identity and marketing performance empirical evidence from quoted commercial banks in Nigeria

9. An analysis of promotional techniques and their fit with some selected private sector organization in Kano metropolis

10. The effect of consumer protection on brand loyalty of fast-moving consumer goods in Ikeja, Lagos state.

Political Science:

1. The relevance of traditional rulers in contemporary Nigeria’s governance

2. Political development in Nigeria: a study of 3 senatorial districts of Akwa Ibom State

3. Marginalization and youth unrest in the niger-delta region of Nigeria

4. Effect of political instability on implementation of Nigeria policy on secondary school education

5. An appraisal of the role of the government in poverty alleviation in Nigeria

6. Gender inequality and women participation in politics: the Nigeria experience

7. Voter behavior and the electoral process in Nigeria

8. The effect of social media on voting behavior in Nigeria

9. Impact of the refugee crisis on human security in West Africa

10. Grassroot democracy and youth development in local government administration

Public Administration:

1. An assessment of the role and challenges of nongovernmental organizations in rural development in Nigeria

2. A study into the problems and solution of the 2007 public procurement act on transparency and accountability

3. The role of NGOs in the management of the Okwangwo range of Cross river national park (forestry and wildlife resources management)

4. The influence of conflict management effectiveness on administrative staff productivity in tertiary institutions.

5. The influence of group pressure on adolescents behavioral problems in Nigeria secondary schools

6. Public policy and grass-root development in Nigeria (a critical appraisal of national poverty eradication program on Asari-Toru LGA of River state)

7. Combating corruption in Nigeria: a case study of the economic and financial crimes commission (EFCC)

8. Factors militating the transformation of Nkweme local government department of public administration

9. The relationship between parent social-economic growth and educational achievement of their children in the secondary school system in Jahngo local government, Taraba state.

10. Determination of the structure of income inequality and poverty in a rural household in Yala local government area of Cross River state

The list grows extensively, for final year project topics in any department of your choice, please visit We hope this article has been of immense help in giving final year students an idea of how their final year project topics should be effectively coined.

submitted by Chibuikec558 to project [link] [comments]

[SECRET] The Question of Offshore Banking; officially Operation Skylark

Monitoring the Situation

The Channel Islands are of need of some minor financial reconstruction in this period immediately after the end of the Occupation of France. Their status outside of the UK, yet so geographically close, allows them the unique opportunity to act as both offshore banks, and signal stations for both the UK, and France.
Under the guise of both, reconstruction efforts to bring a succinct and complete restoration of Imperial Administration to the Islands (where appropriate), and of being City bankers looking to exploit the difference in taxation rates, and island banking secrecy, MI5 is to establish offices here under the cover story of being new Banks. As financial sites, these will no doubt require some level of guard, constant postal communication with both Britain & the mainland, and significant radio communications.
These will obscure the MI5 guard, actual post (either encrypted/ciphered communications, or more mundane communications), and efforts to act as a listening station for Mainland France.
Once established, funds can be transferred to these banks to be used as slush funds for other MI5 activities. These banks, less than moral services, can also be offered covertly to less than moral Businessmen.
It can be believed that by offering these services privately, the Government gains a degree of compromising material with which to blackmail the businessmen, & their funds to directly sponsor the slush fund operations.
By targeting foreign businesses as well, it is hoped, by the more competitive of intelligence agents, that the UK can deprive the states of these foreign businesses of the rightful tax income and instead gain a fraction of it.
By using the services the businesses can act in less than legal manners, without as much financial oversight.

The curious case of the Manx about Town

In a very similar operation to the establishment of dark MI5 banks in the Channel Islands, a new Bank is to be founded on the Isle of Man, also offering Offshore banking services to both the British and the Irish. Again these services will grant MI5 compromising material on the users, a source of funding and a means of tracking the growth of financial crimes of this nature amongst the commercial world.
These new banks will begin trading debts and loans with the banks in the Channel Islands, as to further obfuscate loan sources, and account details. In a ploy akin to the Channel furthering of French interest, services are privately offered to both the British businessmen, and foreigners, in particular the people of Ireland, and more specifically both the Orangemen, and the businessmen of the Free State.

I’m only Malteasing you

With a now-growing history of financial institution covers, MI5 is to establish another Offshore Banking front in Malta. This time, the services are to be offered to Mediterrean Businesses, and in particular the Cosa Nostra of Southern Italy. By promising utmost financial secrecy, through running the accounts through other shell accounts, and funded by conglomerated accounts in the Channel Islands, and Isle of Man - and providing an easily accountable accessible service for them to launder their money. The Banks’ interest rates are more than considerable for the pitiful clean amounts put into the less secret account.
In return, it is hoped by Intelligence Officials that communication channels may be opened with these Italian Mafias, and their trust slowly earned. This trust can later be exploited for the mass arrest and incarceration of such villains, or expansion into their cousins the Italian Mobs of America.

Haven of Virgin

Akin to its European counterparts, a further listening-post-financial centre, is to be established within the British Virgin Islands, and with it, a relief package from the British Government aimed at restoring the strained social programs and to end the surging emigration from the island.

The American Financial Acquisition and Special Investment Vehicle

In light of the restrictions in place on the Anglo-American Loan, namely the requirement to spend $3.75 billion of the loan with the USA, the UK is to establish the American Financial Acquisition and Special Investment Vehicle. The AFASIV is a Special Investment Vehicle worth a total of $3.75 billion, offered to the Governments, and Private Entities of the British Empire and Commonwealth.This SIV offers to provide an effective 10% discount on American Products and Services. By paying into the AFASIV for these services, the AFASIV will pay the remaining 10% of the required cost and fulfill the required spending allocation as per the terms of the loan. Should this SIV be entirely successful it would convert the $3.75 billion of money allocated to be spent in the USA, into $3.375 billion of which the UK Government has no such requirements.
Given the size of the AFASIV, we cannot expect this fund to be depleted immediately, and will instead support purchases of American made products for the foreseeable future.

The Freedom of Americas Reinvestment Platform

With help of dual national citizens, both British-Americans, and Canadian-Americans a new public Reinvestment Platform is to be created within the United States of America under the oversight of MI5 agents. This platform will publicly act as a single fund through which goods, and services across all of Latin America can be acquired, implicitly for the easy supply back to the Old World. More tactfully it in conjunction with the AFASIV will allow for the Empire to spend it’s carefully obtained Anglo-American Loan with relative ease, without worrying about the breaking of the strict fiscal requirements imposed in the terms of the loan. The American Government can be happy to still receive the corporation tax payments made by the FARP.
The FARP will also begin to invest into the stocks and shares of the American Export Market, as they are expected to prove profitable in the coming times. Any such profits, or dividends are to be returned to be reinvested by the FARP. Here, the FARP can be used to fund and organise reconstruction efforts in the British Virgin Islands.
The profitability of companies part-owned by the FARP can be increased through profiling those companies whose ownership would be susceptible to extra-legal tax avoidance. Such companies can then be approached by the British Virgin Island’s Offshore Banks, through FARP intermediaries.

Gnomes of Zurich

Swiss banking secrecy is not something to be sniffed at, and their safety deposit boxes may offer a large-scale, if not entirely overt method of storing finances abroad. Bearer-bonds are perhaps the safest of these methods, being anonymously redeemable, and easily acquired across various markets. Perhaps not the most controlled of methods, they at least allow the transfer of money through the non-physical transfer of security box details.

The Land of the Anonymous Brave

The Partnership Act of 1890 created these, exceptionally useful entities known as Scottish Limited Partnerships. These legal personalities can be created with only an address, and no human identity to be held accountable - perfect for the now numerous Secret institutions looking to offer money laundering, or other financial services to their dubious clientele.

It’s in the Baghdad

To the bustling city of Baghdad ventures to pull foreign business through off-shore accounts are held. With some targets identified as attendees the Iraqi Royal Eid Gala as groundwork, agents, operatives, investors, viziers, and advisers can begin to suggest, and recommend such tax avoidance schemes to the wealthy foreign investors, and, to the more thrifty Iraqi aristocrat.

Lion in dire straits

In the strait city of Singapore, new offices extend their reach to the naive workers’ co-operatives across the Malay States, the Strait Settlements, and even into the (Former) Dutch East Indies. Here, well practised, slick salespeople are paid commission to help budding enterprises offshore their finances into stable, well-run accounts.

For all the Tea in China

Even as far east as Hong Kong grow the roots of these illicit branch-companies. Here the opium deals, and Triad; or at least their fronts, have been selected as prime targets to be offered such convenient financial services. Where the new clients may perhaps have, “export arrangements” as innocently worded by one Intelliegence operative, in the Americas, an extension of services to their local receiving chapter is offered. The Question of Offshore Banking; officially Operation Skylark
submitted by Christi-Cat to ColdWarPowers [link] [comments]

Anti-Corruption & News Summary - Sep/25/19 :: March 1st - How former regime covered up - Details released - Suicides, Deaths & Murders :: Frmr Police boss charged :: Frmr Defense Ministry a suspect :: SOC vs Serj govt - Nature Protection :: 2 mayors busted :: Foreign affairs & Borders :: PM in NYC

The SIS is pressing 3 felony charges against the former police chief Alik Sargsyan as part of the March 1st case. Other high ranking former HHK and Kocharyan officials are implicated. It's about a March 1st coverup. SIS released a lengthy report on who did what before/during/after March 1st.

SIS says:
After the March 1st events, Serj's aide and a deputy Justice Minster Gevorg Kostanyan (GK), with the help of deputy police chief Gevorg Mheryan (GM), colluded with Kocharyan and others to cover up the March 1st crimes done by the police, and the army's involvement. Being an international diplomats, they went to European institutes and used their positions to continue to cover up these crimes. Former police chief Alik Sargsyan (AS) was also involved. They used their powers to pressure some people to make favorable decisions for the regime.

