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(a lot than what's listed)
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If I missed some, comment below and I'll add
submitted by bawsey to hiphopheads [link] [comments]

Juggalos and the FBI, the Qanon angle

So I like Juggalos, I'm not the biggest fan of the scene, but I think the songs are interesting. Couldn't name the albums, sorry. And I like that they've found community of like-minded people to hangout with, that's great.
Insane Clown Posse objects to characterizations of its fanbase as a gang, and has challenged the Federal gang designation in court. In December 2017 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit ruled that ICP failed to demonstrate harm caused by the FBI's 2011 report.
Thanks Obama.
Anyway I was thinking about this label, and how it does seem unfair to someone who likes Jaggalos more than the FBI (not a huge fan of the FBI for COINTELPRO against leftists tbh). But the FBI does have a point, there are criminal elements using the culture, that's out of the hands of the musicians, and damn well most of the acutal peace-loving Juggalos and Juggalettes. They didn't want to be associated with Organized Crime, they wanted to be Killer Clowns.
We live in a Society.
What does this have to do with Qanon? Well tbh most Qanon people are conspiracy theorists, and Qanon is telling people to "Trust in the Plan" meaning be complacent, give Donald Trump your energy UWU. I think only a minority of Qanon people are actually violent or criminal, and the FBI maybe using that wide brush once again.
I don't really mind the FBI tarring all of them together, I even brought a large bag of ostrich feathers, but I think I can see a parallel. It does not make me more sympathetic to Qanon, because they're wild conspiracy theorists, motivated by a sickening political agenda and harboring cognitive dissonance to stay on their true path.
I wanted to know what others think. Qanon maybe a dangerous conspiracy theory, but it does have elements that make the believers complacent in sitting on their ass watching Youtube videos about *checks notes* Justin Trudeau is the son of Castro and that's why he sold out Canada to China, to hurt Trump. But only a few of them try anything more than online harassment (still bad) that rises to criminal levels, and they're also denounced by Qanon people as "false flags" (even if they agree with what they did, they distance themselves from it). So do Juggalos, who denounce the criminals.
We can already see a split forming inbetween in the Facebrick and Instamom side of it and the original Punisher-Twitter and 8kun Psycho side of it, where "save the children" is the watered down version of Qanon that doesn't want everyone executed in Guantanamo but wants justice, and the ones who want to make America Genocide Again.
Let me know what you think.
submitted by Sachyriel to Qult_Headquarters [link] [comments]

The Gang Deserves Better

I've just discovered that Netflix UK have removed "Dee Reynolds: Shaping America's Youth" presumably because of Black Lives Matter. This saddens me and I'll explain why.
As I'm sure you are all aware, the Always Sunny guys are some of the most intelligent, woke and kind celebrities out there. To take down this episode is insulting and unhelpful. By taking this action, Netflix have actively removed a piece of satire that supports black people and their struggles against racism.
Perhaps Netflix needs a reminder of what satire actually is? Well, here's the definition: the use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticise people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
Every episode could be studied in depth for satire and how it critiques modern life but I don't have time for that unfortunately so here's a brief look at Always Sunny's fantastic satirical comedy:
Season 1, Episode 1 - The Gang Gets Racist: Straight from the get go, you get an insight to how these guys are going to work. The very title tells you that this is satire. To be 'racist' you are defined as someone who shows prejudice and discrimination; you are fundamentally shown as someone who is wrong and is judging unfairly and incorrectly. The show is informing the viewer that the characters in this comedy are not people to look up to or aspire to be. This is important for the first episode of a tv show because it sets out its stall and tells you what sort of show it will be. The episode itself plays with the theme of white and straight privilege. It breaks down how straight, white people have historically used communities for their own gain but also studies the awkwardness in which straight white people behave around the communities too. Crucially, the episode shows how this privilege also shuns these communities when they feel that they have nothing more to gain from it.
- Dee feigns interest in Terrell's promoting skills so that she can have sex with him. When she finds out that he is gay and that she can't benefit from him, she turns on him and plots to ruin his influence. - Mac, who is uncomfortable with his own preconceptions of other communities, also plots with Dee to ruin Terrell's success. - Charlie uses Terrell's sister, Janell, to try and prove that he isn't racist which, in itself, is a form of racism. -Dennis exploits the new homosexual cliental only to renege on this when he actually ends up having a homosexual encounter.
None of these characters are set up to be heroes to the audience. You can look at one and think they are less reprehensible than the other but you cannot look at them as the paragon of human life. Straight away, we know that these characters are satire.
Season 2, Episode 2 - The Gang Goes Jihad: A highly critical and satirical episode about anti-semitism and terrorism. To know this is satire, all you really need to read is this bit of information from The Always Sunny Wiki: "This episode makes many references to tensions between Israel and Palestinian people, particularly in the plotline involving an Israeli telling someone else that he owns land that the other people had been occupying for a long time. In real life, Danny DeVito (whose own politics are probably the complete opposite of Frank's) has been a spokesman for the OneVoice Movement, which seeks a peaceful, negotiated settlement to the issue of Palestinian statehood."
Season 3, Episode 9 - Sweet Dee's Dating A Retarded Person: Another look at prejudice and how people skew their own feelings and opinions because of how other people judge them. The whole crux of the episode is Dee dating the rapper, Lil Kevin, and how, through Dennis's judgement, it comes to end. The other members of the gang also show their vanity and hubris as they decide that they are better than Lil Kevin because of their own preconceived ideas of him and therefore chase a music career because surely they can do it if he can. This episode is a fantastic example of obvious satire because it categorically shows you that the gang were wrong in their actions. Lil Kevin gets the last laugh on all of them as he destroys their attempts to perform to a crowd and also shows Dee how judgemental and wrong she was.
Season 6, Episode 1 - Mac Fights Gay Marriage: An episode that drips with hypocrisy from Mac as he tries to break up the marriage of his ex Carmen and her husband. You know that every argument he makes is redundant because of his previous affiliations with Carmen. As a viewer, you are firmly put into the position of siding with Carmen because every one of Mac's attempts to disprove their love is shutdown. Context of Rob McElhenney's life also lends to the satirical nature of this episode. He happily grew with two mums and his character fights gay marriage... Satire.
Season 6, Episode 9 - Dee Reynolds: Shaping America's Youth: The episode that's been taken down... By now, it is very well established that this show is one of satire and the characters are not people to follow or believe. They are caricatures of how real people exist and function. The elephant in the room here, and the whole reason that Netflix have chosen to remove the episode is because of the use of black face. Now, I will explain a little bit later why this is purely reactionary and is dripping with fake care but for now, let's just breakdown why this episode is important, why this episode isn't racist and why, most importantly, it is anti-racist. I'm going to do this in a slightly different and more detailed way to how I discussed the other episodes:
  1. Dee Reynolds is clearly established as someone who should not be 'Shaping America's Youth' because she has been consistently shown as crass, selfish and racist (her characters like Martina Martinez feed into the argument of the show being anti-racist). Even if you hadn't seen the show before, she is established as rude and unfit for a learning environment right from the outset with how she speaks to guys on the phone. Because we, as the audience, know that she shouldn't be 'Shaping America's Youth' we know that whatever she does with her class will be wrong and, even if she has the best intentions, she will have a negative effect on the young people.
  2. Charlie is shown to be popular as an employee in the school but again isn't shown as someone who should necessarily be trusted or looked up to. One of the first things he does is to take a piece of fruit out of the bin and, along with comedic effect, this is used to show you that he isn't a perfect person. So when he protects Richie from the bullies we can appreciate that as a good act but also recognise that he isn't someone who will necessarily change Richie's life for the better (something that is proven at the end of the episode).
