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where is kumari kandam

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Examining Evidence Of The QUANTUM CONSPIRACY

Lemuria a sunken land...

I have recently been led to several factual pieces of information that suggest we came from the ocean... why, how, etc. It all starts in Lemuria a land that sunk after atlantis did...in order to be where we are today, it was crucial to remember that history, because we learn from the "past" and we need to decipher it all but there is even talks of this land mass in the tamil writing where they speak of Kumari kandam a land that sunk as well. There is too many "coincidences" and everything adds up... Start in Lemuria...
submitted by lemurianvixen to AlternativeHistory [link] [comments]

Earth’s Origins?

Earths backstory?
I think it’s possible that both on Mars and Earth, humanoid species were developed by aliens in a type research project or something more nefarious. The original aliens were probably discovered doing this by a ‘federation’ of other aliens and stopped because they were unethical. Mars was probably started well before us and the treatment of them is probably what caused an intervention. The martians would have had plenty of time to advance technologically prior to the abandonment of the projects but they had damaged their planet irreparably in that time. The intervention forced all aliens to cease direct interaction with Mars and earth.
Being so advance, what if the last of the people on Mars managed to contact early humans and taught them how to communicate with them. They then taught them to create a way for the martians to travel to earth so they could escape their own dying planet.
They might have used an asteroid to end an ice age and in the process destroying continents like Mu and Kumari Kandam before coming to earth because that is where strong opposition resides. They wanted to claim land for themselves.
They contacted the humans slowly at first, teaching them how to construct a way to better communicate. This could have been the Tower of Babel, that was used to access a type of hive mind amongst humans (could be like directly hearing voices in their heads or just subliminal messages). After setting up this communication array they set about teaching them all they could. Like using the earth as a power source and that pyramid structures and crystals could best access this power. They did this to both prove their own existence and the help get them off of Mars and over to earth.
Possibly martians may have had the ability to travel via space craft but were stopped by other alien species and those battles are depicted in ancient stories and physical scars remaining on earth (mohindra daro vitrification). They had to turn to alternative travel methods like a einstein rosen bridge (these were powered again by the earth/crystal system).
It could also be possible that the martians didn’t wipe out all humans but just set them back technologically prior to their arrival so they could live in peace hidden under Antartica.
In more recent times (2000bc to present) delegations could have be sent frequently by the alien’s that are working together to check in and determine the state of humanity. Or these could have been rouge aliens civs looking to find profit here.
These are just random thoughts I’ve put together based on the evidence the TV series Ancient Aliens professes to be ‘probable’.
Would love to have an open discussion about these theories. Especially around the claim an asteroid impact caused massive tectonic plate shifts around the end of the ice age. This of course shifting/sinking continents and setting human civilisations back technologically.
submitted by GroundbreakingSun675 to AncientAliens [link] [comments]

The Collective (Part 25)

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Captain Rxyn sighed. He didn’t like this assignment, but he had been assured that it was of the utmost importance to The Collective. His was the lead ship of The Collective Navy armada that now hung outside of where that blasted human ship Fram had tunnelled in and met… well, ‘them’. He hadn’t been told exactly what was inside, but had been told by the superiors of his superiors that ‘they’ were ancient beyond telling and could withstand the old technologies with such imperviousness that it made fighting them almost impossible.
What’s more was that every vessel within the fleet had been equipped with a demolition charge. In the event of capture, the ship was to detonate, that none aboard would be left alive to face whatever horrors the enemy had in store. Rxyn was more than skeptical at this, but the High Council’s orders were never given without reason.
The specially modified sensors of the fleet measured the progress of ‘them’ against the wall. Thus far, it appeared minimal, but sufficient to keep the fleet here.
Supposedly, the human ship Fram and its protector Rage and Fury were nearby at a distance, awaiting the arrival of their fleet. Rxyn scoffed. He had seen the recordings of the Battle of Station 1337 and the pirate action half a solar cycle before that. These humans were impressive, but they were not against the true might of The Collective Navy. When this action was over, he only hoped he’d get a chance to teach them a few lessons.
Sitting back in his command seat, he waited.
They knew now. The strange little vessel that had come from… outside of their existence. Yes, it had shown them the way. But there was something odd about it. And it would not matter until they too were in this ‘outside’ as well.
The thinker was reviewing all of their knowledge. It had seen into this strange vessel and all its special parts. So many confusing items. Strange creatures made of common plant material and filled with more plant materials. Other strange creatures that moved erratically and were strong, oh so very strong. Much stronger than they remembered of the ‘outside’. And the vessel itself was made of something wrong. The thinker did not like this. Wrong things did not belong. And if it could not be consumed, then it was wrong. But in that wrongness, it found something. It was something new. A bending of energy to physical form. A strange and curious item. Possibly of use.
The scout had not returned from following the strange vessel, but it would not matter. If this strange new energy means would release them, they could BE again.
The digger learned of the thinker’s new energy means and began to dig. Shifting aside the gravity ripples, the space cleared.
Rxyn jolted awake in his captain’s seat at the sounds of the alarms.
“Report!” he thundered.
“The wall. Something is opening!” the sensor tech called out.
Rxyn adjusted his visual monitors to where the sensor tech had indicated. The light of the stars was bending less and less and becoming more and more sheer blackness.
“How soon?” he called.
“Now, sir!”
The last of the star-bending lights winked out and were replaced with a massive vessel, easily larger than the Councilworld, which exited the gaping void and appeared to stop, tiny thrusters over the mass of the sphere firing in unity.
A beam from the vessel fixed one of The Collective armada and a voice could be heard throughout the interlinked Collective ships.
Are you offerings or slaves? You are known to us. You will serve us. Enter and become of the Collective.”
A small moon-sized section of hull slide slightly to one side.
“We refuse!” Rxyn shouted.
You do not have the right.”
The beam winked out and then multiple beams reached out to fix each vessel in the armada in place. Many of the captains throughout the fleet tried everything they could think of. Engines to full, energy shields, and even attempting to open fire upon the monstrosity seemed to do nothing at all, with the munitions frozen in position scarce distances from their launching points.
You will serve us. Enter and become of the Collective.”
Rxyn was unsure of what to do. They couldn’t leave. They couldn’t fight back. They could maybe trigger the demolition charges, but would that be too much?
One of the sensor technicians leaned over their control console before turning to Rxyn.
“Sir! There’s something else coming.”
“More vessels like that, I suppose,” Rxyn said, his brain still on the verge of overloading with the demands of the titanic vessel.
“No, sir. Something in warpspace. From Collective space.”
Rxyn looked up at his screens, hoping.
The Battlegroup Winged Hussars saw the massive gravitational bulge at the edge of the wall clear into warpspace. Normally something like that would be a planet, but from the reports of the Fram, it would be anything but.
The order was given for the battlegroup to drop out of the warpgate as close to the gravitational bulge as they could manage, with the railcraft staging themselves in the rear.
Together, they tore a massive warpgate back into normal space and emerged, the pride of the Imperial Navy and the Empress at stake. Their opponent, the size of Saturn, was pinning The Collective vessels. It couldn’t be a more perfect time to shine.
Battlegroup Admiral Kumari Kandam stood tall aboard the carrier IMS Elysium Mons, her admiralty cloak draped in the chair several feet behind her. Her simple, but elegant uniform did nothing to soften the face she wore today.
“It appears we are to help stuff this olive back in the jar,” she said, her south Martian accent heavy in her speech.
The digger appeared only now to notice the fleet of human vessels. It could see that they were wrong. And they had more of those strange creatures of curious strength. This was good. They would serve well.
But first, a meal of these known ones that were fully correct before tasting the wrong ones.
The beams began to contract, pulling the unwilling Collective vessels towards the massive opening of the planet sized vessel.
A few captains panicked and began triggering their demolition charges. One vessel became five, but it was only those ones that panicked. The rest waited. They had seen the humans come. They were supposed to be helping. But this massive vessel didn’t seem to be waiting.
Rxyn could have screeched his species’ death wail, but saw no use in it yet.
The massive vessel filled every screen and sensor as they drew ever nearer.
And then, they stopped. The beams dissolved. And the massive vessel was moving, much faster than a vessel of that size should be capable of.
Rxyn frantically ordered his ships to spread out as far as they were able around the massive vessel and begin launching all available weapons and munitions at it.
Searching space, he saw the massive vessel closing upon the human fleet.
He wished the humans luck.
THE STRANGE ONES HAD HURT IT! They had… used something… something wrong… made it go very very fast and it had made for much hurt!
The immediate meal would have to wait. These wrong ones would need to be gone first. No more hurting from the wrong.
“Railcraft Deus Ex and Red Herring report good hits. Significant damage visible. It appears we have its attention, Admiral,” the captain reported.
“Very good. I think it’s time we taught it a lesson in fighting someone for real,” Admiral Kandam said, as she narrowed her eyes.
submitted by arclightmagus to HFY [link] [comments]

Weekly Discord News - September 28 to October 05

This is a list of messages from our Discord that at least 5 people marked as newsworthy.
Should there be messages that break the content policy of Reddit or are against the rules of this subreddit, then please contact the Moderators.
If you don't want your Discord messages being shown here, contact the Moderators.

Monday, September 28

141135 (Tekau Ma Whā Pekikeki) (141135#1701) said in #announcements at 00:16 UTC:
A great man has died today. A father, peacemaker and visionary, our world will be the worse without him. May he spend the rest of his days on the seas, where he was born, and was always at peace.

Tuesday, September 29

Koukou-i-te-Pō Te Pouākai (Lord Norjam#8959) said in #announcements at 23:51 UTC:
Whai Te Pouākai has died after a tragic fishing accident off the coast of Taumutu. He led the Māori to victory through the war with the Romans, and began settlement of Kumari Kandam. We mourn this terrible loss.
As we speak, the new Hui Ariki convenes on Hokianga to decide the next Arikinui.
The Arikinui is dead! Long live the Arikinui!

Wednesday, September 30

Peppeghetti Sparoni (Peppeghetti Sparoni#3396) said in #off-topic-and-shitposts at 02:51 UTC:
lol Attached Image
Yoda - Fabius Caerellia (Yoda_Who#4399) said in #propaganda at 14:17 UTC:
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/296056831514509312/760867794312757278/image0.png Attached Image

Thursday, October 01

Peppeghetti Sparoni (Peppeghetti Sparoni#3396) said in #public-forum at 12:37 UTC:
I woke up this morning with an intense feeling that I didnt save the game last session
Peppeghetti Sparoni (Peppeghetti Sparoni#3396) said in #public-forum at 12:37 UTC:
I did in fact save the game last session
poopoopeepeebutt (Seanbox#9872) said in #off-topic-and-shitposts at 23:20 UTC:

Friday, October 02

Serçe (Bird#5172) said in #off-topic-and-shitposts at 15:00 UTC:
FUCK colonialism

Saturday, October 03

Grand Mouse MadMadelyn (MadMadelyn#7582) said in #game-session-coordination at 20:12 UTC:
"The Maori are not sending their best. They're sending barbarians, violent folk, and uncultured swine! And some, I assume, are good people"
WSchnitzel -Alvinius Studio Mazi (Weinerschnitzel#7818) said in #game-session-coordination at 20:49 UTC:

Sunday, October 04

WSchnitzel -Alvinius Studio Mazi (Weinerschnitzel#7818) said in #propaganda at 06:04 UTC:
I just wanna say a massive thank you to all of DCiv. Without y'all business class would be so boring. I might have to like, pay attention.
Peppeghetti Sparoni (Peppeghetti Sparoni#3396) said in #game-session-coordination at 13:14 UTC:
Good session folks
Ray - Caius Quercus (aLoggerNamedRay#8698) said in #off-topic-and-shitposts at 18:29 UTC:
When you make a tag for the bot for the first time Attached Image
Serçe (Bird#5172) said in #propaganda at 21:30 UTC:
Hi so this is me and I want to fund literacy programs. I'll run independent ranking polls for basically every publication I can find and will distribute 40 Lira every three weeks to all publications based on their scores. Hopefully that will encourage people to write more and be nice for already established writers. The corporate code is LIT, thank you for your attention 🙏
Peppeghetti Sparoni (Peppeghetti Sparoni#3396) said in #games-night at 21:32 UTC:
Look at me Im Tay and I have friends
-bank send Piper 50000 (Piper#9227) said in #ottoman-general at 21:55 UTC:
Istanbul .. 2020 .. colorized .. Local business man Piper goes into history as the richest man in all of the ottoman empire Attached Image
-bank send Piper 50000 (Piper#9227) said in #ottoman-general at 21:56 UTC:
QI is always there to ruin my moments
-bank send Piper 50000 (Piper#9227) said in #bank at 21:58 UTC:
-bank send @TheWalrus 100 I am a honest man .. let the record show
I am a bot and this is an automated service. Contact u/Jovanos (DerJonas#8036 on Discord) for further questions or bug reports.
submitted by DerJonasBot to democraciv [link] [comments]

[Manga Spoilers] A theory on the world of AOT, potential ending points to the story, and some real history lessons that some people may not be aware of!