In June-2008, GK and GM went to the police headquarters and gathered a meeting with AS and other high ranking officers. GK & GM presented the cops a document titled "Work plan, questions to be clarified". It had 25 questions that was asking the cops about the work done by them during March 1st. GK and GM forced the cops to write that all actions were legal, and to falsify the document's signature date. AS (at the time not the bigest boss but still a boss) and his subordinates complied.

Meanwhile, now-deceased police chief Hayk Harutyunayn (HH), his aide Alexander Afyan, high ranking officials Hayk Miltoyan and Hovhannes Tamamyan, several soldiers, colluded and falsified the information they had and the document's date, and provided the fake document to a Parliamentary committee that was tasked with examining March 1st.
This false doc was written well after March 1st 2008. The doc's date was falsified as if it was written in February 29. In this doc, cops claimed that they received info that the peaceful early-morning protesters near Opera building had weapons. This false info was used as a pretense to raid the protester tents. Some of these false reports were allegedly sent to police chief Hayk Harutyunyan (who in his own testimony later said that he was told the protesters had weapons). [See the article for full details on how they did it. Search for keyword "Վերը նշված գործողությունները դրսևորվել են հետևյալում". The European COurt for HUman Rights would later find these police actions illegal.]

When the cameras recorded how the army was illegally brought with army vehicles in March 1st, Gevorg Kostanyan took actions to cover it up. He and others falsified data to make it seem as if earlier a group of policemen went to army to provide various support to soldiers, and that apparently it was these policemen who came back to Yerevan in those army vehicles. Police chief Hayk Harutyunyan knowingly signed the false docs to confirm this fake info.

Gevorg Kostanyan (GK) and Gevorg Mehryan (GM) then pressured the Chief of Police Troops Headquarters Gegham Petrosyan to help cover up the fact that the army was involved. (Gegham Petrosyan was recently charged for a murder of a protester. He's the first person to be charged with a direct connection of a murder.)
GK and GM instructed Geghamyan and others to claim that the actions on the ground were done not by the army, but by the police forces. They were told to lie during interrogations in future. They held meetings with Geghamyan and spoke about the fact that the military bullet shells were found as evidence, and that they need to be falsified to show they were bullets shot by the police. Geghamyan was instructed to cooperate with the chief March 1st investigator Vahagn Harutyunayan to replace those shells. (Chief investigator Vahagan Harutynayn was charged with falsifying the bullet shell evidence last year. He is currently on the run.)

Geghamyan and investigator Harutyunyan met again and decided to hold target practice with police weapons, collect 1000 new bullet shells, use them to replace the evidence shells to cover up the fact that 1000 shells were fired by military weapons. Geghamyan instructed his subordinate Bagrat Khachatryan to handle the shooting practice. They went to Getazat village practice range and did a target practice, then collected the shells. The shells were given to SIS employee Armen Hakobyan who handed it over to bullet evidence analyst Arthur Hovhanisyan, who then - at the request of investigator Vahagn Harutyunyan - replaced the original shells with these fake ones. This falsified info was used as an evidence in December-2008 presented under Evidence-390.
Besides this shell falsification, former chief investigator Vahagn Harutyunyan met Geghamyan about other ways to cover up army involvement. Falsified witness testimony and false information about weapons with blank-bullets were used to cover up the fact that the military weapons were used to fire real bullets.

Former police boss Alik Sargsyan, as instructed by Gevorg Kostanyan, Kocharyan and others, colluded and helped to falsify March 1st data in regards to early morning raids. He also helped to falsify data to claim that 1404 of the bullets that were fired, were "blank", and were only meant to produce light and sound. Alik Sargsyan, at the request of Gevorg Kostanyan, also helped to cover up the army arrival by claiming those were police forces using army vehicles, and that they were asked to use army vehicles. Alik Sargsyan served as the police chief until 2011 and continued to cover up his and others' crimes.
End of SIS report. A felony case is launched against Alik Sargsyan. Read the article for full details.
Tag: March1st, Մարտի1
IN A WEIRD TURN OF EVENTS, Mher Grigoryan, mentioned above as one of the key witnesses and a high ranking police official who was pressured to collude with the Kocharyan regime, was murdered in 2009 near his house. The victim's father spoke with his son shortly before the murder. The victim allegedly told him that he has to give important files to Kocharyan soon. This "files" disappeared after his murder.
Mher Grigoryan joined the ranks of 4 other March 1st witnesses who died under various circumstances.
Yesterday, the former police chief Hayk Harutyunyan (HH), mentioned above as a key witness and possibly a suspect who colluded with Kocharyan regime on March 1st, shot himself in the head.
Roboserj outlet used an "anonymous source" to spread rumors that the victim was allegedly threatened by the general prosecutor (GP), and that immediately before the death he allegedly said he was forced to testify against Kocharyan. The sole witness who was in the house when HH died, has denied the connection between the suicide and him being allegedly threatened shortly before his death.
Today the (GP) condemned the outlets who spread the rumor, accusing them of writing an "ordered" misinformation. GP says two writers from those outlets were asked by the investigators to appear and explain what their source is and what they know as part of the ongoing suicide investigation. The writers went to the station. They rejected the offer by the investigators to video-tape their interview. They refused to say who their "anonymous source" is.
When the investigators confronted them with the fact that the witness denied any March 1st conversation prior to HH's death, the writers didn't comment, and said they simply wrote what their source has told them. They didn't reveal the "source".
The witness told the investigators s/he had no contact with these outlets, and that s/he wasn't the source. The witness expressed anger over the "false information published by the outlets." The outlets are Hayeli and ArmLur.

The source of the rumor responded, but this time with a different tone, to indirectly clarify that they don't say the incident was a murder. The outlet said that it was known that HH was depressed for a year and would spend long periods isolated in his house. The outlet stood by his writer.

PG says that HH, as a witness, was on the list of people GP and others wanted to question during the Kocharyan trial.
GP says there is a need to improve the witness protection institute. The current system doesn't work in practice. There is a draft bill to reform it.
GP says the former GP Aghvan Hovsepyan has recently been questioned as a witness in the March 1st case.
The Investigative Committee says they have enough evidence to press abuse of power charged against the former HHK Defense Minister Vigen Sargsyan. The alleged incident took place in January of 2018 , when the Defense Ministry was distributing apartments to soldiers. The Minister bypassed the committee tasked with deciding who gets the apartments, and personally chose the owners of 29 apartments, which is illegal, say investigators. The felony case is sent to SIS because a high ranking officials is involved.
SOC says they uncovered a 3.3bln corruption case. In 2013, the govt created a foundation to help preserve ishkhan trout in Sevan lake, and solve other eco-problems.
This foundation, managed by the govt, created two firms which would breed fish and process it. Between 2012-2018 the govt spent 9bln on it.
SOC audited 2015-2018 years and found that 3.3bln was embezzled, unpaid, wasted through various machinations. See article for details. Felony case is launched.
SOC hired a firm to examine the effect of the corruption on trout population. Suggestions were sent to the Nature Protection Ministry.
NSS earlier said that former SOC boss Davit Sanasaryan abused his powers by interfering in medical purchase process by helping a specific company to win a contract. Investigative Service sent the case to Prosecutors.
Sanasaryan insisted he acted within his duties. He pointed out that SIS later found that there was a corruption in these medical deals, reflecting SOC findings. He claimed his intervention in medical auction process wasn't to help a specific company.
General Prosecutor says Sanasaryan recently sent a petition to Prosecutors asking to drop the case against him. He can't comment, it's still being reviewed, no decision yet.
Yerevan municipality will pay 132mln to Sanitek's workers so they can have their unpaid salaries. City denies wrongdoing, says Sanitek failed to pay its workers. Earlier the city cut funding from garbage collector Sanitek for not doing its duties. Sanitek didn't pay the salaries saying they didn't have money.
Police says they busted the mayors of Chambarak and Shoghakat for abusing their powers by helping one of the mayor's father to illegally do land exploitation and a 7.5mln damage to state between, 2017-2019. Felony case is launched.
Israel is to celebrate Jewish holidays soon. Their govt doesn't recommend Israelis to visit some countries during the festivities due to risk of Anti-Semitic hostility. Among those countries are Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, etc.
Turkey to Israel: y u oppress Palestin? U bad.
Israel to Turkey: Y u oppress Kurd? U no say I oppress. U killed Armenian u hippokrat.
Turkey to Israel: go away u corrupt Baniamin Netanyaowo.
a few moments later...
Turkey to Egypt: u bad too. Y u kill my friend Muhammad Morsi from best organization "Muslim Brotherhood"?
Egypt to Turkey: excuze me sir, but y u support terrorist in Syria and "Muslim Brotherhud"? U lie to distract from ur problems. U hav 75,000 political and army prisoners . 😔
Artsakh army shut down an Azeri Orbiter-2 surveillance drone made in Israel.
Earlier, the Defense Ministries of Armenia and Lebanon met and agreed to cooperate on shutting down - as implied by the Lebanese official - Israeli made drones. It's probably unrelated to this story since this isn't the first time Armenia shuts down Azeri drones.

Day 2 of army practice. Multiple military corps conducted a training of cooperating with local govt agencies and receiving backup from volunteer Yerkrapah groups. The drafted recruits received equipment and medical exams.

NSS has stormed Gazprom's building to neutralize a terrorist hostage situation. The group, now neutralized thanks to your generous taxpayer money, also took control of a gas pipeline and an underground gas facility. No biggie. Russia has much money and can build a new one.
The training will last 7 days. NSS is hiring terrorists with at least 5 years of experience as a suicide bomber.
PM went to New York. He met Greek colleague. Spoke about cooperation. Asked Greece to ratify the EU-AM agreement. Greece thanked Armenia for the support when it comes to dealing with Turkey.
PM was asked to comment on Amulsar. He said the same thing as before. The govt doesn't have legal reasons to shut down the mining process, but that doesn't mean a reason won't appear tomorrow, and it doesn't mean a reason will appear tomorrow.