  3. Mac & Frank argue that black face is something that is acceptable and that there are many great forms of it. This is very cleverly done and importantly sets the context around what we will see next in the episode. We know, from their arguments, that both black face and their understanding of black actors in the industry is wrong. Both of them create their own truths to wilfully ignore black representation in media. Frank's comments are more obviously racist as he talks about shoe polish and making the 'lips funny'. These comments aren't said for the audience to laugh and agree with him. The joke isn't aimed at black people and how black people look. The joke is aimed directly at Frank and his horrible misconceptions of black face. There is also a clever line showing white privilege over black actors as Frank is convinced that James Earl Jones is a white man because of Darth Vader. Instead of believing that a black man could be such a significant pop culture icon, Frank whitewashes it by simply believing that James Earl Jones was the man revealed to be under the mask of Darth Vader. Mac's comments serve to undermine black actors basically with the claim that white people may be better actors. He likens white people acting as black people to Ian Mckellen acting as a wizard. This comment is obviously ludicrous but, to help solidify the ridiculousness of this comment, he makes a homophobic comment about the actor shooting laser beams up 'his boyfriend's asshole'. Mac is shown to be a judgemental bigot and not someone to be trusted. Both characters are shown to be wrong with their opinions about putting black face on white actors. This is clear.
  4. Dennis is shown to be obviously against the idea of black face but this doesn't mean that he is shown to be completely right in his opinions of the industry as his use of voice shows. Yes, Dennis is correct that black face shouldn't be used but he too ultimately ignores that black people are underrepresented in media because he willingly stereotypes them for his own gain. Because of Dennis's use of a stereotypical and caricatural voice, he too is shown to be someone who shouldn't be trusted.
  5. All 5 main characters have now been shown in one single episode to be untrustworthy and satirical in some way. The previous episodes and seasons aren't required to know that the show is laughing at them and not with them.
  6. When Dee phones up the guys to play her class a film (something again showing her as irresponsible because she's going to do so in a bar), the guys railroad her to use children in their debate. Again, they are shown to be foolish and reprehensible because they plan to use other people for their own gain and self-interest.
  7. When the film is on, they have chosen to show their own film which is clearly shown to be bad and indecent. Frank's sex scene really nails down how inappropriate the entire film is. The fact that the students enjoy the film doesn't prove anything about the use of black face because, like modern cinema and media, sex and violence becomes the sole focus of the film. Even the gang forget about their debate because they become consumed with the story in the film instead of the controversy surrounding it. All they care about now is that people are enjoying their film and that they're getting recognition for it. They do not care about the debate of exploitation anymore because it has brought them perceived success. Again, this is a criticism of the media using people for success without any thought of repercussions.
  8. The episode ends showing the negative effect that the whole gang had on Richie's life and how they have influenced him to do something wrong. Even if Dennis, Mac and Frank are unaware of it, they have created negative repercussions because of their actions. The Principal, who acts as the voice of reason, highlights that there is a direct correlation between their film and Richie's following actions. It is acknowledged by every character at that point that the black face was wrong and that it has resulted in something negative. I think it's a good point here to note the irony of Richie moving from being a Juggalo to someone doing black face. I don't know a whole lot about the Insane Clown Posse but I do know that they are very politically minded against racism and bigotry. It was definitely not a mistake that the gang influenced someone away from something that stands for good into something that stands for bad. The whole episode is about how the gang are wrong in what they think and what they do, with a wider emphasis on systemic racism in media and how it can negatively effect youth.
Always Sunny is a tv series about satire. I've gone through a few of them above but there are SO MANY more examples of satirising and highlighting bigotry and prejudice in modern society. They have covered racism, homophobia, sexism, transphobia, elitism and more but have always done so with the absolute best intentions and have always satirised bigoted views.
I know Netflix have been reactionary here and I know that they don't actually care about Black Lives Matter in this instance or about any other causes for equality. If they truly cared then they would know what Always Sunny stands for and why it has lasted as long as it has. This is a purely reactionary move without any thought because they are scared of being displayed as racist or uncaring but, the irony is, they are showing themselves as just that. The irony here is that Netflix are doing the exact thing that the Always Sunny guys would satirise and mock so brilliantly. Netflix are currently pulling off a 'The Gang Desperately Tries to Win An Award' by being fakely woke and wrongly making assumptions about what people think and want about their media.
The Always Sunny guys aren't racist, Netflix, you are.
submitted by Evilmentalhamster to IASIP [link] [comments]

If the government doesn’t designate us as a terrorist organization, are we not libertarian enough?

Last week I went to a friend’s house for a dinner he holds annually to mourn his fathecelebrate his legacy. My friend’s father died when my friend was only six years old, he was a hash dealer in Indonesia and during a raid he killed three cops before he was killed himself. So my friend celebrates the memory of his father’s last stand every year, arguably the most libertarian thing any of my friends do. To be clear, we celebrate the killing more than we do the martyrdom
My friend himself has no idea what libertarianism is, and doesn’t really care, but we talked politics and he asked me why the US government doesn’t think we’re a threat if we’re so anti-government. And I think he has a fair point. The US government has designated all sorts of groups to be terrorists or gangs like the antifa boogeyman or even more bizarrely the Juggalos (as a gang, not as a terrorist group).
Now it’s true that the government has acknowledged the dangers of groups like the sovereign citizens/freemen of the land, but those guys are barely libertarian aligned.
Should the movement be more aggressive and scary?
submitted by MissionExitAlt to Libertarian [link] [comments]

Let’s talk about tattoos

Hello everyone,
I’ve had a rash of questions about tattoos so I thought I’d post for the general public.
“The Navy is the most liberal service when it comes to tattoos!”
Well that may be true, but it’s not “anything goes”
If you come to enlist with tattoos, here is what is going to happen. You’ll be given a sheet with an outline of a body and to circle where you have a tattoo.
Below that, you’ll be asked to identify what the tattoo is, what it means to you, and why you got it. We’ll take pictures of tats that can be seen outside of shorts and a t-shirt. The MEPS doctors get to gaze upon your nakedness during your physical and document any tattoos they see.
The pictures and descriptions get sent up for a waiver determination, if needed.
Why do we do this? Art is subjective, and body art is no different. The same piece can mean different things to different people.
If you say, “this is the symbol of the band “Bösünmätë” you’d better believe we’re going to get on the internet and print that out to confirm and put it into your application package. For all of you who think you’re cool putting the chemical structure of THC or LSD on your arm and try to pass it off as caffeine or serotonin or something, don’t bother. We know what it looks like. I should have a chemistry degree by now.
So what’s a taboo tattoo? Anything with drugs, violence, sex, gang affiliation, or hate group symbols. No face tattoos either. Let me break that down:
Drugs: No depiction or reference to drugs. This includes song lyrics, “420s”, needles, nugs, hookahs, bongs, or any other drug paraphernalia.
Violence: Blood is the big no-no. Dagger? Yes. Dagger with blood on it? No. Can’t have dead bodies, dead animals, although The Grim Reaper is ok, strangely enough. No blood on the scythe. Zombies on a case by case, but chainsawing through zombies, as I saw on a recent one, is a no.
Sex: No depictions of sex, no female breasts, no genitalia, no “69s” unless it’s very obviously referring to something else. Pin-up girls and “Fabio” guy tats are case by case. Would you show it to your granny?
Gang affiliation. You would be surprised at the number of tattoos that have a gang connotation. Teardrops, crowns, birds, spiderwebs, the number 13, and stars, depending on where they are are all bad. I hear this a lot: “But CDR Long, I’m just a white boy from Mississippi, my MS-13 tat obviously has nothing to do with the gang!” Yes, but if a real MS13 member sees it, it will be a bad time for you, regardless. What about ICP? Case by case as always, Juggalos. Of course, the last dozen people I’ve screened with ICP tattoos also had violent or drug related tattoos as well, go figure. Woop woop.
Hate Groups. Just no.
