Jokes about Sweden and Swedes Swedish Language Blog

jokes about swedes

jokes about swedes - win

All the times the Simpsons joked about Swedes and Sweden.

All the times the Simpsons joked about Swedes and Sweden. submitted by popularvote_yt to simpsonsshitposting [link] [comments]

An analysis (in Swedish) of the male stereotypes used when Finns joke about Swedes and Swedes about Finns

An analysis (in Swedish) of the male stereotypes used when Finns joke about Swedes and Swedes about Finns submitted by KrejKrej to Nordiccountries [link] [comments]

Joke About Swedes

Two swedes found a mirror on the side of the road. One of the guys looked at and said
"Hey, I have seen this person before"
The other one took the mirorer, and looked at it and said
"Idiot! it's only me"
submitted by I-Should_Be-Studying to Jokes [link] [comments]

Every time The Simpsons joked about Sweden/Swedes/Swedish

Every time The Simpsons joked about Sweden/Swedes/Swedish submitted by popularvote_yt to TheSimpsons [link] [comments]

Are Donald Trump and Boris Johnson part of something?

Both are terrible at their jobs, rule English countries, play a ball sport, and are immature in every sense. Oh, and they look like different versions of the same person. It all seems like the beginning of a joke about Swedes.
submitted by dakotaMoose to shittyaskreddit [link] [comments]

Sweden celebrates their population hitting 10,000,000. Some redditors congratulate the swedes for reproducing vigorously, others point out that in recent years 80% of the population growth was due to immigration.

So here's the comment with the numbers I referred to, which is the main source of drama.
Lots of people make light hearted jokes about swedes reproducing a lot, and so on, but every time someone else has to make a refugee reference.
Some edgelord doesn't like cheering for demographic increases since there are too many people on Earth anyway, and also doesn't like migrants.
Another good source of drama based on numbers is that guy pointing out that the younger age groups have the most migration (meaning in a few years every tier of the age pyramid is going to turn brown).
The least offensive might be someone congratulating them in Arabic.
And here's the low effort gallery 1 2
submitted by BannedFromImzy to Drama [link] [comments]

Remember last year when Hertl joked about too many Swedes?

submitted by ChrisNomad to SanJoseSharks [link] [comments]

My friend is really good at geography and we were playing a game where i send a flag and he says the name of the country and the capital and... (we live in finland and finns make a lot of jokes roasting swedes about being gay)

My friend is really good at geography and we were playing a game where i send a flag and he says the name of the country and the capital and... (we live in finland and finns make a lot of jokes roasting swedes about being gay) submitted by DannyTheMemer to teenagers [link] [comments]

Swede Complains About Death Threats Over 'Ramadan Pork and Booze' Joke

Swede Complains About Death Threats Over 'Ramadan Pork and Booze' Joke submitted by rotoreuters to betternews [link] [comments]

Swede Complains About Death Threats Over 'Ramadan Pork and Booze' Joke

Swede Complains About Death Threats Over 'Ramadan Pork and Booze' Joke submitted by thefeedbot to TheNewsFeed [link] [comments]

MFW a Swede jokes about my country but his home is being taken over with knives and acid

MFW a Swede jokes about my country but his home is being taken over with knives and acid submitted by TheHoneySavior to teenagersnew [link] [comments]

I need help making riddles. Please?

I want to hide a gift from someone but make them work for it. I am not very clever, so that's where I need you.
Places these riddles could (not limited) lead to:
Normal household items/furnishings One of my cats (that will be funny) An Oak tree A 1972 Ford Ranger (muffler, perhaps?) Under my house A Volvo (Jokes about Swedes are welcome) DVDs and CDs
The gift will ultimately be hidden in a barn so any good barn jokes/puns are needed.
Thank you clever redditors!
submitted by ennuigo to AskReddit [link] [comments]

Joke about Mexico fails to offend ethnic Mexican, but does most certainly offend ethnic Swede who's basically Mexican by virtue of geography, "I don't know what they eat in Sweden but if you put down a bowl of pozole in front of me, I'll tell you whatever you want to hear. Hashtag 1848."

submitted by Rivka333 to MildRedditDrama [link] [comments]

Last DD I wrote for WSB (Jan 12), added updates, but still think it's a good long play. My boy ERIC has proved me right and my positions are up over 50% since I first published, still see lots of room for tendies.

What up fart quaffers! I've got some truly mas puro retard shit for you guys to snort like a line of coarsely ground Adderall. So scooch your beanbags up and gather 'round my little dick strokers and bean flickers (see? I can be gender inclusive). Let's discuss why your uncle is more retarded than you and how you're gonna make money while he sends his social security checks to buy more tin foil.
First, let me say, if your illiterate ass isn't here for story time, just skip to the bottom. TL;DR and my positions are that'a'way.
So, by now many of you probably know that the 5G spectrums are up for auction. Verizon and T-Mobile (and to a lesser extent, AT&T -- because they is over-leveraged bitches) are gonna be throwing 90's money at it. Gonna make it rain like Jenna Jameson feature dancing at some vaporwave strip club in Tampa circa '97. Now, before you start jizzing all over your JNCO jeans, that's not the money we're after here. There's a bigger pot about to be busted out, and that, goons and goblins, is what we're aiming for.
You see, your Kool-aide drinking uncle is right about something: 5G is gonna be massive, and who the fuck cares if Bill gates is gonna use it to give us microchip suppositories while infecting us with the Rona. You'll live, and you'll make money while your uncle keeps shouting at clouds and chemtrails, poor and destitute. If only the bastard weren't as cruel as he is retarded, you might use those tendies to put him in a nice home for retards, somewhere warm, like Florida. He'd fit right in.
What's the difference between 4G and 5G? Fuck if I know, do I look like an electronics nerd? But I do know this: rather than building one big ass tower that covers a large area, 5G is gonna use a bunch of Christmas-tree sized towers and spread them over several city blocks. You hear that? What once was one tower, is now many. Is your retarded brain starting to piece this shit together? You know what you need to get all those towers and all that data talking to each other? Muthafucking switches. Yes, basically a shittier version of the router that's collecting dust while half-dangling off your desk. So, picture this, I'm sitting at the table in my crayon room, trying to force the square peg into the round hole, when I ask myself, "which cunt makes 5G switches?" Well, I put my big boy pants on and started looking at Chinese shit...emphasis on "shit".
You see, as a younger autist, I once lived in China. I even have a degree in their retarded ass laws (omfg, their constitution is such hot garbage, it's like someone put Trump tweets through a Communist formal language translator, seriously, if you're at all interested in law, go read it and laugh/weep) from one of their retarded universities. There are three facts that made me realize that China is not the answer to this.
1.) Chinese quality is fucking shit. I don't need no wumao apologists coming in here and telling me I'm wrong, because I'm not. Chinese craftsmanship is is like what you'd produce if I asked you personally to bake a 3-tiered cake, and then allowed you to frost it with Play-doh. Everything is about cutting corners and covering it up with plastic, it sucks. Look at Ze Germans, they're over there salting their pretzels with tears "because ze machine do not look sexy enough. Mutti whas rite, I am failure!" Meanwhile, in China, they're wiping their tears with fermented tofu because they can't put poison into powdered milk (you think I'm joking?!).
  1. Not only is Chinese quality fucking shit, it's riddled with goddamn spyware. You know who is not gonna be cool with putting up a bunch-of Christmas tree-sized Chinese spies on every rooftop? Hopefully fucking everybody (well, except Saudi Arabia, we all know they'll just pay China to have a seat at the peepshow.). But for real, President Xi has dramatically failed to engage in the world in good faith. His predecessors were able to build good will and investment opportunities with the West, but ever since Xi took over, he's been pissing in Cheerios. Indiscretions won't be waved away as "aww, look at that little shithole trying to pull itself up by the bootstraps" anymore. Nah, we saw what happened with Huawei, and we saw China nationalize Jack Ma's shit. It's gonna go more in this direction under Xi, and Chinese supply, especially as it relates to data and information tech is only gonna be favored by jackboot cum guzzlers.
  2. IT'S ALL FAKE GOVERNEMNT MANIPULATION. Let me tell you a story about my time in Poohland. You see, if you want to open your Retards'R'Us store in China, you gotta do the same bureaucratic bullshit like you do everywhere, file your paperwork and wait. But if you don't fucking offer a bribe, your ass is gonna go broke waiting. It's a goddamn institution. They got these stores, all they got inside is expensive whiskey and cartons of Marlboros that were made in 1987. No one ever buys from these stores because their prices are straight up ridiculous and who the fuck wants to smoke ciggies from back then, but yet, there they are. What purpose do they serve? Well, when you go turn in your business application, you swing by one of these stores, pick up a carton of Marlboros that Ronald Regan farted on and make your way to either a.) some dingy ass Soviet dystopia looking ass building or b.) some super fancy and slick building that's got welds so shitty it look's like they tried to do them with chopsticks. Either way, when you slide your application across the desk, slide that carton of Marlboros and whiskey too. You know what fuckface on the other side does with it? He goes right back to the goddamn store you were in 20 minutes ago and trades that shit for cash. You know what else happens? That store, and the thousands, if not millions, like it pump those numbers into the economic reports. Lord knows how much of their GDP is straight up due to corruption. I'm not even gonna begin to get into how the CCP manipulates markets and businesses, all you need to know is you can make a quick buck off Chinese shit, but ultimately, you're holding fake ass doo doo that "fell of the back of the truck".
Alright, so we veered a little off course there, but I say all that because I'm gonna make the case for my boy, ERIC. You see, ERIC is Swedish. Sweden isn't pissing in anyone's Cheerios, they're like the Canada of Europe. When you think Sweden, you think about a strange fascination with fermented fish, kinda creepy avant-garde movies, and fucking STACKED blonde bikini models. Take me to Valhalla, you Swedish valkyries...and sit on my face while you do it. Sweden is the guy at the rave dressed in khakis asking how your family is doing and making sure everyone gets home safely. Cool dude, skål! You know what you would trust this motherfucker to do? That's right you degenerates, you'd trust him to handle your fucking n00die pics. He won't judge, and he won't share. So let's go hang out with ERIC for a moment, he's got some meatballs and needs our help assembling flat-pack furniture.
You see, ERIC's been a busy lad. You old Millennials and young Gen-Xers might have even had a Sony-Ericcsson phone back when nobody knew what the fuck a Yu-Gi-Oh is. Sonny and ERIC dipped outta that scene when smartphones arrived and their bromance came to an end. But ERIC is a nerd for this shit. ERIC kept making comm tech when he wasn't too buys causing air traffic incidents with Surströmming. You know what his hard work got him? Fucking becoming a pioneer in 5G tech. As far as I'm aware, ERIC is the only muthafucka to have his shit on 4 continents (so far). ERIC got in this door early, and unlike that Chinese shit, it's good fucking quality and not trying to exploit you. Furthermore, EU is gonna love supporting one of their own, especially after Xi been pissing in Mama Merkel's Cheerios. America too is gonna start being more suspicious of China, we've seen it happen, but fucking ERIC? ERIC's cool man, he ain't pissing in our Cheerios, we ain't got beef with him handling data. Our drunk girlfriend tried to hook up with him, but he just took her to get some Mickey D's. Class fucking act, real stand-up dude.
But alright, we know ERIC is cool, and that he isn't gonna threaten to send our dick pic collection to our mamas. We know that ERIC has been making something that is about to be in high-demand, and that he is quite good at it. We also know he has been busy getting his product out across the world ahead of his competitors, and that his biggest competitors produce snitch-ass dogshit.
Yeah, just swiping through WSB Tinder, ERIC looking kinda juicy. Let's see what his bio says. Oh shit dawgs, are you seeing these charts? That steady growth. Look at how that sonuvabitch just shrugged off COVID and kept going all viking on his shit. Not only did ERIC shrug off COVID, he fucking feasted on it. Look at that jävel make his money. And what's this? The motherfucker is integrating automated drone corridors with his tech? He's raising his long-term EBITDA margins? He's out here acquiring businesses? Shit, that muthafucking Swede been a busy ass bee.
Now, you may be wondering, if ERIC is so great, what about NOK? And yeah, NOK isn't a terrible idea either, they also have some good news on their side and are a bit undervalued as well. If you wanted to take a bite of NOK, you probably won't get diarrhea, might even shit some gold. I dunno, I'm still looking into it, but I like ERIC better. [UPDATE: NOK did shit gold with the whole short squeeze fiasco, but has since fallen back to normal ranges and I stand by my evaluation of ERIC being the better long-term bet]
But here is the part I want you to really look at: the fucking call prices. Cheddar Cheesus of Wisconsin! That's some muthafucking value on a goddamn motherfucker leading the game! Goddamn Buddha going down on Shakira in the Alps! If you don't make money on this, you're fucking hopeless. [Update: call prices are still good for a long position, but getting pricier]
So yeah, there you have it, ERIC is the fucking man. He's got a good product, is ahead of the game in rolling it out, has geo-political tailwinds, solid and steady growth, and his only opposition is your retarded uncle and his looney-toons conspiracies. So this is the part where you tell him to go whistle on a dick because you're making money off the switches that ensure that the camgirl you've been simping for sees your little dick 150 miliseconds faster. 5G is coming, and someone's gotta make the hardware for it, why not ERIC?
*TL;DR Chinese shit is shit. ERIC is cool. You should give your money to ERIC*
*ERIC shares*
*ERIC Jan 2023 $12c*
P.S. I'm putting this at the bottom because I already know my inbox will be full of: "Is Jan 15 a good call date?" No motherfucker! The telecomms are still bidding on the spectrums. I have no fucking clue when they'll actually start putting up more goddamn towers, if I did, I sure as shit wouldn't be giving that info out for free. But I do know it won't happen over night. If you wanna be retarded, go play a meme stock, this shit is for autists. No rocket emojis here. So when is a good date for calls? Fuck if I know. Noticed I bought fucking leaps? Yeah, you might wanna do the same (they're dirt cheap), but I tend to think anything expiring in June-Sept and beyond is a safe bet. Totally your call based on your own risk tolerance.
Anyway, if you see my boy ERIC, just ignore the pungent smell of fermented fish.

submitted by Agent00funk to wallstreetbetsOGs [link] [comments]