Q: Why build mines and not Silicone Valley in Armenia?
A: He's against a blanked demonization of the mining industry. The US was also built on mines before it had the money to reach the level of Silicone Valley. There is an accepted level of pollution, otherwise cars and all factories would need to be banned. The goal is to make sure the environmental impact by mines is within the limits.
Q: Why are there are no quick changes in Armenia after the revolution?
PM: the fight against anti corruption and shadowy economy has resulted in extra revenues for the state. The additional $125mln that we got in the 1H19 alone, allows us to do unprecedented amount of road construction. Last time such thing happened when Las Vegas playa Kirk Kirkorian donated $100mln.
PM then named names of former regime members who are either in jail or on the run or charged with crimes. The room burst in applauds and cheers. PM then listed salary and other changes since the revolution.
PM complained that there are lots of vacant jobs in Armenia, yet many people don't want to work so they won't lose the welfare benefits. Recently they begun to look for workers to help move some food products for $5k-10k/day, but no one wanted to work. They hired Indian migrants instead. Factories are paying 10x more to hire people from Europe because they can't find people to work on greenhouse farms. The Ministry of Labor alone has a list of 7,000 vacant jobs.
Italian Senate has ratified (A242-N0) the EU-AM comprehensive cooperation agreement. The bill is sent to House.
President Sarkissian is still in Italy. He met the construction technology firm Rizzani de Eccher. They agreed to send a delegation to Armenia to cooperate in bringing new engineering tech to Armenia. Sarkissian suggested to start by applying the tech in construction in Gyumri.
He also met cyber-defense firm Elettronica with a similar offer.
Armenia and Malta signed an agreement to end double taxation.
Disclaimer: All the accused are innocent until proven guilty by the court of law, even if they may sound as being guilty. Currency in Armenian Drams unless specified otherwise. Older posts can be found at: PART 1 ; PART 2 ; PART 3 ; PART 4 , credits to Idontknowmuch.
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