Face/neck. Nothing on the face. Cosmetic tattoos on a case by case. Nothing that can be seen above a t-shirt collar. We will take a look at a back of the neck tattoo if it is 1”x3” and cannot be seen from the front. Case by case again.
The tattoo screeners and I have seen it all over the years. I’ve seen good ink and bad ink. Cool ink and WTF ink. The screeners and I have special dispensation to look at questionable websites at work to determine if a tattoo meets criteria. Let me tell you, I’ve seen some stuff.
If you’re thinking of getting a tattoo before joining, just don’t. It’s probably not worth the hassle. Plus, you can’t ship until it has 100% healed.
Also, and this is just CDR Long talking, 75% of the tats I see are just trash. Cringeworthy joke tats, “I’m so edgy” tats, “aren’t I twee and unique?” hipster tats. Misspelled tats, hilarious “I don’t know what these Chinese characters actually mean” tats, blurry tats, “live, laugh, love” empty platitude tats, and incorrect Roman numerals tats.
But most of all, there’s just a ton of bad artwork out there. If you’re going to take the step of putting something permanent on your body, why not do it the right way? Good tattoos require forethought, skill and are usually expensive. You definitely get what you pay for. If you can’t afford the time or the money, I suggest you wait.
I’m happy to take your tattoo questions below.
submitted by CommanderJLong to newtothenavy [link] [comments]

RT Rundown August 22, 2020 - August 28, 2020

Last Week
This post lists everything Rooster Teeth has released from August 22, 2020 to August 28, 2020. The organization of this post follows the order of the links on the sidebar on the website. FIRST exclusive content is surrounded in asterisks ( *EXAMPLE*) while content that is currently exclusive but will be available publicly later is followed by an asterisks and the date in which it will be free (EXAMPLE*Free September 5th.) This does not include content that will lose exclusivity on the day this post is made (August 29th.)
RT PODCAST #611 - Will Gus get Botulism?
*RT PODCAST POST SHOW #611 - Her House Got Run Over By a Tree*
ALWAYS OPEN - What’s My Dream Job?
GOOD MORNING FROM HELL - Angelo the Foreign ExchAngel
BLACK BOX DOWN - History Of Hijackings
*CHUMP CHANGE #22 - Juggalos Are Pretty Cool*
DIE IS CAST #14 - Tricky Tiles and Jabbering Jaws
RT LIFE - Can You Guess Your Friend’s Screams
HARD MODE - Marco Polo in GTA V
RT EXTRAS - The Darkest Sh*t We’ve Ever Done - The Sims | Turned On
RTTV SPECIALS - Old People Like Firt - Community & Coffee
RT STREAM - Sims 4 Design & Hang
RT STREAM - Grounded
OFF TOPIC #247 - Fall Guys Serial Grabber on the Loose
*LAST CALL #247 - I Only See Losers*
F**KFACE - Bathroom Snake Spotte/I Became a Shitty Riddler
RED WEB - Lead Masks Case
ROLE INITIATIVE #18 - Training Wheels - Line in the Sand
F-ING AROUND WITH IFY AND FIONA - The Hard Truths - Jackbox Party Pack
KEEPING THE LIGHTS ON #15 - Pirate Radio Podcasting with Danny Peña
TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES - Modding a Nerf Blaster to Fire Harder
AH ANIMATED - Are There Ghost Dinosaurs?
AHWU #540 - We All Need a Staycation
LET’S ROLL - Gold Nug Betrayal - Saboteur
ROULETSPLAY - Jumpin’ and Bumpin’ in the Basement - Hot Lava
PLAY PALS - Are We Big Brains? - Please, Don’t Touch Anything (Finale)
LET’S PLAY GMOD - Traitors Have The WORST Communication - Gmod: TTT (GmAug)* Free August 30th
LET’S PLAY GMOD - Traitors Trapped in the Hole - TTT* Free September 2nd
LET’S PLAY GTA V - Building a Yacht Business 101 - GTA V: Yacht Missions 2* Free August 31st
LET’S PLAY MINECRAFT #437 - Raising Kids in Minecraft - Building the Perfect Minecraft Village #3* Free September 4th
LET’S PLAY - Under Achievers; Over Par - Golf It
LET’S PLAY - Going Old School with Sam Fisher - Rainbow 6 Siege
AH STREAM - ArK: Survival Evolved
AH STREAM - Fall Guys (8/21/20)
AH STREAM - GTA V with Community
AH STREAM - Fall Guys (8/24/20)
AH STREAM - Gmod: Prop Hunt
AH STREAM - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Randomizer
AH STREAM - Overcooked 2
AH STREAM - HBO Max Watch Party | Doctor Sleep
DUDE SOUP - New Nintendo Switch Console On Its Way in 2021?
YOUR COMMENTS - Slick Jon’s Sexy Seductive Tips For the Day
FH SHORTS - Summer of Bummers - Funhaus BTS
FH PLAYS GTA 5 - The Don Bluth Podcast - Funny Moments
GAMEPLAY - Hot Drops - Fall Guys
GAMEPLAY - Soul Suckers - Infernal
GAMEPLAY - Penn and Teller VR is a Prank on All of Us!
GAMEPLAY - Big Dig Energy - Deep Rock Galactic Gameplay
FH LIVE - Messing Around in JackBox w/ the Funhaus Gang!
RTAA - Crapper Etiquette* Free August 31st
I HAVE NOTES - New Power Puff Girls!?
SELECT ALL - Avatar the Last Airbender: Drinking that Respect-Women juice | Top Tier
SELECT ALL - Yssa’s Craft Corner: Getting Merry with Erin
IG PODCAST - The Halo Infinite Panic Button - Send News #27
IG ROUNDUP - Oculus/Facebook Integration Infuriating Users
IG FEATURES - Battletoads: A 90’s classic Rehydrated
IG SPECIAL - Armchair Game Makers: The Dark Crystal
IG DAILY - Microsoft backs Epic in Apple fight
IG DAILY - CoD bows to China, censors trailer
IG DAILY - Halo Infinite cancelled on Xbox One?
IG DAILY - Halo Infinite’s Savior Is Here… Hopefully
IG DAILY - Will Xbox release Series X before the PS5?
IG LIVE - The Sin of Mayonnaise - Model Employees
IG LIVE - Awful at Drawful
IG LIVE - Studio Ghibli Trivia Night!
IG LIVE - Sound of Mind and Body - Stay Zen with Kdin #20
DEATH BATTLE! - Zuko VS Shoto Todoroki (Avatar VS My Hero Academia)
DB WITH COMMENTARY - Zuko VS Shoto Todoroki w/ Commentary
DB CAST #193 - Zuko VS Shoto Todoroki Q&A
*SUDDEN DEATH #193 - Pest problems!*
SIMON’S PECULIAR PORTIONS - Alcoholic Monkey Attacks 250 People
SIMON’S PECULIAR PORTIONS - This Giant Teddy Bear Is Freaking Us Out
TRIFORCE #140 - HAM Radio Chat
KF PODCAST #85 - We Tell Greg Miller’s Camping Stories (w/out Greg Miller)
KF GAMESCAST #30 - Ghost of Tsushima Spoilercast
KF GAMESCAST #32 - We Played Marvel’s Avengers!
KF GAMESCAST #35 - Gamescom Opening Night Live REVIEW!
KF XCAST #6 - Microsoft Flight Simulator + Battletoads Impressions
PS I LOVE YOU XOXO - Will Last of Us Part II Harassment Kill Creativity?
PS I LOVE YOU XOXO - What Makes “The Best” PlayStation Generation?