This is quite a long post, however I truly urge you to have the patience to read it all as you may learn something new from it to spark an interest. Here it goes!
It's no surprise that Isayama has taken a lot of inspiration from real life history, however theres some parallels that people don't talk about because they aren't as well known. Yes, the Holocaust similarities caught on to everyone's eyes but there are other aspects of the story that, whether intentional or not, seem extremely similar to certain real life events.
We've all discussed the fact that Paradis Island resembles Madagascar next to Africa. However, there is another Island that this is extremely similar to, and once you finish reading this post explaining all the context of its mythical history, you may be quite surprised.
I'm talking about Srilanka. Let me explain.
Srilanka is an island next to India (of course) and is inhabited by mostly Tamil and Sinhalese people. More importantly, it has a history of a horrible civil war between the two races I just mentioned. The conflict ended with a massive genocide of the Tamil people and forced many Tamil families to run away from the Island and raise kids elsewhere.
Here is where it gets even more interesting. The Tamil race had their own army of soldiers that wanted to fight for their country. They were I believe called the LTTE (I am still researching this topic so forgive me for any mistakes) and get this. They were falsely accused of being terrorists for fighting back against the Sinhalese government for their country. In fact, even currently as of this moment, they are labelled as a terrorist group in 32 countries. And recently, it was announced that Switzerland spoke out about this and declared that they are not indeed a group of terrorists.
A race falsely accused of being something terrible that they weren't, who also live on an island following a civil war...sound familiar yet?
Yep, this is literally a mirror to the Eldians being accused of being devils from Paradis Island, if I haven't got your jaws dropping yet, just wait, there's more...
We've spoken about the island, the races, the genocide and false accusations of being evil. Lets step away from politics for a bit and talk about some tales. It's time to talk about the forgotten continent of ancient Tamil civilization: Lemuria.
For some brief context, Lemuria, also known as Kumari Kandam, was an ancient lost continent that was connected to India, and the remains of it are told to be Srilanka. Now look at these two images of the same map, however one will be more zoomed in:
https://prnt.sc/qo7mwk The map itself. You can see that this continent actually connected Madagascar to India and Srilanka.
And now a closer look: https://prnt.sc/qo7njl
Has your jaw dropped yet? Literally the same name, Paradise.
Now I want you to see this too, another picture. https://prnt.sc/qo7pbx
An ancient continent, a bridge between an Island and main land, what does this all lead up to?
The bridge you see is called by scientists "Adam's bridge," which is, according to Christian mythology is what Adam used to cross the bridge from Srilanka to India after he was banished from Eden. And it was told that he went there to reach "Paradise."
However, another name this bridge has is "Rama's bridge," and the idea behind this was the Ramayana from Hindu mythology, that Rama and his army of ape men (Vanaras) constructed a massive land bridge composed of mountains to get to the Island to save his wife from the demon king Ravana.
Where else have we heard of mythical beings constructing massive land bridges for humanity? That's right, the Titans from Attack on Titan's history!
Now considering the current situation of Attack on Titan, how does this all relate? Well, we have a land bridge that could allow the Titans that Eren unleashed to travel to Marleyans to destroy them, maybe he uses the Wall Titans to harden and create a bridge between Srilanka and India...I mean Paradis to Marley. We also have a a mythical land that sunk into the oceans from continental shifts and flood levels, if Eren truly is going 100% aggression on Marley, what if he uses the Rumbling to cause these earthquakes and turn Marley into another Island, just like the forgotten Lemuria? What if AOT is a modern version of an Earth where Lemuria still existed, and it tells the tale of how it really got destroyed?
I think there are many points we can gain from these past history lessons. But whatever is true or not, it was fun to do this research and honestly, Isayama truly is a genius for creating a story that has so many areas of discussion with its community. I thank you for reading this! I look forward to hearing your theories!
Tl;dr: AOT heavily references Srilanka, an island where a horrible civil war between two races took place, a genocide, and tales of an ancient forgotten continent ,Lemuria, that also housed an island called "Paradise", and a land bridge "Rama's bridge" that connected the island to India which could be a possible connection to the Titans reaching Marley from the rumbling.

Edit: Another interesting point by this comment:
I’m a Sri Lankan Tamil and I saw those similarities too when I first saw the show on Netflix. The thing you missed is that right across the Island on the mainland is the Tamils’ original home of Tamil Nadu home to nearly 70 million Tamils. And on top of this is that the Sinhalese majority group in Sri Lanka base their history on an ancient tale of their origin on how they sailed from Northeast India and repelled South Indian Invaders (Tamils) for hundreds of years when in fact many of their ancient Kings and warriors are of South Indian descent and some of their former Presidents have recent Tamil origin too. jovijovi99
submitted by allsmighty to ShingekiNoKyojin [link] [comments]

[Discussion] What was the “Dravidian movement” all about? Was it something that emerged all of a sudden with the DMK’s victory in 1967 TN elections - as an outcome of a mass outrage against “North Indian” hegemony and the imposition of Hindi? Read on