Part 2 of most common words

tracked moreover minimal polyphonic lottery tops framed aside outsourcing licence adjustable allocation michelle essay discipline amy ts demonstrated dialogue identifying alphabetical camps declared dispatched aaron handheld trace disposal shut florists packs ge installing switches romania voluntary ncaa thou consult phd greatly blogging mask cycling midnight ng commonly pe photographer inform turkish coal cry messaging pentium quantum murray intent tt zoo largely pleasant announce constructed additions requiring spoke aka arrow engagement sampling rough weird tee refinance lion inspired holes weddings blade suddenly oxygen cookie meals canyon goto meters merely calendars arrangement conclusions passes bibliography pointer compatibility stretch durham furthermore permits cooperative muslim xl neil sleeve netscape cleaner cricket beef feeding stroke township rankings measuring cad hats robin robinson jacksonville strap headquarters sharon crowd tcp transfers surf olympic transformation remained attachments dv dir entities customs administrators personality rainbow hook roulette decline gloves israeli medicare cord skiing cloud facilitate subscriber valve val hewlett explains proceed flickr feelings knife jamaica priorities shelf bookstore timing liked parenting adopt denied fotos incredible britney freeware donation outer crop deaths rivers commonwealth pharmaceutical manhattan tales katrina workforce islam nodes tu fy thumbs seeds cited lite ghz hub targeted organizational skype realized twelve founder decade gamecube rr dispute portuguese tired titten adverse everywhere excerpt eng steam discharge ef drinks ace voices acute halloween climbing stood sing tons perfume carol honest albany hazardous restore stack methodology somebody sue ep housewares reputation resistant democrats recycling hang gbp curve creator amber qualifications museums coding slideshow tracker variation passage transferred trunk hiking lb pierre jelsoft headset photograph oakland colombia waves camel distributor lamps underlying hood wrestling suicide archived photoshop jp chi bt arabia gathering projection juice chase mathematical logical sauce fame extract specialized diagnostic panama indianapolis af payable corporations courtesy criticism automobile confidential rfc statutory accommodations athens northeast downloaded judges sl seo retired isp remarks detected decades paintings walked arising nissan bracelet ins eggs juvenile injection yorkshire populations protective afraid acoustic railway cassette initially indicator pointed hb jpg causing mistake norton locked eliminate tc fusion mineral sunglasses ruby steering beads fortune preference canvas threshold parish claimed screens cemetery planner croatia flows stadium venezuela exploration mins fewer sequences coupon nurses ssl stem proxy astronomy lanka opt edwards drew contests flu translate announces mlb costume tagged berkeley voted killer bikes gates adjusted rap tune bishop pulled corn gp shaped compression seasonal establishing farmer counters puts constitutional grew perfectly tin slave instantly cultures norfolk coaching examined trek encoding litigation submissions oem heroes painted lycos ir zdnet broadcasting horizontal artwork cosmetic resulted portrait terrorist informational ethical carriers ecommerce mobility floral builders ties struggle schemes suffering neutral fisher rat spears prospective bedding ultimately joining heading equally artificial bearing spectacular coordination connector brad combo seniors worlds guilty affiliated activation naturally haven tablet jury dos tail subscribers charm lawn violent mitsubishi underwear basin soup potentially ranch constraints crossing inclusive dimensional cottage drunk considerable crimes resolved mozilla byte toner nose latex branches anymore oclc delhi holdings alien locator selecting processors pantyhose plc broke nepal zimbabwe difficulties juan complexity msg constantly browsing resolve barcelona presidential documentary cod territories melissa moscow thesis thru jews nylon palestinian discs rocky bargains frequent trim nigeria ceiling pixels ensuring hispanic cv cb legislature hospitality gen anybody procurement diamonds espn fleet untitled bunch totals marriott singing theoretical afford exercises starring referral nhl surveillance optimal quit distinct protocols lung highlight substitute inclusion hopefully brilliant turner sucking cents reuters ti fc gel todd spoken omega evaluated stayed civic assignments fw manuals doug sees termination watched saver thereof grill households gs redeem rogers grain aaa authentic regime wanna wishes bull montgomery architectural louisville depend differ macintosh movements ranging monica repairs breath amenities virtually cole mart candle hanging colored authorization tale verified lynn formerly projector bp situated comparative std seeks herbal loving strictly routing docs stanley psychological surprised retailer vitamins elegant gains renewal vid genealogy opposed deemed scoring expenditure brooklyn liverpool sisters critics connectivity spots oo algorithms hacker madrid similarly margin coin solely fake salon collaborative norman fda excluding turbo headed voters cure madonna commander arch ni murphy thinks thats suggestion hdtv soldier phillips asin aimed justin bomb harm interval mirrors spotlight tricks reset brush investigate thy expansys panels repeated assault connecting spare logistics deer kodak tongue bowling tri danish pal monkey proportion filename skirt florence invest honey um analyses drawings significance scenario ye fs lovers atomic approx symposium arabic gauge essentials junction protecting nn faced mat rachel solving transmitted weekends screenshots produces oven ted intensive chains kingston sixth engage deviant noon switching quoted adapters correspondence farms imports supervision cheat bronze expenditures sandy separation testimony suspect celebrities macro sender mandatory boundaries crucial syndication gym celebration kde adjacent filtering tuition spouse exotic viewer signup threats luxembourg puzzles reaching vb damaged cams receptor laugh joel surgical destroy citation pitch autos yo premises perry proved offensive imperial dozen benjamin deployment teeth cloth studying colleagues stamp lotus salmon olympus separated proc cargo tan directive fx salem mate dl starter upgrades likes butter pepper weapon luggage burden chef tapes zones races isle stylish slim maple luke grocery offshore governing retailers depot kenneth comp alt pie blend harrison ls julie occasionally cbs attending emission pete spec finest realty janet bow penn recruiting apparent instructional phpbb autumn traveling probe midi permissions biotechnology toilet ranked jackets routes packed excited outreach helen mounting recover tied lopez balanced prescribed catherine timely talked debug delayed chuck reproduced hon dale explicit calculation villas ebook consolidated exclude peeing occasions brooks equations newton oils sept exceptional anxiety bingo whilst spatial respondents unto lt ceramic prompt precious minds annually considerations scanners atm xanax eq pays fingers sunny ebooks delivers je queensland necklace musicians leeds composite unavailable cedar arranged lang theaters advocacy raleigh stud fold essentially designing threaded uv qualify blair hopes assessments cms mason diagram burns pumps footwear sg vic beijing peoples victor mario pos attach licenses utils removing advised brunswick spider phys ranges pairs sensitivity trails preservation hudson isolated calgary interim assisted divine streaming approve chose compound intensity technological syndicate abortion dialog venues blast wellness calcium newport antivirus addressing pole discounted indians shield harvest membrane prague previews bangladesh constitute locally concluded pickup desperate mothers nascar iceland demonstration governmental manufactured candles graduation mega bend sailing variations moms sacred addiction morocco chrome tommy springfield refused brake exterior greeting ecology oliver congo glen botswana nav delays synthesis olive undefined unemployment cyber verizon scored enhancement newcastle clone velocity lambda relay composed tears performances oasis baseline cab angry fa societies silicon brazilian identical petroleum compete ist norwegian lover belong honolulu beatles lips retention exchanges pond rolls thomson barnes soundtrack wondering malta daddy lc ferry rabbit profession seating dam cnn separately physiology lil collecting das exports omaha tire participant scholarships recreational dominican chad electron loads friendship heather passport motel unions treasury warrant sys solaris frozen occupied josh royalty scales rally observer sunshine strain drag ceremony somehow arrested expanding provincial investigations icq ripe yamaha rely medications hebrew gained rochester dying laundry stuck solomon placing stops homework adjust assessed advertiser enabling encryption filling downloadable sophisticated imposed silence scsi focuses soviet possession cu laboratories treaty vocal trainer organ stronger volumes advances vegetables lemon toxic dns thumbnails darkness pty ws nuts nail bizrate vienna implied span stanford sox stockings joke respondent packing statute rejected satisfy destroyed shelter chapel gamespot manufacture layers wordpress guided vulnerability accountability celebrate accredited appliance compressed bahamas powell mixture bench univ tub rider scheduling radius perspectives mortality logging hampton christians borders therapeutic pads butts inns bobby impressive sheep accordingly architect railroad lectures challenging wines nursery harder cups ash microwave cheapest accidents travesti relocation stuart contributors salvador ali salad np monroe tender violations foam temperatures paste clouds competitions discretion tft tanzania preserve jvc poem unsigned staying cosmetics easter theories repository praise jeremy venice concentrations estonia christianity veteran streams landing signing executed katie negotiations realistic dt cgi showcase integral asks relax namibia generating christina congressional synopsis hardly prairie reunion composer bean sword absent photographic sells ecuador hoping accessed spirits modifications coral pixel float colin bias imported paths bubble por acquire contrary millennium tribune vessel acids focusing viruses cheaper admitted dairy admit mem fancy equality samoa gc achieving tap stickers fisheries exceptions reactions leasing lauren beliefs ci macromedia companion squad analyze ashley scroll relate divisions swim wages additionally suffer forests fellowship nano invalid concerts martial males victorian retain colours execute tunnel genres cambodia patents copyrights yn chaos lithuania mastercard wheat chronicles obtaining beaver updating distribute readings decorative kijiji confused compiler enlargement eagles bases vii accused bee campaigns unity loud conjunction bride rats defines airports instances indigenous begun cfr brunette packets anchor socks validation parade corruption stat trigger incentives cholesterol gathered essex slovenia notified differential beaches folders dramatic surfaces terrible routers cruz pendant dresses baptist scientist starsmerchant hiring clocks arthritis bios females wallace nevertheless reflects taxation fever pmc cuisine surely practitioners transcript myspace theorem inflation thee nb ruth pray stylus compounds pope drums contracting arnold structured reasonably jeep chicks bare hung cattle mba radical graduates rover recommends controlling treasure reload distributors flame levitra tanks assuming monetary elderly pit arlington mono particles floating extraordinary tile indicating bolivia spell hottest stevens coordinate