PS I LOVE YOU XOXO - Our Favorite PS4 Moments
KF IN REVIEW - Mulan 1998
KFAF - We Create Our Custom Fall Guys Skin (w/ James and Elyse Willems)
WE HAVE COOL FRIENDS - Mulan’s Jimmy Wong
WE HAVE COOL FRIENDS - Writing Mortal Kombat: Shawn Kittelsen Interview
KF GAMES DAILY 8.24.20 - Gotham Knights and Rocksteady’s Suicide Squad Revealed
KF GAMES DAILY 8.25.20 - How Much More Powerful is The Next Switch Model?
KF GAMES DAILY 8.26.20 - Fall Guys Breaks Insane Records
KF GAMES DAILY 8.27.20 - Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War Officially Revealed
KF GAMES DAILY 8.28.20 - When Are We Getting The PlayStation 5?
KF LIVE REACTIONS - Wonder Woman 1984 DC FanDome Trailer
KF LIVE REACTIONS - Gotham Knights DC FanDome Reveal
KF LIVE REACTIONS - The Suicide Squad DC FanDome Teaser
KF LIVE REACTIONS - Justice League: The Snyder Cut Teaser
KF LIVE REACTIONS - Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League DC Reveal
KF LIVE REACTIONS - The Batman DC FanDome Trailer
KF LIVE REACTIONS - Gamescom Opening Night Live 2020
SONGS ABOUT GAMES - Fall Guys Rap “Drop You”
Good Morning from Hell Gambo Campaign T-Shirt
Good Morning from Hell Clayton Campaign T-Shirt
Achievement Hunter ACHIEVE H.V.G Model Beanie
Achievement Hunter ACHIEVE H.V.G Model T-Shirt
Achievement Hunter ACHIEVE H.V.G Model Jacket
Achievement Hunter Coat of Arms Beer Stein
Funhaus Coat of Arms Stein
Geoff Ramsey Deadlands Pint Glass
Geoff Ramsey Deadlands Long Sleeve T-Shirt
RWBY Ruby Plaid T-Shirt (Black and Silver variants)
RWBY Weiss Plaid T-Shirt (Black and Blue variants)
RWBY Blake Plaid T-Shirt (Black and White variants)
RWBY Yang Plaid T-Shirt (Black and Beige variants)
RWBY Team RWBY Sketchbook T-Shirt
RWBY Neo Illusion Shattered T-Shirt
RWBY Focus Yang T-Shirt
RWBY Focus Team RWBY T-Shirt
RWBY Crescent Rose Floral T-Shirt
RWBY Myrtenaster Floral T-Shirt
RWBY Gambol Shroud T-Shirt
RWBY Ember Celica Floral T-Shirt
RWBY Blake and Yang Barred Sketchbook T-Shirt
RWBY Ruby and Weiss Barred Sketchbook T-Shirt
RWBY Blake and Yang Sketchbook T-Shirt
RWBY Melty Yang T-Shirt
RWBY Pops T-Shirt
RWBY Remix Ruby & Jinn T-Shirt
RWBY Remix Monkey King T-Shirt
RWBY Fiona Baaa T-Shirt
RWBY Team RWBY Silhouette Zip-Up Hoodie
RWBY Remix Yang Bumblebee T-Shirt
RWBY Ember Celica Floral Hoodie
RWBY Gambol Shroud Floral Hoodie
RWBY Myrtenaster Floral Hoodie
RWBY Crescent Rose Floral Hoodie
RWBY Neo Illusion Shattered Hoodie (Black and Light Pink variants)
RWBY Geo Ruby Emblem T-Shirt
RWBY Ruby Plaid Neck Gaiter
RWBY Weiss Plaid Neck Gaiter
RWBY Blake Plaid Neck Gaiter
RWBY Yang Plaid Neck Gaiter
RWBY Ruby Emblem Embroidered 5 Panel Hat
RWBY Ruby Emblem Vinyl Decal
RWBY Weiss Emblem Vinyl Decal
RWBY Blake Emblem Vinyl Decal
RWBY Yang Emblem Vinyl Decal
RWBY Ruby Pullover
RWBY Weiss Pullover
RWBY Blake Pullover
RWBY Yang Pullover
RWBY Ruby Emblem Dad Hat
RWBY Weiss Emblem Dad Hat
RWBY Blake Emblem Dad Hat
RWBY Yang Emblem Dad Hat
RWBY Crescent Rose Floral Decal
RWBY Myrtenaster Floral Decal
RWBY Gambol Shroud Floral Decal
RWBY Ember Celica Floral Decal
RWBY Emblems Skinny Joggers
RWBY Blake & Yang Sketch Coffee Mug (Black and Yellow variants)
Achievement Hunter FRONT Back T-Shirt (Black, Blue, and Pink variants)
Achievement Hunter Take the Taco T-Shirt
Achievement Hunter Technical Difficulties T-Shirt
Achievement Hunter Out in the Grapes T-Shirt
Achievement Hunter Heritage Type T-Shirt (Black and Olive variants)
Achievement Hunter The Hunter Hut Tank
Achievement Hunter The Hunter Hut T-Shirt
Achievement Hunter DHD T-Shirt
Achievement Hunter Spell Check T-Shirt
Achievement Hunter F**kFace T-Shirt
Achievement Hunter Last Round T-Shirt
Achievement Hunter Play Pals Summer Bois T-Shirt (Grey and Blue variants)
Achievement Hunter I Do Words Good T-Shirt
Achievement Hunter Coat of Arms T-Shirt
Achievement Hunter Battle Buddies Agents of Chaos T-Shirt
Achievement Hunter Summer Bois Tank Top
Achievement Hunter Candy Hoodie
Achievement Hunter Heritage Hoodie (Black and Irish Green variants)
Achievement Hunter FRONT Back Hoodie
Achievement Hunter Technical Difficulties Hoodie
Achievement Hunter Play Pals Delivery Bois T-Shirt
Achievement Hunter Checkpoint Confidence T-Shirt (Steel Blue and Red variants)
Achievement Hunter YDYD T-Shirt
Achievement Hunter Technical Difficulties Women’s T-Shirt
Achievement Hunter ACHIEVE Hi-Viz T-Shirt (Black and Olive variants)
Achievement Hunter It’s a Candy T-Shirt
Achievement Hunter Off Topic Audio Friendly Mesh Hat
Achievement Hunter ACHIEVE Embroidered Tiger Camo 5 Panel Hat
Achievement Hunter Embroidered Logo Trucker Hat
Achievement Hunter Embroidered Logo Snapback Hat (Black, Green Camo, and Silver variants)
Achievement Hunter Off Topic Audio Friendly T-Shirt
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submitted by NotMarilee to roosterteeth [link] [comments]

Let's brainstorm some ideas for new hunter gangs in Manhunt 3

So it's likely that Manhunt 3 will only come out when Piggsy flies. But there's no reason why we can't speculate and fantasize about what this new Manhunt would be like. Personally, I'd love to see the series return to Carcer City and revisit the snuff film premise. We could have Mr. Nasty rebuilding Valiant Video Enterprises, and maybe this time the Journalist would be forced into the protagonist role. I recall seeing some ridiculous and clever fan-made concepts for hunter gangs years ago, including a gang of homicidal lumberjacks and wheelchair-bound Wehraboos that wear stalhelms.