A week in the life of your favorite firearm merchant! 2/10/2021

Things have been busy so, I apologize for the delay. I know lots of you love these stories.
Last Friday night...Yeah, I think we broke the law...Always say we're gonna stop, whoa
Friday, or in the alternative: What part of call me was not clear?
I get to my desk at the usual time and deal with the usual bullshit. I got a SCAR 16s here on consignment because a customer of mine bought them from dealers that were less than reputable and lied about the condition of/country of origin of their merchandise. And they swapped sku's and other bullshit gun dealer things.
Trying to be a nice guy, I can charge the guy to box and ship everything back or roll them at top dollar and give him a big stack of blue stripe benjamins. I tell him I'll try and sell them for him and take my cut off the top so we're both making money. He thinks this is a great idea and manages to line up a buyer on his own. I just need to do the 4473 and cut him a check. No big deal, I don't have a problem doing a little extra work for him versus the standard dealer to customer transfer. The guy he sold it to is a semi regular customer of mine and he comes in, bangs out the 4473 and it's about a 90 minute wait on transaction time.
No big deal. Instead of packing up for the gun show, I'm selling other peoples guns. I'll pack up for the gun show tonight and get everything ready when I get home. I need to be up super early and on the road.
I get everything squared off, customer comes in to get his money and drops off ANOTHER SCAR 16s to sell because the dealer pulled a con job. Okay, I can haul it to the show in the AM. I have a SCAR 16s in FDE from him. I have a 5.7 in FDE on the arm from a buddy of mine and a 509 FDE. I'll make a package deal, FDE FN Friday all FN time. Things are looking up!
I clear off all the 4473's for the week and do an audit and I'm down about 75% inventory wise from last year. Things are tight but stuff is trickling in in drips and drabs. Hit the chickfila on my way home for a sandwich and milkshake that brings all the boys to the yard. I'm done eating and getting ready to leave when I get the call.
ring ring
FC: go for FC
1: Mr Hayden sir, can I ask a favor of you?
FC: What up?
1: Got a guy who wants my scar 16 lined up but he has to pay on a credit card. Can you run it for me? You can take a card and cut me a check?
(It's 7PM on a friday night. I still need to pack for the show. By the time I get back it will be 9PM and I still need to shower and get a decent nights sleep. I'm a glutton for punishment)
FC: If you want to get it done tonight, have the guy call me. I'm eating dinner now and I'll head back if he calls me.
1: roger that, I'll pass along your info right now and let him know.
I do a few more emails from the laptop and say hi to the chickfila owner who was friends with my dad and buys guns from me. We chat for a bit and my phone does not ring. Now, gentle readers - I offered to head back at 730PM on a friday to get something done for someone as a favor to them. That should be worthy of "holy shit you are the man for coming back on your own time!" but this was not the case. No phone call means I didn't head back.
I head home, no phone call. Phone about to die. Plug it in and go into my garage and get all my gun show stuff sorted and loaded and organized. My normal display is 3 tables of merchandise stacked and racked on 2 tables. This show it's 1.5 tables of merchandise stretched out on 2 tables. Not good. My back is killing me. I get some ibuprofen and take a hot shower. Grab my phone off the charger. Bunch of missed calls, one email one VM. I return the VM.
1: Hey you must be having a good dinner at chickfila, we've been waiting here in the parking lot for the last hour!
FC: You have? Well, I didn't get a phone call. I'm home and in pajamas.
1: What? He didn't call you?
FC: Nope
1: HEY! YOU DIDN'T CALL HIM? Oh he says he just figured......
FC: No phone call means no turning around to go back to work. We'll deal with it next week.
1: Okay I'll tell him.
I'm a pretty easy to get along with guy. If you ask me a favor, I'll likely do it if it does not interfere with my life too badly. But if you ask me for a favor and you can't follow simple instructions, well then you're wasting your own time. That's no skin off my hide. Failure to follow simple directions on your part does not warrant my bad back bending over backwards to make it right. I climb into bed, I have to be up at 5AM to tank up at the truck stop, grab breakfast on the run and get to this show on the road.
Saturday, in the park. I think it was the fourth of july. People dancing, people laughing. A man selling ice cream. Singing Italian songs....
Showtime Saturday.
My back is stiffer than I'd like. I get down to the show and get loaded in and everything is set up looking spiffy. Not in my normal spot right by the loading dock, much to my chagrin. There's a line that's 1/4 mile long to get into the building. This shit is looking crazy.
Here's the deal, folks. The 4473 isn't hard. It does require attention to detail. Being in therapy with Dr Kaplan, I've learned a few things.
Old FC: Here's the clipboard, call me when you're done.
New FC: Here's the form, I'm guessing you haven't filled this out before. Start on line 9, read this carefully, 18A and 18B are two separate questions that both require answers, 21 L 2 is tricky, you need to read it ALL THE WAY TO THE END before you answer. Sign on 22, today's date on 23. STOP THERE.
With the new spiel, of the 7 forms I was handed on Saturday before noon - guess how many were filled out correctly? I'll make a break here to talk about the bullshit I had to do.
Show Hustler #1: I had a consignment mossberg built in new haven pre 1968. A guy wants to buy it and he's friends with Ray Dalio. Yes, the Ray Dalio. He tries getting me to knock $100 off but I tell him he's nuts. If he's FRIENDS WITH A BILLIONAIRE and lives in GREENWICH fucking Connecticut, you can pay my very fair asking price of about $350 on it. He relents and I give him a small discount and I give him the clipboard.
Show Hustler #2: I got a guy wanting to trade me a 44 Mag Black Desert Eagle for a Colt 1911 I have on the table. Prices are about the same. I tell him I'm not doing the work of selling two guns for the profit of one gun. He tells me I'm not selling two guns, I'm trading one and selling one. That's selling one gun! I explain two entries in my A/D book means I sell two guns, and it's easier for me to sell a NIB Colt than it is for me to sell a used Desert Eagle. Well the DE isn't used! It's unfired! It's brand new! If I didn't get it from a wholesaler, it's used. He says for me to think about it and he'll be at the show. I tell him I thought about it. He says yeah, ready to do an even trade? I say no, now I want your gun plus $1000. He calls me a clown and walks away.
Show Hustler #3: Over the road truck driver wants the FN 5.7 in FDE I have on consignment. Asks for a truck driver discount. He wants it for $1200. I've got it tagged at $1350. I tell him if he can fill out the form straight, no errors I write it at 1200. If there's an error, I write it for $1350. He says he just bought a brand new freightliner cascadia and money is tight. I tell him well we got a bet or what? He nods, I book the action.
Show Hustler #4: Guy wants my 509C. He wants to trade me for a NIB glock even up. I tell him there's no money to be made and selling a used glock gets me less money. BUT ITS NOT USED! ITS BRAND NEW! We go back and forth 9 times about how new does not mean what he thinks it means. I offer him $350 on his trade as credit knowing that $650 on a used glock in 45ACP is all the money right now. He calls me a cocksucker and walks away.
Okay, so 7 form 4473's with an explanation as to all the problem areas before noon on many were filled out correctly?
If you answered zero, you are right! That means I won the 4473 bet. The 5.7 goes out at top dollar. Winner winner chicken dinner!
I head home and count my money. I need 9 more shows like this and I might finally be able to retire. On the way home I check web orders. Three guys in arkansas have ordered $900 22LR off my website at $150 a brick. I joke about my stash of 22LR being a brand new F350 platinum but at $150/brick that's rapidly becoming a reality.
Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Sunday is day 2 of the show. I stop at a local diner and grab corned beef hash and a short stack of pancakes for breakfast. Want to know how good a diner is? If there's real butter with the pancakes and not that bullshit country crock/margarine spread, you know things will be good.
There's butter. It's good.
A very nice Sig 229 in stainless in 9mm comes by from a guy who did business with me years ago. He traded me a Wilson CQB pistol for a Sig 226 and a Springfield Range Officer even up. I had maybe $1600 into that Wilson, I sold it for $2500 a few months later and tucked the money away. When my brother got married, our fucking gigantic family got together the night before the wedding and had dinner. I told him I'd cover it and he's like "are you sure?" and I said, how bad could it be? Not realizing his wife's family is a bunch of hungry alcoholics from cape cod who have never seen an open bar before and are total gluttons when someone else is buying. As it turns out, $2500 covered about half of the F&B, but he seemed appreciative.
I sell nothing at the show all day and talk with the other dealers and swap stupid customer stories. I pack and head home and I've sold a good bit of stuff of mine and consignments. As I'm making my way out of the building, the wheel comes off the wagon.
This is not a euphemism.
I pay off all my friends for their sales, and in the zelle memo field, I break down the transactions as such:
$69.69 - Anal Hook
$350 - Loch Ness Monster Poster
(whatever the balance was after bullshit, I can't remember) - this is from your real dad
I have lots of fun at this job sometimes.
It's just another manic Monday. I wish it was Sunday. 'Cause that's my fun day.
Monday morning I get an email from the fellow who spent his friday night in the parking lot waiting for me. His email address leads me to believe he spent some time at Parris Island or San Diego, because who else uses semper fi in an email address name? He says he can be in after work at 1645 hours sharp and is just down the road. I tell him I'll get everything squared away for him, and I prep the 4473's on a clipboard and get everything set up.
Cleaning up files from the show, closing out 4473's. Down to 249 items in stock. 150 of them are lowers. This is not good. Must strike while irons are hot though. Gotta shear all the sheep while the wool is ready to harvest and prices are high. I have a bunch of personal ammo that will hit the market one POTUS says something stupid. That's not an if, that's a when.
Bunch of phone calls from people seeking 380 and cheap 9mm. I do my best charles bronson impression. "No dice." The emails accusing me of price gouging are fantastic. There's some other idiocy too. I won't post the whole ones but here's a few snippets from the butthurt and the unprepared as well as the idiotic.
I’m just looking for fmj for target practice. Nothing fancy. If you could do them for $400 a case of 1000 I can talk.
FC: I can get you $400/case on 1000 but it'll be foreign made non brass 9mm ammo.
Pretty much what your saying is no matter how much money I try to spend, you’re continuing your get rich quick prices. People like you are direct part of the problem. It’s one thing to make money and it’s another to try to high way rob people. Hope you’re proud of yourself.
FC: I can assure you that this isn't a get rich quick situation. I spent plenty of money investing in half a million rounds of ammo about FOUR years ago during the Trump slump and I'm just getting around to realizing profits now. I am not getting rich, nor am I doing it quickly. I hardly think that any investment that takes 4 years to realize a gain is quick.
(No response back)
Subject: Used Ruger 10/22
Message: I’ll give you 175 for it.
FC: Deal. Can you come by today?
(new message, no subject)
Message: I can come by Tomorrow or Thursday.
(I try calling him. VM box is full)
FC: Great! Lets get it done. Your VM box is full. Tomorrow is better.
(new message, no subject)
Message: I can come tomorrow but I only have 150 I can spend at the moment so I’ll probably wait a few days.
FC: What happened to " I’ll give you 175 for it." a few hours ago?
(new message, no subject)
Message: My bad dude. I have a kid I don’t know what to tell you. And I’m pretty sure I said Wednesday or Thursday. If you really want it gone that bad I don’t see what the big deal is.
FC: I was just expecting you to have $175 ready if you said you wanted to deal......So, will Wednesday or Thursday work this week? Bring me cash and your concealed.
(new message, no subject)
Message: No cwl. But you don’t need one for a private sale. I can have your cash.
FC: No CWL no sale.
(new message, no subject)
Message: Yeah I’ll pass. Good luck. You totally should have mentioned that at the start of negotiations.
FC: What part of my ad that said cash and concealed required was unclear?
Yeah. Fucking mondays.
1630 rolls around and our scar loving jarhead walks in. With his wife. And his children. Not one, not two, not three, but FOUR little munchkins. All without an ipad and disney + streaming to keep them occupied. They're not bad kids, just curious at all the little things I have lying around like lower parts kits, magazines, AAC 51T mounts, stuff like that.
He hands over his ID. I look at the address. It's a city two and a half hours away.
FC: Uh, you're a long way from home.
USMC: Yeah I just moved. I'm putting my new address on this form if that's okay.
FC: You have anything with your new address on it? I can't do anything with ID that's not current.
USMC: It's not expired, it's current.
FC: Where do you live?
USMC: (names address locally)
FC: Then this is no longer current. I need something with your new local address on it.
USMC: Oh then I'll just use the old address on this form then.
FC: That's not acceptable. I need a current government document with your new address.
USMC: Here, I have activation orders and training orders from the army.
FC: That won't work. Government document with your new address.
USMC: Here's my W2 from the DOD.
FC: That's not a government document.
USMC: But the DOD gave it to me! It's FROM the department of defense, which is the government!
(Editors note: Did I mention that I hate mondays?)
FC: I can call ATF and ask......
USMC: Please do!
(I phone the ATF area supervisor on his cellular device)
ATF: Mr Hayden, how can I help you today?
FC: Barry, I got a funny one. Guy wants to use his DOD W2/activation orders to get his gun since that has his current address.
ATF: Why? Is there a reason he's unable to get an updated drivers license?
FC: That's a good question Barry, let me find out.
(FC puts ATF on speakerphone)
FC: Hey private first class, ATF wants to know why you didn't update your license
USMC: Uh because I've been busy
ATF: Sir, that's not an answer. I was in the military too and I had to change ID's just like you. If I can had to do it you have to do it.
(Barry was a very long time ago a RIO on the F4 Phantom)
USMC: But I have activation orders! and training orders! and a W2!
ATF: Get your license changed over or produce another document for the licensee to process your transaction.
FC: Thanks barry!
I hang up and tell him that's the area supervisor and I'm playing this one the way he tells me. He needs to produce a document compliant with ATF regulations for me to release this firearm.
USMC: Oh by the way there's a guy with my same name that robbed a bank in Detroit last year, I always get delayed anyways.
I type his stuff into the computer and I get a thumbs up from the computer instantly much to his amazement. I fire off a quick email to the guy who owns the scar
Subject: No current ID
Message: your jarhead friend who wants the scar does not have current ID
No deal? Or what's the plan?
My reply is interrupted. Their oldest child admires the batman dollar on my safe. The youngest child is incessantly clicking a spare pilot G2 pen I had on my desk.
Mother: If you click that pen ONE MORE TIME, you are WALKING HOME.
(kid puts the pen down)
Me, whispering to the kid: It's not that far.
(kid picks the pen back up)
Mother scowls at both of us.
I giggle.
I get back to email.
FC: Lets put it this way. You're gonna owe me for this one. Big time.
His wife starts pulling out auto registrations, USAA insurance cards, cable bills, etc with their new address - NONE of which are useful because none of them are government issued. She updates his and her drivers licenses online at the state website and gives me a voter registration printout confirming the update, but that's not a workable document since it's an informational update and not an actual registration.
Customer that owns the scar walks in and witnesses the flurry of kids playing with gun stuff and two grown ass adults trying to make it all work.
It's been 45 minutes of this.
The guy finally gives up and goes on the state website and gets a fishing license and emails it to me. Stacks a big stack of SCAR magazines that NOBODY has in stock to the order and I charge it onto his USAA mastercard. Had I returned to work on a Friday after hours to get an ID that wasn't current, I would have been apoplectic. Now, I'm just mildly annoyed. I can assure you that anyone who has walked through the hallowed halls of MCRD Parris Island should know to have their shit together. This just seemed like some hybrid of cluelessness more than it was an issue of stolen valor. Gun and mags go out the door.
My customer sits down and starts laughing. I look at him totally nonplussed.
1: That was easy, right?
(FC looks nonplussed)
1: An hour worth of work, for $50! That's good! you should do a few of those a day!
(FC looks nonplussed)
1: Really?
FC: You owe me.
I cut him his check and I'm done for the night. I head home.
Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too....
Another day, another box of 9mm at $75 each heading out the door.....I'm down to my last 15,000 rds of 9mm. I sold my entire personal stash of Remington UMC at $67 a box. Now that we're into the Federal American Eagle, it's up to $75. People are thanking me for having it available because they've called everywhere.
This morning's "no I don't have it" calls: 380ACP, 30-40 Krag, 6.5 CM, Grendel and Swede, 2.5" .410 slugs, 3 or 3.5" shells and turkey loads.
Now, for the uninitiated: Turkey season is around the corner. ALL the ammo for turkey loads have been purchased by new shooters looking for home defense ammo since last year. Why turkey loads for self defense? That's all the cabelas had....
Come season, there will be lots of very disappointed hunters who were unprepared. Those with ammo will hunt, those without ammo will hunt for ammo, and they will not be successful given the state of the ammunition markets. There is far more money to be made cranking out buckshot and slugs than there are turkey shells.
Package comes in for transfer. Guy has a NJ license. He's just moved here. Has NOTHING with his new address. This is basically a repeat of Monday's SCAR sale. The guy here is ADAMANT that he's bought a home here and he can purchase a firearm without being a state resident.