kuwait exclusively emily alleged limitation widescreen compile webster struck rx illustration plymouth warnings construct apps inquiries bridal annex mag gsm inspiration tribal curious affecting freight rebate meetup eclipse sudan ddr downloading rec shuttle aggregate stunning cycles affects forecasts detect actively ciao ampland knee prep pb complicated chem fastest butler shopzilla injured decorating payroll cookbook expressions ton courier uploaded shakespeare hints collapse americas connectors unlikely oe gif pros conflicts techno beverage tribute wired elvis immune latvia travelers forestry barriers cant jd rarely gpl infected offerings martha genesis barrier argue incorrect trains metals bicycle furnishings letting arise guatemala celtic thereby irc jamie particle perception minerals advise humidity bottles boxing wy dm bangkok renaissance pathology sara bra ordinance hughes photographers infections jeffrey chess operates brisbane configured survive oscar festivals menus joan possibilities duck reveal canal amino phi contributing herbs clinics mls cow manitoba analytical missions watson lying costumes strict dive saddam circulation drill offense bryan cet protest assumption jerusalem hobby tries transexuales invention nickname fiji technician inline executives enquiries washing audi staffing cognitive exploring trick enquiry closure raid ppc timber volt intense div playlist registrar showers supporters ruling steady dirt statutes withdrawal myers drops predicted wider saskatchewan jc cancellation plugins enrolled sensors screw ministers publicly hourly blame geneva freebsd veterinary acer prostores reseller dist handed suffered intake informal relevance incentive butterfly tucson mechanics heavily swingers fifty headers mistakes numerical ons geek uncle defining counting reflection sink accompanied assure invitation devoted princeton jacob sodium randy spirituality hormone meanwhile proprietary timothy childrens brick grip naval thumbzilla medieval porcelain avi bridges pichunter captured watt thehun decent casting dayton translated shortly cameron columnists pins carlos reno donna andreas warrior diploma cabin innocent scanning ide consensus polo valium copying rpg delivering cordless patricia horn eddie uganda fired journalism pd prot trivia adidas perth frog grammar intention syria disagree klein harvey tires logs undertaken tgp hazard retro leo statewide semiconductor gregory episodes boolean circular anger diy mainland illustrations suits chances interact snap happiness arg substantially bizarre glenn ur auckland olympics fruits identifier geo ribbon calculations doe jpeg conducting startup suzuki trinidad ati kissing wal handy swap exempt crops reduces accomplished calculators geometry impression abs slovakia flip guild correlation gorgeous capitol sim dishes rna barbados chrysler nervous refuse extends fragrance mcdonald replica plumbing brussels tribe neighbors trades superb buzz transparent nuke rid trinity charleston handled legends boom calm champions floors selections projectors inappropriate exhaust comparing shanghai speaks burton vocational davidson copied scotia farming gibson pharmacies fork troy ln roller introducing batch organize appreciated alter nicole latino ghana edges uc mixing handles skilled fitted albuquerque harmony distinguished asthma projected assumptions shareholders twins developmental rip zope regulated triangle amend anticipated oriental reward windsor zambia completing gmbh buf ld hydrogen webshots sprint comparable chick advocate sims confusion copyrighted tray inputs warranties genome escorts documented thong medal paperbacks coaches vessels harbour walks sol keyboards sage knives eco vulnerable arrange artistic bat honors booth indie reflected unified bones breed detector ignored polar fallen precise sussex respiratory notifications msgid transexual mainstream invoice evaluating lip subcommittee sap gather suse maternity backed alfred colonial mf carey motels forming embassy cave journalists danny rebecca slight proceeds indirect amongst wool foundations msgstr arrest volleyball mw adipex horizon nu deeply toolbox ict marina liabilities prizes bosnia browsers decreased patio dp tolerance surfing creativity lloyd describing optics pursue lightning overcome eyed ou quotations grab inspector attract brighton beans bookmarks ellis disable snake succeed leonard lending oops reminder xi searched behavioral riverside bathrooms plains sku ht raymond insights abilities initiated sullivan za midwest karaoke trap lonely fool ve nonprofit lancaster suspended hereby observe julia containers attitudes karl berry collar simultaneously racial integrate bermuda amanda sociology mobiles screenshot exhibitions kelkoo confident retrieved exhibits officially consortium dies terrace bacteria pts replied seafood novels rh rrp recipients ought delicious traditions fg jail safely finite kidney periodically fixes sends durable mazda allied throws moisture hungarian roster referring symantec spencer wichita nasdaq uruguay ooo hz transform timer tablets tuning gotten educators tyler futures vegetable verse highs humanities independently wanting custody scratch launches ipaq alignment henderson bk britannica comm ellen competitors nhs rocket aye bullet towers racks lace nasty visibility latitude consciousness ste tumor ugly deposits beverly mistress encounter trustees watts duncan reprints hart bernard resolutions ment accessing forty tubes attempted col midlands priest floyd ronald analysts queue dx sk trance locale nicholas biol yu bundle hammer invasion witnesses runner rows administered notion sq skins mailed oc fujitsu spelling arctic exams rewards beneath strengthen defend aj frederick medicaid treo infrared seventh gods une welsh belly aggressive tex advertisements quarters stolen cia soonest haiti disturbed determines sculpture poly ears dod wp fist naturals neo motivation lenders pharmacology fitting fixtures bloggers mere agrees passengers quantities petersburg consistently powerpoint cons surplus elder sonic obituaries cheers dig taxi punishment appreciation subsequently om belarus nat zoning gravity providence thumb restriction incorporate backgrounds treasurer guitars essence flooring lightweight ethiopia tp mighty athletes humanity transcription jm holmes complications scholars dpi scripting gis remembered galaxy chester snapshot caring loc worn synthetic shaw vp segments testament expo dominant twist specifics itunes stomach partially buried cn newbie minimize darwin ranks wilderness debut generations tournaments bradley deny anatomy bali judy sponsorship headphones fraction trio proceeding cube defects volkswagen uncertainty breakdown milton marker reconstruction subsidiary strengths clarity rugs sandra adelaide encouraging furnished monaco settled folding emirates terrorists airfare comparisons beneficial distributions vaccine belize fate viewpicture promised volvo penny robust bookings threatened minolta republicans discusses gui porter gras jungle ver rn responded rim abstracts zen ivory alpine dis prediction pharmaceuticals andale fabulous remix alias thesaurus individually battlefield literally newer kay ecological spice oval implies cg soma ser cooler appraisal consisting maritime periodic submitting overhead ascii prospect shipment breeding citations geographical donor mozambique tension href benz trash shapes wifi tier fwd earl manor envelope diane homeland disclaimers championships excluded andrea breeds rapids disco sheffield bailey aus endif finishing emotions wellington incoming prospects lexmark cleaners bulgarian hwy eternal cashiers guam cite aboriginal remarkable rotation nam preventing productive boulevard eugene ix gdp pig metric compliant minus penalties bennett imagination hotmail refurbished joshua armenia varied grande closest activated actress mess conferencing assign armstrong politicians trackbacks lit accommodate tigers aurora una slides milan premiere lender villages shade chorus christine rhythm digit argued dietary symphony clarke sudden accepting precipitation marilyn lions findlaw ada pools tb lyric claire isolation speeds sustained matched approximate rope carroll rational programmer fighters chambers dump greetings inherited warming incomplete vocals chronicle fountain chubby grave legitimate biographies burner yrs foo investigator gba plaintiff finnish gentle bm prisoners deeper muslims hose mediterranean nightlife footage howto worthy reveals architects saints entrepreneur carries sig freelance duo excessive devon screensaver helena saves regarded valuation unexpected cigarette fog characteristic marion lobby egyptian tunisia metallica outlined consequently headline treating punch appointments str gotta cowboy narrative bahrain enormous karma consist betty queens academics pubs quantitative lucas screensavers subdivision tribes vip defeat clicks distinction honduras naughty hazards insured harper livestock mardi exemption tenant sustainability cabinets tattoo shake algebra shadows holly formatting silly nutritional yea mercy hartford freely marcus sunrise wrapping mild fur nicaragua weblogs timeline tar belongs rj readily affiliation soc fence nudist infinite diana ensures relatives lindsay clan legally shame satisfactory revolutionary bracelets sync civilian telephony mesa fatal remedy realtors breathing briefly thickness adjustments graphical genius discussing aerospace fighter meaningful flesh retreat adapted barely wherever estates rug democrat borough maintains failing shortcuts ka retained voyeurweb pamela andrews marble extending jesse specifies hull logitech surrey briefing belkin dem accreditation wav blackberry highland meditation modular microphone macedonia combining brandon instrumental giants organizing shed balloon moderators winston memo ham solved tide kazakhstan hawaiian standings partition invisible gratuit consoles funk fbi qatar magnet translations porsche cayman jaguar reel sheer commodity posing kilometers rp bind thanksgiving rand hopkins urgent guarantees infants gothic cylinder witch buck indication eh congratulations tba cohen sie usgs puppy kathy acre graphs surround cigarettes revenge expires enemies lows controllers aqua chen emma consultancy finances accepts enjoying conventions eva patrol smell pest hc italiano coordinates rca fp carnival roughly sticker promises responding reef physically divide stakeholders hydrocodone gst consecutive cornell satin bon deserve attempting mailto promo jj representations chan worried tunes garbage competing combines mas beth bradford len phrases kai peninsula chelsea boring reynolds dom jill accurately speeches reaches schema considers sofa catalogs ministries vacancies quizzes parliamentary obj prefix lucia savannah barrel typing nerve dans planets deficit boulder pointing renew coupled viii myanmar metadata harold circuits floppy texture handbags jar ev somerset incurred acknowledge thoroughly antigua nottingham thunder tent caution identifies questionnaire qualification locks modelling namely miniature dept hack dare euros interstate pirates aerial hawk consequence rebel systematic perceived origins hired makeup textile lamb madagascar nathan tobago presenting cos troubleshooting uzbekistan indexes pac rl erp centuries gl magnitude ui richardson hindu dh fragrances vocabulary licking earthquake vpn fundraising fcc markers weights albania geological assessing lasting wicked eds introduces kills roommate webcams pushed webmasters ro df computational acdbentity participated junk handhelds wax lucy answering hans impressed slope reggae failures poet conspiracy surname theology nails evident whats rides rehab epic saturn organizer nut allergy sake twisted combinations preceding merit enzyme cumulative zshops planes