So how about we hear some fresh ideas for gangbangers and mobs of psychos to butcher through in our dream Manhunt 3? Here's a couple off the top of my head:
All right, that's all I got. It's 3 AM where I'm at and I should probably crash soon. Let me know if you have any crazy ideas for hunter gangs that you'd love to see appear in Manhunt 3. Take care!
submitted by vengeancesavage to ManhuntGames [link] [comments]

Chapo Ep. Guide

Title Duration Guests Hosts Date Reading/Viewing Series Topics of Discussion/Riffs
- Bryan interviews Will, Matt, and Felix about seeing 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers Of Benghazi in theaters 01:34:55 Bryan Quinby and Brett Payne Felix, Matt, Will 02 February 2016 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi
1 THA SAGA BEGINS 01:18:35 13 March 2016
2 We Need to Talk About Kevin (a.k.a Enta the Dungeon) 01:20:49 19 March 2016 Kevin D. Williamson
3 Freeway Ross Douthat Sailboat Dope 01:31:27 Brendan James 27 March 2016 Privilege: Harvard and the Education of the Ruling Class by Ross Douthat
4 Bernie Blanco From the Bronx 01:43:54 03 April 2016 Scalia’s Death
5 What's So Civil About the Civil War Anyway? 01:18:04 Carl Beijer 10 April 2016 Kurt Schlichter John Kasich Campaign Events
6 Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice & Development 01:11:06 Matt V. Brady 17 April 2016 Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice Chapo Mediaite Profile
7 The Prince & the Egg: An Anil Dash Adventure 01:22:52 24 April 2016 Kevin D. Williamson
8 Children of Bruen 01:13:17 Elizabeth Bruenig 01 May 2016 Strip Club Ennui from The Federalist The Innovation Party, The Baseball Crank
9 Trump Stakes or Election 2016: The Age of Apocalypse 01:20:53 08 May 2016 Ben Shapiro, Milo, Ben Carson, Erdogan Street Team
10 No FoPo, Fight the Blob 01:20:01 Derek Davison 15 May 2016 Rod Dreher Iran, ‘The Blob’, Ben Rhodes
11B Doctor Faustus 00:32:16 18 May 2016 Joshua Foust
11 Cranking the Donkey 01:11:59 Matt Taibbi 22 May 2016
12B The French Vasectomy 00:39:28 25 May 2016
12 Love That Ron 01:00:14 Virgil Texas 29 May 2016 Applebee's America Carl Digger, Ron Fournier, Chris Cilliza, Mark Halperin, HotSoup.com
13B Eyes Wide Cuck 00:51:03 01 June 2016 Kimbo Slice, Al Giordano
13 Justified But Woke 01:19:47 Connor Kilpatrick 06 June 2016 The Bernie Sanders I Thought I Knew Is Gone
14 Chillin' In Cedar Rapids Iowa 01:06:09 13 June 2016 Al Giordano, Peter Thiel
15 Alligator Tears 00:51:04 Roqayah Chammseddine 16 June 2016 The Gator Tweet
16 The Male Female Radio Hour 01:20:56 Lee Fang 20 June 2016 Dennis Prager William F. Buckley's sailboat, Adbusters
17 The Road to Soavedom 00:52:33 Robby Soave 25 June 2016
18 The Upset Guv'ner: DeCrecio's Brexit Bungle 01:25:00 Jonathan Shanin 26 June 2016 Rod Dreher, various Brexit opinions Politicon, Brexit, Chapo Mail Bag
19 Boobs, Sir, I Punched the Bursar 01:03:04 30 June 2016 The Federalist
20 Chapo vs. Sherdog: UFC 2000 01:27:30 Jordan Breen 05 July 2016 Charles Murray
21 Oaxaca Flocka Flame 00:44:40 Tony (@MexicAnarchist) 08 July 2016
22 The Trap Is A MESS 01:31:09 Vic Berger 11 July 2016 Courage is Contagious by John Kasich
23 Reign All Over My Face 01:01:41 14 July 2016 Reign Over Me
24 Gulens Gonna Gulen 01:19:04 Derek Davison 18 July 2016 We Are The Left
25 Lady Ghostbusters 01:02:19 Amber A'Lee Frost 24 July 2016 Ghostbusters (2016)
26 ReTHUGlican National CRIMEvation 01:14:43 Bryan Quinby 25 July 2016 DNC Emails
27 Tomorrow Belongs to Them 01:26:44 Dan O'Sullivan 30 July 2016
28 Chapo Comes Alive! 01:17:40 Bryan Quinby and Brett Payne 03 August 2016
29 London Falling 00:56:14 Sam Kriss 03 August 2016 London Has Fallen
30 Freeway Ross Douthat Pt. 2: The Harvard Plug 01:19:03 Brendan James 05 August 2016 Privilege: Harvard and the Education of the Ruling Class by Ross Douthat
31 Brooklyn Tyrannical Gardens 00:59:13 11 August 2016
32 Suicide Is Shameless 01:04:40 Matt V. Brady 15 August 2016 Suicide Squad
33 The Uncucking of the Candidate 01:12:16 Libby Watson 18 August 2016 Wonkette
34 Masculinity for Boys 01:16:25 22 August 2016 David French
35 Bloodlands 01:14:19 Adrian Bonenberger 25 August 2016
36 Dear Gulen 01:33:29 Liza Featherstone 29 August 2016 The Federalist, Dear Prudie
37 Teen Party 00:57:14 Brandon Wardell 01 September 2016
38 Elevator to Heaven 01:20:23 Maria Hengevald 05 September 2016
39 The Conqueror 01:10:51 Derek Davison 09 September 2016 The Conquerer
40 Sborts Night 01:34:47 Greg Howard 12 September 2016 In Saudi Arabia, a revolution disguised as reform in the Washington Post
41 Smash 01:15:52 Alex Nichols (@Lowenaffchen) 16 September 2016 Crash (2004)
42 Uber for Ubermensch 01:30:43 Ed Zitron and Noah Kulwin 18 September 2016
43 ElfQuest 01:16:43 22 September 2016 Rod Dreher, profile of Jim Cooley
44 The Gowanus Ideas Festival 01:22:33 Virgil Texas and Sam Kriss 26 September 2016 David Brooks, Ross Douthat
45 Cath Bash 01:09:52 01 October 2016
46 No Cucks in the Foxhole 00:59:07 James Adomian 04 October 2016
Knowledge God 00:36:15 04 October 2016 “The right to vote should be restricted to those with knowledge” and “Finally. Someone who thinks like me”
47 I Am Legend 01:06:41 Francis (@ArmyStang) 06 October 2016 American Sniper
48 A Problem from Heck 01:20:57 Chase Madar 09 October 2016
49 Caleb 01:01:29 12 October 2016 Caleb
50 AKP 50th Episode Ergenekon Extravaganza 01:17:51 Matt Karp 17 October 2016
51 The Post Officers 01:08:46 Katherine Krueger 19 October 2016
52 Dirty Wars 2: Rise of McRaven 01:17:11 Jeremy Scahill 23 October 2016
53 The French Resistance 00:58:08 Alexander Zaitchik 26 October 2016
54 Trap House of Horror: The Hanging Boyz 00:48:21 Kath Barbadoro 30 October 2016
55 The Chapofication of the Western Male 01:01:38 02 November 2016
- Walther Interview 00:44:00 Matthew Walther 06 November 2016
56 Under Siege Year 3: Before Year Zero 01:01:27 Brendan James 07 November 2016
57 Chapo News Network Election Night Live Show 01:41:01 Virgil Texas 08 November 2016
58 We Live in the Zone Now 01:00:44 Virgil Texas 12 November 2016
59 Tell Your God to Ready for Chud 01:02:11 Matt Karp and Connor Kilpatrick 17 November 2016
60 Off-Off-Broadway 01:05:41 Erin Gloria Ryan 20 November 2016 Hillary Clinton Is More Than a President by Virginia Heffernan
61 Who Makes the Nazis? 00:53:19 Ricky Rawls 24 November 2016
62 Chapo Struggle Session 00:58:23 30 November 2016 Rod Dreher
- Felix After Dark 00:38:04 03 December 2016
63 SuccessFail: The McMegan Story 01:22:04 Ezekiel Kweku 04 December 2016 The Up Side of Down: Why Failing Well Is the Key to Success by Megan McArdle
64 Candyman IV: Curse of Caleb 00:53:41 Katie Halper 08 December 2016 Caleb
65 No Future 01:06:39 Adam Curtis 11 December 2016