He's technically right. HOWEVER this is why dealers hate doing things: The gun and sale have to follow both the laws of the state he's in AND the state of New jersey. Now I have to run down all the bullshit that is NJ published ordnances to ensure that this gun is Phil Murphy(TM) approved. For the price of a transfer. BUT WAIT THERES MORE!
The gun is for a BUDDY of his he's giving it to him as a gift when he's down here for a fishing trip in a few days.
Read that last line.
Yeah. I tell him that it's unlawful for him to dispose of a firearm to a non resident. He's wondering what the fuck to do. He insists on taking delivery. I tell him I need to run it down with the address and everything since his NJ license isn't technically valid since HE NO LONGER LIVES THERE.
The guy bought a double wide trailer here, the trailer park handles all the water, the power, the etc - he does not have any REAL property here. He's insistent that he has a deed for his house. He's holding a bill of sale for a mobile home.
I tell him we should just get things sent to his friend via an FFL in his state. The guy lines up an FFL and I fedex the gun to the dealer up there. We need ONE UNIFORM SET OF COHESIVE COMMON SENSE GUN LAWS, not one federal set and 50+ subsections on a state level plus NY State HOME RULE BULLSHIT.
I head home early, telemedicine with Dr Kaplan. He's impressed with my progress. I'm not.
There are no songs that have Wednesday that I can think of here
Wednesday, Hump Day
I decide to work from home today. I can take all the phone calls and tell people no I don't have anything from home. I decide to do some early spring cleaning. It's a BEA-U-TIFUL day. The sun is out, nice weather means I can work in the garage for once. I start a load of laundry. Everything starts off fine. I'm sorting through old shot show HK posters when I can smell burning. There's no smoke but I do smell burning. Am I having a stroke? I can't figure it out and I get a load of laundry processed through my carbon neutral solar powered clothes drying system. I start another batch of laundry and hear a massive grinding noise when I should hear the washing machine washing. That burning smell? That was the timer burning up. And I have a full tub of underwear that needs to get done since I'm nearly out. Fuck.
My dad's old toolbox is in disarray. Mine isn't. I quickly grab a few tools. A snap on general service kit is totally overkill, but it's super nice to have EVERYTHING in one spot ready to go. My 1/4 drive ratchet takes apart my washing machine panel with ease. I unplug the timer and hit the electronic bay for a replacement. I find one 2 hours away and they say they can ship immediately on my fedex account. I can get it here tomorrow if they fedex ground it on todays truck. Deal, here's my amex. Email me tracking when it's sent.
One problem arisen, one problem in progress of being fixed. Not bad for before noon.
I get a bunch of stuff stacked up and straightened up and I throw a ton of stuff on facebook marketplace. Old Glock signs and point of sale merchandise like hanging ceiling mobiles, glock pencils, FN pads, FN hats, Daniel Defense stickers and patches, HK pistol racks, some old Colt and Beretta Blue boxes, all that stuff.
People message me about the Colt box. WHATS IN THE BOX they ask.
Well it's an empty fucking box. I made that VERY clear in the description. So what's my witty rejoinder? A youtube link to the scene from Seven with Brad Pitt yelling at Morgan Freeman "WHATS IN THE BOX? WHATS IN THE BOX?!?!!?!"
They are not amused. I think it's brilliant. They ask me what gun is for sale. I tell them it's just an empty box but if they want a gun, here's my info and call me at work during business hours. I'm then told that people selling empty boxes on facebook aren't selling empty boxes, they're selling guns.
This, I did not know.
Armed with this newfound information, I proceed to post more random stuff from my garage for sale in front of a pile of 20,000 rds of 9mm. An old kegerator and some bar equipment my dad had, a Miller Genuine Draft neon sign backdropped with 5 cases of Winchester Q4170 45ACP and 5 cases of CCI Lawman 147gr 9mm. The messages flood in looking to buy my stuff cheap. But I know what I got.
My favorite interaction:
1: hey man, you got anything else for sale?
FC: Tons of stuff for sale!
1: I'm looking for pews.
FC: I got pews, you want to stop by and check out my pews? I got some real nice ones, super nice. Only used on sunday!
1: Yeah man I'm leaving for lunch in 10 min, give me your address
FC: Sure thing! Here's me, be here in 30 minutes!
I continue to clean up my garage and I pull out some of my dad's old auction finds. Under about 200 old polynesian tiki mugs, I dust off some white oak church pews and pull them into the driveway. The guy tells me he wants to see the pews I got, and I point them out to him in the driveway. White oak, great shape - just needs some lemon pledge and they'll be good as new. He calls me a clown, gets in his car and drives off.
What's wrong with these people?
I return to find 254 facebook marketplace messages for people asking me to sell/ship them guns and ammo to all sorts of places and that facebook has suspended my account for violations of their marketplace terms. The offending item? An old Sig Sauer binder that has a P226 exploded diagram on the front. Because firearm parts are not allowed.
I manage to sell on facebook marketplace an old surefire incandescent rifle light, a blue colt mustang box, a few tin winchester ammo signs, some beer neons that belonged to my dad and some soft pistol rugs that I ordered from RSR on clearance. A productive wednesday. My haul nets me after facebook marketplace fees and shipping about $54 on the shipped items and a few hundred bucks in miscellany. I give my business cards to all the folks looking for gun stuff and they seem surprised that I still have ammo and that they've never heard of me. They do all their ammo and gun shopping online and don't do B&M. That's the way things will be in the future.
I head to the tex mex joint for dinner. I chat it up with a very cute blonde that is the manager. She's just moved into a new place after her man chated on her and she ditched that zero. I offer her my stack of bed bath and beyond coupons.
FC: Starting over is expensive. Maybe this will make it a little bit cheaper.
1: Oh my gosh this will save me a bunch of money! Here, your dinner is on me.
FC: It's been a long time since a woman has bought me dinner. Perhaps I should return that favor. Do you like firefighters?
(she cracks a big smile under the mask)
1: I do, but I'm talking to someone right now.
FC: I can see you ditched the zero, but if it does not work out and you want to get yourself a hero - I'm here pretty often. Just ask and I'll take you to dinner at your favorite place.
I manage to get rejected by a woman at the same time she bought me dinner.
That takes talent. I head home, pop some ibuprofen and head to bed. I check my email in bed. There's a tracking number.
You fucking clowns. You had one job. I call fedex and ask them to hold it at the facility 2 hours away. I'll grab it in the AM. They can't even find it. Fuck it. Leave it. I'll deal with it later.
Thursday, I don't care about you
Thursday, or FC makes a new friend!
I head into work a bit early today, as I'm driving down my street, I round the corner and see an older fellow wheeling his trash to the curb. This guy had a '99 Ford F250 extended cab 4x4 with the venerable 7.3 navistar in MINT condition for sale. 129,000 miles, parked in a garage 10 months out of the year. He wanted $16k for this truck and I figured he got tired of tire kickers and lowballs and kept it. I messaged him 3 days after the post went up and I never followed up, I knew the house since I've literally been driving past it MY ENTIRE LIFE on the way to elementary, middle, high school, college and now work.
My passenger window rolls down as I stop right next to the mailbox.
FC: You still got your F250?
1: No! That thing sold in one hour! To a dealer!
FC: Son of a bitch! I wanted that truck, I didn't even know you were selling!
1: Dealer came over in one hour, took a look at it, put cash on the hood, slapped a dealer tag on it and drove it out of here!
FC: Damn! I wish you put a sign on it and I would have stopped.
1: I told my wife I didn't want to sell it to a dealer but my garage isn't big enough!
FC: No kidding. Say, you still got your T bird?
1: My thunderbird? How'd you know I have a thunderbird?
FC: I grew up here! When I was in grade school I'd ride by and you were wrenching on it, when I was in high school, I'd see you wrenching on it from the bus and when I was in college I'd see you wrenching on it on my way home from class!
1: I spent 20 years building that car 2 weeks at a time! You wanna see it?
FC: Well, when you put it that way....
I pull off into the grass. He's got a detached 3500 square foot garage with Snap On's Mr Big not 1 but 2 ben pearson four post lifts. He shows me his thunderbird he's been working on for two decades. We get to talking. He's a commercial alaskan fisherman and he spends 10 months of the year in alaska and seattle running boats. Super nice guy. He asks me what I do for work, and I tell him. He tells me all his friends are scrambling for ammo and he didn't think it was that bad. I tell him it's been that way for about a year. He needs 00 buckshot, 8 or 9 pellet. I just got a small delivery. I tell him I can get him some. I give him my card and tell him call me this afternoon and I'll throw a few boxes in my briefcase and I'll deliver them on my way home. I'm asked about my watch, he's apparently a GMT man as well. We both like fords and stainless GMT's. Nice. He tells me the story about how he accidentally welded the band to his boat in the bering sea while doing repairs with a stick welder.
FC: What do you catch?
1: Pollock, cod
FC: long line?
1: No, trawler..... You know your commercial fishing.
FC: I know my customers.
Impressed at my substantial seafood knowledge, he tells me he'll call me after he checks his safe. I head into work and get some more stuff done.
I get a call from a referral. This guy was busted for selling pot and spent 8 months in miltary prison at Leavenworth. He's wondering if he can still own or have a gun with a bad conduct discharge. I'm not sure. I call my retinue and we agree that it's worthy of research and we should do a bar journal article about it. I love it when a plan comes together.
Doctor lady and her husband come in and their attorney has told them that without a trust, their silencer order will need to be approved by the CLEO of the region. This is why people hate lawyers. I get all their stuff drawn up as they requested with two trusts and interlocking responsible parties. Double the prints and plenty of passport photos all around.
Dead Air is behind on pistons and mounts, as usual but I'm assured by the big man in charge that they will be at wholesalers shortly. I'm so scrambled that I forget to charge her for two cans. No big deal, I'll email her and deal with it when I get her the mounts.
I have a facebook marketplace post up for an old Glock brand Pistol case and some glock brand ear pro. Here's the message:
Hi Will it's John from facebook marketplace I was looking at the glock bb gun and head phones will you show me a pic of the actually glock and does it have a clip and a slide,,??¿?? My old one did but I left it at my apartment I was sharing with friends but I miss having it lmk asap please and thanks sincerely Jeff K.
FC: Lets start here. 1. I don't sell Glock BB guns. 2. I don't have head phones. Were you only interested in BB guns?
Ya I was on Facebook marketplace looking for BB c02 pistols
I go truck shopping online. A guy has a 2011 F250 diesel for $24k. Except it's not a 2011. It's a 2001. I don't know what's more absurd, a 2011 at $24k, when average retail is a shade under $20k or a 20 year old truck selling for half of MSRP.
I'm ready to give up on this. Truck prices are stupid. I check my email. Timer in transit, Fedex has it en route.
I head home and pop a flexiril and head to sleep. The flexeril isn't fixing any of my muscles but manages to knock me the fuck out quite nicely. I need to be up early.
Just got paid, Friday night....
Friday, or FC vs The Washing Machine
As a kid, I always played with my dads toolbox. I took apart tons of stuff and had no idea how to put it back together. Some kids when they're in the tender years made birdhouses and small woodworking projects and it was super fun for them to pretend. Me? I took apart a 1 horse GE electric blower motor my dad short circuited on accident and made a pretend General Electric first generation boiling water nuclear reactor. Which was not really easy to do given the fact that the internet didn't exist in the early 90's. You had to have some modicum of imagination, and in that case your design was neither right nor wrong because nobody could easily prove your design accurate or otherwise. I had effectively built Schrodinger's BWR. I used different colored and sized tapcons and red heads for fuel/control rods if anyone was wondering. I think I can handle the washing machine. Just for good measure I put on my Cal Tech shirt.
As I warm up breakfast, I get an email from a guy named Eddie. He wants to see some 40S&W pistols. I tell him I have a busy morning. I can find some time for him around 10AM if he wants to stop by and I'll have what he's looking for ready.
My fedex guy stops at the Boeing facility first thing in the morning to drop off parts at the loading dock, I know his schedule so I pull up to the dock and hang out there waiting for him. Jeff is right on time and I snag my washer timer. No email back from Eddie so time to head back home to put everything back together. I'm in the middle of buttoning it up when I get a call.
Eddie is standing in my parking lot wanting to check out some 40S&W pistols I have in stock. I tell him all my available inventory on the website and that if he wanted me to have everything ready for him at 10AM, he should have given me an affirmative reply or a phone call. Right now, clean underwear is a priority and Eddie seems to understand this and he says he will chat with me later.
I head back to work. The entire parking lot smells like weed. There's a VW microbus parked on the far side of the lot and I'm downwind of it.
This is not a coincidence.
Wholesale rep tries to sell me $700 complete andersons again with a min order of 50. Pass.
I get a bunch of messages from other dealers looking to buy ammo off me and resell it to their customers at "reasonable" prices and I tell them they are fools for selling stuff cheap. They just don't get it and they'll be out of business soon.
I get a call from a guy wanting ammo. He wants all my 22LR. I tell him the price and he says "I can't make a profit selling it at those prices!"
This is the reason regular people can't buy ammo just FYI.
It's Friday again. I've got another gun show to prep for. New product just rolls in on the UPS truck. A few glocks, a few shields, and for some reason the rep sent me 5 sets of rear MBUS sights instead of 5 front and 5 rear. Ugh. I manage to get a small allocation of 9mm in on this truck as well as 11 boxes of 10mm! This year is looking better by the week!
I get several calls for AAC mounts that nobody has in stock and the owners are totally confused. One guy had a can and was selling a rifle and sold the ONLY mount he owned for that can to the guy buying his rifle for $200.
He was under the impression that you could just call AAC and order another mount for $112. I tell him if I can find what he's looking for, I'll need to buy it for $250 from someone and that it will sell for $350-500 by the time I mark it up. He's super confused as to why everyone is running out and buying AAC mounts and why they can't be ordered. I explain AAC/Remington's two bankruptices in 5 years. He is even more confused. I finally blurt it out.
You had ONE mount for your can. You sold it. There are no other mounts. You have paid a tax stamp for and own a can that YOU CAN NO LONGER MOUNT because you sold them. He now realizes the error of his ways. Nothing I can do about that.
Second guy tells me he sees I have AAC mounts. He needs one for his can. I ask him what model he has. He has to crack open the safe.
1: It's an Advanced Armament Corp Norcross Georgia
FC: That's the manufacturer......
FC: It's a what?
1: It says on the side ZERO ENNN DASH ZERO EFFFF EFFFF
(Editors note: )
FC: That's not the model.
1: It's not? Then what did I read to you?
FC: That's not a zero. That's the letter O.
  1. The number O?
FC: O. As in Oh. ENNNN. Dash. Oh. EFFF EFF.
1: I'm confused.
FC: You just read the directions to take the can ON or OFF.
1: Huh that would explain the arrows wouldn't it......
FC: Yeah. What model do you have?
1: It's an MK13-SD!
FC: You need a 90T ratchet mount.
1: Great! You stock em, right?
FC: Nope.
1: But your website has some, those will work right?
FC: Unless you need 51T mounts, I can't help you.
1: Can you suggest someone that can? I need mounts.
FC: AAC is gone, these mounts may never be made again.
1: Shit.
Not to be out done, I get one more phone call.
1: hey this is brent, I need an AAC mount
FC: What model you got?
1: 7.62
FC: Right, thats the caliber.
1: RS7!
FC: SR7?
1: That's the one! I need an SR 7 mount in 5.56, the one I have is in 7.62
FC: Got four here. $400.
1: I just need one.
FC: That is for one.
1: WHAT? FOR ONE? Why's it so expensive?
FC: Remington went under. These may never be made again. I've been buying up everything I've been able to find so I can run the table.
1: That's a good business move.
FC: Not my first rodeo.
1: Well for $400 I'll just take a mount off a rifle I'm not using and I'll set that up. Thanks anyways.
(90 minutes later, my door swings open)
FC: What can I do for you?
1: I'm brent, we talked about that RS7 mount.
FC: SR7.
1: Whatever. I got this here and it does not even fit! It's for the wrong rifle! I need the right mount, this one is in 5.56 I need the one for the 7.62
FC: Lemme see what you got.
(Looks at package. AAC 90T TAPER MOUNT FH SR-5 5.56 1/2x28)
FC: What are you mounting this to?
1: AR15 in 223
FC: This is the correct mount.
1: No it's not! It does not fit!
FC: Does not fit barrel or can?
1: The can! I mounted it to the barrel and the can won't work! Need the one for the RS7!
1: Whatever! I have a 7.62 can, this mount is for 5.56 and it's the wrong one.
FC: Who sold you this mount?
1: The gun store across the street from my house.
FC: You live an hour away, why didn't you go there?
1: I did, they don't have this mount in 7.62, I went there first.
FC: And they didn't explain this to you?
1: What is there to explain? This mount is marked 5.56. My can isn't 5.56. It's 7.62.
FC: Oh, so you want the one marked 7.62 in 1/2x28.
1: Exactly!
FC: 7.62 mounts aren't made in 1/2x28, all the 90T mounts are 90T exterior and the threading internally is different.
1: You're wrong.
FC: Please, argue with the guy wearing a caltech shirt.....
1: Prove it.
(I open his package and I grab an SR7 out of the safe. I press the latch down and thread it on)
1: You son of a bitch.
FC: You want to argue with me some more?
1: So what mount do I need?
(I pull out one of my mounts and show him side by side they're exactly the same)
1: Hmmmm. Okay. I must have done something wrong.
FC: There's not a lot of ways to do this wrong, but you found one. Go try it again.
(90 minutes later he calls back and tells me I was right)
What the fuck is with all the AAC people this week that are totally clueless?
But hey, at least I have clean underwear.
submitted by fcatstaples to guns [link] [comments]