edmonton tackle disks condo pokemon amplifier ambien arbitrary prominent retrieve lexington vernon sans worldcat titanium irs fairy builds contacted shaft lean bye cdt recorders occasional leslie casio deutsche ana postings innovations kitty postcards dude drain monte fires algeria blessed luis reviewing cardiff cornwall favors potato panic explicitly sticks leone transsexual ez citizenship excuse reforms basement onion strand pf sandwich uw lawsuit alto informative girlfriend bloomberg cheque hierarchy influenced banners reject eau abandoned bd circles italic beats merry mil scuba gore complement cult dash passive mauritius valued cage checklist requesting courage verde lauderdale scenarios gazette hitachi divx extraction batman elevation hearings coleman hugh lap utilization beverages calibration jake eval efficiently anaheim ping textbook dried entertaining prerequisite luther frontier settle stopping refugees knights hypothesis palmer medicines flux derby sao peaceful altered pontiac regression doctrine scenic trainers muze enhancements renewable intersection passwords sewing consistency collectors conclude recognised munich oman celebs gmc propose hh azerbaijan lighter rage adsl uh prix astrology advisors pavilion tactics trusts occurring supplemental travelling talented annie pillow induction derek precisely shorter harley spreading provinces relying finals paraguay steal parcel refined fd bo fifteen widespread incidence fears predict boutique acrylic rolled tuner avon incidents peterson rays asn shannon toddler enhancing flavor alike walt homeless horrible hungry metallic acne blocked interference warriors palestine listprice libs undo cadillac atmospheric malawi wm pk sagem knowledgestorm dana halo ppm curtis parental referenced strikes lesser publicity marathon ant proposition gays pressing gasoline apt dressed scout belfast exec dealt niagara inf eos warcraft charms catalyst trader bucks allowance vcr denial uri designation thrown prepaid raises gem duplicate electro criterion badge wrist civilization analyzed vietnamese heath tremendous ballot lexus varying remedies validity trustee maui weighted angola performs plastics realm corrected jenny helmet salaries postcard elephant yemen encountered tsunami scholar nickel internationally surrounded psi buses expedia geology pct wb creatures coating commented wallet cleared smilies vids accomplish boating drainage shakira corners broader vegetarian rouge yeast yale newfoundland sn qld pas clearing investigated dk ambassador coated intend stephanie contacting vegetation doom findarticles louise kenny specially owen routines hitting yukon beings bite issn aquatic reliance habits striking myth infectious podcasts singh gig gilbert sas ferrari continuity brook fu outputs phenomenon ensemble insulin assured biblical weed conscious accent mysimon eleven wives ambient utilize mileage oecd prostate adaptor auburn unlock hyundai pledge vampire angela relates nitrogen xerox dice merger softball referrals quad dock differently firewire mods nextel framing organised musician blocking rwanda sorts integrating vsnet limiting dispatch revisions papua restored hint armor riders chargers remark dozens varies msie reasoning wn liz rendered picking charitable guards annotated ccd sv convinced openings buys burlington replacing researcher watershed councils occupations acknowledged kruger pockets granny pork zu equilibrium viral inquire pipes characterized laden aruba cottages realtor merge privilege edgar develops qualifying chassis dubai estimation barn pushing llp fleece pediatric boc fare dg asus pierce allan dressing techrepublic sperm vg bald filme craps fuji frost leon institutes mold dame fo sally yacht tracy prefers drilling brochures herb tmp alot ate breach whale traveller appropriations suspected tomatoes benchmark beginners instructors highlighted bedford stationery idle mustang unauthorized clusters antibody competent momentum fin wiring io pastor mud calvin uni shark contributor demonstrates phases grateful emerald gradually laughing grows cliff desirable tract ul ballet ol journalist abraham js bumper afterwards webpage religions garlic hostels shine senegal explosion pn banned wendy briefs signatures diffs cove mumbai ozone disciplines casa mu daughters conversations radios tariff nvidia opponent pasta simplified muscles serum wrapped swift motherboard runtime inbox focal bibliographic eden distant incl champagne ala decimal hq deviation superintendent propecia dip nbc samba hostel housewives employ mongolia penguin magical influences inspections irrigation miracle manually reprint reid wt hydraulic centered robertson flex yearly penetration wound belle rosa conviction hash omissions writings hamburg lazy mv mpg retrieval qualities cindy fathers carb charging cas marvel lined cio dow prototype importantly rb petite apparatus upc terrain dui pens explaining yen strips gossip rangers nomination empirical mh rotary worm dependence discrete beginner boxed lid sexuality polyester cubic deaf commitments suggesting sapphire kinase skirts mats remainder crawford labeled privileges televisions specializing marking commodities pvc serbia sheriff griffin declined guyana spies blah mime neighbor motorcycles elect highways thinkpad concentrate intimate reproductive preston deadly feof bunny chevy molecules rounds longest refrigerator tions intervals sentences dentists usda exclusion workstation holocaust keen flyer peas dosage receivers urls customise disposition variance navigator investigators cameroon baking marijuana adaptive computed needle baths enb gg cathedral brakes og nirvana ko fairfield owns til invision sticky destiny generous madness emacs climb blowing fascinating landscapes heated lafayette jackie wto computation hay cardiovascular ww sparc cardiac salvation dover adrian predictions accompanying vatican brutal learners gd selective arbitration configuring token editorials zinc sacrifice seekers guru isa removable convergence yields gibraltar levy suited numeric anthropology skating kinda aberdeen emperor grad malpractice dylan bras belts blacks educated rebates reporters burke proudly pix necessity rendering mic inserted pulling basename kyle obesity curves suburban touring clara vertex bw hepatitis nationally tomato andorra waterproof expired mj travels flush waiver pale specialties hayes humanitarian invitations functioning delight survivor garcia cingular economies alexandria bacterial moses counted undertake declare continuously johns valves gaps impaired achievements donors tear jewel teddy lf convertible ata teaches ventures nil bufing stranger tragedy julian nest pam dryer painful velvet tribunal ruled nato pensions prayers funky secretariat nowhere cop paragraphs gale joins adolescent nominations wesley dim lately cancelled scary mattress mpegs brunei likewise banana introductory slovak cakes stan reservoir occurrence idol mixer remind wc worcester sbjct demographic charming mai tooth disciplinary annoying respected stays disclose affair drove washer upset restrict springer beside mines portraits rebound logan mentor interpreted evaluations fought baghdad elimination metres hypothetical immigrants complimentary helicopter pencil freeze hk performer abu titled commissions sphere powerseller moss ratios concord graduated endorsed ty surprising walnut lance ladder italia unnecessary dramatically liberia sherman cork maximize cj hansen senators workout mali yugoslavia bleeding characterization colon likelihood lanes purse fundamentals contamination mtv endangered compromise optimize stating dome caroline leu expiration namespace align peripheral bless engaging negotiation crest opponents triumph nominated confidentiality electoral changelog welding deferred alternatively heel alloy condos plots polished yang gently greensboro tulsa locking casey controversial draws fridge blanket bloom qc simpsons lou elliott recovered fraser justify upgrading blades pgp loops surge frontpage trauma aw tahoe advert possess demanding defensive sip flashers subaru forbidden tf vanilla programmers pj monitored installations deutschland picnic souls arrivals spank cw practitioner motivated wr dumb smithsonian hollow vault securely examining fioricet groove revelation rg pursuit delegation wires bl dictionaries mails backing greenhouse sleeps vc blake transparency dee travis wx endless figured orbit currencies niger bacon survivors positioning heater colony cannon circus promoted forbes mae moldova mel descending paxil spine trout enclosed feat temporarily ntsc cooked thriller transmit apnic fatty gerald pressed frequencies scanned reflections hunger mariah sic municipality usps joyce detective surgeon cement experiencing fireplace endorsement bg planners disputes textiles missile intranet closes seq psychiatry persistent deborah conf marco assists summaries glow gabriel auditor wma aquarium violin prophet cir bracket looksmart isaac oxide oaks magnificent erik colleague naples promptly modems adaptation hu harmful paintball prozac sexually enclosure acm dividend newark kw paso glucose phantom norm playback supervisors westminster turtle ips distances absorption treasures dsc warned neural ware fossil mia hometown badly transcripts apollo wan disappointed persian continually communist collectible handmade greene entrepreneurs robots grenada creations jade scoop acquisitions foul keno gtk earning mailman sanyo nested biodiversity excitement somalia movers verbal blink presently seas carlo workflow mysterious novelty bryant tiles voyuer librarian subsidiaries switched stockholm tamil garmin ru pose fuzzy indonesian grams therapist richards mrna budgets toolkit promising relaxation goat render carmen ira sen thereafter hardwood erotica temporal sail forge commissioners dense dts brave forwarding qt awful nightmare airplane reductions southampton istanbul impose organisms sega telescope viewers asbestos portsmouth cdna meyer enters pod savage advancement wu harassment willow resumes bolt gage throwing existed generators lu wagon barbie dat favour soa knock urge smtp generates potatoes thorough replication inexpensive kurt receptors peers roland optimum neon interventions quilt huntington creature ours mounts syracuse internship lone refresh aluminium snowboard beastality webcast michel evanescence subtle coordinated notre shipments maldives stripes firmware antarctica cope shepherd lm canberra cradle chancellor mambo lime kirk flour controversy legendary bool sympathy choir avoiding beautifully blond expects cho jumping fabrics antibodies polymer hygiene wit poultry virtue burst examinations surgeons bouquet immunology promotes mandate wiley departmental bbs spas ind corpus johnston terminology gentleman fibre reproduce convicted shades jets indices roommates adware qui intl threatening spokesman zoloft activists frankfurt prisoner daisy halifax encourages ultram cursor assembled earliest donated stuffed restructuring insects terminals crude morrison maiden simulations cz sufficiently examines viking myrtle bored cleanup yarn knit conditional mug crossword bother budapest conceptual knitting attacked hl bhutan liechtenstein mating compute redhead arrives translator automobiles tractor allah continent ob unwrap fares longitude resist challenged telecharger hoped pike safer insertion instrumentation ids hugo wagner constraint groundwater touched strengthening cologne gzip wishing ranger smallest insulation newman marsh ricky ctrl scared theta infringement bent laos subjective monsters asylum lightbox robbie stake cocktail outlets swaziland varieties arbor mediawiki configurations poison
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An extensive guide for cashing out bitcoin and cryptocurrencies into private banks