[Discussion] What was the “Dravidian movement” all about? Was it something that emerged all of a sudden with the DMK’s victory in 1967 TN elections - as an outcome of a mass outrage against “North Indian” hegemony and the imposition of Hindi? Read on
Muthuvel Karunanidhi, the Chief Minister of the southern state of Tamil Nadu for 5 separate terms between 1969 and 2011, passed away on Aug 7th at the age of 94.
He was the most major and consequential face of the “Dravidian movement” since Annadurai’s death in 1969
A lot of obituaries will no doubt focus on his political career and his legacy. But in my view this is a good time to take a step back and better understand the “ideas” and prejudices that Karunanidhi championed.
"Views" that predate him by decades and that he did not originate. While it is all very well to focus on people, a discussion of ideas and their place in history is always more useful.
What was the “Dravidian movement” all about?
Was it something that emerged all of a sudden with the DMK’s victory in 1967 TN elections - as an outcome of a mass outrage against “North Indian” hegemony and the imposition of Hindi?
Or do we go further back and place its origins in the late 19th / early 20th century with the Justice Party and the Self-respect movement - a political assertion of the “non brahmin” tamil people against the perceived Brahmin dominance in Tamil Nadu during the British Raj?
But these are proximate ways of thinking about political movements. Which are not satisfactory. Why Tamil Nadu?
The Brahmins were arguably even more “dominant” (as measured by literacy rates and occupancy of government jobs) in Mysore than in Madras. Yet there was no “Dravidian movement” in Mysore / Karnataka.
The Brahmins were pretty “dominant” in Bombay Presidency as well, yet we didn’t see a “Non-Brahmin” maratha assertion in Maharashtra, until much later in the 20th century.
Why is it that this political movement rooted in
a. Tamil exceptionalism b. Dislike of the Brahmin c. Dislike of Northern cultural influences (Sanskrit, Hindi, “Brahminical” Hinduism)
Emerged ONLY in TN and not in other southern states, or in other non-Hindi parts of India?
These are questions that haven’t been asked enough by historians and discussed even less in media
This thread is a modest attempt to answer these qns, and examine briefly the political/social circumstances in Tamil Nadu over the past 1000 yrs, which help answer these questions
So let’s first try to understand the Tamil country. A land that has been extremely well integrated with “Aryavrata” for nearly 2000 years. In fact one can legitimately regard it as a part of “Aryavrata” starting with Pallava rule in the middle of the 1st millennium CE
The period from about 5th / 6th century CE to 13th century can be regarded as a “Golden age” for the Tamil country - a period when the land was first ruled by the Great Pallavas, and later the Cholas (with a brief Pandya revival in 13th cen)
It was a period when Tamil Nadu emerged arguably as the citadel of Hindu culture in all of subcontinent - a culture that enmeshed the great Sanskritic traditions of the north with the local Tamil traditions - and in the process enriching both
Now why do I regard the cosmopolitan Tamil culture of 6th to 13th centuries as the high point of Tamizh civilization? It is on account of its remarkable accomplishments
This period saw some of the greatest works in Tamil (and Hindu) literature - - The great Bhakti poetry of Azhwars and Nayanars (6th to 9th century CE) - Kamban’s Rama-avataram (12th century)
The period was also the emergence of the great Tamil empires - when Tamil maritime flourished like never before, and Tamil / Hindu influence extended into much of South East Asia
The Medieval Cholas were that rare Indian exception- an expansionist Indian Empire. An empire that defeated and subjugated the great Srivijaya kingdom of Indonesia, and also conquered much of Sri Lanka in 11th cen. Sri Lanka was under Chola rule for nearly all of 11th cen.
The period was also marked by great architectural innovation - all the great Chola and Pallava temples of Tamil Nadu - be it Brihadeeshwara & Airavateshwara (in Tanjore region) or Kailashnathar / Mahabalipuram (near Kanchi) date to this period of hectic architectural activity
Finally the period is most distinguished for its massive, I repeat massive, contribution to the Hindu religion. The Vaishnava and Shaiva faiths consolidated during this period.
The great Hindu theologians - Sankara and Ramanuja - belong to this period
It was also a period when Tamil devotional literature was integrated with the Sanskrit mainstream. The devotional literature gained intellectual legitimacy in temples across Tamil Nadu notwithstanding the low origins of many of the Tamil poets who wrote this literature.
So why are we discussing all this. The point to note here is that during this heyday of Tamil civilization, the Tamil country was arguably the shining light of India (esp given the decline that had set in much of the North after the fall of Harsha)
And this civilization was not marked by any “revolt” against brahmins or Sanskrit or northern influences. It was a confident Tamil culture that embraced northern influences as well as northern migrants.
One example of seamless migration from the north is that of the great Sanskrit writer Dandin, who was a part of the Pallava court in early 8th century. His family was one that had immigrated to Tamil Nadu from Vidarbha in the North in the 7th century
So it was a confident civilization, with none of the Tamizh insecurities that characterize the modern Dravidian movement.
So what changed?
Things began to change around the 14th cen, when Tamil Nadu gradually lost its political sovereignty. The Cholas faded. The Pandyas of Madurai were overthrown by Delhi Sultanate
The Madurai Sultanate’s rule of terror over southern Tamil Nadu in the 14th cen left tremendous scars
By the end of the 14th cen, all of the Tamil country was under Vijayanagar rule, which had its base in northern Deccan (Hampi). Following the fall of Vijayanagara, the Tamil territories came under the rule of the Nayakas - who were originally governors of Vijayanagara Empire
Post late 17th century the Nayaka influence also waned, and Maratha influence gradually increased. Thanjavur became a seat of Maratha power. Elsewhere in Northern Tamil country, the Muslim Nawabs established their rule centered in the town of Arcot (modern Vellore).
So what do we gather about this long period from 14th century to 19th century? It was a period of Non-Tamil rule in Tamil Nadu. Starting with Vijayanagara, then Nayaks, then the Marathas, the Nawabs, and finally the British.
Quite naturally it was also a period of Tamizh decline. Vast populations of non-Tamil origin (particularly from Andhra) moved into Tamil Nadu during this period, especially due to Vijayanagara patronage So Telugu (and to a lesser extent Sanskrit) became very dominant languages in the corridors of power. Tamil receded.
Telugu was perceived as the language with some class! The language used by respectable people. Tamil - the language of the masses and the subjects.
To me this phase of Telugu’s rise and Tamil’s decline cannot be over-emphasized. It is very important to understand the roots of Tamil rage and Tamil insecurities
One way to understand the predominance of Telugu in Tamil country is to examine Carnatic Music - an art form whose formal development was primarily in Tamil Nadu in late 18th / early 19th century
The three giants of this art form in late 18th century were - Tyagaraja, Shama Sastri and Muthuswami Dikshitar. Atleast two of them, we are sure, had Telugu as their mother tongue
But where did they live? In Andhra? No . They lived in the vicinity of Tanjore - the Tamil heartland
How about their compositions? - Well the compositions were primarily in Telugu, and some in Sanskrit. Hardly any in Tamil, the language spoken by the masses around them
So we have this long long period of Tamil decline, which no doubt hurt Tamil pride a lot. This is after all the land of Silappadikaram and Tirukkural. The land of Rajaraja Chola and Kamban
But by 19th century, the language and culture had been reduced to a second rate status thanks to the remarkable growth of Telugu - an upstart language which barely even existed in literary form back in the 1st millennium CE when Tamil was the pre-eminent southern language
There was a lot of frustration of course. And it needed venting. It also needed a scapegoat. Who to blame? You can’t blame old and bygone kings, nor can you blame “Telugu” people who were too numerous, and well integrated into Tamil society.
The scapegoat was the Brahmin and also his “Sanskritic” ways.
But why was the “Brahmin” singled out? Now to understand this we need to change our tracks a bit and now switch our focus to the British Raj
Let’s go the 1820s - a period when Thomas Munro reigned as Madras Governor. It still marked the initial phase of British rule over Southern India in its entirety
Munro undertook a survey to assess the educational conditions in the Presidency - the results of which are revealing
Does the survey suggest a very high degree of Brahmin dominance in education?
Let’s pick two districts in the Tamil country where the Brahmins were most numerous back then (> 5% of pop). These were also temple towns where much of the “brahmin cultural capital” was concentrated
Here’s the caste distribution of Male school going students in these 2 districts b/w 1822 and 1825
What do we notice -
Sure, there is some over-representation of Brahmins ( a share of 10-15% suggests a 2x over-indexing relative to their share in population - around 5% or more in these districts)
But this is far from the stereotypical view of education being denied to the non-twice born castes.
A very vast majority of students in both these districts were “Shudras” (which in the south is a blanket term covering over three quarters of the population)
So the educational reality of the 1820s did not warrant any grudge against the “Brahmins” as a class in society that monopolizes education
The data on schools back then was only indicative, as a very large section of kids used to be home-schooled. As per Munro’s own report, in the city of Madras, 26,446 boys were being schooled at home, in contrast to only 5,523 boys who were attending the Patha-shalas
We have these numbers thanks to Dharampal’s painstaking research whose book “The Beautiful Tree” demolished many myths about late medieval / early modern India, at the time of the British encounter
However as the 19th century proceeded, there was considerable social change. Firstly it was a period of relative economic stagnation / decline (a process that had started much earlier in 17th century), causing many traditional pathashalas to close down.
Secondly with the formal establishment of British Raj, and the new opportunities in the bureaucracy, and in urban professions, the Brahmin ascendancy began. An ascendancy without a precedent for the community in Indian history. Nowhere was this ascendancy more marked than in TN
By 1912, the Brahmin dominance was very real particularly in the British bureaucracy. Here’s a table from that year -
  • So what had changed between 1820 and 1912?
  • And who was to blame for this remarkable change in social equations?
  • That is a puzzle for which there are no simple answers
It is all very well to say the British “favored” Brahmins. But that to me sounds too fanciful and conspiratorial
What is more likely is that Brahmins embraced the change in climate better, and took to English education in a big way - unlike a lot of other communities
One way to understand the “Brahmin rise” is to look at specific cases of Brahmins whose lives were transformed during this period of late 19th century.
Take two famous instances - VS Srinivasa Sastri (1869 - 1946), Alladi Krishnaswami Aiyar (1883-1953)
The former became a famous Indian politician, diplomat and administrator. A famed “Moderate” leader of the Gokhale wing within Congress.
The latter was a famous lawyer and member of the Drafting committee and Constituent assembly which framed the Indian Constitution
Now why am I picking these two names? There is a common thread. Both were born in villages, and were sons of temple priests! They were not well-connected aristocrats. They came out of nowhere.
So in the 1820 setup, kids like these were no different from a thousand other kids (Brahmin or Non Brahmin) leading a mediocre existence in small towns. But the British Raj provided opportunities for several such “outliers” (incidentally Brahmin) to max out their potential
So this was the story of the 19th cen. A century during which there was considerable change in the economy. More opportunities than ever before for the creme-de-la-creme. But stagnation for everyone else
This meant greater social inequality, and a widening rift between castes. This was also coupled, if you remember, by the larger story of Tamil decline we discussed earlier.
But then 19th century changed the language equations for the first time in 500 years. Tamil made a comeback!
And this comeback was partly because of the rise of the professional middle class (mostly Tamil speaking Brahmin) without any “connections” in the old Telugu set-up. A lot of these new kids on the block were key in reviving the Tamil language
Take a couple of names -
  • UV Swaminatha Iyer - instrumental in the rediscovery of several Tamil Sangam texts
  • Subramania Bharati - a great Tamil poet, who was key in creating a Tamil consciousness that had been dormant for several centuries.
Interestingly both were Brahmin
Even the current obsession with Lemuria / Kumari Kandam among Dravidian chauvinists in our times actually dates back to the late 19th century - a period of Tamil revival
Lemuria interestingly was the speculation of a submerged continent connecting Australia and India - it was originally a theory suggested by 19thc European / American scholars - now a discredited theory ofcourse.
In the heady days of Tamil revival of late 19th century, connections were drawn between Lemuria and Kumari Khandam (a lost continent of Tamil civilization) which ironically first finds mention in a 15th century Tamil adaptation of Skanda Purana (titled Kanda Puranam).
This connection of Kumari Kandam with Lemuria was actually first made by a Brahmin young man named VG Suryanarayana Sastri - who died at 33
To him, Kumari Khandam was a part of Brahmanic lore, which he was indiscreet enough to connect with Lemuria -a discredited 19th c construct