Tell your conspiratorial uncle to go yodel on a chode, 5G commin', and we makin' tendies

What up fart quaffers! I've got some truly mas puro retard shit for you guys to snort like a line of coarsely ground Adderall. So scooch your beanbags up and gather 'round my little dick strokers and bean flickers (see? I can be gender inclusive). Let's discuss why your uncle is more retarded than you and how you're gonna make money while he sends his social security checks to buy more tin foil.
First, let me say, if your illiterate ass isn't here for story time, just skip to the bottom. TL;DR and my positions are that'a'way.
So, by now many of you probably know that the 5G spectrums are up for auction. Verizon and T-Mobile (and to a lesser extent, AT&T -- because they is over-leveraged bitches) are gonna be throwing 90's money at it. Gonna make it rain like Jenna Jameson feature dancing at some vaporwave strip club in Tampa circa '97. Now, before you start jizzing all over your JNCO jeans, that's not the money we're after here. There's a bigger pot about to be busted out, and that, goons and goblins, is what we're aiming for.
You see, your Kool-aide drinking uncle is right about something: 5G is gonna be massive, and who the fuck cares if Bill gates is gonna use it to give us microchip suppositories while infecting us with the Rona. You'll live, and you'll make money while your uncle keeps shouting at clouds and chemtrails, poor and destitute. If only the bastard weren't as cruel as he is retarded, you might use those tendies to put him in a nice home for retards, somewhere warm, like Florida. He'd fit right in.
What's the difference between 4G and 5G? Fuck if I know, do I look like an electronics nerd? But I do know this: rather than building one big ass tower that covers a large area, 5G is gonna use a bunch of Christmas-tree sized towers and spread them over several city blocks. You hear that? What once was one tower, is now many. Is your retarded brain starting to piece this shit together? You know what you need to get all those towers and all that data talking to each other? Muthafucking switches. Yes, basically a shittier version of the router that's collecting dust while half-dangling off your desk. So, picture this, I'm sitting at the table in my crayon room, trying to force the square peg into the round hole, when I ask myself, "which cunt makes 5G switches?" Well, I put my big boy pants on and started looking at Chinese shit...emphasis on "shit".
You see, as a younger autist, I once lived in China. I even have a degree in their retarded ass laws (omfg, their constitution is such hot garbage, it's like someone put Trump tweets through a Communist formal language translator, seriously, if you're at all interested in law, go read it and laugh/weep) from one of their retarded universities. There are three facts that made me realize that China is not the answer to this.
1.) Chinese quality is fucking shit. I don't need no wumao apologists coming in here and telling me I'm wrong, because I'm not. Chinese craftsmanship is is like what you'd produce if I asked you personally to bake a 3-tiered cake, and then allowed you to frost it with Play-doh. Everything is about cutting corners and covering it up with plastic, it sucks. Look at Ze Germans, they're over there salting their pretzels with tears "because ze machine do not look sexy enough. Mutti whas rite, I am failure!" Meanwhile, in China, they're wiping their tears with fermented tofu because they can't put poison into powdered milk (you think I'm joking?!).
  1. Not only is Chinese quality fucking shit, it's riddled with goddamn spyware. You know who is not gonna be cool with putting up a bunch-of Christmas tree-sized Chinese spies on every rooftop? Hopefully fucking everybody (well, except Saudi Arabia, we all know they'll just pay China to have a seat at the peepshow.). But for real, President Xi has dramatically failed to engage in the world in good faith. His predecessors were able to build good will and investment opportunities with the West, but ever since Xi took over, he's been pissing in Cheerios. Indiscretions won't be waved away as "aww, look at that little shithole trying to pull itself up by the bootstraps" anymore. Nah, we saw what happened with Huawei, and we saw China nationalize Jack Ma's shit. It's gonna go more in this direction under Xi, and Chinese supply, especially as it relates to data and information tech is only gonna be favored by jackboot cum guzzlers.
  2. IT'S ALL FAKE GOVERNEMNT MANIPULATION. Let me tell you a story about my time in Poohland. You see, if you want to open your Retards'R'Us store in China, you gotta do the same bureaucratic bullshit like you do everywhere, file your paperwork and wait. But if you don't fucking offer a bribe, your ass is gonna go broke waiting. It's a goddamn institution. They got these stores, all they got inside is expensive whiskey and cartons of Marlboros that were made in 1987. No one ever buys from these stores because their prices are straight up ridiculous and who the fuck wants to smoke ciggies from back then, but yet, there they are. What purpose do they serve? Well, when you go turn in your business application, you swing by one of these stores, pick up a carton of Marlboros that Ronald Regan farted on and make your way to either a.) some dingy ass Soviet dystopia looking ass building or b.) some super fancy and slick building that's got welds so shitty it look's like they tried to do them with chopsticks. Either way, when you slide your application across the desk, slide that carton of Marlboros and whiskey too. You know what fuckface on the other side does with it? He goes right back to the goddamn store you were in 20 minutes ago and trades that shit for cash. You know what else happens? That store, and the thousands, if not millions, like it pump those numbers into the economic reports. Lord knows how much of their GDP is straight up due to corruption. I'm not even gonna begin to get into how the CCP manipulates markets and businesses, all you need to know is you can make a quick buck off Chinese shit, but ultimately, you're holding fake ass doo doo that "fell of the back of the truck".
Alright, so we veered a little off course there, but I say all that because I'm gonna make the case for my boy, ERIC. You see, ERIC is Swedish. Sweden isn't pissing in anyone's Cheerios, they're like the Canada of Europe. When you think Sweden, you think about a strange fascination with fermented fish, kinda creepy avant-garde movies, and fucking STACKED blonde bikini models. Take me to Valhalla, you Swedish valkyries...and sit on my face while you do it. Sweden is the guy at the rave dressed in khakis asking how your family is doing and making sure everyone gets home safely. Cool dude, skål! You know what you would trust this motherfucker to do? That's right you degenerates, you'd trust him to handle your fucking n00die pics. He won't judge, and he won't share. So let's go hang out with ERIC for a moment, he's got some meatballs and needs our help assembling flat-pack furniture.
You see, ERIC's been a busy lad. You old Millennials and young Gen-Xers might have even had a Sony-Ericcsson phone back when nobody knew what the fuck a Yu-Gi-Oh is. Sonny and ERIC dipped outta that scene when smartphones arrived and their bromance came to an end. But ERIC is a nerd for this shit. ERIC kept making comm tech when he wasn't too buys causing air traffic incidents with Surströmming. You know what his hard work got him? Fucking becoming a pioneer in 5G tech. As far as I'm aware, ERIC is the only muthafucka to have his shit on 4 continents (so far). ERIC got in this door early, and unlike that Chinese shit, it's good fucking quality and not trying to exploit you. Furthermore, EU is gonna love supporting one of their own, especially after Xi been pissing in Mama Merkel's Cheerios. America too is gonna start being more suspicious of China, we've seen it happen, but fucking ERIC? ERIC's cool man, he ain't pissing in our Cheerios, we ain't got beef with him handling data. Our drunk girlfriend tried to hook up with him, but he just took her to get some Mickey D's. Class fucking act, real stand-up dude.
But alright, we know ERIC is cool, and that he isn't gonna threaten to send our dick pic collection to our mamas. We know that ERIC has been making something that is about to be in high-demand, and that he is quite good at it. We also know he has been busy getting his product out across the world ahead of his competitors, and that his biggest competitors produce snitch-ass dogshit.
Yeah, just swiping through WSB Tinder, ERIC looking kinda juicy. Let's see what his bio says. Oh shit dawgs, are you seeing these charts? That steady growth. Look at how that sonuvabitch just shrugged off COVID and kept going all viking on his shit. Not only did ERIC shrug off COVID, he fucking feasted on it. Look at that jävel make his money. And what's this? The motherfucker is integrating automated drone corridors with his tech? He's raising his long-term EBITDA margins? He's out here acquiring businesses? Shit, that muthafucking Swede been a busy ass bee.
Now, you may be wondering, if ERIC is so great, what about NOK? And yeah, NOK isn't a terrible idea either, they also have some good news on their side and are a bit undervalued as well. If you wanted to take a bite of NOK, you probably won't get diarrhea, might even shit some gold. I dunno, I'm still looking into it, but I like ERIC better.
But here is the part I want you to really look at: the fucking call prices. Cheddar Cheesus of Wisconsin! That's some muthafucking value on a goddamn motherfucker leading the game! Goddamn Buddha going down on Shakira in the Alps! If you don't make money on this, you're fucking hopeless.
So yeah, there you have it, ERIC is the fucking man. He's got a good product, is ahead of the game in rolling it out, has geo-political tailwinds, solid and steady growth, and his only opposition is your retarded uncle and his looney-toons conspiracies. So this is the part where you tell him to go whistle on a dick because you're making money off the switches that ensure that the camgirl you've been simping for sees your little dick 150 miliseconds faster. 5G is coming, and someone's gotta make the hardware for it, why not ERIC?

TL;DR Chinese shit is shit. ERIC is cool. You should give your money to ERIC

ERIC shares
ERIC Jan 2023 $12c

P.S. I'm putting this at the bottom because I already know my inbox will be full of: "Is Jan 15 a good call date?" No motherfucker! The telecomms are just now bidding on the spectrums. I have no fucking clue when they'll actually start putting up the goddamn towers, if I did, I sure as shit wouldn't be giving that info out for free. But I do know it won't happen over night. If you wanna be retarded, go play a meme stock, this shit is for autists. No rocket emojis here. So when is a good date for calls? Fuck if I know. Noticed I bought fucking leaps? Yeah, you might wanna do the same (they're dirt cheap), but I tend to think anything expiring in June-Sept and beyond is a safe bet. Totally your call based on your own risk tolerance.