Hey guys.
Merry Xmas !
I am coming back to you with a follow up post, as I have helped many people cash out this year and I have streamlined the process. After my original post, I received many requests to be more specific and provide more details. I thought that after the amazing rally we have been attending over the last few months, and the volatility of the last few days, it would be interesting to revisit more extensively.
The attitude of banks around crypto is changing slowly, but it is still a tough stance. For the first partial cash out I operated around a year ago for a client, it took me months to find a bank. They wouldn’t want to even consider the case and we had to knock at each and every door. Despite all my contacts it was very difficult back in the days. This has changed now, and banks have started to open their doors, but there is a process, a set of best practices and codes one has to follow.
I often get requests from crypto guys who are very privacy-oriented, and it takes me months to have them understand that I am bound by Swiss law on banking secrecy, and I am their ally in this onboarding process. It’s funny how I have to convince people that banks are legit, while on the other side, banks ask me to show that crypto millionaires are legit. I have a solid background in both banking and in crypto so I manage to make the bridge, but yeah sometimes it is tough to reconcile the two worlds. I am a crypto enthusiast myself and I can say that after years of work in the banking industry I have grown disillusioned towards banks as well, like many of you. Still an account in a Private bank is convenient and powerful. So let’s get started.
There are two different aspects to your onboarding in a Swiss Private bank, compliance-wise.
*The origin of your crypto wealth
*Your background (residence, citizenship and probity)
These two aspects must be documented in-depth.
How to document your crypto wealth. Each new crypto millionaire has a different story. I may detail a few fun stories later in this post, but at the end of the day, most of crypto rich I have met can be categorized within the following profiles: the miner, the early adopter, the trader, the corporate entity, the black market, the libertarian/OTC buyer. The real question is how you prove your wealth is legit.
1. Context around the original amount/investment Generally speaking, your first crypto purchase may not be documented. But the context around this acquisition can be. I have had many cases where the original amount was bought through Mtgox, and no proof of purchase could be provided, nor could be documented any Mtgox claim. That’s perfectly fine. At some point Mtgox amounted 70% of the bitcoin transactions globally, and people who bought there and managed to withdraw and keep hold of their bitcoins do not have any Mtgox claim. This is absolutely fine. However, if you can show me the record of a wire from your bank to Tisbane (Mtgox's parent company) it's a great way to start.
Otherwise, what I am trying to document here is the following: I need context. If you made your first purchase by saving from summer jobs, show me a payroll. Even if it was USD 2k. If you acquired your first bitcoins from mining, show me the bills of your mining equipment from 2012 or if it was through a pool mine, give me your slushpool account ref for instance. If you were given bitcoin against a service you charged, show me an invoice.
2. Tracking your wealth until today and making sense of it. What I have been doing over the last few months was basically educating compliance officers. Thanks God, the blockchain is a global digital ledger! I have been telling my auditors and compliance officers they have the best tool at their disposal to lead a proper investigation. Whether you like it or not, your wealth can be tracked, from address to address. You may have thought all along this was a bad feature, but I am telling you, if you want to cash out, in the context of Private Banking onboarding, tracking your wealth through the block explorer is a boon. We can see the inflows, outflows. We can see the age behind an address. An early adopter who bought 1000 BTC in 2010, and let his bitcoin behind one address and held thus far is legit, whether or not he has a proof of purchase to show. That’s just common sense. My job is to explain that to the banks in a language they understand.
Let’s have a look at a few examples and how to document the few profiles I mentioned earlier.
The trader. I love traders. These are easy cases. I have a ton of respect for them. Being a trader myself in investment banks for a decade earlier in my career has taught me that controlling one’s emotions and having the discipline to impose oneself some proper risk management system is really really hard. Further, being able to avoid the exchange bankruptcy and hacks throughout crypto history is outstanding. It shows real survival instinct, or just plain blissed ignorance. In any cases traders at exchange are easy cases to corroborate since their whole track record is potentially available. Some traders I have met have automated their trading and have shown me more than 500k trades done over the span of 4 years. Obviously in this kind of scenario I don’t show everything to the bank to avoid information overload, and prefer to do some snacking here and there. My strategy is to show the early trades, the most profitable ones, explain the trading strategy and (partially expose) the situation as of now with id pages of the exchanges and current balance. Many traders have become insensitive to the risk of parking their crypto at exchange as they want to be able to trade or to grasp an occasion any minute, so they generally do not secure a substantial portion on the blockchain which tends to make me very nervous.
The early adopter. Provided that he has not mixed his coin, the early adopter or “hodler” is not a difficult case either. Who cares how you bought your first 10k btc if you bought them below 3$ ? Even if you do not have a purchase proof, I would generally manage to find ways. We just have to corroborate the original 30’000 USD investment in this case. I mainly focus on three things here:
*proof of early adoption I have managed to educate some banks on a few evidences specifically related to crypto markets. For instance with me, an old bitcointalk account can serve as a proof of early adoption. Even an old reddit post from a few years ago where you say how much you despise this Ripple premined scam can prove to be a treasure readily available to show you were early.
*story telling Compliance officers like to know when, why and how. They are human being looking for simple answers to simple questions and they don’t want like to be played fool. Telling the truth, even without a proof can do wonders, and even though bluffing might still work because banks don’t fully understand bitcoin yet, it is a risky strategy that is less and less likely to pay off as they are getting more sophisticated by the day.
*micro transaction from an old address you control This is the killer feature. Send a $20 worth transaction from an old address to my company wallet and to one of my partner bank’s wallet and you are all set ! This is gold and considered a very solid piece of evidence. You can also do a microtransaction to your own wallet, but banks generally prefer transfer to their own wallet. Patience with them please. they are still learning.
*signature message Why do a micro transaction when you can sign a message and avoid potentially tainting your coins ?
*ICO millionaire Some clients made their wealth participating in ETH crowdsale or IOTA ICO. They were very easy to deal with obviously and the account opening was very smooth since we could evidence the GENESIS TxHash flow.
The miner Not so easy to proof the wealth is legit in that case. Most early miners never took screenshot of the blocks on bitcoin core, nor did they note down the block number of each block they mined. Until the the Slashdot article from August 2010 anyone could mine on his laptop, let his computer run overnight and wake up to a freshly minted block containing 50 bitcoins back in the days. Not many people were structured enough to store and secure these coins, avoid malwares while syncing the blockchain continuously, let alone document the mined blocks in the process. What was 50 BTC worth really for the early miners ? dust of dollars, games and magic cards… Even miners post 2010 are generally difficult to deal with in terms of compliance onboarding. Many pool mining are long dead. Deepbit is down for instance and the founders are MIA. So my strategy to proof mining activity is as follow:
*Focusing on IT background whenever possible. An IT background does help a lot to bring some substance to the fact you had the technical ability to operate a mining rig.
*Showing mining equipment receipts. If you mined on your own you must have bought the hardware to do so. For instance mining equipment receipts from butterfly lab from 2012-2013 could help document your case. Similarly, high electricity bill from your household on a consistent basis back in the day could help. I have already unlocked a tricky case in the past with such documents when the bank was doubtful.
*Wallet.dat files with block mining transactions from 2011 thereafter This obviously is a fantastic piece of evidence for both you and me if you have an old wallet and if you control an address that received original mined blocks, (even if the wallet is now empty). I will make sure compliance officers understand what it means, and as for the early adopter, you can prove your control over these wallet through a microtransaction. With these kind of addresses, I can show on the block explorer the mined block rewards hitting at regular time interval, and I can even spot when difficulty level increased or when halvening process happened.
*Poolmining account. Here again I have educated my partner bank to understand that a slush account opened in 2013 or an OnionTip presence was enough to corroborate mining activity. The block explorer then helps me to do the bridge with your current wallet.
*Describing your set up and putting it in context In the history of mining we had CPU, GPU, FPG and ASICs mining. I will describe your technical set up and explain why and how your set up was competitive at that time.
The corporate entity Remember 2012 when we were all convinced bitcoin would take over the world, and soon everyone would pay his coffee in bitcoin? How naïve we were to think transaction fees would remain low forever. I don’t blame bitcoin cash supporters; I once shared this dream as well. Remember when we thought global adoption was right around the corner and some brick and mortar would soon accept bitcoin transaction as a common mean of payment? Well, some shop actually did accept payment and held. I had a few cases as such of shops holders, who made it to the multi million mark holding and had invoices or receipts to proof the transactions. If you are organized enough to keep a record for these trades and are willing to cooperate for the documentation, you are making your life easy. The digital advertising business is also a big market for the bitcoin industry, and affiliates partner compensated in btc are common. It is good to show an invoice, it is better to show a contract. If you do not have a contract (which is common since all advertising deals are about ticking a check box on the website to accept terms and conditions), there are ways around that. If you are in that case, pm me.
The black market Sorry guys, I can’t do much for you officially. Not that I am judging you. I am a libertarian myself. It’s just already very difficult to onboard legit btc adopters, so the black market is a market I cannot afford to consider. My company is regulated so KYC and compliance are key for me if I want to stay in business. Behind each case I push forward I am risking the credibility and reputation I have built over the years. So I am sorry guys I am not risking it to make an extra buck. Your best hope is that crypto will eventually take over the world and you won’t need to cash out anyway. Or go find a Lithuanian bank that is light on compliance and cooperative.
The OTC buyer and the libertarian. Generally a very difficult case. If you bought your stack during your journey in Japan 5 years ago to a guy you never met again; or if you accumulated on and kept no record or lost your account, it is going to be difficult. Not impossible but difficult. We will try to build a case with everything else we have, and I may be able to onboard you. However I am risking a lot here so I need to be 100% confident you are legit, before I defend you. Come & see me in Geneva, and we will talk. I will run forensic services like elliptic, chainalysis, or scorechain on an extract of your wallet. If this scan does not raise too many red flags, then maybe we can work together ! If you mixed your coins all along your crypto history, and shredded your seeds because you were paranoid, or if you made your wealth mining professionally monero over the last 3 years but never opened an account at an exchange. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ I am not a magician and don’t get me wrong, I love monero, it’s not the point.
Cashing out ICOs Private companies or foundations who have ran an ICO generally have a very hard time opening a bank account. The few banks that accept such projects would generally look at 4 criteria:
*Seriousness of the project Extensive study of the whitepaper to limit the reputation risk
*AML of the onboarding process ICOs 1.0 have no chance basically if a background check of the investors has not been conducted
*Structure of the moral entity List of signatories, certificate of incumbency, work contract, premises...
*Fiscal conformity Did the company informed the authorities and seek a fiscal ruling.
For the record, I am not into the tax avoidance business, so people come to me with a set up and I see if I can make it work within the legal framework imposed to me.
First, stop thinking Switzerland is a “offshore heaven” Swiss banks have made deals with many governments for the exchange of fiscal information. If you are a French citizen, resident in France and want to open an account in a Private Bank in Switzerland to cash out your bitcoins, you will get slaughtered (>60%). There are ways around that, and I could refer you to good tax specialists for fiscal optimization, but I cannot organize it myself. It would be illegal for me. Swiss private banks makes it easy for you to keep a good your relation with your retail bank and continue paying your bills without headaches. They are integrated to SEPA, provide ebanking and credit cards.
For information, these are the kind of set up some of my clients came up with. It’s all legal; obviously I do not onboard clients that are not tax compliant. Further disclaimer: I did not contribute myself to these set up. Do not ask me to organize it for you. I won’t.
EU tricks
Swiss lump sum taxation Foreign nationals resident in Switzerland can be taxed on a lump-sum basis if they are not gainfully employed in our country. Under the lump-sum tax regime, foreign nationals taking residence in Switzerland may choose to pay an expense-based tax instead of ordinary income and wealth tax. Attractive cantons for the lump sum taxation are Zug, Vaud, Valais, Grisons, Lucerne and Berne. To make it short, you will be paying somewhere between 200 and 400k a year and all expenses will be deductible.
Switzerland has adopted a very friendly attitude towards crypto currency in general. There is a whole crypto valley in Zug now. 30% of ICOs are operated in Switzerland. The reason is that Switzerland has thrived for centuries on banking secrecy, and today with FATCA and exchange of fiscal info with EU, banking secrecy is dead. Regulators in Switzerland have understood that digital ledger technologies were a way to roll over this competitive advantage for the generations to come. Switzerland does not tax capital gains on crypto profits. The Finma has a very pragmatic approach. They have issued guidance- updated guidelines here. They let the business get organized and operate their analysis on a case per case basis. Only after getting a deep understanding of the market will they issue a global fintech license in 2019. This approach is much more realistic than legislations which try to regulate everything beforehand.
Italy new tax exemption. It’s a brand new fiscal exemption. Go to Aoste, get residency and you could be taxed a 100k/year for 10years. Yes, really.
Portugal What’s crazy in Europe is the lack of fiscal harmonization. Even if no one in Brussels dares admit it, every other country is doing fiscal dumping. Portugal is such a country and has proved very friendly fiscally speaking. I personally have a hard time trusting Europe. I have witnessed what happened in Greece over the last few years. Some of our ultra high net worth clients got stuck with capital controls. I mean no way you got out of crypto to have your funds confiscated at the next financial crisis! Anyway. FYI
Malta Generally speaking, if you get a residence somewhere you have to live there for a certain period of time. Being stuck in Italy is no big deal with Schengen Agreement, but in Malta it is a different story. In Malta, the ordinary residence scheme is more attractive than the HNWI residence scheme. Being an individual, you can hold a residence permit under this scheme and pay zero income tax in Malta in a completely legal way.