Little did the young lad know that his fanciful speculations would capture the movement of the Dravidian movement in the decades to follow
So let’s get back on track on where Tamil Nadu stood at the beginning of 20th century -
On one hand, there was this increasing rift between Brahmin and Non Brahmin driven by education and the English language. On the other, we had a revival of Tamil consciousness
Both very much key to the emergence of the Dravidian movement. And not surprisingly this movement did not work out too well for the Brahmin. He was the scapegoat for 500 years of Tamil decline.
The earliest manifestation of this movement was not particularly rabid or secessionistic. It was in the form of a party called the “Justice Party” founded in 1916 by Sir Thyagaraja Chetty and TM Nair.
A point to note that the leaders of this non brahmin Justice Party - were by no means “low caste”. These were typically upper caste non brahmins - who resented the brahmin ascendance the most
This was also the period of Morley Minto reforms (1909) which had greatly increased Indian participation in provincial govt. So populism was very much in the air
A characteristic of Justice Party was that it combined anti-Brahminism with a hostility towards Home rule (Annie Besant and her friends were not viewed positively). It was also opposed to Gandhi and his noncooperation movement
Its stance was that home rule meant “Brahmin rule" So while it was radical in its anti-brahminism, it was oddly a conservative party in the way it stood right behind the British like a loyal bulldog
The Justice Party was no minor fish. It was the major political alternative to Congress in Madras Presidency and dominated power for 14 of the 17 years from 1920 to 37
Some of its prominent leaders included Subbarayulu Reddiar, Munuswamy Naidu, and the Raja of Bobbili
The Justice Party when in power, had some firsts under its name. It was the first govt in India to introduce caste-based reservations back in 1921 for certain govt jobs. A legacy that we are left with to this day.
To its credit, it did make voter-qualifications gender neutral and also allowed women to become legislators in 1921 (reversing a Govt of India Act policy from 1919)
In 1925 it passed an act which brought for the first time many temples under the direct control of state govt.
State meddling in temples is something that bothers conservatives to this day. The genesis for this lies in this act passed by the Justice Party govt back in 1925
The party leaders were drawn from the great landed castes. Given the dominance of zamindars in the party, it often supported the harsh measures of the British govt. An example being its refusal to support reduction in taxation in non-zamindari areas leading to peasant protests
It was a not a surprise then that this party of the elites united on a casteist plank of anti-Brahminism suffered a massive defeat in the provincial elections of 1937 - when the Franchise was much wider than in previous elections
The Congress under the leadership of the brahmin and Gandhian leader Rajaji assumed power in 1937. But the new Congress govt in its nationalist zeal, did a mistake, Rajaji introduced compulsory Hindi education in all schools in the Presidency in 1937 sparking great protests from ’37 to 40. An awful mistake by a wise politician
This was capitalized by an emergent face on the Dravidian front - EV Ramaswamy Naicker (also known as Periyar)
Periyar has to rank among the half-a-dozen most influential politicians in Indian history. Whether one likes him or despises him.
Now who was he? And where did he come from? He was born in 1879 in the town of Erode in Coimbatore district in a very rich Balija Naicker family of Kannada antecedents. It is even claimed that his mother tongue was Kannada not Tamil!
It was by no means a humble beginning Unlike Justice party leaders, Periyar has a Congress past. He had joined the Party back in 1919, and worked with Rajaji in organizing the non-cooperation movement.
But when he did not find enough support for his reservation campaigns, he left the party in a huff in 1925 He was a major figure in the Vaikom Satyagraha, a movement against untouchability circa '24-25
But Vaikom was a mainstream movement supported even by upper caste men like Gandhi as well as the regent of Travancore kingdom. So Periyar hardly was unique for his participation there.
But it was after the Justice party’s thumping defeat that Periyar found his big opportunity. There was a power vacuum in the party. In 1938 he took over as the President of the party.
And it was the Hindi imposition issue of 1937 - which gave him a big voice!
Under his leadership the Justice Party was transformed from a party of rich non brahmin landlords serving their own interests, to a populist, often rabble rousing outfit.
The fear of Hindi among the Tamils was exploited fully by Periyar in his rhetoric. He somehow succeeded in blending the Tamil fear of Hindi with the dislike of Brahmins and the “Sanskritic value system” more broadly.
It was a heady mix that was bound to work. In 1944, he renamed the party to Dravidar Kazhagam.
The DK employed the methods used by RSS in the north - volunteer efforts positioned as “social reform” that campaigned aggressively against the Hindu religion, brahmin priesthood, and so-called religious “superstitions”
While the DK did engage in some positive constructive measures like opposing untouchability, working for women’s education etc, this hardly distinguished it from the much maligned “brahminical” Congress (which also fought against the said evils).
What distinguished DK was its negative plank built on a dislike of brahmins and “Northern influences” but disguised very well under the garb of “rationalism” / “reason”
The Dravidar Kazhagam was also secessionist in its demand for a separate “Tamil nation”. This led to a split within the party in 1949 when Periyar’s disciple CN Annadurai left him to form “Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam” (Munnetra interestingly means “Progressive” in Tamil)
Anna sought a compromise with the Central Govt and Congress, where the Tamil country remains a part of the Indian Union albeit with greater autonomy
There was also a great deal of unrest within Dravidar Kazhagam against Periyar and his ways. In 1948 at the age of 70 the man married a 32 year old - a move that drew the ire of many of his own party members, causing the split
So while DMK tried to gain respectability to contest elections competitively in a post-independence India, Periyar and his DK continued with their extreme, often rabble-rousing positions against Brahminism, Theism among other things
While Periyar remained an important voice in Tamil Nadu, he was not in active electoral politics post split. He died in 1973 at the age of 94
CN Annadurai on the other hand, was the leading electoral leader for the DMK for much of the 50s and 60s. As we discussed, he was not always explicit and aggressive in pushing for the claim for secession. But he never abandoned the goal until the 60s. Nor did the DMK
In 1963, the 16th amendment to the Constitution was passed, which basically banned any party that is contesting elections from espousing secessionist principles. Annadurai actually debated against this amendment but could not prevent its passage!
Post this amendment, DMK had no choice but to give up entirely on the claim for Dravida Nadu. It was an ideal they had cherished, but gave it up in order to remain in the electoral game. The prospect of power was too attractive
For the period between 1952 and 1967, DMK gained in popularity in TN with every passing election.
But the Congress remained firmly in Power. Rajaji was the chief minister till 1954, to be succeeded by Kamaraj from '54 to '63, and Bhaktavatsalam from 63 to 67
The Congress was too strong to be uprooted throughout the 50s and early 60s. But again it was Hindi that did the trick for DMK. Things materialized In 1967
We have already discussed the first anti-Hindi agitation of 1937. In 1965, there was originally a plan laid out in the Constitution to make Hindi the sole official language of the country - a very impractical somewhat hare brained idea to begin with
As 1965 approached, the anti-Hindi sentiment rose by the day, Full-scale riots broke out in many parts of TN. The death toll was in several hundreds. Eventually the PM LB Shastri pacified the state by assuring that English would continue as the official language along with Hindi
But the anti-Hindi movement had done the trick for DMK - something that years and years of anti-brahmin and “rationalist” rhetoric had not managed to do
In 1967, when the assembly as well as general elections were held, the unpopular Congress govt headed by Bhaktavatsalam was trounced and Anna-led DMK stormed to power.
The Dravidian movement had triumphed
Since 1967 Tamil Nadu has been ruled by Dravidian parties. By DMK for much of the 70s, ADMK for much of the 80s, and then alternating between the two parties since. The national parties have not stood a chance in any election
From 67 to 69 - Anna was the CM. But in 69, he succumbed to cancer. The reins of the party now moved to M Karunanidhi, who we mentioned at the start of the thread
Karunanidhi, like his one-time friend, MG Ramachandran (MGR) came from the movie industry. He started his career as a screenwriter for Tamil cinema in the late 40s / early 50s and was an enormously successful figure
The DMK had started leveraging movie guys like Karunanidhi, MGR, Kannadasan, and others starting from the 50s, to increase its popularity in a state where Congress reigned supreme. Leveraging movie men has always been the tactic used by the Dravidian parties since independence
Karunanidhi became CM pretty early in his life. At the age of 45 in 1969. And he remained the Chief Minister of the state till 1976, when Indira Gandhi dismissed his govt during the Emergency
Post Anna’s demise , Karunanidhi had to contend with MGR, arguably a more popular leader with the masses. In 1972, MGR was expelled from the party. Which was inevitable, given Karunanidhi’s ambitions for his own family, as well as MGR’s discomfort with DMK’s explicit atheism
MGR was a Malayali Nair by origin, and was a devout man. He neither shared Karunanidhi’s anti-brahminism, nor his atheism. While very much a Dravidian populist, he felt he had a better chance in politics with his own front that was formed in 1972
It called itself Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam - invoking itself to be the true heir of Anna’s legacy - a legacy that Karunanidhi had purportedly betrayed with his corruption and nepotism
But Populism remained a feature of Dravidian politics in both parties right from 1967. Anna himself was the first politician in India to use a promise of “rice subsidy” to secure the win in '67
His election slogan was “rubaikku moonu padi arisi” (3 measures of rice for a rupee)
Karunanidhi continued in the same vein. He lifted Prohibition in 1971, not unexpected, as DMK’s materialist philosophy has always struck a contrast to the high Gandhian moralism of the high-minded Congress leaders like Rajaji and Kamaraj
In 1977, MGR led ADMK trounced Karuna’s DMK, and MGR became the CM of the state - a post he held from '77 till his death in '87 MGR was succeeded by his brahmin wife Janaki (who was CM briefly) and later by his protege J Jayalalitha (a cine-star of repute and also a Brahmin)
The two parties have established a more or less bi-polar set-up in TN with the Congress vote share waning with every passing election
Jayalalitha emerged as a worthy successor and a worthy rival to Karunanidhi, and was CM from 1991 to 96, 2001 to 2006 and then from 2011 till 2016 - though she was often made to step down for brief periods due to corruption allegations and arrests
Karunanidhi was CM during the late 90s (96-2001), and again the late 2000s (2006-11). Basically during the intervals when Jayalalitha was out of power
But broadly the two parties have contested on a plank of populism. There has been little to distinguish the two parties ideologically.
While DMK still retains an “anti-hindu” / “anti-brahmin” edge to its rhetoric - that flavor is increasingly irrelevant in a vastly different state where a good chunk of brahmins have bolted in search of jobs elsewhere
Tamil Nadu remains a deeply religious state and DMK’s atheistic rhetoric is now more of a liability than an asset.
The ADMK has always been without that edge to its rhetoric, while it has competed nonetheless with DMK when it comes to placating religious minorities for votes
Jayalalitha died in 2016 and Karunanidhi now in 2018. With the demise of the two great leaders, is there a vacuum that can be filled by the national parties - the BJP in particular?
Perhaps, but the national parties need to be mindful of the Tamil exceptionalism we have discussed in many parts of this thread. They need to groom leaders attuned to the Tamil psyche in order to succeed.
Something that they have traditionally failed to do. Tamil Nadu, notwithstanding the populism of its politics, has been one of the more successful states in the Indian union. It’’s PPP adjusted per-capita income of around $10.5K is well in excess of the national average of $7K.
Who should we credit for this?
The Dravidian parties will of course be glad to accept credit, by talking up their “social empowerment” as an enabler of economic success The truth however is more nuanced.
Maybe Tamil Nadu was always a “better than average” state in Indian history. Going all the way back to Pallava heyday. So it is not a surprise it is doing well
Populism still needs to be resisted. We must not fall prey to the post-hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy and give credit to “Dravidian politics” for TN’s relative success
Tamil Nadu has done well despite its politicians and not because of them. If anything we must credit its people
Post-script : Thanks for reading, if you got this far!
Would like to acknowledge @entropied - my many conversations with him helped clarify some thoughts, and also thanks to his pointer to Dharampal's research on 1820 Madras school data - something that I was unaware of.
The entire thread can be found here - https://twitter.com/shrikanth_krish/status/1026967892125003776
Data scientist. NYC-based. Writes on Politics, Economics, Religion, Classics and Intellectual History
submitted by Orwellisright to IndiaSpeaks [link] [comments]