66 Pizza Party! 01:08:04 Jacob Bacharach 16 December 2016
67 The Swordfish Episode 00:56:24 17 December 2016
- The Inebriated Past 00:36:42 21 December 2016
68 Applebees Christmas Spectacular 01:09:27 Kath Barbadoro 23 December 2016 True Allegiance by Ben Shapiro
69 Angela & Strawberry 00:57:34 James Adomian 29 December 2016
70 Real Strain Hours 01:03:36 Libby Watson 04 January 2017
71 Crapo Cat House: The Half-Lost Episode 01:16:56 Alex Nichols 09 January 2017 True Allegiance by Ben Shapiro
72 The Pre-Taped Call-In Show 01:00:32 13 January 2017
73 Better Call Saul Alinsky 01:04:49 Bill Corbett 15 January 2017 Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party
74 Tabletop Game Theory Pt. 1 01:03:42 18 January 2017
75 Mr. Chapo Goes to Washington 01:05:09 Sam Kriss 22 January 2017
76 Tabletop Game Theory Pt. 2 00:59:53 24 January 2017
77 No Country for Gorilla Men 01:11:08 Matt Taibbi 29 January 2017
78 Terminal 00:55:57 31 January 2017
- Mixed Martial Law 01:01:40 Karim Zadan 02 February 2017
79 Our Values Are Under Attack 00:57:16 Tim Heidecker 06 February 2017 True Allegiance by Ben Shapiro
80 Kolob Trap House 01:00:09 Adam Friedland 09 February 2017
81 The Devil In Mother Jones 01:00:30 Shane Bauer 12 February 2017
82 War Is Heck 00:48:57 Brace Belden 13 February 2017
83 Boston Skrong 01:02:20 15 February 2017 Patriot’s Day
84 President Wario 01:13:12 19 February 2017
85 The Appropriaters 00:52:11 Shuja Haider 22 February 2017
86 Fash the Patriarchy 00:51:40 Angela Nagle 26 February 2017
87 The Basketball Snob 01:00:24 02 March 2017
88 Sebastian Goku 01:07:50 Derek Davison 05 March 2017
89 Napoleanic Rules for Success 01:09:56 @Trillburne 10 March 2017 The Duellists
90 Gorka's Revenge 01:01:43 James Adomian (as Sebastian Gorka) 12 March 2017
91 The Lasagne Code 00:53:46 Leon (@leyawn) 17 March 2017 Caleb
92 No. 1 in Heaven 00:49:56 20 March 2017
93 Madness? THIS IS CHAPO 01:00:30 23 March 2017 300
94 The Brian Johnstown Massacre 01:16:38 Jacob Bacharach 26 March 2017
95 Hillbilly Smellegy 01:03:14 Matt Sitman 30 March 2017 Hillbilly Elegy
96 Night At The Museum 01:05:53 Tim Heidecker (as Alex Jones) 02 April 2017 Some personal notes on the ‘Blacksonian’ by Jay Nordlinger for the National Review
97 Hollywood Upstairs Medical College 01:19:39 Timothy Faust 06 April 2017
98 Gorka II: The Gorkaning 01:06:39 Alex Pareene and James Adomian (as Sebastian Gorka) 09 April 2017
99 Taxi To the Dark Side 01:06:58 Adam Friedland 13 April 2017
100 Chapo Goes To College 01:44:51 Timothy Faust 17 April 2017
101 Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc 01:12:51 19 April 2017 The West Wing
102 Maintaining Emotional Control 01:06:54 Rob Delaney 23 April 2017
103 Décision Désk La France 00:55:00 James Adomian 26 April 2017
104 We've Always Been Here 01:23:01 30 April 2017 People's Republic by Kurt Schlichter
105 The Grey Ladykillers 01:19:12 04 May 2017 Op-Eds from The New York Times, Rod Dreher
106 Work No Play 01:27:54 Timothy Faust and Miya Tokumitsu 07 May 2017 Health-Care Blame Game by David French in the National Review
107 Fight Club 00:57:23 Karim Zidan 10 May 2017
108 Night On Bald Mountain 01:22:08 Matt Bruenig 14 May 2017
109 Media Twatters 01:09:16 Libby Watson 19 May 2017 The New York Times
110 The Rocktober Revolution 01:12:07 China Miéville 22 May 2017
111 The Goddamn Freaking News 01:19:40 24 May 2017 The Newsroom
112 Orbsplainer 01:13:32 David Cross 25 May 2017
113 Hit and Run 01:00:07 R.L. Stephens 01 June 2017
114 Meat The Press 00:57:17 Alex Nichols 04 June 2017
- God Save Our Jezza 00:38:31 Jonathan Shainin 06 June 2017
115 Austin Shitty Limits 01:05:18 Brian Gaar 07 June 2017 The Vanishing American Adult by Ben Sasse
- Chapo Global Edition: You Down With GCC? 01:19:40 Derek Davison 08 June 2017
116 Jezz In My Pants 01:00:11 12 June 2017
117 Kill All Nermals 01:11:03 Angela Nagle 14 June 2017
118 From Russia With CHUD 01:05:04 Sarah Jones 18 June 2017 Beware of Blaming Government for London Tower Fire by Megan McArdle
- The Inebriated Past: Sewer Surfin' 00:38:09 21 June 2017
119 Bating For Gadot 01:07:54 25 June 2017 Wonder Woman
120 Fearless Girlilla Mindset 01:09:25 28 June 2017 Gorilla Mindset by Mike Cernovich
121 These Things I Believe 01:12:30 04 July 2017
122 The Virgin Suicides 01:16:03 Adam Friedland 06 July 2017 Steven Crowder, Ben Shapiro on Celibacy
123 UBIsoft 01:00:05 Clio Chang 10 July 2017
124 Gabagool 01:16:39 13 July 2017 Megan McArdle, David Brooks, Trump as Pericles
125 Fast And Furious: Toledo Drifter 00:55:20 Tim Heidecker 15 July 2017 Gorilla Mindset by Mike Cernovich
126 Tabletop Game Theory Pt. III: The Russian Interference 01:01:04 19 July 2017
127 Dr. Dementia 01:09:08 Ricky Rawls 23 July 2017 Rod Dreher
128 Tabletop Game Theory Pt. IV: The Russian Interference 01:30:23 26 July 2017
129 The Affordable Covfefe Act 01:06:33 Timothy T-Bone Faust 30 July 2017
130 The Milk People 01:11:45 Libby Watson 04 August 2017
131 Deep Dish Chapo: Live @ The Hideout 01:08:18 09 August 2017
- Bonus Deep Dish Chapo: Live @ The Hideout 01:09:06 Bryan Quinby and Brett Payne 12 August 2017
132 Bloco's Modern Life 01:17:02 Marcus Barnett and Catarina Príncipe and Djordje Kuzmanovic 12 August 2017
133 Antifap 00:57:59 Shuja Haider 18 August 2017
134 Memento Maury 01:00:23 Joe Mande 20 August 2017
135 Barron Protectors 01:15:08 Leslie Lee 23 August 2017 ??? by the National Review
136 Lullaby For Lanyards 01:02:11 Joe Prince 27 August 2017
137 HUMINT Centipede 01:20:21 29 August 2017
138 Verrit Carefully 01:09:15 Alex Nichols 05 September 2017
139 Enter The Noid 01:11:43 07 September 2017
140 DACA Flocka Flame 01:12:22 Karina Moreno 09 September 2017
141 Chapo Cartoon Cavalcade 01:13:27 14 September 2017
142 The Schlock Doctrine 01:09:31 Naomi Klein 17 September 2017 Under Anesthesia, Everything Was Beautiful by Peggy Noonan
143 Splattering of the Juggalos 01:16:26 21 September 2017 Articles from The Federalist and Rod Dreher
144 White Men Can't Drumpf 01:00:12 24 September 2017
145 Return of the Blob 01:06:40 Derek Davison 28 September 2017
146 Better Ingredients, Better Healthcare, Chapo Johns 01:07:21 Timothy Faust 01 October 2017 Why Is Italian Food So Amazing? by Megan McArdle
147 Gun Kata 01:04:09 05 October 2017
148 Lost In The Sauce 01:08:23 Patton Oswalt 09 October 2017
149 Live @ The Biltmore Hotel 00:54:24 James Adomian 12 October 2017
150 Get Kony 00:47:45 Tim Heidecker 14 October 2017
151 Cass Rules Everything Around Me 01:13:59 19 October 2017
152 Iran Off On the Plug Twice 01:08:39 22 October 2017 The Cobbler
153 Dry Goys 01:01:17 Eli Valley 26 October 2017
154 Listening Tour 01:01:21 30 October 2017 On Safari in Trump's America by The Atlantic