Anyway, if you see my boy ERIC, just ignore the pungent smell of fermented fish.
submitted by Agent00funk to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Players with 0 titles who had the unluckiest draws in finals.

There are so many flash in the pan stories in tennis where you have an uncelebrated player making it through the draw to the championship match, occasionally stealing a famous win but usually losing to the more established player. But from when the ATP tour started in 1972, you find that it is extremely rare for a player to lose a final against a slam champion or all-time great and not get another chance against a player of lower calibre. For example, Federer has never beaten someone with 0 career titles in a final who didn’t get a chance at a trophy elsewhere against an opponent who’d never been in a masters or slam final. The statistical likelihood of never winning a title and only playing a current or future slam winner in all career finals is very low.
Here’s my top 10 unluckiest players to make it into that statistical minority.

10: Jan Apell (Sweden)
Opponent: Thomas Muster in Stuttgart 1995
In 1995, Muster was the Nadal of his day. He ploughed through the claycourt opposition like Bruce Lee at an under-10s karate tournament. His clay title haul of 12 in 1995 is 4 more claycourt titles than Nadal has ever won in a single season(8 in 2005 is the closest he got). So to play Muster on the dirt in ’95 was to be a lamb to the slaughter, yet Apell retained his dignity in a 6-2 6-2 loss. Apell also managed a run to the semi-finals at Queens in 1994, beating Ivanisevic and narrowly losing to Sampras in three sets. Only scoring 44 wins in singles, his titles came in doubles where he won 10 and also finished runner up at the French.

9: Mike Cahill (USA)
Opponent: Jimmy Conors in Stowe 1979
Connors was the world no. 2 in 1979 and at the peak of his trophy-trawling singles career, taking 8 events and getting to the final of 4 others. Cahill could only take one game against that force of nature, losing 6-0 6-1. But he’d do better in their fourth round match at the USO in 1981, where Connors won 6-3 6-3 6-1. Cahill was 0-22 against top 10 players.

8: Harel Levy (Israel)
Opponents: Marat Safin at Toronto Masters 1000 in 2000, Thomas Johansson at Nottingham 250 in 2001
Levy went 63-99 in his career and got as high as 30 in the rankings. Safin was the toughest draw you could get in the North American hard court summer swing in 2000, during which he beat Sampras twice and took home the USO title. Johansson was considerably less formidable, but he was on a 9-match grasscourt streak at the time and after beating Levy sealed the Halle/Nottingham double, making him an outside pick for the Wimbledon title. The Swede won the Australian Open at the turn of the following season, and in retrospect his form on grass was a sign of things to come. Across both of his runs, Levy beat Roddick, Sebastien Grosjean, Wayne Ferreira, and Jiri Novak, all of whom had long stays in the top 10.
7: Todd Witsken (USA)
Opponent: Andre Agassi in San Francisco in 1990
Witsken was Agassi’s first victim in a 1990 tear that included finals at RG and the USO, as well as wins at the Miami 1000 event and the season-ending championships. Somewhat surprisingly for someone with only 115 career wins, Witsken enjoyed a 6-20 record against top 10 players, including wins over Aaron Krickstein, Brad Gilbert(who he beat twice whilst Gilbert was in the top 10), and Jakob Hlasek. His most famous win was when he beat then-world no.5 Connors at the US Open in 1986. And he played the longest match in Wimbledon history in a loss to Greg Holmes in 1989 over 5 hours 28 minutes, a record which stood for 21 years.

6: Lars Anders Wahlgren (Sweden)
Opponent: Ivan Lendl in Sydney 1989
Going up against Lendl in his ’89 form in your first final must have felt like such a thankless task. That said, Wahlgren only tallied 23 career wins so now he has a fond memory to look back on. His other career highlight was two runs to the third round of the Australian Open in 1990 and 1991, where he beat 3 top 20 players in Gilbert, Rosset, and Rostagno. Lendl had already won 8 titles before the Sydney final and would end up with 10, including the Australian Open to go along with his year end number 1 ranking. Wahlgren managed 5 games in a 6-2 6-2 6-1 defeat.

5: Frantisek Pala (Czechia)
Opponent: Ilie Nastase in Monte Carlo 1972, Ilie Nastase in Madrid 1972
Pala’s finals record is anomalous for a few reasons, and it’s possibly something to do with the matches taking place in 1972, the year in which the ATP tour was founded. It seems inconceivable you could reach back-to-back clay finals against Nastase without achieving anything else of note, but that’s what Pala did. He got as far as the third round in a few slams, but indicated nothing of his potential outside of his 1972 runs. Winning an average of 0.83 games in crushing final defeats to Nastase(6-1 6-0 6-3 and 6-0 6-0 6-1), Pala may have just been the beneficiary of a time when Madrid and Monte Carlo weren’t taken that seriously. Regardless, he took out Ion Tiriac and (Borg’s kryptonite) Adriano Pannatta in that fortnight, so he was one of the best claycourters in the world during those two weeks.

4: Lionel Roux (France)
Opponents: Sampras in Osaka 1994, Krajicek in Tokyo 1997
Roux found that fortune shone on him most brightly in Japan where he reached his two finals. He was ranked 212 in the world when he beat Krickstein and Lendl on the way to the Osaka final, where he was soundly beaten 6-2 6-2 by Sampras, who was in the middle of a 5-tournament sweep of Indian Wells, Miami, Osaka, Tokyo, and Rome. Roux could take consolation from the fact that Agassi had won just as few games the day before in a 6-3 6-1 loss to Sampras. In 1997, Roux faced former Wimbledon champion Krajicek in Tokyo. The Frenchman had taken out Becker and Thomas Johansson en route, and even took a set off the Dutchman, but was outclassed at the finish. In 2001, Roux had a small part in French comedy ‘Don’t Try Too Hard!’, a film about a pair of window cleaners who foil a terrorist attack at the Montparnasse tower.
3: Henrik Holm (Sweden)
Opponents: Ivan Lendl in Tokyo 1992, Petr Korda in Washington 1992
Holm beat both Becker and Wayne Ferreira(who were both in the top 10 at the time) in Tokyo, only to lose to a declining Lendl 7-6(7) 6-4. This strikes me as particularly unlucky as Holm was clearly in good form going by the quality of the opposition, and he’d even managed to beat Lendl earlier in the season. In Washington(where Holm dispatched Lendl), Holm lost to ’92 RG finalist Petr Korda, who would win a career best 3 titles and reach 4 other finals that year. Holm might be the best player on this list, with an 8-14 record against top 10 players, including victories over then-world number 1 Courier, Michael Stich(at the USO no less), Chang, and Edberg.

2: Lukasz Kubot (Poland)
Opponents: Novak Djokovic at the Belgrade 250 in 2009, Juan Carlos Ferrero at the Costa do Sauipe 250 in 2010
Kubot is heavily decorated in doubles tennis but his success in singles has been more intermittent. He missed out on the Wimbledon quarter finals in 2011 after leading Feliciano Lopez by two sets to love, and in the same year beat claycourt stalwart Nicolas Almagro from two sets down at the French. After beating Karlovic in the semi-finals in Belgrade, Kubot became the first Polish man to reach an ATP final in 26 years and the country has since gone from strength to strength in mens tennis. Having to play Djokovic in his home city on clay seems like a cosmic joke, but the scoreline was respectable at 6-3 7-6(0). Against Ferrero, he fared much worse, winning only one game in the final in Brazil. The Spaniard might have been past his best, but he won 3 titles in 2010 on clay in a reminder of his RG heyday when he regularly featured in the final rounds.

1: Paul Gerken (USA)
Opponents: Jimmy Connors in Salt Lake City 1973, Ilie Nastase in Calgary 1973.
Connors and Nastase won 27 events between them in 1973, making it all the more impressive that Gerken put up a fight against the pair that season. The American beat both Nastase and Tiriac leading up to the championship match with Connors in Salt Lake City, losing 6-1 6-2. But he put up more resistance in a 7-6 6-4 loss to Connors earlier in the year. And he lost the Calgary final 6-4 7-6 to Nastase. Gerken’s best claim to fame is that he maintained a winning record of 2-1 over Borg, including an unlikely win on clay in Madrid. Borg had a narrow win over him in Stockholm 1-6 6-1 7-6. Were it not for a debilitating shoulder injury that retired him in his mid-twenties, Gerken may have pushed on to take an elusive title.
submitted by BelgianBond to tennis [link] [comments]

Fabio Capello interview for MilanNews: Ibrahimovic has nothing to envy Ronaldo and Messi. Baresi and Maldini are the strongest defenders ever. In some places, you enter and breathe history. This happened to me only in Milan and Madrid.

He wore the Rossoneri shirt on 87 occasions, scoring 9 goals and winning a Coppa Italia and the Scudetto della stella. He then had the duty and the honour of inheriting Sacchi's bench at AC Milan, managing to continue the glorious Rossoneri history and embellishing it with many trophies including 4 Scudetti, 3 Italian Super Cups, 1 Champions League and 1 UEFA Super Cup. He is recognised as one of the most successful coaches of all time and his three golden benches, the 'Globe Soccer Awards' lifetime achievement award and inclusion in the Italian football hall of fame are direct evidence of this. Fabio Capello is not only part of Milan's history but of the entire world football movement. had the honour of interviewing him between past and present. Here are the questions and the answers:

Pioli and his work are now on everyone's lips when his fate, almost a year ago, seemed sealed. In your opinion, was he better on a mental level or on a tactical level by insisting on the 4-2-3-1?
"I think tactics come from the mind. You have to get into the heads of the players who have understood and liked that system of play, which has made them all perform at their best. That's a very important thing. I'm very happy that Pioli has stayed on, especially because decisions had been taken too quickly. Maldini's skill and determination to maintain continuity in the work he has done and the results prove him right.

You rightly mentioned Maldini, who is now a respected Rossoneri manager. Did you expect such a performance in this role and how do you judge his work so far?
"With Paolo I have a relationship of great esteem and affection, having had a great friendship first with Cesare and then with the whole family. It was clear that he could do things well because he is an intelligent and modest boy. That he could do so well in such a short time was amazing. He was able to approach this role with the talent and precociousness with which he made his debut on the pitch and was ready immediately. I coached him when he was 16 years old in the Primavera team and I know something about it. I'm very happy that he has been recognised as the best left-back in history. Finally there have been awards for defenders too, although I think Baresi is missing an award. You can't understand the value of these players and how Franco and Paolo were above all defenders in terms of value, technical calibre and professionalism".

Among Maldini's choices, along with Boban and the Rossoneri management, was the desire to buy Ibrahimovic. Were you surprised by his performance?
"No, I wasn't surprised at all. He is a proud professional and he always wants to show that he is the strongest of all and that he is able to stand the test of time. He manages to do that because he is an absolute champion and has the head to be able to continue. He still has the incentive to stay on the pitch, to sacrifice and to work and in this sense he is an example for everyone and for the whole team. He is a player capable of making a difference and we often forget about him when we talk about the greatest of all time. We often talk about Messi and Ronaldo but he has nothing to envy to these players. He has technique, strength and with the stature he has he is capable of doing incredible things. It's impressive the mobility he has, the agility he still retains at his age despite having had some serious injuries."

You has a special relationship with the Swede who has always spoken of you as the coach who passed on a great work ethic to him. What was the first Ibrahimovic like?
"We had seen in him a great potential and also everything he needed to improve. I made him work hard to grow and improve day after day. He immediately understood that with daily work you improve, that qualities emerge and grow with hard work and he understood that this was the way to go. He has shown himself to be an intelligent man, able to understand that certain requests were not obligations but advice to improve.

In his career you have coached incredible full-backs like Maldini and Roberto Carlos. Milan now have a very strong side like Theo Hernandez. What amazes you about this player and do you remember a player with such explosiveness?
"This time Real Madrid have made the mistake Inter made with Roberto Carlos when I bought him in my time with the 'Blancos'. I brought Roberto Carlos to Madrid surprised that Inter wanted to sell him and I think it was the fastest purchase in history: in less than 24 hours I had bought him and he had signed the contract. Real Madrid made the same mistake Inter made with the Brazilian at the time: they thought Theo Hernandez couldn't mark. They didn't take into account the speed and quickness of this player as well as his ability to improve. Theo is a very strong player.

In your career you have coached incredible players like the three Dutchmen and Savicevic, the front men of that Milan team. How important, in the construction of the successes, were those players in the background but incredibly talented like Albertini or Donadoni?
"They were very important. Milan had a great strength, that is to say that it had a hard core that lasted for many years. Different coaches have come and gone, but the mentality of the locker room was passed on to everyone who arrived. That has been the strength of the team. Maybe not front men, but men of value who knew how to transmit the Rossoneri DNA".

With these men he achieved the important success in Athens by winning the Champions League. This final was preceded by the certainty of Barcelona winning that trophy. At what point did you realise there was a strong chance of winning and what words, in your opinion, convinced the players to succeed?
"We had just come back from an undeserved final loss to Marseille and the anger and feeling of revenge were still strong in us. I remember that I had sent Italo Galbiati to watch Barcelona's training session and Italo, as a great connoisseur of football and men, told me: "Fabio, the players were all lying on the pitch joking and laughing. Cruyff had the ball under his head and was lying down". I took the message back to the team and told them "guys, they are so sure of winning that they come on the pitch relaxed and we have to take advantage of this because we are strong and compact". I remember that the key to success was the game we lost against Fiorentina, before the final. There I understood perfectly which team to put on the field because I had tried Desailly as a central player and instead I understood that I had to move him to midfield. At the end of the game I remember the amazement of the journalists when I told them I was happy. But how could I be happy after losing a game? Yes, because I had understood what to do with Barcelona, which was to play Panucci, Filippo Galli in central midfield with Maldini and Desailly back in midfield".

From a happy moment to a slightly sadder one. On 17 August 1995 Marco van Basten retired. Beyond the rhetoric, what were Capello's feelings on the day of Marco's retirement?
"I've always maintained a very good relationship with Marco and I had the great misfortune that with me Marco played very little. With Van Basten in form we would have won even more. The greatest sadness is due to his stubbornness, his stubbornness in maintaining his opinion that he pushed to have an operation. I remember Dr Monti telling him to wait but instead he had surgery by a surgeon who destroyed him. Seeing him leave the field knowing his 'mea culpa' moved me and it still moves me now because at that age a player like that can't stop. When something beautiful and important leaves the field it is impossible to remain indifferent.