Collection of some of Missing 4/11's most bizarre cases

These are taken from the following Quora link; https://www.quora.com/What-do-missing-people-who-are-later-found-describe-they-experienced-during-the-time-they-were-missing-What-are-their-stories

Stories from children:
Cuddled and comforted by a bear
Ida Mae Curtis's story: [1]
In 1868, a three year old girl disappeared from her father’s lumber camp in Northern Michigan. After enlisting the help of a pair of professional hunters, who happened on the hysterical search scene by chance, the men traced the little girl’s feeble cries to a dense stand of brush. When the men advanced on the thicket, they saw what they said looked like a giant bear burst from it and run across the river, heading for the distant horizon. The men recovered the girl unharmed from the brush. She later told them that “Mr. Wolf” would not let her leave, and had eaten her hat from right off her head; although, he had also gathered berries and fed them to her.(28 – 16:42) On the night of July 2, 1955, Mrs. Curtis, summoned by her distraught older children, arrived just in time to see what she and the children said was a was a huge bear cradling her 2-year-old daughter Ida Mae Curtis in its front paw as it scurried off on three legs from their tent in a lumber camp at the wild Kootenai National Forrest in Montana (29). On July 4, after a search by 350 backwoodsmen in heavy rain, Ida was found dry and safe in a crudely built shelter across a river, just 300 yards away from where she was taken. Ida would later relate, to the best of a 2-year-old’s ability, being cuddled and comforted by the bear during the time she was missing. The Sheriff became so angry that he actually paid the Curtises three separate visits demanding that they stop telling their story of a bear abducting and caring for their little girl. He told them “quit telling that story. It could never happen. It didn’t happen and don’t say it anymore.”(30 – 54:27)
The wolf ate my hat and fed me berries
Paulides told this story in an interview he did on Paranormal Central in March 2014.[2]
To summarise:
Where's your hat. Girl: The wolf ate it. Where's your gloves? Girl: The wolf ate it. Why didn't you call? Why didn't you say something when we called? Girl: He wouldn't let me. Did you get anything to eat? Girl: The wolf brought me berries in its hands.
Paulides explains that:
This story was in several different newspapers in 1783 [or] 1784, reprinted again in 1920s. ... In this [Missing 411] Eastern book there are several stories of kids being taken by bears. Bears that coddle kids, bears that feed the kids. But specifically this girl said a wolfe. And it was a giant wolf.
Missing for 46 hours: "the sun shined the whole time"
Paulides told the story of Lillian Carney on Where Did the Road Go? on December 20, 2014. A summary of the story:
The Lewiston Evening Journal published the story in the August 12, 1987 edition.[3]
Beings that looked like robots
Paulides told this story in an interview with George Knapp on Coast to Coast Am (38 min into video). [4] A summary:
There is another telling of the story on a forum called "reddit."[5] I couldn't find where it was sourced from, though apparently the story appeared in Paulides book:
About three weeks after the incident, John Doe's grandmother says her grandson told her that "he didn't like his other grandma Kappy". (Kappy is the boy's name for grandma Kathy) When she asked him to explain further, he said, "[sic] Don't you remember when I was lost in the woods? The other grandma Kappy grabbed me and took me to a creepy place, she's really a robot. It was a cave with spiders, and there was purses and guns. I was too scared, so I didnt touch anything. But, when she climbed a ladder, the light made her look like a robot. There were other robots too, but they didnt move. She made me lay down to look at my tummy, then she tried to get me to poop on a sticky paper, but I couldnt go. She told me that I am from outer space, and they put me in my moms tummy. Then she took me back to the river and said to wait under the bush until someone found me." She also states that her grandson said: "[sic]she had your same hair, your feet and even your face". That scared her deeply, the idea of some kind of doppleganger taking on her own image to abduct her grandson. She says she got the impression that her grandson may have been talking about a 'hologram' because of the way he described the light sparkling on the strange woman. His grandmother was horrified and called her son (the boy's father) who told her that he had also heard the same story from the boy a few days ago. She admitted that she would've probably written off her grandson's story to a child's overactive imagination, if it wasn't for a strange experience that happened to her a year ago when she was camping in the same area near Fowler's campground in McCloud, California. She claims she woke up one morning face down in the dirt, having been removed from her tent and sleeping bag. And she had a puncture wound on the back of her head. She said she felt violently ill that morning, and felt strangely emotionless, so she thought she'd been bitten by a poisonous spider. She said she was with a friend who'd been sleeping in his separate camper, and he also woke up with a 'bite' on the back of his neck, and he felt ill as well. The only thing strange she could recall was seeing 'red eyes' shining through the trees in their flashlights night night before, which they thought were deer.
Stories from adults:
Unwilling to talk about it
The case of case of Steven Kubacki, who went missing for 15 months then woke up in a field wearing different clothes.
In February 1978, Steven, a student at the time learning German, went missing in the Michigan area, USA----an area known as the "Great Lakes Triangle," which is written about in a book by Jay Gourley[6] that talks about the disappearances of hundreds of ships, boats, and aircraft. Paulides said is a great book.
Steven said he was going to go skiing.
They found his skis and his poles on the beach of the Lake Michigan and footprints on the ice leading up to the lake. They flew over it. The footprints appeared to stop.
They found his backpack in the same general area.
In May 5th 1979, 15 months later, Steven walked up to his father's door and said
Where he woke up was 700 miles from Lake Michigan.
Reporters asked him if he would talk to someone. He said he didn't need to, because he didn't have any psychological problems.
After 1983, Steven got a masters in linguistics, and a PhD in clinical psychology.
Paulides got in touch with him. Steve didn't respond to his calls or emails. [7] [8]
A woman felt a hand grab her
I heard this in an interview on YouTube[9] . I think it was an interview Paulides did with Jeff Rense and Mia Pope (Paulides mentioned "Jeff" in the show intro):
I don't know the woman's name, or the source of the story. Paulides said someone told him about it.
Other cases
I haven't written these up, but you can listen to them --- from Coast to Coast AM, 9-29-2013.[10]
Other cases not mentioned in the Missing 411 books:
Invisible barrier
This was was mentioned by Art Bell, the host of an interview David Paulides did in 2015.[11]
Art mentioned Patrick Harpur sent him a story from an article he wrote[12] for from Fortean Times magazine issue FT141.
A summary of the story:
Harpur has a website and talks about something called Daimonic Reality. I don't know how credible Harpur is; the story sounds a little dramatised, compared to Paulides matter-of-fact presentation.
Unfamiliar surroundings
An article published on Huffington Post in 2013 by Roger Marsh mentions:
Two men who read one of Paulides' books in this series wrote to report they were walking on their family farm, property they were familiar with their entire lives, and encountered rather odd circumstances. First, they said, they realized that all sound had disappeared around them - the sounds of nature. Then they realized that although they were sure they were on the family property, they suddenly could not identify their surroundings. They soon walked out of what they felt was a "portal" and back into familiar grounds.
3 year old helped by the "big black man"
This was apparently posted on the Phantoms and Monsters) website:
The Little Wanderer Alice Rachel Peck, aged 3 years and four months, wandered away from her home in Burn's Valley, Thursday August 25th 1898, in search for her mother, who went on an errand. The little girl traveled an old and unused bark road, climbed over a high and very rough mountain and there, worn out with hunger and without bonnet or shoes, for three day and night had nothing to eat but a few huckleberries, while friends and neighbors were diligently searching for her or her remains. She was found on Sunday morning, August 28th at half past seven o'clock, by William Bair, sound and well. She neither smiled or cried as two hundred voices rang out the glad tidings of great joy, five miles from her home, in the mountains. While her parents were in great agony at home, they were soon relieved when hearing the many voices and trumpets, proclaiming that the lost had been found. On the same morning the child was found and in the same vicinity, from 8 until half past 11 o'clock, 13 rattlers, 2 vipers and 2 copperheads were killed. All returned happy, but some were very near worn out. The majority of those who participated in the child hunt saved their canes as relics of the day.
Mark H. wrote in and said this:
This is a copy of an old newspaper article. A friend posted this on a community Facebook page we belong. My brother-in-law had told me a longer version several years ago. The news clip seemed shorter than his version. .... His grandmother was the Alice's younger sister. The reporter makes it sound like a light-hearted adventure. They were picking berries with a group. Her mother left and went back to the house for some reason. When she came back, the group had thought that the girl had been with her mother. She had her shoes and bonnet when last seen. The area hasn't changed much since then. It has basic Pa. mountain terrain with enough dirt between the boulders and rocks to grow trees and mountain laurel. You have to crawl under or walk on top of it. Her uncle wasn't buying she traveled to where they found her on her own. Alice was asked how she got over those big rocks. She told him "the big black man helped her." That's all she could tell him. If it had been a black man in that area back then, he would have been well-known by the residents.
Invited to dinner and stayed for the night
This was a story documented in the American Ethnology Annual Report for 1897-8:[13]
The story takes place in a forested mountain setting which would be just fine for ancient Ireland or Wales or Scotland. Not only did Wafford [Mooney's confidant] hear this from the experiencer, but had heard it previously from several second hand sources [which is why he looked the fellow up for an interview]. All of Wafford's sources said that this man was "a truthful, hard-headed man". Here is what he was told: When he was 10-12 years old he was practicing with bow-and-arrow near the river and got tired of it. He sat on the riverbank building a fish trap, and was piling up some stones to wall in the fish. A normal looking stranger came up to him, remarked that this looked like hard work, and he should take a break. The boy was quite willing to do that, but didn't know if the next offer [to come up the river and have dinner at the stranger's house] was the right thing to do. But customs were different in those days, and the boy went along. The house was fine and the people very friendly. He had a nice meal, and while doing so, a friend of his family arrived at the stranger's house, and that made him feel at home. He played with the family's children, went to sleep, woke in the morning, had breakfast, and began to get started for home. He and the original gentleman began walking down a path between a cornfield on one side and a peach orchard on the other. Soon the trail connected with another one, and the man said: go by this trail to the ridge ahead and you'll come to the river road. That will take you straight home. And he turned and went back to his house and farm. The boy walked just a little way towards the river, and, in curiosity, turned and looked back. There was no peach orchard nor cornfield. There was no house nor trail. There was only the mountainside and the trees. He continued uneventfully back home, where he was greeted by many who had been looking for him. In explanation, he told his story. He saw the family friend who had visited that house also that evening. But the friend said: no, I have been with everyone else looking for you. His family told him that no house was there and that the family friend was an impersonation by the Nunne'hi.. They told him that there have sometimes been the sounds of drumming coming from that mountainside, but he had visited no men, but the Nunne'hi. The Irish know all about what happened there. Whether it's called "The Lost Sod" or the "World Alongside", the boy had passed into the parallel world of the Nunne'hi and, just there, passed back out again.
The story was found by Professor Michael Swords, who found the data in Ivan Sanderson's book collection. This is what Swords had to say about the find:
Ivan Sanderson had a very poor-quality copy of several pages of James Mooney's MYTHS of the CHEROKEE from the Bureau of American Ethnology Annual Report for 1897-8... I don't know why I even bothered to squint away at the crumby document, but I'm glad that I did. [ What it was was the field information gathered about a type of paranormal being [society of beings] who resemble old Celtic ideas of the Siddhe --- not the little people of Faerie, but the full-sized entities more like the Tuatha DeDanaan. I was surprised by both the tale told and the fact that Sanderson was even interested, as he shows little interest in such things elsewhere in the collection. Ivan didn't really like the paranormal that much. Maybe he thought that this tale hinted of something more like a "lost tribe". Well, I am very interested even if Ivan was only luke warm. The introduction to the story that I'm going to tell shortly spoke of this "race" of "magical"/ paranormal beings called the Nunne'hi. They were described as full-sized persons, looking just like the local Native Americans, and mainly friendly and occasionally helpful. As they were described I got more interested. They liked singing and dancing in the forests. Some were said to reside under ancient mounds --- WHOA! just a minute, I thought, what's going on here? The Cherokee and the Celts aren't supposed to have made up the same myths! Then I read the story which had been collected. There it was: the characteristic of a tale about an actual Encounter, rather than a dramatized folkwisdom tale for around-the-campfire. The more that I find of this stuff [and it has been a walloping great mound of it], the less possible I believe that one can sustain that nothing paranormal is going on in these incidents. How is the "coincidence" of these characteristics across the ocean possible, if not because they both arise from a real underlying shared cause? The Cherokee even have their second and separate group of knee-high little people to go along with the 5+ footers. I will probably go to my grave "All-The-Way-Fool" in my belief in this all-too-infrequently-manifested reality. "They" are one of the few things that I've not experienced and would like to do so. Just for fun.
Paulides said in an interview he did with George Knapp on Coast to Coast Am that it would be fascinating for people who have gone missing to use hypnosis to see what happened to them. [14]
He hasn't done it yet because some people contacted him early on and advised him to be careful when you approach someone who has gone through an incident like going missing, because they can take what you're doing the wrong way and think you're trying to profit from their loss or injury, and that many people don't want to be talked to.
Paulides said the stance they take is if people want to come to them, they will absolutely talk to them.
submitted by irrelevantappelation to HighStrangeness [link] [comments]

Assassin's Creed - Lemuria

I am really hoping UBISOFT can research on Ancient Tamils. It will be grand background for inspiring story line. Tamil Civilizations is one of the oldest civilization and has traces left all over the word. Ancient Tamil flourished in Lemuria (KumariKandam) with three great Kindgoms - Pandians, Cholas and Pallavas. Tamils are the first Sea Traders, who traded across the work with Egypt, Romans, China. etc. Archaelogical evidence predating stone age found in Keeldai, Tamil nadu.
More than 19000 Towns Across the World in Tamil Names. We are seeing influences of Tamil Civilization in South America, Estonia, Russia, China, Thailand, Philippines and many more countries.
Bhodidharma who took kungfu to china was a Tamil Prince from Tamil Nadu. Tamils are also well known for their architecture - Thanjai periya kovil in Thanjavur, etc...
Even Korea culture and Tamils have links.
Lemuria would be a great landscape to build a mythical story and a grand ending where it is taken in to the Ocean and how Tamil Civilization survives....!!
submitted by alien3040q to assassinscreed [link] [comments]

[Sunday Swap][US to US/Canada] Lots of perfume! BPAL, Violette Market, Arcana, etc!