155 The Antifa Treason And Plot 01:10:07 Will Sommer 02 November 2017
156 38 Ways to Fix Puerto Rico 01:24:56 Aída Chávez 06 November 2017 38 Ways to Fix Democracy by The Washington Post
- I’d Rather Be Salman 00:40:19 Derek Davison 08 November 2017
157 Brazile Nuts 01:15:24 David Roth 09 November 2017 Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House by Donna Brazile
158 Double Flynndemnity 01:08:35 13 November 2017 Greta Van Sustren and her apology app
159 Gentleman Ben Franklin 01:16:17 Bill Corbett 16 November 2017 In Search of Liberty
SPECIAL HOLIDAY BONUS EP - In Search of Liberty Chapo Special Audio Commentary 01:32:21 Bill Corbett 24 November 2017
160 Live at the Bell House 01:23:00 16 November 2017
161 Gladiator Boy 01:12:37 25 November 2017 Ben Shapiro, a Provocative ‘Gladiator,’ Battles to Win Young Conservatives from the New York Times
162 Arab Spring Breakers 01:09:36 James Adomian (as Sebastian Gorka) 28 November 2017
163 Motherbox XXX (The Justice League Episode) 01:15:17 29 November 2017 Justice League
164 The Deficit Rag 01:17:39 04 December 2017
165 New York State of Mindfulness 01:11:18 Mike Recine 06 December 2017 Where Silicon Valley Is Going to Get in Touch With Its Soul from the New York Times
166 The Water Genious 01:16:06 Nomiki Konst 10 December 2017
167 The Poop Touchening 01:15:42 Matt Bruenig and Ryan Cooper 14 December 2017 David Brooks
168 Nut Neutrality 01:13:59 Sam Seder 17 December 2017
169 Alternative Failson Tax 01:08:34 20 December 2017 3 Reasons Millennials Should Ditch Karl Marx for Ayn Rand by the Foundation for Economic Education
170 A Christman Carol 00:44:26 James Adomian (as Chris Matthews and Sebastian Gorka) and Brendan James 24 December 2017
171 The Way of the Shadow Wolves 01:12:54 28 December 2017 The Way of the Shadow Wolves by Steven Seagal, Megan McArdle’s Kitchen Guide
172 So It's Come To This... 01:26:56 Brendan James 31 December 2017
173 Pontypool Chapos Everything 01:27:07 03 January 2018
174 Ooohh Baby I Like It Raw 01:11:46 07 January 2018 Unfiltered Fervor: The Rush to Get Off the Water Grid from the New York Times
175 The Dark Professor 01:12:04 09 January 2018 It's Time to Bomb North Korea from Foreign Policy
176 Any Port In a Stormy 01:17:43 Alex Pareene 13 January 2018
177 The News Queen 01:10:09 Brendan James 17 January 2018 The Post
178 Government Nutdown 01:08:46 22 January 2018
179 The Inebriated Past Part 3: SDS and the Weather Underground 01:06:33 25 January 2018
180 D Triple C 6 Mafia 01:05:18 Ryan Grim 25 January 2018
- Bonus: Virgil Interviews Kaniela Ing 01:01:49 Kaniela Ing Virgil 31 January 2018
181 Potus6ix9ine 01:15:39 02 February 2018
182 Soup or Bowl? 01:25:45 05 February 2018 Megan McArdle
183 GlenGreenwald Glen Ross 01:16:57 Glenn Greenwald 07 February 2018
184 The United States of Care Lords 01:25:51 Dino Guastella 11 February 2018 TPUSA activist’s essay
185 Own Your Own Immigrant! 01:10:21 15 February 2018
186 Executive Producer 01:17:17 Richard D. Wolff 18 February 2018
187 Mumsnet 00:53:00 Marcus Barnett 21 February 2018
188 Menaker Facts Stated 01:14:23 Daniel Menaker 25 February 2018 Dennis Prager
189 All That Is Solid Melts Into Sauce 01:03:52 Patton Oswalt 27 February 2018
190 School's Out 01:17:23 Michael Mochaidean 04 March 2018
191 The Shape of Whiffen 01:12:25 David Cross 07 March 2018 Rod Dreher
192 Spice World 01:20:53 Jacob Bacharach 10 March 2018 Megan McArdle
193 AIPAC: All Eyez On Me 01:15:38 Noah Kulwin 15 March 2018
- Break Up Rex 00:52:13 Derek Davison 17 March 2018
194 F*ck 12 01:19:32 Shuja Haider and James Adomian (as Elon Musk) 18 March 2018 12 Rules for Life by Jordan B. Peterson
195 Frost/Christman: Marx and the Movies 01:00:01 22 March 2018 The Death of Stalin, The Young Karl Marx
196 Crazy Joe's Folly 01:13:58 26 March 2018
197 The YIMBY Failing Project 01:11:04 Shanti Singh 28 March 2018
198 Asked & Answered 01:06:12 03 April 2018
199 Ready Chapo One 01:09:32 Matt V. Brady 05 April 2018 Ready Player One
200 The Jeffrey Goldberg Variations 01:17:30 James Adomian (as Kurt Eichenwald) 09 April 2018
201 The Social Networth 01:06:52 Libby Watson 12 April 2018
202 Sgt. Anne Marie Slaughter 01:36:57 Dan Finn and Eric Blanc 15 April 2018
203 The Truth About Cats & Syria 01:19:44 John Dolan 19 April 2018
204 Comey the Clown 01:21:35 Katherine Krueger 23 April 2018 A Higher Loyalty by James Comey
- Bonus: Virgil Interviews Dan Canon 00:50:37 Dan Canon 24 April 2018
205 The Energy Shiftening 01:09:30 Will Sommer and James Adomian (as Qanon) 27 April 2018
- Bonus: Virgil Interviews Geneviéve Jones-Wright 00:56:25 Geneviéve Jones-Wright 30 April 2018
206 Dry Boys Ride Again 01:02:57 01 May 2018
207 Law And Ordurrrr 01:01:46 03 May 2018
208 Donnie's World Tour 01:04:15 Derek Davison 06 May 2018
209 Death Becomes You 00:58:14 Barbara Ehrenreich 09 May 2018
210 ICE to See You 01:10:22 Jake Flores 13 May 2018
211 Sergeant Hands 01:03:40 17 May 2018 12 Strong: The Declassified True Story of the Horse Soldiers
212 Borderline 01:26:37 Brendan James 21 May 2018
- Bonus: Matt and Mike Duncan Talk 'Revolutions' 00:54:22 Mike Duncan 23 May 2018
213 In Conclusion, Palestine is a Land of Contrasts 00:55:33 Rawan (@intifadarling) 23 May 2018
214 6 Weird Election Tricks That ACTUALLY Work! 01:10:19 David Faris 27 May 2018
215 Patriots, Pragmatists & PissPigs 01:16:41 31 May 2018
216 First Time, Long Time feat. PFT Commenter 01:27:54 Eric Sollenberger 03 June 2018
217 Feeling Q and Sad rn 01:26:05 07 June 2018
218 The President's Neck Is Missing 01:29:09 David Roth 10 June 2018 The President is Missing, NYC’s Subway should be filled with Hoverboards instead
219 Da r@ntZ0ne 01:14:06 Alex Nichols 15 June 2018
220 Camp Donald 01:19:09 Libby Watson and James Adomian (as Jesse Ventura) 17 June 2018
221 M. Night Shyamalan's The Villages 01:24:09 Osita Nwanevu 21 June 2018
222 RESPECT. 01:15:26 Adam Friedland and Mike Recine 24 June 2018 Gotti
- Bonus — Felix interviews Tarpley Hitt 00:43:42 Tarpley Hitt 25 June 2018
223 Fight Court 01:09:20 27 June 2018
- Behind the Laughter: Mike Reiss 01:02:00 Mike Reiss 29 June 2018
224 Cortez the Killer 01:23:36 Trevor Beaulieu and Katherine Krueger 02 July 2018
225 The Poster's Crusade 01:15:21 06 July 2018 Yes, We Still Can by Dan Pfeiffer
226 Islands in the Stream 01:27:42 09 July 2018
- Bonus: Virgil Interviews Julia Salazar, LIVE! 00:59:00 Julia Salazar Virgil 10 July 2018
227 PEN 15 01:02:05 11 July 2018 Range 15
- Bonus: Chris talks to Occupy ICE Portland 00:12:27 Jordan Chris 12 July 2018
228 Supreme Clientele 01:22:13 Ashley Feinberg and James Adomian 15 July 2018
- Bonus: SEX! Now that we have your attention: Work 01:00:45 Tai and Conner Habib 17 July 2018