Van Basten and many other champions have played on the pitches of Milanello, which is defined by coaches and former players as a magical place. You have coached in great sports centres, but what makes Milanello so special?
"Milanello is a centre that was born many years ago, it has been renovated and all the great Milan players have passed through there and when you enter you breathe a fantastic air. Almost magical. There are few places where I have experienced this history. In Madrid and in Milan. In Madrid you breathe a glorious air more when you enter the offices or the Bernabeu than in Valdedebas, which is a new and renovated sports centre. Milanello is different and in its construction you have to give great credit to Berlusconi, Galliani and those who worked there. Berlusconi was a visionary and he brought Milan to these levels and made sure that this centre was at the forefront and continues to be so. A place where nothing is missing to work well.
submitted by GianniRivera10 to soccer [link] [comments]

[Eurovision] Spain in the late 2000's: El Chiki Chiki and the next years, or how an internet meme became one of the most memorable acts in history and broke Spain's spirit forever.

Oh yeah. If you have seen the comments of my previous post, the most common comment in all of them is "Where is El Chiki Chiki?", and if you don't follow Eurovision you must already be wondering what the hell is that and why people request it so much.
Buckle up, you're about to find out.
Here's the usual glossary for those who haven't been following this:
The setup
So I already told you how Spain is the only country with 100% victory drama in the sixties and a bit of miscelaneous drama in the next three decades.
And then it came the early two thousands, and they got their hearts broken in 2002 when, after hyping themselves believing that Rosa would win or place very close to the top she only placed seventh and from then on the placements of Spain went steadily downhill, and the Spanish public became convinced that Eurovision was a big joke, that Spain would never do well and that basically it wasn't worth the effort.
Here we will deal with the next three years, and if you want a heads up, what happened here was what would happen if the Trump electoral campaigns were an Eurovision country.
2008: Or why letting internet trolls pick your national representatives is not a good idea
In 2008, Spain decided to hold a national final to chose their representative in Eurovision. The title was, Salvemos Eurovisión, which translates as "Miraculously we found a fuck to give but it's probably the last one" "Let's save Eurovision", just so you can gauge how their spirits were. And they decided to hold their national final, for the first time ever, via the internet.
Now, you need to remember that 2008 was twelve years ago and the internet back then was radically different from what it's now. Reddit was less popular than Digg, Yahoo was worth money, Chrome didn't exist and this was the most watched video on Youtube.
For social media, Facebook was still only a blip on the radar and TVE decided to use MySpace for the national final. (If you don't know what that is, ask your parents).
TVE set up a platform on MySpace in which any artist could submit a song and anyone in Spain could vote. The five songs with the most votes and five more picked by a jury would qualify to a televised final.
They received a grand total of 536 songs from all over Spain. (Amongst them La Revolución Sexual from La Casa Azul which is how I discovered Eurovision, so you can blame them for this post if you want).
One of these online entries was El Chiki Chiki by Rodolfo Chikilicuatre. This is very blatantly a joke entry. Besides being intentionally performed badly, it parodies reguetón music that was pretty in at the time and mocks some iconic dance steps (el brikidans, el cruzaíto, el maiquelyaison and el robocó).
But there's more: The lyrics make barely veiled references to the prime minister of Spain José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the opposition leader Mariano Rajoy, president of Venezuela Hugo Chávez and an the time the Spanish King told him to shut the fuck up in an international summit. In theory, this is all political commentary that is against the rules of Eurovision, and somehow TVE accepted it.
Another point of controversy was that Chikilicuatre was a comic character (The real name of the guy is David Fernández and you're not going to remember it just like I don't) created for a late night show that promoted his song heavily and whose host called his public to vote for him. Other contestants protested, saying that he was getting an unfair amount of promotion, but TVE told them tough luck, maybe they should have thought of becoming friends with a late night host too.
And then, enter the next big player: Forocoches.
Although its name is an allusion to cars, Forocoches was an internet forum with very little moderation and a high propensity for trolling, that kind of was the closest thing Spain had to a native version of 4chan (you already can see where this is going, right?) and they decided it would be a hilarious joke to vote the song and make it go to Eurovision. They started voting for Chikilicuatre en masse and between this and the tv promotion he shot up to the top of the voting.
Then there was a fallout between the trolls. The users of Forocoches were expecting some acknowledgement from the show and its host (they were allies, after all), and when they didn't get it they decided to divert their efforts to an even more trollish act: Antonio el Gato with "La Bicicletera", which is either an amazing example of abstract dubstep or one of the worst songs ever. El Gato shot from 300 votes to over 80,000 in two days and TVE decided that maybe letting internet votes be manipulated was not a good idea. They disqualified El Gato, but they kept Chikilicuatre.
So Chikilicuatre and Forocoches were pretty much stuck with each other. He won the online voting round and then he also won the public vote in the final and not even by a slim margin: In total he got 60 points versus 48 of runner up Coral.
This wasn't just a TV show promoting him or just internet trolls voting for him. This was a majority of the public deciding to send him because they were done with Eurovision and sending a joke act to laugh at Europe and tell them how little they cared. They were not the first country to do that nor they would be the last, it's all part of the game.
Now, the lyrics have a lot of politics which is is a big no in Eurovision, so obviously they would have to sanitize them for Eurovision. Of course.
The final version had some lyrics rewritten to add fake English, but the only political allusion that was removed was Hugo Chavez. Anything else was still there and somehow the EBU let it pass because it was in a language that a majority of Europe wouldn't understand.
The rest of the act had been taken up to eleven, including playing a toy guitar at the beginning, a backing singer pretending to fall and flashing her underwear to the audience, a mock crucifixion with Chikilicuatre held in the air by his backing singers... He was going full force troll act.
I personally don't like it, but I have to admit that as a joke act it's VERY effective. You don't need to understand the language to be in the joke, you just have to watch it, and it's pretty memorable. At that time the scores in Eurovision were 100% televote and the public responded... comparatively well to it, taking it to sixteenth place in a field of twenty-five.
Is it a good place? Meh, not really. He was barely avoiding the lower third of the score table. But is it a good place for the expectations about him? Hell yeah! And not only that, it was the best place Spain had in four years and precisely when they were trying to avoid it.
Just like Rosa's relative failure did six years before, Chikilicuatre's relative success had a big impact in the Spanish psyche and giving the same exact message: Eurovision was not worth taking seriously. Just look at this! A serious act with all their effort behind it had only placed seventh, while a troll act full of disdain had managed to place sixteenth! Why try hard or even try at all, if phoning it in you didn't risk disappointment and could actually end up in better spirits? (Since people recall better their feelings than the facts that caused them, a decade later some people actually believe that Chikilicuatre placed higher than Rosa)
The top performers of the year didn't help: The winner for Russia brought his own ice rink and an Olympic skater to dance on it (And for reference, this is the same guy that two years earlier had brought a piano with a ghost woman and to ballerinas ) Ukraine managed to give boners to both gay and straight dudes wit a Swarowski-clad diva climbing a translucent wall (No, really, watch that. It's probably the ultimate 2000's Eurovision act. We PEAKED there, people) and Greece rounded the top three with a pop-up book slightly smaller than my living room. They're all very over the top, flashy acts with that are at least as focused on the show as on the song, if not more, and also Russia, Ukraine and Greece belong to strong voting blocs (Former Soviets and Balkans, respectively), so this continued reinforcing the perception of Eurovision as a joke.
And... well, that's the story of how Spain lost the last fuck they had to give, by having a very successful joke that went better than expected. Positive reinforcement is a hell of a drug.
And that, kids, is why internet trolls shouldn't be allowed to weigh in real world decisions.
2009: They stole our votes!
The next year Spain organized again a national final, titled "Eurovisión: El retorno" (That translates as "Eurovision: The return" but pretend it doesn't. It was bullshit and everyone knew it). The format was pretty similar, with first an online round (With a whopping 978 songs) from which the public chose 20 and after adding more songs from a jury and three semifinals, twelve songs faced each in the final. This year there were no troll shenanigans and the national final was shaping up pretty smoothly until the first semifinal.
At the end it came down to two rather similar acts: Soraya with La Noche es Para Mí and Melody with Amante de la Luna. (If they seem a bit similar to two of the top three of last year is because they are. Spain has talent to find what works in Eurovision after it worked).
Melody was in a partnership with Los Vivancos, a group of dancers known for mixing Spanish folk dance with stripping onstage. The kind of things the Eurovision public likes. Four days after the first semifinal in which they competed and qualified, they decided that the stage was too small, the audio was bad, the video was bad, and that what was supposed to be an equal partnership between them and Melody was being treated in media as if they were only her backup dancers. With only ten days left to the final, they announced they were dropping out and left melody scrambling to find a replacement group of dancers. Which she did.
And at the end her performance was not that bad. They even had the pecs and everything.
Melody won the juries and placed second in the televote, and Soraya placed second in the juries and won the televote, and since the tiebreaker was the televote she was chosen as Spain's representative.
Her song, by the way, had been composed in Greek two years earlier and had been rejected by three artists before she took it, had it rewritten in Spanish and released it, and urged by her fans she entered it to the online voting two hours before the deadline. (It was eligible since none of the other artists released it commercially). Now, I'm not saying anything, but maybe if three artists already rejected your song you should take a step back and reconsider if you really want it...
The Spanish fans, of course, started hyping it because that's what they do. It was a powerful song, it would be rewritten to make it even more powerful, Greece would vote for Spain because the original composers of the song were Greek, Sweden would vote for Spain because Soraya's boyfriend was a Swede... and I'm not kidding, this is what some of them said, forgetting that the people who care about this kind of details is a minuscule fraction of the total voters who only care about the song and only hear it on Eurovision night.
And Soraya fed them. She promised the fans an amazing show, in which they (I quote) "would see butterflies instead of eyes" and they would have "an amazing concept never seen in Eurovision".
What did they get instead? Smoky eyes and a disappearing trick with a piece of orange fabric.. (You can click here for the part of the trick). It wasn't bad, but... ok, yes, it was bad. Particularly because of the fabric. You could see the seams, literally and figuratively, and at the end she just moved a couple meters to the left and the camerawork didn't help to hide it.
In 2009 juries were back and left her dead last, while televote left her slightly higher and the combined votes put her in second last position, 24 out of 25. Spain had placed last before but it had been with less countries competing, and in absolute terms this was Spain's lowest position ever.
But let's go back in time to several weeks before the contest: Spain was originally planned to broadcast the first semifinal on Tuesday and vote on it (although they were not competing in the semifinal due to being automatically qualified to the final), and because of some to some internal issues by TVE they requested to switch to the second semifinal on Thursday.
This was already a problem because two of Spain's neighbors (Portugal and Andorra) were in the first semifinal and they would miss the chance of some sweet neighborly votes. Both countries protested but EBU accepted it, although with some reluctance. At the end Portugal qualified and Andorra placed so low that getting votes from Spain would have made no difference, but anyway...
Now, the Madrid Open on tennis was also happening on Thursday a few hours before than the second semifinal and TVE was already commited to show it, and when one of the Thursday matches went into overtime and started eating the time on the semifinal, TVE decided to continue showing it because they gauged that Spaniards cared more about tennis than about Eurovision. They later played the semifinal with a one-hour delay, and instead of using public vote and juries they used only the jury votes.
Most of the countries taking part on the semifinal complained and for very valid reasons: Semifinals are a way for the European public to get a first contact with the songs competing, and a lot of the Spanish public missed this chance because a rerun is not as exciting as a live event, so the countries that qualified to the final would miss an advantage on the final that they should have had (It's not THAT unfair: From the countries not competing in the semifinals, Germany and UK were showing the first semifinal, and France and Russia showed the second semifinal, so each semifinal's qualifiers would have an advantage with those particular countries).
And it was even worse for the countries that did not qualify, since they missed the only chance to show to the Spanish public their songs (including these masterpieces about a shoe and a traffic jam because this is fucking Eurovision). Now, one of the purposes of Eurovision, particularly for small countries without that much tourism, is simply to remind their existence to the rest of Europe and increase their regional presence, so cutting the chance to do this in one of the biggest markets in Europe was a big deal and none of the countries in the second semifinal were particularly happy with Spain.
So, the Spanish fans came up with an alternative explanation for their low placing: All these countries were angry and agreed not to vote for Spain to punish them and...
No, I'm just kidding. THAT would have made sense. The explanation they created was that Soraya had actually placed in the top 10 but EBU wanted to punish Spain for the delayed broadcast and had lowered their score by a hundred points. Never mind the fact that this would require rewriting the votes of at least a dozen countries and probably more, while the vote was happening, that it would have affected the standing of all other entries in the final, and that this could be solved simply with a fine.
Hardcore fans who are more privy with how Eurovision works will say this ironically, but some of the average Spaniards honestly believe this.
And a second explanation, that made so much noise that it was even echoed by one of the major TV channels in Spain, was that this was all on purpose. Spain knew that Soraya had high chances to win and they didn't want to deal with the expense of hosting the contest next year, so they had intentionally delayed the broadcast of the semifinal to make other countries angry at them and force EBU to punish them to make sure they didn't win.
(Nevermind the fact that Alexander Rybak with Fairytale had been the red hot favorite for months and basically had the victory in the bag since he was selected to represent Norway, and that the winner hosting is a tradition but not mandatory)
5D chess, everyone!
Then Spain sued Norway in the Supreme Court of Europe asking to remove their win... wait, wrong year and continent. My bad.
2010: Because having internet trolls influence your choices once was not bad enough.
In 2010, Spain did again a national final in two parts, first an online selection titled OH GOD WHO CARES THEY CHANGE THE NAME EVERY YEAR "Eurovisión: Tu país te necesita" (Translates as "Eurovision: Your country needs you") and then a televised final.
The online process was rife with irregularities. Even if TVE said that joke entries would be avoided because they didn't want another Chikilicuatre, there was a lot of them.
The frontrunner of the votes, Karmele with Soy un Tsunami, was disqualified in late January. I think this is the song and if it is, it probably was disqualified for having lyrics mentioning the Spanish claims over Gibraltar, for mentioning commercial brands and for plagiarizing an old francoist song. She threw a tantrum, but there was not that much she could do.
Chimo Bayo, who was in third place in the votes with La Fiesta del Fuego was disqualified as well for having been released in pubs before the required deadline of October 1st. Although another most probable reason was because he had close ties to competitor channels to TVE (some other songs with limited releases have been able to compete). Two other acts were also disqualified.
Then El Pezón Rojo (That translates as "The red nipple") shot to the top of the votes with Y yo tan sexy, and twelve days later they were disqualified as well because their song had been aired in a podcast two years earlier. Three other acts were also disqualified.
The online voting phase ended three days later and ten songs passed to the televised final, Destination Oslo.
A lot of things have been gone from the internet in these ten years, so please excuse me for getting third hand reports about the whole thing, but apparently what happened here is that Forocoches had originally supported Chimo Bayo, and when he got disqualified they decided to boost the worst act they could find and their pick was John Cobra with Carol.
I don't really like Chikilicuatre, but I have to admit it's a well conceived comedic act and it requires a lot of talent to successfully pull it off. John Cobra was just not that at all. It's not well conceived and it doesn't require or show any talent.
Despite TVE's assurances that they would not allow troll acts, somehow John Cobra slipped through their filters and when the online voting finished he was on second place and passed to the televised final.
And he made an absolute shitshow then: Allegedly, some members of Forocoches in the public booed him because they had asked him to wear a t-shirt with the logo of Forocoches and he failed to do it. The rest of the public booed him simply because he was just awful.
His response was grabbing his crotch and shout at the public to suck his dick, on live TV. The presenter spent several minutes scolding him like a kindergardener and trying to get him to shut up just so she could continue with the show while he alternated between aggressively requesting a blowjob from his haters, aggressively thanking Forocoches and aggressively interrupting the judges when they were giving him their opinions, until one of the judges shut him down and told him that his attitude disqualified him to be in music forever. This got probably the loudest applause of the night.
The presenter had to apologize twice for his attitude to the public and the viewers, once in the moment and another before announcing the winner, calling him "shameful".
You can see the whole nine minute shitshow here or a highlight reel here. Even if you don't speak Spanish it's worth it.
Unsurprisingly, he placed last.
The winner and Spain's representative was Daniel Diges with Algo Pequeñito, a ballad of a man asking for a small show of love from his partner. The 2008 runner up Coral placed second again just to rub salt on her wounds.
The song got a rather meh reception from the Spaniards. It wasn't seen as bad, but it was definitely considered cheesy and boring. But hey, at least it wasn't John Cobra and that was a pretty good quality. (Can anyone say Biden?). And most people disliked his staging, with backing dancers dressed as circus performers (kinda like childhood keepsakes) and pretty nonsensical dancing. But hey, he wasn't John Cobra!
The dancing has it's merits, though: Imagine standing in one leg without moving at all during the first minute of the song. Now imagine doing that but in a handstand. That was difficult. But yes, it was creepy. His backing dancers are pretty much out of a child's nightmare.
During his performance in Eurovision, a Catalan professional invader that had entered the field of soccer and tennis matches and even the track of a Formula 1 race and had already been arrested for assaulting Roger Federer jumped on the stage and joined the dancers, wearing a traditional Catalan headwear. (I'm intentionally not linking his profile or writing his name, btw). He was onstage for around half a minute until security chased him out, but you can still see him get dragged out in a couple takes after he jumps off the stage.
Then when Daniel's backing singer entered the frame as it was planned, some people thought it was the streaker again and were very confused until they realized what was happening.
Here you can see the whole thing.
In hindsight, this played in Daniel's favor because of how professionally he and his dancers handled it. They didn't miss a beat of the performance even if they had no idea what was happening and this could actually have been dangerous. They were allowed to perform again at the end of the show and this second performance went without interruptions, and Spain eventually placed fifteenth.
(This was one position higher than Chikilicuatre, but I bet you no one in the Spanish public remembers it).
So yeah, 2010 was the year where trolls had a second chance and almost got it, but in the end, they didn't and everyone gave a sigh of relief.
Some other stage invasions, just because.
I'm not sure if this was the first stage invasion in Eurovision, but it certainly wasn't the last. Some people asked for this and since it wouldn't merit a post of its own, I will take the chance to write about two other notorious stage invasions:
In 2017, when previous year's winner Jamala was performing as an interval act in the final, an Ukrainian guy drapped in an Australian flag jumped onstage and bared his ass and was actually tackled out the stage. He probably was treated much more roughly because political tensions in 2017 Ukraine were much higher than in 2010 Norway and he was deemed a much more serious threat. EBU later uploaded her performance on the rehearsal the day before as the official version. I watched it twice waiting for the mooning moment before realizing what was happening. Shame on me.
And in 2018, a British political activist interrupted the performance of Surie, representing United Kingdom, to demand press freedom. They cut to shots of the public while security reduced him and gave Surie back his microphone. I was watching this contest live on a square in Lisbon, btw, but at right that moment I was too busy trying to get into some Irish dude's pants and missed it happening. And I didn't even get the dude. Shame on me.
Just like Daniel, Surie was offered the chance to perform again but she declined, saying that she was proud of how she had handled it. (A year later she revealed that it had been pretty traumatic, though, and she actually had to deal with PTSD because of it). And just like Jamala, EBU uploaded the version in the rehearsal of the previous day as the official version, but BBC decided to keep the version with the invasion.
Just so we don't miss a year, 2011
2012 was a turning point for Spain, so I want to write about 2011 here to tie things up. There wasn't much drama this year. They changed the format to a show to pick first and foremost artists. Three acts made the national final with each of them being given three songs, and then the most voted song by each artist would go to a final round to be chosen by the public.
The winner was Lucía Pérez with "Que me Quiten lo Bailao", a song she really didn't want to perform (She was much more keen of Abrázame, another of her songs). Still, she was stuck with that song and tried to do her best.
At the end, Spain placed third from the bottom with 50 points. This is actually a very high score for such a low placing and 2011 had the most even final ever, with the winner scoring only 221 points. As a comparison, in the most uneven final ever in 2015 both songs in the top 2 passed 300 points, a score of 50 would have put her in 12th place, and the third song from the bottom scored only 4 points.
Germany was hosting in 2011 and they took LED screens in the background to a new level, and there is an urban legend that Spain didn't specify what they wanted on the screens and when they were shown a stereotypical palms and fireworks background they protested, only to be told that it would be either that or exploding pigs.
I don't think that's true, but I decide to believe it because it's hilarious.
So that's it. I hope you enjoyed it and stay tuned for the 2010's: How Spain kind of got their mojo back and lost it again.
submitted by MarsNirgal to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