Please purchase at least $10 worth of stuff to make shipping worthwhile. Shipping starts at $3.25, though detanglers/refreshers will be slightly higher. I prefer PayPal F&F to G&S if you're comfortable with that; I've got plenty of feedback HERE and in /MUE to prove I'm reliable :) I include freebies with every order and I will work with you on prices if you're buying a ton! I ship quickly and with tracking!
BPAL 5mls
* O 5ml Amber and honey with a touch of vanilla - Cleanly tested 1x - $15
Violette Market 5mls
Arcana 5ml
House of Gloi 5ml
Alkemia 5ml
Blooddrop 5ml, all full to neck and $13 except where noted
** Deconstructing Eden 5ml sprays, all new and unused, $7.50 each**
Possets 5ml, $12 each, all new & unused
Cocoa Pink
BPAL imps/decants - GCs are $1.50, LE/unimpables $3 unless marked otherwise
Arcana 1mls, $2.50 each
Possets 1mls, $2 each
Alkemia 1mls, $1.25 each
submitted by theclottedcream to Indiemakeupandmore [link] [comments]

An Abridged History of the World

So this is a world I've been building for the better part of a decade, with some story elements that I can trace back almost twenty years in some form. It is a fictionalized version of the real world, with many of the legends and myths we know containing varying degrees of truth. I've complied a fictional timeline of the world based on various myths, religious beliefs, actual history, and of course much of my own lore and backstory for my own stories. I've done my best to portray mythical events alongside real ones, based on when they logically should have happened, but of course this can be a bit messy sometimes.
Before Time: The Eternal One resides in his kingdom with his messengers. One of the messengers attempts a coup, and becomes know as the Adversary, and a war between the followers of the Eternal One and the Adversary takes place, with the Eternal One calming victory. The Adversary and his followers are expelled from the kingdom.
13.8 Billion Years Ago: The Eternal One creates the universe from a single atom.
4.6 BYA: The planet Earth forms.
4.5 BYA: A small planet collides with the young Earth. The Moon is formed from the debris of the collision.
3.5 BYA: Life first appears on Earth. Earth itself has life breathed into her, Gaia, a gift from the Eternal One to see that the Earth and its life are always protected, and that His will would be done on Earth. Gaia was the only power on Earth strong enough to fight a creation of the Adversary.
4.5 Million YA: Australopithecus, the common ancestor of all sentient life evolves.
200,000 YA: Anatomically modern humans, elves, dwarves, and all other sentient life has evolved by this point.
50,000 YA: Multiple species have achieved sentience. Gaia attaches herself to this budding intelligence and the race of immortals are born. They do not age, and are very difficult to kill and have knowledge of the Eternal One. The strongest among them, Uranus, revives the powers of Gaia to protect the Earth from the Adversary, but it's residual power still provides magic and power to life on Earth. However Uranus desires to be as powerful as the Eternal One and declares himself "Lord of the Earth." Other primordial immortals include; Pontus, El, Hemera, Buri, Rod, Ra, Nyx, Tiamat, Prajapati, Caelus, Alalu, Amenominakanushi, Pan Gu, Zurvan, and the Ourea.
50,000-20,000 YA: Uranus and the rest of the old ones have children; the giants, the cyclopes and the titans. Over the years the immortals and the elves have offspring and with long lifespans and magical abilities which eventually constitute a new race known as fay, fair folk, or faerie. Uranus learns that The Eternal One is displeased with his arrogance and Uranus will be overthrown by one of his immortal children. To attempt to escape his fate Uranus has them imprisoned in the Earth.
20,000 YA: The youngest and fiercest titan, Cronus, escapes his prison, castrating and killing his father. Cronus becomes the protector of the world, charged with guiding the sentient beings and helping them know The Eternal One. Cronus receives the powers of Gaia, where they split into six individual powers, three pairs of opposites; fire, water, earth, air, light, and darkness. Immortals have spread across the world, with some including Viracocha and Quetzalcoatl, even reaching the Americas.
19,000 YA: A group of cyclopes use the residual power within Gaia to harness the power of lightning. Dwarves and Goblins, who had built civilizations form a deep seeded distrust of one another and war for centuries. Cronus betrays his his vow to protect the world and demands to be worshiped as a god, and another prophecy that he would be overthrown by his own son is foretold. Vampires first appear during this time, as a result of humans and elves being buried in the Earth in certain circumstances and the residual power of darkness from Gaia. To fight the vampires and other monsters some of the bravest warriors among men are given the power to transform into wolves by Cronus.
15,000 YA: The primordial immortals in Mesopotamia, Timalt and Apsu, have produced generations of children, culminating in Anu and Ea. The young immortals trouble Tiamat and Apsu, who correctly believed they plan to overthrow them. Tiamat is reluctant to kill her descendants, but Apsu sets off to kill Ea, but his plan is foiled and he's killed by Ea. Enraged Tiamat raises an army to avenger her husband, gathering; monster, dragons, and fellow immortals including her new consort, Kingu, who she gives the mystical tablet of destiny. The only one brave enough to oppose her is the son of Ea and Damkia, Marduk, and the first large scale battle between immortals follows, with Marduk slaying Tiamat and taking the tablet from the defeated Kingu.
13,000 YA (11,000 BC): Beings from another planet discover Earth and experiment on life by manipulating the DNA of sentient life on Earth and combined it with microbial life from Saturn’s moon Titan, creating a new race. The extraterrestrial beings construct three cities, Atlantis, Kumari Kandam, and Mu, each in one of the world’s great oceans, for the new race and leave behind substantial knowledge and technology.
11,600 YA (9600 BC): The first human city, Jericho is constructed. Humans and elves begin hostilities across the globe.
11,4000 YA (9400 BC): Atlantis had become a dystopia, ruled by tyrants and they attempt to conquer the lands of Europe and Asia, and enslave the people there. When they reach the area that will become Athens they are met by the immortals, led by Cronus, and a bloody war follows, which ends with the destruction of Atlantis. Using a combination of magic and technology the city, in the process of collapsing into the sea, is partially saved at the bottom of the ocean. The survivors of the attack rebuilt Atlantis, now submerged and cut off from the rest of the world.
11,000 YA (9000 BC): A tsunami in the Indian Ocean destroys Kumari Kandam. Mu fearful of the immortals and natural disasters destroying them as well and retrofit the technology left behind by the extraterrestrial beings and create a sleeper spaceship. While a small number remain behind, almost the entire city’s population board the ship and set off for the Alpha Centuri system to create their own world.
8,000 YA (6000 BC): Cronus has eaten his first two sons, Hades and Posidon, to avid the prophecy, and Cronus’ wife and sister, Rhea, decides to save her next son. She tricks Cronus into eating a stone, hiding the newborn Zeus away from his father and given the power of lightning, a gift from his Cronus’ brothers and Zeus’ allies, the cyclopes. The young immortal is raised in secret and when he is of age he confronts his father. Rhea poisons Cronus and he regurgitated Hades and Poseidon, who survive. A great battle on the plains follows and Cronus is slain. To keep any one of them from becoming too powerful the three brothers decide to split the powers of Gaia among them evenly. They draw lots, and Zeus receives the powers of wind and light, Poseidon takes water and earth, while Hades receives fire and darkness. Immortals, like Odin, Kali, Marduk, and Ur, who had learned nothing from their ancestors began to have men and elves worship them. Eventually even Poseidon, Hades, and Zeus demanded worshipers, settling on Mt. Olympus. Cultures around the world began to deify the immortals.
7,800 YA (5800 BC): In Egypt, the ruler of the immortals, Osirus is murdered by his brother Set, who takes his crown. Osirus’ pregnant wife Isis, flees and gives birth to Horus, keeping him hidden while she raises him. She eventually recovers her husband’s body and using magic is able to revive him with special bandages, creating the process of mummification, but Osiris' revival is shortlived. Horus eventually rises up and challenged his uncle for the throne, and in a battle overseen by the Egyptian council of immortals Horus is victorious, and Set is banished. Around this time Zeus learns of a prophecy that he will be killed by his son from his marriage with Metis. Zeus transforms her into a fly and eats her, but not before giving birth to one of two twins, Athena, but Zeus allows her to live seeing she is female.
6,000 YA (4000 BC): A brave man, Adam, and a stunningly beautiful woman, Lilith are selected by the Eternal One to be the progenitors of a garden paradise called Eden. Through a messenger they are told that Lilith, as a woman must be subservient to Adam. Lilith refuses, despite her love for Adam and is banished from Eden, and is shortly after attacked by a vampire. She survives the attack, killing the vampire with a wooden stake, but her blood has been severely drained, and she becomes the first “turned” vampire in history. Confused, the messenger of death, Sameal visits her after her transformation and “death,” and is seduced by Lilith. Adam is given a new wife, Eve, who is obedient to him, but the pair desire more knowledge of the divine and are expelled from paradise as well. Afterwards their first son, Cain, kills his younger brother, Able, they eventually had a third son, Seth. The decedents of Seth and Cain spread across the Earth. Lilith would continue to roam the Earth sexually liberated, but still in love with Adam, even thousands of years after his death.
3700 BC: A warrior named Lycaon uses his power to turn into a wolf to murder his son. Zeus takes his power from him, enraged Lyacon goes to The Adversary to regain his power, who agrees, but Lyacon is tricked, and can no longer control his transformation, turning only at the full moon, and having no control of his actions while a wolf. He becomes the first werewolf, infecting any survivors of his bite with lycanthopy. It is at this time that dragons are beginning to multiply faster than ever, threatening both men and elves. The races put aside their differences begrudgingly to fight off the threat, but not before both suffer heavy losses. As soon as the dragon threat is over the truce is broken and men and elves continued to wage war on each other.
2400 BC: A great deluge floods the Earth, permanently flooding Eden and laying havoc on early civilizations and destroying the remnants of Mu. Elves become less involved in the world, settling in the forests, and they, along with other races are forgotten by humans, and believed to be myth by most of the population.
2100 BC: In Uruk there is a tyrannical king, Gilgamesh, son of a priest-king and an immortal. Seeing the plight of the people the immortals send a wild man Enkidu to kill him, but after a lengthy battle Gilgamesh and Enkidu discover they are evenly matched, and become friends. The pair fight and kill the Humbaba, a monstrous descendant from the giants sent by Anu. Afterward then beautiful immortal Innana is sent to seduce Gilgamesh, but he rebuffs her affections. With all their plans having failed, the immortals decided to kill Enkidu, the scorned Inanna poisoning him. Gilgamesh laments the loss of his friend and became less concerned with earthly things, and strove to find a way to achieve immortality. He seeks out Utnapishtim, a survivor of the great flood. Utnapishtim tells Gilgamesh of a spring that had provided him with everlasting youth, but warns Gilgamesh that he should accept his fate. After a long journey Gilgamesh finds the spring, but the place had flooded in the deluge. Gilgamesh accepts his fate, returning to Uruk, not as a tyrant but as a good king, and constructs walls around the city.
2000 BC: One of the first prophets of The Eternal One, Abraham, a descendant of Adam, settles in Canaan.
1450 BC: In Egypt the lawgiver Moses speaks to Eternal One, known to the Israelites as Yahweh, and helps to free his people from slavery. After leading his people away from the Pharaoh while wandering through the desert Moses receives the tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments atop a mountain from Yahweh. The original tablets are broken by Moses in a fit of rage at his people worshiping an idol, but the pieces of the tablet are carried in the Ark of the Covenant. Eventually the Israelites settle in the promised land of their forefather Abraham, Canaan.
1200-1150 BC: A confederation of descendants of Mu and Kumari Kandam, known to their victims as the “Sea Peoples” ravage the civilizations of the Middle East, destroying cities and leaving massive devastation in their wake. This, along with a series of national disasters, drought, and interdependence among empires leads to a collapse of civilization, unlike the world had ever seen. This would come to be known as the bronze age collapse, and ushered in a dark age with formerly great empires collapsed replaced by spread out and largely illiterate villages.
1184 BC: The immortals largely incited and chose sides pitting the Greeks against the Trojans in a ten year war that ended with the destruction of Troy. Led by Aeneas, Trojan survivors, stopping first in Carthage, settled in Italy, intermingling with the native Latin people. Aeneas married King Latinum’s daughter Lavinia and united the warring tribes of the area founding Alba Longa.
753 BC: Aeneas’ descendants, Romulus and Remus, whose father is the immortal Mars, had been abandoned by their parents, as it was foreseen that they would overthrow their great-uncle, Amulinus, who had overthrown their grandfather Numitor. Nursed by a wolf and brought up by simple farmers, the boys overthrow Amulinus and established the Kingdom of Rome. However the brothers quarrel and Romulus kills Remus.
450 BC: In Egypt a group of beekeepers form an organization that will one day grow into the secret society known as The Keepers.
130 BC: In secret Athena plans to free her unborn brother from her father’s gut. One night she sneaks into his bed and slits open Zeus' stomach. Her mother was long dead, but she saves her brother, naming him Liberius, and takes him far away.
100 BC: Liberius builds an impressive army of immortals, with the likes of Thor and Perun, ready to overthrow their parents. The greatest craftsman of all dwarves craft a fine sword for Liberius, blessed with magic. Liberius leads his army to Mount Olympus where they are ultimately victorious. He swears to never make the mistakes of his fathers, and promises to never directly intervene in the lives of mortals, only protecting them from afar and swearing loyalty to The Eternal One. To keep anyone from becoming too powerful, the powers of Gaia are given to six different immortals, with Liberius keeping the power of air. If a threat should ever arise from the Adversary these guardians would come together and defeat him. A council is formed in the Alps from the immortals who had sided with Liberius and six palaces are built for the gaurdians.
32 AD: A descendant of Abraham, conceived from a virgin mother, known as Jesus of Nazareth sent by the Eternal One is convicted and crucified by the Romans.
380 AD: The Roman Empire converts to Christianity.
481: In England the great wizard Merlin’s apprentice, Arthur Pendragon, becomes the rightful ruler of Britton when he pulls the sword form the stone.
494: Arthur receives Excalibur, a legendary blade from the immortal known as the Lady of the Lake. Arthur led his knights of the round table in a quest to find the Holy Grail, which his knight Percival accomplishes.
503: A leader of the persecuted race, the ogres, Kruul arises. He creates an army of ogres, that threatening to destroy the civilizations of men and elves. Kruul is even able to become invincible after besting the Adversary in a game of wits.
510: After retrieving the grail and returning to Camelot Arthur discovers that his wife is having an affair with his bravest knight and best friend, Lancelot,
517: Arthur’s bastard son Mordred leads an uprising against his father. Arthur kills Mordred in the battle, but is mortally wounded.
541: The former rivals, men and elves unite to defeat Kruul's army, but the elves unleash an early form of biological warfare, the plague, which they are immune to, wiping out the ogres, except for the unkillable Kruul. This has the added effect of doing significant damage to the human population, a betrayal by the elves. Kruul, the last of his kind goes into hiding.
568: Julian is born in the Eastern Roman Empire.
570: The prophet Muhammad is born in Mecca.
596: Julian discovers a fountain of youth in India.
1000: Liberius launches a campaign to hunt down the surviving immortals still demanding worship, including those in Scandinavia, Germany and the Americas. The palace of darkness is destroyed in Germany during the war, and rebuilt in America.
1234: Julian meets a young elf named Linus, and they become friends. Linus, however hungers for power and searches out a vampire, wanting to become one himself. After Linus’ transformation, Julian considers killing him, but could not bring himself to do it.
1289: Linus finds the tomb of the immortal Anubis and consumes his heart. He becomes more powerful than any vampire or immortal, and feasts on the flesh on men and elves and creates a kingdom for himself. He becomes known as Umbra.
1356: After years of war Umbra is defeated by Julian and the immortal Ole Lukøje, who put him into a deep sleep and bury him.
1875: An oceanographer, Kalus Benedict, who had devoted his life to finding Atlantis, is first successful in discovering the ruins of Kumari Kandam, which he conflated with the city of Mu, and calls Lemuria, after a (false) scientific study. Using his findings in Kumari Kandam Benedict learns much about Atlantis, its culture, downfall, and eventually its general location.
1881: Benedict founds The Order of Lemuria, a secret society, using the information he acquired and managed to find immortals, elves and fay to join his society, including the immortal Roland and the fay leader Amadeus.
1901: Using his findings in Kumari Kandam and studies of electromagnetic anomalies on the ocean floor, Benedict lead an expedition to discover it, leaving his book of notes with Roland. Benedict and his crew are never heard from again, unbeknownst to the Order he finds his way to Atlantis. In his absence a fierce rivalry develops between Amadeus and Roland, who refuses to share the book’s contents.
1916: Due to the First World War, Umbra is awakened, and continues his bloody reign. He forms an army, and resided in a castle, picking a shapeshifter as his second in command. The elves living in the area set out to kill him, as they have the legendary sword used by Liberius in his first war, inlaid with silver.
1919: A young man named Hugo Role, returning home from war, joins the elves in their attempt to destroy Umbra. The tribe is attacked and the sword lost, hidden by Umbra, who can not wield it or destroy it. Hugo retrieves it and is joined by Julian. They and the elves stormed Umbra’s stronghold and kill him.
1927: Roland forms a cult of werewolves and demands human sacrifice.
1951: Klaus Benedict, who had married an Atlantean, has a grandson, Simon Benedict.
1997: Simon Benedict attempts a coup of the ruling dynasty of Atlanteans, but fails and is banished from Atlantis, using their ancient magic and technology. He attempts to join the Order of Lemuria but is rejected by both Roland and Amadeus.
2005: A possible alien presence is discovered on Saturn’s moon Titan by the Cassini space probe.
2007: The Keepers, a secret society with a pro-human racist agenda attempts to retrieve the holy grail but fails, which leads to the creation of a new agency formed by agents of the FBI.
2008-10: Kruul, who has spent centuries building an army to avenge his fallen comrades, is discovered to be operating out of base in Southeast Asia. A half-elf half human named Simon Knight seeks out the six guardians to find the power to kill Kruul, but comes across trouble along the way, and many of his allies are killed. Before Kruul is defeated the world at large is alerted to the presence of the other races.
Thanks for taking the time to read, hope you enjoyed it! Any feedback or questions appreciated!
submitted by dangerzoneduffman to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