Monaco Not suitable for French citizens, but for other Ultra High Net worth individual, Monaco is worth considering. You need an account at a local bank as a proof of fortune, and this account generally has to be seeded with at least EUR500k. You also need a proof of residence. I do mean UHNI because if you don’t cash out minimum 30m it’s not interesting. Everything is expensive in Monaco. Real Estate is EUR 50k per square meter. A breakfast at Monte Carlo Bay hotel is 70 EUR. Monaco is sunny but sometimes it feels like a golden jail. Do you really want that for your kids?
  1. Set up a company in Dubaï, get your resident card.
  2. Spend one day every 6 month there
  3. ???
  4. Be tax free
US tricks Some Private banks in Geneva do have the license to manage the assets of US persons and U.S citizens. However, do not think it is a way to avoid paying taxes in the US. Opening an account at an authorized Swiss Private banks is literally the same tax-wise as opening an account at Fidelity or at Bank of America in the US. The only difference is that you will avoid all the horror stories. Horror stories are all real by the way. In Switzerland, if you build a decent case and answer all the questions and corroborate your case in depth, you will manage to convince compliance officers beforehand. When the money eventually hits your account, it is actually available and not frozen.
The IRS and FATCA require to file FBAR if an offshore account is open. However FBAR is a reporting requirement and does not have taxes related to holding an account outside the US. The taxes would be the same if the account was in the US. However penalties for non compliance with FBAR are very large. The tax liability management is actually performed through the management of the assets ( for exemple by maximizing long term capital gains and minimizing short term gains).
The case for Porto Rico. Full disclaimer here. I am not encouraging this. Have not collaborated on such tax avoidance schemes. if you are interested I strongly encourage you to seek a tax advisor and get a legal opinion. I am not responsible for anything written below. I am not going to say much because I am so afraid of uncle Sam that I prefer to humbly pass the hot potato to pwc From here all it takes is a good advisor and some creativity to be tax free on your crypto wealth if you are a US person apparently. Please, please please don’t ask me more. And read the disclaimer again.
Trust tricks Generally speaking I do not accept fringe fiscal situation because it puts me in a difficult situation to the banks I work with, and it is already difficult enough to defend a legit crypto case. Trust might be a way to optimize your fiscal situation. Belize. Bahamas. Seychelles. Panama, You name it. At the end of the day, what matters for Swiss Banks are the beneficial owner and the settlor. Get a legal opinion, get it done, and when you eventually knock at a private bank’s door, don’t say it was for fiscal avoidance you stupid ! You will get the door smashed upon you. Be smarter. It will work. My advice is just to have it done by a great tax specialist lawyer, even if it costs you some money, as the entity itself needs to be structured in a professional way. Remember that with trust you are dispossessing yourself off your wealth. Not something to be taken lightly.
“Anonymous” cash out. Right. I think I am not going into this topic, neither expose the ways to get it done. Pm me for details. I already feel a bit uncomfortable with all the info I have provided. I am just going to mention many people fear that crypto exchange might become reporting entities soon, and rightly so. This might happen anyday. You have been warned. FYI, this only works for non-US and large cash out.
The difference between traders an investors. Danmark, Holland and Germany all make a huge difference if you are a passive investor or if you are a trader. ICO is considered investing for instance and is not taxed, while trading might be considered as income and charged aggressively. I would try my best to protect you and put a focus on your investor profile whenever possible, so you don't have to pay 52% tax if you do not have to :D
Full cash out or partial cash out? People who have been sitting on crypto for long have grown an emotional and irrational link with their coins. They come to me and say, look, I have 50m in crypto but I would like to cash out 500k only. So first let me tell you that as a wealth manager my advice to you is to take some off the table. Doing a partial cash out is absolutely fine. The market is bullish. We are witnessing a redistribution of wealth at a global scale. Bitcoin is the real #occupywallstreet, and every one will discuss crypto at Xmas eve which will make the market even more supportive beginning 2018, especially with all hedge funds entering the scene. If you want to stay exposed to bitcoin and altcoins, and believe these techs will change the world, it’s just natural you want to keep some coins. In the meantime, if you have lived off pizzas over the last years, and have the means to now buy yourself an nice house and have an account at a private bank, then f***ing do it mate ! Buy physical gold with this account, buy real estate, have some cash at hands. Even though US dollar is worthless to your eyes, it’s good and convenient to have some. Also remember your wife deserves it ! And if you have no wife yet and you are socially awkward like the rest of us, then maybe cashing out partially will help your situation ;)
What the Private Banks expect. Joke aside, it is important you understand something. If you come around in Zurich to open a bank account and partially cash out, just don’t expect Private Banks will make an exception for you if you are small. You can’t ask them to facilitate your cash out, buy a 1m apartment with the proceeds of the sale, and not leave anything on your current account. It won’t work. Sadly, under 5m you are considered small in private banking. The bank is ok to let you open an account, provided that your kyc and compliance file are validated, but they will also want you to become a client and leave some money there to invest. This might me despicable, but I am just explaining you their rules. If you want to cash out, you should sell enough to be comfortable and have some left. Also expect the account opening to last at least 3-4 week if everything goes well. You can't just open an account overnight.
The cash out logistics. Cashing out 1m USD a day in bitcoin or more is not so hard.
Let me just tell you this: Even if you get a Tier 4 account with Kraken and ask Alejandro there to raise your limit over $100k per day, Even if you have a bitfinex account and you are willing to expose your wealth there, Even if you have managed to pass all the crazy due diligence at Bitstamp,
The amount should be fractioned to avoid risking your full wealth on exchange and getting slaughtered on the price by trading big quantities. Cashing out involves significant risks at all time. There is a security risk of compromising your keys, a counterparty risk, a fat finger risk. Let it be done by professionals. It is worth every single penny.
Most importantly, there is a major difference between trading on an exchange and trading OTC. Even though it’s not publicly disclosed some exchange like Kraken do have OTC desks. Trading on an exchange for a large amount will weight on the prices. Bitcoin is a thin market. In my opinion over 30% of the coins are lost in translation forever. Selling $10m on an exchange in a day can weight on the prices more than you’d think. And if you trade on a exchange, everything is shown on record, and you might wipe out the prices because on exchanges like bitstamp or kraken ultimately your counterparties are retail investors and the market depth is not huge. It is a bit better on Bitfinex. It is way better to trade OTC. Accessing the institutional OTC market is not easy, and that is also the reason why you should ask a regulated financial intermediary if we are talking about huge amounts.
Last point, always chose EUR as opposed to USD. EU correspondent banks won’t generally block institutional amounts. However we had the cases of USD funds frozen or delayed by weeks.
Most well-known OTC desks are Cumberlandmining (ask for Lucas), Genesis (ask for Martin), Bitcoin Suisse AG (ask for Niklas), circletrade, B2C2, or Altcoinomy (ask for Olivier)
Very very large whales can also set up escrow accounts for massive block trades. This world, where blocks over 30k BTC are exchanged between 2 parties would deserve a reddit thread of its own. Crazyness all around.
Your options: DIY or going through a regulated financial intermediary.
Execution trading is a job in itself. You have to be patient, be careful not to wipe out the order book and place limit orders, monitor the market intraday for spikes or opportunities. At big levels, for a large cash out that may take weeks, these kind of details will save you hundred thousands of dollars. I understand crypto holders are suspicious and may prefer to do it by themselves, but there are regulated entities who now offer the services. Besides, being a crypto millionaire is not a guarantee you will get institutional daily withdrawal limits at exchange. You might, but it will take you another round of KYC with them, and surprisingly this round might be even more aggressive that the ones at Private banks since exchange have gone under intense scrutiny by regulators lately.
The fees for cashing out through a regulated financial intermediary to help you with your cash out should be around 1-2% flat on the nominal, not more. And for this price you should get the full package: execution/monitoring of the trades AND onboarding in a private bank. If you are asked more, you are being abused.
Of course, you also have the option to do it yourself. It is a way more tedious and risky process. Compliance with the exchange, compliance with the private bank, trading BTC/fiat, monitoring the transfers…You will save some money but it will take you some time and stress. Further, if you approach a private bank directly, it will trigger a series of red flag to the banks. As I said in my previous post, they call a direct approach a “walk-in”. They will be more suspicious than if you were introduced by someone and won’t hesitate to show you high fees and load your portfolio with in-house products that earn more money to the banks than to you. Remember also most banks still do not understand crypto so you will have a lot of explanations to provide and you will have to start form scratch with them!
The paradox of crypto millionaires Most of my clients who made their wealth through crypto all took massive amount of risks to end up where they are. However, most of them want their bank account to be managed with a low volatility fixed income capital preservation risk profile. This is a paradox I have a hard time to explain and I think it is mainly due to the fact that most are distrustful towards banks and financial markets in general. Many clients who have sold their crypto also have a cash-out blues in the first few months. This is a classic situation. The emotions involved in hodling for so long, the relief that everything has eventually gone well, the life-changing dynamics, the difficulties to find a new motivation in life…All these elements may trigger a post cash-out depression. It is another paradox of the crypto rich who has every card in his hand to be happy, but often feel a bit sad and lonely. Sometimes, even though it’s not my job, I had to do some psychological support. A lot of clients have also become my friends, because we have the same age and went through the same “ordeal”. First world problem I know… Remember, cashing out is not the end. It’s actually the beginning. Don’t look back, don’t regret. Cash out partially, because it does not make sense to cash out in full, regret it and want back in. relax.
The race to cash out crypto billionaire and the concept of late exiter. The Winklevoss brothers are obviously the first of a series. There will be crypto billionaires. Many of them. At a certain level you can have a whole family office working for you to manage your assets and take care of your needs . However, let me tell you it’s is not because you made it so big that you should think you are a genius and know everything better than anyone. You should hire professionals to help you. Managing assets require some education around the investment vehicles and risk management strategies. Sorry guys but with all the respect I have for wallstreebet, AMD and YOLO stock picking, some discipline is necessary. The investors who have made money through crypto are generally early adopters. However I have started to see another profile popping up. They are not early adopters. They are late exiters. It is another way but just as efficient. Last week I met the first crypto millionaire I know who first bough bitcoin over 1000$. 55k invested at the beginning of this year. Late adopter & late exiter is a route that can lead to the million.
Last remarks. I know banks, bankers, and FIAT currencies are so last century. I know some of you despise them and would like to have them burn to the ground. With compliance officers taking over the business, I would like to start the fire myself sometimes. I hope this extensive guide has helped some of you. I am around if you need more details. I love my job despite all my frustration towards the banking industry because it makes me meet interesting people on a daily basis. I am a crypto enthusiast myself, and I do think this tech is here to stay and will change the world. Banks will have to adapt big time. Things have started to change already; they understand the threat is real. I can feel the generational gap in Geneva, with all these old bankers who don’t get what’s going on. They glaze at the bitcoin chart on CNBC in disbelief and they start to get it. This bitcoin thing is not a joke. Deep inside, as an early adopter who also intends to be a late exiter, as a libertarian myself, it makes me smile with satisfaction.
Cheers. @swisspb on telegram
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The Malta Institute of Taxation is a non-profit making organisation governed by Statute. It is an independent and autonomous body made up of, and run by, tax practitioners which works to promote knowledge and good practice in the tax profession. The Malta Institute of Accountants (MIA) is the voice of the accountancy profession in Malta, providing professional guidance, technical support and continuing professional education to over 3,500+ accountants. Read more. Read More. International Associate Membership Associate Membership. Membership options for Foreign Accountants . Latest News. Joint MIA-MBA Media Release. 5 Feb 2021 09:00 ... MALTA INSTITUTE OF TAXATION. It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Malta Institute of Taxation (MIT). Since its establishment in 1995, the MIT has strived to establish itself as a professional body for advisers, practitioners and academics operating in the field of taxation in Malta, promoting the highest standards in the tax profession, through the creation of learning opportunities and ... Malta Institute of Taxation. Address (HQ): 66, Mosta Road,, Attard. ATD 1430, Malta. Tel.: +356 2131 4653. Malta Institute of Taxation Kenny 2019-03-22T14:45:24+00:00. Malta Institute of Taxation. Papilio Services Limited is a leading independent service provider that specialises in Malta company formation, compliance services, corporate tax structuring and Malta residency programmes. Papilio Services Limited and associated companies are licensed by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA). ... The Malta Institute of Taxation (MIT) will shortly be celebrating its 10th anniversary. The MIT, an association of tax practitioners from both the official and private sectors, concentrates its ... Faye is a Certified Public Accountant and a member of the Malta Institute of Accountants. Roderick Borg, KPMG Malta. Mr. Roderick Borg is an accountant by profession. He joined the tax function of KPMG after graduating with a first class degree in both the B. Com course and the B. Accty (Hons.) course from the University of Malta. In 2010, Mr Borg was awarded the diploma in taxation with ... The Malta Institute of Taxation is a non-profit making organisation governed by Statute. It is an independent and autonomous body made up of, and run by, tax practitioners which works to promote... Principles of International Taxation; Australia option; Banking option; Brazil option; China option; Cyprus option; EU Direct Tax option; EU VAT option; Hong Kong option; India option; Ireland option; Malta option; Singapore option; Transfer Pricing option; United Kingdom option ; United States option; Upstream Oil and Gas option; Page actions. Email this page; Print this page; 30 Monck Street ... Most relevant lists of abbreviations for MIT (Malta Institute of Taxation) 1. Malta; 1. Taxation; 1. Institute; 1. Business; 1. Government; Alternative Meanings 561 alternative MIT meanings. MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology; MIT - Monoiodotyrosine; MIT - Marquesas Islands Time; MIT - Major Incident Team; MIT - Master of Information Technology ; images. Abbreviation in images. links ...

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