💎RC November Update Survey: the results.💎

💎RC November Update Survey: the results.💎
Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond to our Reddit Community Survey! Let's find out what we all liked/disliked about the latest RC update.
💎First of all, which story was the most read? The new Viking-themed book is off to a strong start, but no surprises anywhere else. There is a general decrease in readership numbers, but this is not necessarily a bad thing as it might mean that all stories now have their own fans and readers are starting to spread more evenly across the board.
-- 94.2% of the respondents read Heaven's Secret (down from last update's 97.2%)
-- 91.4% read Dracula: a Love Story (down from last update's 94%)
-- 89.3% read the new story Path of the Valkyrie.
-- 87.3% read Chasing You (down from last update's 93%)
-- 81.8% read Love from Outer Space (down from last update's 90% )
-- 81.2% read Legend of the Willow (down from last update's 87.6%)
-- 79.3% read Seduced by the Rhythm (down from last update's 85.1%)
💎How popular was each update? We asked you to rate the new chapters giving a score between 1 and 5, where 1= I did not like it, 5= I loved it. Despite a strong debut from POV, HS is nothing but consistent as the most popular story, while LOW and DLS keep swapping places on the podium. SBR says goodbye by ending in a tie with LOS, which loses positions despite getting almost the same score as in the last update.
-- Heaven's Secret: 4.4 (same score as the last two updates, remains in first place)
-- Dracula: a love story: 4.3 (up from last update's 4.0, up from third to second)
-- Legend of the Willow: 4.2 (same score as the last two updates, down from second to third)
-- Path of the Valkyrie: 4.1 (strong start for the new story, debuting in fourth)
-- Chasing You: 3.7 (slightly up from last update's 3.3, stable in fifth)
-- Love from Outer Space: 3.5 (on par with last update's 3.4, down from fourth to sixth)
-- Seduced by the rhythm: 3.5 (up from last update's 2.9, stable in sixth)
.💎But here's the juicy stuff: which characters had the best and worst scenes in this update?

.⚠️Warning: plot spoilers for the November update are contained in this post from this point on. ⚠️

.Ok so, don't panic, don't panic, please don't panic. Grab the person, pet, inanimate object nearest to you and hold on tight: the following results might cause surprise, shock and occasional distress, so make sure you are not currently sitting on a ledge nor drinking any liquid - although alcohol might be needed at a later stage (if for cheering or drowning all sorrows will depend on the individual). Please do adopt the emergency position if you hear the words "whatever, whatever", do not leave water dragons unattended (who knows what they might turn into) and most of all, for the love of all what's holy, please do not fight in the comments.

.Ok. OK. So. The thing is... Lucifer is officially no longer the most loved character on this subreddit. Here, we said it. His throne has been dethroned, his crown has been decrowned, his sash has been desashed. This is it. He had risen to heights that no one deemed possible and now has fallen to depths we never thought imaginable. Woe and dishonour! Dishonour on your whole family! Dishonour on you! Dishonour on your cow! #RIP #yes-this-is-the-real-world #it-should-have-been-rebecca
💎The top 10 overall BEST scenes go to:
(1) Malbonte (HS) - 60.8% - Despite the hints given to us by the flood of fanarts on the sub, we are all still in shock here at Mod HQ. We honestly thought that the die-hard Luci stans would have kept the Prince of Hell on top of the rankings until the end of the series, but there's a new bad boy in town and no one can stop his meteoric rise. Is it the bathrobe look? The bushy eyebrows? The murderous tendencies? We have so many questions, but the fact is, Malbonte has skyrocketed to the top of the charts and there's nothing anyone can do about it. #deal-with-it #lucifer-who #bye-felicia
(2) Vlad (DLS) - 55.6% - Holding a book has never felt so sexy since 50 Shades of Grey was a thing, and whilst Vlad might not have a playroom, his castle has plenty of sentient dungeons to keep us entertained while we pine for his poetry-whispering lips. If in the past his touch is all what we needed to recover from a traumatic experience, in the present inches have become miles, he told us, and please take your mind out of the gutter, he did not mean it that way. #or-did-he
(3) Kazu (LOW) - 53% - Kazu might live in the shadows and walk in blood, but a serving of languid kisses near the fire, a good measure of sassy dark humour and yet another unforgettable goodbye scene made this thoughtful and generous ninja very much not invisible in this update. It's no surprise that him and Vlad seem to be constantly head to head in the rankings: they are both the sexiest slow burns in RC history and we are all here for it. #worth-the-wait
(4) Loki (POV) - 43.1% - Red-haired god of mischief Loki has just appeared on our radar and is already scrambling the charts and wrecking havoc. He might not have done more than being a flirt so far, but we are all looking forward to see whether or not he can keep up with our new badass MC. For now, he might need to run and hide from the Luci stans, though, since he overtook the Prince of Hell in the stats just as we approached the finish line. #tactical-retreat #mischief-managed #good-luck-love
(5) Lucifer (HS) - 42.7% - Talk about crash and burn! No amount of sexy power training and lukewarm heart-to-heart conversations were able to save poor Luci from this massive tumble down the ranks. We might have jinxed him a bit last update with all our overconfident pretzel-buying shtick, but his whole "treat them mean, keep them keen" tactic has obviously backfired massively since he has been dropped like a hot potato as soon as a new, shiny bad boy has become available. Will he recover in time for the series final episodes? #old-news #marie-kondo-said-no #thank-u-next
(6) Leo/Aslan (DLS) - 39.2% - Cat-loving, soft-spoken, sauce-covered Leo/Aslan remains amongst this community's favourites, especially since both his past and present selves are making a habit of saving MC's from the trickiest situations. Add to the recipe a wonderful bromance, a kind attitude and that sexy black suit and we have serious swoon-material here. We know he's hiding a secret but we are all hoping it's not gonna be too bad, so that we will be able to forgive him as quickly as saying "sphynx".
(7) Alex (CY) - 37.2% - Although his screentime has been quite limited lately - and everyone is still clamouring because we haven't had any of his trademark naughty scenes in a good while - all those who got the kinky Swede to put a ring on it are obviously super chuffed by the development. Press F to pay respects to those who got friendzoned so hard they felt good when poisoning friends the morning after. Alex better watch out though, because many would rather date his dead dad instead.
(8) Nosferatu, Black cat, Gardenia (DLS) - 32.2% - The cat-mad faction of this community is not letting go any time soon. With two awesome - and surprisingly affordable - outfit choices for our main ugly baby and the possibility that Gardenia might also become our second ugly baby - if Gradish is indeed as good as potting soil - the RC devs might be onto a real gold mine here. We are ready to throw diamonds at more cat outfits without a second thought: all we need now is a cat-wardrobe button and we are set to be poor by the end of this book. #no-regrets
(9) Ullr (POV) - 27.5% - Legolas has nothing on this hood-wearing archer who has captured hearts and minds all across the sub even with limited screentime and even less conversation. Who knew that a spot of pest control could turn out to be quite so reinvigorating? Forests in RC seem to be truly lovely places (not) by the way. Remind us never to set foot in anything larger than a hedge if we ever get teleported in the RC universe. #nope-kitty #arrow-through-my-heart #i-have-a-good-feeling-about-this
(10) Edward (CY) - 26.1% - We are starting to see a trend here: red hair are in at the moment, with three of the top nine lads sporting auburn locks. We might have thought we were romancing Christopher, but surprise! It was Edward all along. Or was he? And if you like your men like you like your double-decker buses - red, British and packed - then what's best than this identical twin to add to your LI collection?
💎And the top 10 overall WORST scenes go to:
(1) Mehmed (DLS) - 35.7% - Mehmed's actions in this update were so vile that it's hard to come up with jokes about it, especially when his scenes proved so hard to read for so many people. So let's just say that he definitely deserves the crown of the worst and leave it at that.
(2) Tony (SBR) - 28.8% - On his very last appearance on the update surveys, Tony loses his top spot in the baddies list but still manages to infuriate us to no end - because of course he does. His gaudy mask could not hide his hateful face, and his super-villain rant on why he acted like a douche was not very convincing. We won't be missing him! #buh-bye #see-you-never #over-and-out
(3) Noe (DLS) - 24% - This enigmatic, heterochromia-blessed dude went full on creep when he set out to test some of his possibly-warlock powers on poor Millie and everyone else. We already knew he was a jaded cat hater but his behaviour took us all by surprise, ngl. Vlad might have taken care of the problem, but we are not convinced this is the last we have seen of him. #has-he-left-or-not
(4) Millie (DLS) - 22.6% - Poor Millie can't catch a break. First she finds her crush saucing up her sister, then she ends up in a sketchy situation with an older dude, and last she gets put on the naughty list even if her ultimate rage fit is to be blamed on a book seemingly possessed by the spirit of Gordon Ramsey. #this-cat-is-raw
(5) Fyr (HS) - 21.4% - It seems clear that the latest twist in HS' rollercoaster ride of a plot did not go down super well in our community. Nothing wrong with a strapping dude with scaly inserts, mind you, but many of us just want our pet dragon back, ngl. Plus, many feel that it might be a lil' late to introduce yet another LI. #too-much-of-a-good-thing #justice-for-fyr #not-the-petting-i-had-in-mind
(6) Fencio (HS) - 18.8% - The transformation of our favourite grumpy dad into a fully fledged villain is now complete, as his new black outfit made clear for all to see. Fencio seems to be reaping the benefits of his dastardly actions left and right, but we have no doubt his day of reckoning will come sooner than he thinks. #never-go-full-darth-vader
(7) Shahi Khatun (DLS) - 17.9% - Women who support and empower other women are cool. Women who manipulate, betray and endanger other women (or anyone else, for that matter) are very much not cool. Shame on this lame excuse for a nanny/tutoress/mentor who failed at her only job: protecting MC from harm. #go-eat-a-cactus
(8) The neighbour (LOS) - 16% - Having aliens move next door to you is bound to wreck havoc on your routine, especially if you are already a lil' cuckoo. But regardless if you took matters in your own hands by playing pranks or left him alone because aint nobody got diamonds for that, we all agree that we are not enjoying having to deal with this walmart Lebowski on a regular basis. #his-dudeness-is-not
(9) Zigza (HS) - 15% - Guess who's back, back, back? / Back again, gain, gain / Zigza's back, back, back / Tell a friend. Or also not? I mean, no one really missed him, and most of us had even forgotten he ever existed in the first place. Depending on how strongly you told him to go kick rocks in your previous meeting all the way in the depths of hell, Zigza-boi will have been more or less awful to you in this update. Regardless, we all agree that we don't like him and we should Put That Thing Back Where It Came From or So Help Me.
(10) Seraph Crowley (HS) - 14.8% - If we knew that all what it takes to nab a power seat in HS government is to ambush an old guy lying in a hospital bed, we'd have had MC walk up to Crowley too and proclaim herself a seraph or something. But this update's "prey on the elderly" trophy goes to Rebecca who needed no interview to get herself on the top Academy seat. A little pushback from Crowley would have been nice, and for that not only he just lost his job to the power-hungry-mama, he also kept her out of the top-10 worst scenes ranks by getting more hate-votes than she did. #double-whammy #you-snooze-you-lose #why-did-you-not-say-something-you-old-fart
💎And here are all the results, book by book:

.Seduced by the rhythm

.It is a bittersweet goodbye to the dancing queens and kings of SBR, but at least Molly managed to snag second place in the best scenes rankings before the end! Go sis! Her optional 'punch Tony in the face' scene is surely the main reason why, but we are not picky: it's nice to see her not exclusively featured on the negative charts for once!. #every-little-helps #leave-molly-alone #why-is-carlos-so-underrated

Chasing You

Eve and Ellia's suspicious phone calls had a negative impact on their scores, as did Alex's possible rejection scene. Sam was basically non-existent in this update but still managed to get lots of votes on spec, while secondary characters like Alex's mum Olivia and old lady Brigitte have already carved a place for themselves in our community's heart. #you-had-me-at-tarot

Heaven's Secret

The fact that in the best scenes list "the one guy who stood up to Malbonte" managed to score higher than Dino says something about how all the original LIs have been suffering from lack of screentime. Geralt proves once again a fan favourite, the helpful, strong and supportive character we all need while Heaven and Hell are falling apart. #rock-hard

Legend of the willow

Unique Shino-Odori has clearly made an impression, as shown by the fact that she even got more votes than sweet Masamune: we obviously all want to see more of her. Grandpa Chongan is universally the most loved character, while Satoshi seems to have gained more admirers than Takao. #life-is-strange

Dracula: a love story

Mehmed is surprisingly high in the best scenes charts - maybe because of the drama factor - and finally some more Sandra content sees her also placing better than in previous updates. Sultan Murad's badass return was very much appreciated, while Vlad still proves to be a controversial LI. #hot-and-cold

Love from outer space

Looks like Jacob is finally clawing his way up from the dislike pit and he's now scoring well in both the best and worst charts. As we already know, the nosy neighbour seems to be more of a villain than the actual villain, but it's still early days. #whatever

Path of the Valkyrie

Strong start for this Nordic saga, with two of the maybe-LIs making the top-10 for best scenes, and all main characters - yeah, even that cheeky forest monster - scoring pretty well. #lucky-loki
... And also ...
💎What did you think of the SBR ending?
.Seduced by the rhythm is officially over! The majority of this community (49.3%) thought the ending was fine and were fairly happy with it, while 38.9% said that it was great and were very happy with it. A minority 11.8% were unhappy as the ending was not their cup of tea. So, overall we can say: well done RC, here's a cookie!
.💎Who proposed to you at the end of SBR?
.Wedding bells (and possibly a pregnancy reveal) have concluded the adventure that brought us dancing around the world. Brandon was the most popular choice of partner by far, as we absolutely expected, with his clown posse making up 42.7% of this community. Second most chosen sweetheart is actually... no one, as 19.7% chose to stay single and go live in Paris with Joseph and Christian. And who can blame them? Those guys are relationship goals. Sweet Claire completes the podium with 9.3% of the community accepting a proposal from the lovely brunette.
.The rest of the LIs followed with Hiro at 8.5%; Orlando at 6.4%; Charles at 4.5%; Carlos at 3.4% and Justin at 2.7%. And to the 2.7% who said that Tony proposed to them... here is what we say.
.💎SBR Tony mentioned his sister's name as explanation for his actions. What was your reaction?
.The SBR Season 3 baby-faced villain finally had a chance to explain why he has been exceedingly awful to everyone around him. His motivation? His sister Charlotte, who apparently got crushed by the massive dose of karma she had landing on her face in Season 2 - after being an awful person in her own right. 39% of us did not even pay to hear this explanation (there's always the subreddit discussion thread where to ask, after all), while 32% were actually surprised by the plot twist. The remaining 29% had completely forgotten who Charlotte was, making the reveal a tad underwhelming. Oh well! #moving-on
.💎In CY, did you ask Alexander to make it official?
.Snarky Alex was ripe for picking in this latest update, so the majority of this community tried their luck at making the Swede their official sweetheart. Wedding bells might be ringing soon for 60.5% of us, proudly shouting it from the rooftops that he is their man now. 30.6% never went there in the first place, because they are into one of the other LIs, while an unlucky 8.9% had to endure the immense cringe of being rejected in what was possibly one of the harshest friendzoning conversations ever written. #i-want-to-be-your-friend-not-your-man #ouch-that-was-brutal #1-upvote-1-prayer
.💎Who do you think is more suspicious in CY?
.Why is it that all the suspicious people have a name starting with E? Is there a secret clue there that we are missing? The majority of this subreddit (40.8%) thinks that the person who unceremoniously encouraged CY MC to do a spot of cliff diving is Eve. Second more suspicious person is Edward, with 25.7% of the votes, followed by 18.9% of people thinking that none of the three currently-dying characters are responsible, while 14.6% think that Ellia is the culprit. Time will tell who was right!
.💎Did your pet dragon in HS suddenly transform into something else?
.Far from us to kink shame anyone, but ngl, having a pet suddenly turn out to be a sentient hunk is seriously 50 shades of weird. The majority of the subreddit is not into it, although we do seem to have a decently sized scaley population lurking in the shadows. To each their own! #variety-is-the-spice-of-life
💎Do you think Shino-Odori is the future LOW female LI?
.Quirky Shino-Odori is at present the only possible candidate for the job of female LI in LOW, but the majority of us are still not convinced that's where the story is going. 45.4% of this community thinks that maybe she'll be a LI, but we need to see if she gets her human form back somehow first. 39.6% doesn't think that she will be a LI at all, because someone else will be introduced instead, while 15% would love for her to be a LI because she is amazing. #lets-be-frie-e-e-ends
.💎In LOW what does Satoshi's disguise reminds you of?
.The community has spoken: the Satoshi hate has to stop! Kinda. We still like to take the mick out of his disguise, of course we do, but it's undeniable that his fan club has grown over the last few updates. Amongst the sexy seriousness of the LOW men, Satoshi's special brand of nonsense seems to be a necessary comic relief, so be it.
💎Did you buy an outfit for Nosferatu in DLS?
.RC newest gold mine and/or diamond pit - depending on the perspective - came in the shape of a sleek suit and a frilly French Royal Family outfit. Most of us got tempted by the cute clothes, while a staunch minority decided to keep Nosferatu in his standard jumper for the foreseeable future.
💎Did you help Nosferatu and his Black Cat friend in DLS?
.Who could stand in the way of great cat love and/or friendship? Not the 68.3% of this subreddit, who said yes because anything their ugly baby wants, their ugly baby shall receive. 31.7% declined, because they are broke and/or heartless. #how-could-you
.💎Would you adopt Nosferatu's relative Gardenia, if you could, in DLS?
.It certainly looked as Gradish was not in good shape at the end of this update, so what about poor, possibly-homeless Gardenia? 63.6% of us would adopt her in a heartbeat, because the only thing that's better than one ugly baby, is two ugly babies! But 36.4% wouldn't because they are broke and/or heartless.
💎Did you play any trick on the neighbour in LOS?
.We are a kind, nice, stingy community and the majority of us (55.6%) decided to opt out of spending diamonds to play tricks on our psycho neighbour, while 22.5% put interference generators into his house, 15.7% planted spores in his garden, and 4.3% asked Ursula to destroy his house.
.💎Who did you pick to stand watch with while camping in LOS?
.This scene was the sweetest ever, no matter who you picked. Ray the alien prince is the clear favourite in this story, with the majority of the sub picking him for a make out sesh - exclusively performed for scientific testing purposes, of course - while Jacob is getting closer and closer to threatening Todd's second place in the charts of favourite LOS men.
💎Which second shape did you pick for Beast in LOS?
.To the mods' surprise, the vast majority of us (69.1%) decided to pick the free option (Predator) while 23.1% chose to shill diamonds for the Strange Predator shape, and only 7.8% picked the Strange Reptile form. Why? Dinosaurs are cool! #aint-no-party-like-a-t-rex-party
.💎In LOS, Ray tells us that on his planet two hours correspond to four clorks. So we asked: how many clorks do you think we will have to wait until the next update? We just got the update announcement last week so let's see who was right and who was wrong!
.48.7% of the community were very pessimistic and predicted about 3000 clorks (aka about 9 weeks), 42% were fairly realistic and guessed about 2000 clorks (aka about 6 weeks) and only 9.2% were super optimistic and went for 1000 clorks (aka about 3 weeks) - so considering between the November and December update there will be just about a month, we are going to give the victory to the optimists amongst us! Well done!
.💎Who was your favourite MC in this update?
.It was so hard to pick among such a great lineup of badass heroines (no complaints there!) but Mei (LOW) snags the top spot with 30.6% of the votes, thanks to her bravery in both human and fox form as well as her great magic powers. Second place goes to war-heroine HS MC at 23.5%, followed by a strong showing from new entry and valkyrie-in-training POV MC in third at 21.6%.
.Fourth is DLS MC and her time-travelling adventures at 14.3%, fifth goes to CY MC and her archery exploits at 7.5%, while - at quite a distance - we find alien-meddling Amber (LOS) in sixth at 1.7% and dancing queen SBR MC in seventh place with 0.9%.
.💎We also asked about diamonds: how much did you spend on this update? It might have been the fact that we had seven books to spend on instead than six, or maybe it was the density of cat-centric premium content in DLS, but we seem to have spent slightly more diamonds overall compared to the previous update.
-- 35.7% spent more than 500 diamonds. (up from last update's 23.1%)
-- 28.2 % spent more than 300, less than 500 diamonds. (up from last update's 25.6%)
-- 23.7% spent more than 150, less than 300 diamonds. (down from last update's 35%)
-- 10% spent more than 50, less than 150 diamonds. (down from last update's 13.5% )
-- 2.4% spent less than 50 diamonds. (down from last update's 2.8%)
.💎Next up: teacups. The majority of us (75.2%) decided to be patient and read the chapters over a few days, while 24.8% decided to binge read it all in one go, down from last update when 25.5% of us had decided to use real-world money on the game.
.💎We asked if you used the wiki walkthroughs to help you with your stats, and looks like we are all getting more and more adventurous with every update, since only 61.1% said yes (compared to the 65.8% of the last update), while 35.5% chose to go in blind and spoiler-free (compared to 31.8%). And for the 3% who did not know walkthroughs even existed, here is a link to our very own Reddit-made Wiki with every answer you might need and more!
💎And last but not least, thank you to the 89.5% of you who were looking forward to reading this post, we love you! And to the 10.5% who wished us to always be in the perfect puddle-trajectory to get soaked, joke's on you: there are no puddles nor traffic on our daily commute between our bed and the fridge!
That's all folks... until next time! (which will come very soon, considering the new update is around the corner!)
💎Your friendly neighbourhood mod team💎
💎 u/LauraVi 💎 u/swankytutu 💎 u/directormmn
submitted by LauraVi to RomanceClub [link] [comments]

jokes about swedes video

Say “everybody get out of the pool.”. 3. Worry that people are laughing at you. A small nation with big ambitions, Swedes are fascinated by how the rest of the world sees them; a national ... The Swedes only buys one ticket, but the Norwegians buys two. On the train, the Swedes locks themselves in the toilet. When the conductor goes by, he knocks on the door, asking for the ticket. They slip the ticket under the door, the conductor cuts it and moves on. says the Swede. A Swede is in a pub in Finland and a regular customer suggests to him: "I'll give you €200, if you let me smash ten beer bottles on your head." The Swede thinks for a while and finally agrees – seems like an easy way to make some money. The Finn starts smashing bottles on the Swede's head. The humour is based on witty plays with words, the more groan-worthy the better. In English, we refer to these as Dad jokes – pun-filled quips that make every child’s eyes roll and every father’s heart fill with pride and accomplishment. No matter how bad they are, these jokes always manage to get at least a chuckle out of us. Tags: jokes about Swedes and Sweden. Keep learning Swedish with us! Build vocabulary, practice pronunciation, and more with Transparent Language Online. Available anytime, anywhere, on any device. Try it Free Find it at your Library. Share this: Share. Tweet. Comments: Jennifer: Fascinating. Two swedes were building a house. One of them threw half if the nails in the garbage. The other swede wondered why he was doing that, and the first swede answered: "the point and the blunt side are switched on half of the nails so I cant hammer them in!" Oct 24, 2012 - Webcomic: The head-thing Norway and Denmark are doing is a replacement for hugging, because hugs look so awkward with their tiny bodies and

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