'World's Most Ancient Vishnu Deity Discovered in Vietnam?'

The offending post. It is a link to an article which says that an ancient Vishnu head was discovered in Oc Eco, Vietnam dating back to 4000-5000 years,and implying that 'vedic culture' was present in Vietnam 4000-5000 years ago.
The main arguments of the badhistory there:
The significance of this discovery cannot be overestimated. The entire history of Hinduism and Vedic culture, as taught is the academic institutions of the world, has been built upon a false construct. According to mainstream academia Vedic ‘religion’ or Hinduism did not exist until the alleged ‘Aryans’ invaded India circa 1500 BC. An even later date is given to Vaishnavism which is speculated to have been derived from animist Sun worship. Yet here we have a highly evolved art form depicting Lord Vishnu in the Far South East region of Asia dated to somewhere between 2000 BC to 1500 BC.
This completely undermines the entire historic timeline developed by mainstream academia in regards to the development of both Vedic/Hindu civilization and Indian history.
The region of modern India has always been the epicenter of High Vedic/Hindu Civilization and culture. No one anywhere has ever suggested the region of modern Vietnam to be the origin of Hindu civilization yet it is in Vietnam that we now have the world’s most ancient example of Indic style Vedic Vaishnava art. Thus it stands to reason that if Vedic Vaishnava art, culture and religion flourished 4000 years ago in prehistoric Vietnam it was undoubtedly flourishing in ancient India as well.
Once again science and archeology have confirmed the Vedic conclusion. As the Vedic literature states 5000 years ago India was home to a highly evolved and advanced civilization. This civilization was centered on its sacred traditions. The worship of the Supreme Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva, Lakshmi and Durga was widespread and in fact spanned the entire globe
Quoting shannondoah in that thread:
Oc Eco was the capital of an Indianised kingdom on the Vietnam region(Kingdom of Funan),and it was an important naval port which flourished from the 1st to 7th centuries AD.Funan's initial capital was Vyadhapura(which later shifted to Oc Eco),and its heavy Indian influence was due to trade with the Pallava dynasty. And Oc Eco may have been Kirtinagara(romanised by Ptolemy as Kattigara).
Quoting vistascan as well here:
It's strange how the Oc Eo culture, which flourished from the 1st to 7th centuries AD, has a 4500 year old statue of Vishnu, which even we in India don't have. This kind of pseudo-history does nothing to increase our credibility to the rest of the world.
The article gives zero sources as to who dated it and where the findings were published. Even other sites from Vietnam mention that the culture was much more recent.
Apparently Hinduism loses all it's value unless it's 5000 years or older, evidence be damned.
Also quoting valarauko in that thread:
On the face (!!!) of it, the head more closely resembles Shiva than Vishnu, with the linga-like headdress, popular in South Indian bronzes. That makes sense since the region had close ties with South India. The helmet like mukuta is iconography borrowed from the Scythians, and popularized in the Gupta era. The 4500 old imagery that looks post Gupta just doesn't make sense.
Oh,about what shannondoah mentioned about the AIT(Aryan Invasion theory),there is this link by shannondoah elaborating a number of controversies in ancient Indian archeology,which I am reproducing here verbatim.
This is from the chapter 'Aryan Origins and Modern Nationalist Dialogue' from Edwin Bryant's 'The quest for the origins of Vedic Culture'.
I hope I have done well.
submitted by syanidam to badhistory [link] [comments]

On the Origins of Religion

Touched on: The origins of the Annunaki, the importance of astronomy in world religions, ancient aliens, and the lost continent
I want to preface this is saying I am a believer in spirituality and universal connectedness, what is dealt with below is aimed not at these beliefs but the origins of mythology lacing religions the world over, though my analysis will deal primarily with Eurasian/Middle Eastern religious tales - though anyone who has studied world religions in any variety of depth will understand the symbols used, thus the conversion, are shared in both usage and meaning.
This thought process began about a week ago when I first came across this article detailing the increased likelihood of humanity's origin in the basin of mega-flora, Australia. While this may seem rather distant from our current place in the world, it has rippling implications through various historical myths, legends, and religions, potentially skewing what we know of the Sumerian religion, the basis of astrology throughout world religions, and maybe even answer the question of the Lost Continent.
The Basis
So let's begin at the beginning (it's often the most convenient starting point, after all) - as detailed in the above linked article, there were ancient drawings found created by the indigenous tribes of Australia showing plans for high-hulled water vessels. These designs were too elaborate to be considered near-land vehicles, as the high hull is added to bear the choppy waters of the open ocean which means, at the very least, some indigenous Australian was far ahead of his/her time and had given the tribe the means to venture across the ocean into the Americas, India, Asia, or Africa (ignoring Europe at this juncture due to the lack of a Suez Canal) long before the known existence of even the Sumerian civilization.
Now, even if they had boats, they lacked one very key skill - navigation... right? I mean, there's no way an old world civilization could have ever been able to travel the ocean safely, directing themselves, without some form of compass. What was it they used in the days of pirates and privateering when Britannia ruled the waves? Ah yes... ASTRONOMY! Please note this is astronomy (the scientific study of celestial bodies, their movements, and the implications upon our own planet) not astrology (the pseudo-scientific study of the placements of celestial bodies at the time of one's birth and the implications of such upon a person's person and world events).
Without knowledge of magnetic north, magnetic compass', or maps detailing that huge landmass to the north none of them had ever seen, the best chance of survival for these intrepid pioneers would have been the movements of the stars in the skies above leading them from one place to the next.
But how do you pass this information on? I mean, sit a child down with a book of (what you conceive as) facts and tell them to read it, they're going to struggle to remember the first word at the end of the first page, let alone the end of the book. No, to pass this information along and keep it going from one generation to the next without the ability to utilise cartilage, ink, or paper? Oral Tradition! You know... Word of mouth... or 'stories'.
Turning the Myth to Legend
Please note from this point on I will be assuming 2 classes of 'humans' - those who would offer their genus to be the origins of modern humanity, and those who would otherwise 'die out' (they didn't, they merely reproduced with those who came over), the Neanderthals. Now why would the indigenous peoples of Australia have further evolutionary advancement than those living on the Eurasian plate? The Mega flora & fauna would have acted as a catalyst for evolution considered otherwise unnecessary for the Neanderthals of the Eurasian plate, and potentially have provided the catalyst to begin moving into other areas.
Ok, so we have this ancient civilization which dawned long before scientists previously recognised, in a location far flung from where scientists previously recognised, and a whole world of mythology built around these 2 salient facts. Anyone heard of the Annunaki? They were the alien race the Sumerians worshipped as the 'creators of humanity' after genetically engineering the local populace to be more aligned to the Annunaki's features, beginning with 2 brothers Enki and Enlil - fish-headed people who came from ships from the stars to offer grand knowledge...
Fish-headed people? Probably not, but as oral tradition often produces, chinese whispers played fast and loose with the details to keep the kiddies interested in their history lessons. They were probably just people who were called 'fish people' after coming from the far waters, a fate otherwise unachieved before by any living on the Eurasian plate. That's why they went down as 'fish-headed', because it denotes a specific ability - the ability to cross the water uninhibited. And coming from space? No! What were we just saying? "It was too far a distance to cross without use of the stars", i.e. "There was no land in sight when they set off", or "If you stand on the south coast of India and look out to Australia you will see only ocean, and beyond it, the stars." These are the 'ships coming from the stars' being spoken of, not aliens, but the indigenous of Australia coming over the horizon beyond which lay, to those had never seen, a blanket of stars.
That genetic engineering? Well, it could well have been the indigenous peoples knew how to manipulate the human genome, had mastered the science of cloning, and were capable of reproducing a whole new species, a mixture of their own blood ("in his image") and the Neanderthals of the land they had discovered... Or, like a Border Collie and Jack Russell, like a Tiger and a Lion, like a Rhesus Monkey and the first guy who got aids, they said "eh, basically the same species, let's get giggidy!" and thus 'genetically engineered' a cross specie between the Neanderthals and those of a similar, yet very separate, genetic line from Australia.
That 'Greater Knowledge' bestowed upon the lucky inhabitants of wherever the Indigenous Ocean Bearer ended up? Well, that's the astronomy we spoke of before, a guidebook to reading the stars and crossing large bodies of water, it was the skills to be able to build ships capable of withstanding the watery pathways, and whatever else indigenous cultures had to offer the Neanderthals of Eurasia.
And there you have the basis for world religions, and why seemingly every symbol connects to the night sky in one form or another - the stories passing down the information to find yourself across the dangerous oceans became the most important, most sophisticated, and most hard to comprehend knowledge of the time, and became denoted to symbolic stories who only a few were able to decipher properly (sound familiar?). Jesus and his 12 disciples? That's the sun & 12 constellations of the Zodiac (there's actually 13 constellations, just as there are 13 full moons to a year, 1 per month, except this year which has 12 because the calender doesn't add up correctly)
The Lost Continent
Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, Rutas, Kumari Kandam, call it what you want, I call it Australia. Why? Well, if you gave the article at the beginning of this post a read through you'll see that there's evidence that the indigenous peoples of Australia maintained contact with the Asian civilizations but, ultimately, lost it sometime before the British invasion and confiscation of Australian lands.
That's a seemingly great civilization (first to cross the open ocean) folding in on itself and 'disappearing' from the rest of the known world... seems to satisfy 90% of the mythology surrounding lost continents. But maybe it won't satisfy enough of you, so I leave you with this speculation - perhaps the indigenous peoples of Australia did conquer the sciences of cloning and genetic engineering, perhaps they had ventured overseas, and perhaps they were a technological marvel in a world of stone beaters whom capitulated in upon themselves... then why were there still people there after they gave up contact with the outside world? In the words of Dhungutti Elder Rueben Kelly - "Centuries ago you white people chose the path of science and technology. That path will destroy the planet. Our role is to protect the planet. We are hoping you will discover that before it’s too late." Maybe they're just speaking from experience.
submitted by KizzyKid to C_S_T [link] [comments]

(NEED ASSESSMENT) Week 1 - Comic Book Idea

Waking up one day after a meteor shower hit his camp and tribe, he bathed in the radiation of a rock, which fell from the sky and absorb all of its powers. The Traveller begins his journey in a primal landscape of South Africa. The story takes place in an unconventional 21,000BC, where the rudimentary Cro-Magnons exists at the same time as En-men-dur-ana of Zimbir(Sumerian God King) is ruling the Middle East and slowly expanding to Northern Africa and where the sunken continent of Kumari Kandam is over water and at its civilisation peak. After his exposition to the meteor, he walks for weeks in the arid lands of Africa trying to find the rest of his scattered tribe members, and it’s when he finally meet them that the mystery begins. He first has to encounter the mystery of death and illness, then the fact that he was not dying and more surprisingly, that he was not aging. Questions rising; Is it the rest of his tribe that were falling sick and dying where he stand healthy generations by generations? Was he gifted from the gods? Or was it a Curse?
In the beginning, he was elected as the leader of the new tribe and for some years they shadowed him for decades, refusing to follow the other tribes to the great kingdoms (Northern Kingdom: Sumerians – Far East Kingdom: Kumari Kandam). He guided his people into the archetypical African Savannah, until with time; no one was left except him. One by one his fellow clutch members left him in the hope of a better life and ‘civilization’; for some others, it was the fear that he was stealing their health, their youth to stay eternal – The curse that was put upon him was said to be that everyone next to him dies sooner or later. He wanders in the African desert, plains and terrains for centuries as a nomad, living his penitence alone, until one day he meets the Dreadful Angel. A Sumerian Goddess, with whom he begin a love story as she trains him to become a soldier. The most exceptional ability of The Traveller is a key in his relationship with the Dreadful Angel as the Goddess is also immortal. Learning more on the effect of the rock he was exposed to, he discovered and mastered his new abilities (Teleportation/Smog/Time Pause) and becomes one of the greatest warriors of Sumer; He fought and helped defeat the King En-men-dur-ana and the rise of King Ubara-Tutu of Shuruppag. But the real intention of the new King was to conquer the entire planet and destroys the sages and scholars of Kumari Kandam.
The Dreadful Angel opposes to the destruction of an entire continent and civilization, and begins a rebellion in Sumer. Sided by her lover, they fight their way to the soon to be, Lost Continent and do their best to save the people, guiding them north and fighting alongside their nanotech-mechanical and magical army. The fight goes on, destructive on both sides, thousands of mortals sent to fight for the greed of that “God”. The fight goes on and the Dreadful Angel and the Traveller, defeats the Sumerian King and escape the space craft before the final blast. The Escape of the protagonists also don’t happen as smoothly, the final fight left the Traveller hit, hit by an explosion and also by a memory wipe shot, and thus beginning his health deterioration state - The Beginning of his epilepsy strokes. The auto destruction of the ship, planned by the dying king, is to create a chain reaction to melt a huge part of the north cap, the rise in the water level is inevitable – The people are now safe on the northern lands but the entire continent sunk.
A lot of the survivors start seeing the Dreadful Angel and the Traveller as Gods.
submitted by Brian_Dean05 to MakeComicsMOOC [link] [comments]

where is kumari kandam video

Though there are many traditions written in early literature, “Kumari Kandam”, the land that lay to the south of India and, which later submerged in the Indian Ocean, has been a matter of conjecture for a study by scholars. According to Aintiram, Kumari Kandam was a land which has huge area and the PalThuli river (PalThuli – Divided grammatical form of Pahruli according to Tamil grammar which means many drops), one of the Kumari Kandam rivers, originated from PeruMalai(means big mountain – represents MeruMalai – Meru Mountain). It also tells that there were 49 lands in Kumari Kandam.Tamil literary work SaivamPaayanam gives information about Kumari Kandam and its territories. It also mentions the existence of Kumari Kandam refers to a hypothetical lost continent with an ancient Tamil civilization, located south of present-day India, in the Indian Ocean. Alternative names and spellings include Kumarikkantam and Kumari Nadu. Most Tamil revivalists connect it with the Pandyan kingdom mentioned in the works of literary Tamil and Sanskrit. Kumari Kandam or Lemuria (Tamil:குமரிக்கண்டம்) is the name of a supposed sunken landmass referred to in existing ancient Tamil literature. It is said to have been located in the Indian Ocean, to the south of present-day Kanyakumari district at the southern tip of India. References in Tamil literature One piece of evidence used to support the existence of Kumari Kandam is Adam’s Bridge (also called Rama’s Bridge), a chain of limestone shoals made up of sand, silt and small pebbles located in the Palk Strait extending 18 miles from mainland India to Sri Lanka. This strip of land was once believed to be a natural formation, however, others argue that images taken by a NASA satellite depict this land formation to be a long broken bridge under the ocean's surface. The story behind the tiny house on a remote Icelandic island One such group is the Tamil nationalists. The term Kumari Kandam first appeared in the 15 th century Kanda Puranam, the Tamil version of the Skanda Puranam. Yet, stories about an ancient land submerged by the Indian Ocean have been recorded in many earlier Tamil literary works. Laut diesen Überlieferungen erstreckte er sich von der Südspitze des heutigen Indien = Kanniyakumari nach Südwesten hin bis Madagaskar nach Südosten hin bis nach Australien, und zwar als... According to Aintiram, Kumari Kandam was a land which has huge area and the PalThuli river (PalThuli – Divided grammatical form of Pahruli according to Tamil grammar which means many drops), one of the Kumari Kandam rivers, originated from PeruMalai(means big mountain – represents MeruMalai – Meru Mountain). It also tells that there were 49 lands in Kumari Kandam.Tamil literary work SaivamPaayanam gives information about Kumari Kandam and its territories. It also mentions Kumari Kandam ist ein verlorener Kontinent, der die Heimat des alten tamilischen Volkes war. Der mythische Kontinent soll südlich des heutigen Indiens existiert haben und liegt unterhalb des Indischen Ozeans. Genau wie bei Atlantis ging der Kontinent Kumari Kandam im Meer verloren, und nur wenige seiner Überlebenden entkamen den katastrophalen Ereignissen und verbreiteten sich über den Planeten. When Kumari Kandam was submerged, its people spread across the world and founded various civilizations, hence the claim that the lost continent was also the cradle of human civilization. So, how much truth is there in the story of Kumari Kandam? According to researchers at India's National Institute of Oceanography, the sea level was lower by 100 m about 14,500 years ago and by 60 m about

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