229 Double A beep beep M L O! 01:10:34 Karina Moreno and Brendan James 19 July 2018
230 A Colossal Wreck 01:06:27 22 July 2018
231 Quiz Boys 00:55:21 Michael Kupperman 25 July 2018
232 America, You Sexy Bigfoot! 01:23:02 30 July 2018 America, You Sexy Bitch!
233 Frost/Christman Presents: The Purges 01:13:57 Kal (friend of Amber Frost) and Aaron J. Leonard 01 August 2018 The Purge film series
234 Congrat's 01:06:13 05 August 2018 Hope Never Dies: An Obama Biden Mystery
235 Q Let the Dogs Out? 01:18:44 Will Sommer 10 August 2018
236 Space Force: Mobile Infantry 01:15:27 13 August 2018
237 Our Cool Friends 00:57:49 Derek Davison 16 August 2018
- Bonus: Interview with Parquet Courts' A. Savage 00:56:59 A. Savage (of the band Parquet Courts) 18 August 2018
238 The Mueller's Tale 01:26:04 20 August 2018 John Podhoretz
- Bonus: Chris Talks to Stonybrook Apartments Activists 00:33:45 Crystal (head of the Stonybrook Tenant Association) and Grant 23 August 2018
239 Fact Fight 01:11:21 Matt Bruenig 24 August 2018
240 The Shittalk Express 01:16:22 27 August 2018
241 Hot Couch Nation 01:08:59 Stavros Halkias and Matt V. Brady 30 August 2018
242 Touched by a Funeral 01:06:12 03 September 2018
243 Live at DC's 9:30 Club 01:33:03 07 September 2018
- Bonus: Virgil interviews Cynthia Nixon 00:17:14 Cynthia Nixon September 10 September 2018
244 A Nice Chill Show 00:56:54 11 September 2018
245 Inebriated Past 5: Monster Fash 00:51:55 13 September 2018
246-1 Best of New England Live, Part 1 01:45:09 18 September 2018
246-2 Best of New England Live, Part 2 01:06:20 19 September 2018
247 Mayans, M.C. 01:16:19 Bryan Quinby 20 September 2018
Unions: They’re Good Folks! 00:34:16 Bhaskar Sunkara 22 September 2018
248 Too Many Bretts 01:19:47 24 September 2018
249 The Kneeling Drunkard's Plea 01:12:53 Dave Anthony 28 September 2018
Fascism II: The Legend of Adolf’s Gold 00:28:47 Matt 30 September 2018
250 Big Dickinson Energy 01:28:28 Alena Smith 01 October 2018 Frank Bruni
251 Sonic Reductionism 01:08:21 Briahna Joy Gray 06 October 2018
252 Rob Dreher's The Exorcist 01:31:46 Bryan Quinby and Brett Payne 09 October 2018 Rod Dreher
253 Full Goop Mode 01:12:42 12 October 2018
254 Best of the Midwest: Columbus & Chicago 01:42:10 Bryan Quinby and Brett Payne 15 October 2018 Campus Battlefield: How Conservatives Can WIN the Battle on Campus and Why It Matters by Charlie Kirk
255 Best of the Midwest: Mostly Minneapolis 01:07:21 20 October 2018
256 Ass, Grass or Sasse 01:05:00 22 October 2018
257 Public Banking 01:09:00 Josh Androsky 25 October 2018 David French
- Brazil 00:50:30 Ben Fogel Amber 26 October 2018
258 Lesko’s Lament 01:05:37 29 October 2018
259 The D’Souzaverse: Soros Rising 01:10:39 01 November 2018 Death of a Nation: Can We Save America a Second Time? By Dinesh D’Souza
260 Wonk the Pain Away: An Election Special 01:51:06 Will Sommer 04 November 2018
- Ham Man Bad 00:52:56 05 November 2018 Unintimidated by Scott Walker
261 Teen Party II 01:07:03 Brandon Wardell 08 November 2018
262 Blood and Cheesecake 01:23:48 11 November 2018
263 Who Defines the Definers? 01:11:09 15 November 2018
- Bonus: Chris Discusses U.S. Navy Bombing of the Mariana Islands 00:36:42 Sophia Perez Chris 16 November 2018
264 The Golden Ones 01:16:27 ContraPoints 18 November 2018
265 Thanksgiving Dinar 01:06:38 Felix, Matt, Will 21 November 2018
Bonus: Chris Talks Hurricane Relief & "Disaster Socialism" with Tallahassee DSA 00:43:56 Chris 22 November 2018
266 Rod Friended Me 01:22:00 James Adomian 27 November 2018 Rod Dreher
267 Eric the Bewitched 01:10:30 29 November 2018
268 Condom Depot Presents: Fighting in the Age of Horniness 01:09:00 Jon Bois Felix, Will, Amber 02 December 2018
269 Live at Princeton: Master Debaters 01:24:46 07 December 2018
270 Beto Males 01:24:31 Elizabeth Bruenig 10 December 2018 The Right War for the Right Reasons - The Weekly Standard, Why We Miss the WASPs
271 Hollow Men 01:18:56 Libby Watson Felix, Will 13 December 2018
272 The Butterfly Effect 01:11:25 Matt, Will, Amber 18 December 2018
273 Monoa, No Problem 01:16:07 21 December 2018 Aquaman
274 Chapo Trap House Presents: It's A Willderful Life 00:50:32 James Adomian, Katherine Krueger, Adam Friedland, Stavros Halkias, Nick Mullen Felix, Matt, Will, Amber, Virgil, Chris 24 December 2018
275 Tabletop Game Theory Pt. V: Musks of Nyarlathotep 02:25:18 Felix, Matt, Will 27 December 2018
276 Under the Hood at the Beltway Garage 01:08:55 31 December 2018
277 Tabletop Game Theory Pt. VI: Musks of Nyarlathotep 02:26:29 Felix, Matt, Will 03 January 2019
278 Vision 2020 01:08:59 06 January 2019 new congress (aoc, tlaib), trump wall fight
279 Paul Walls 01:10:33 Matt V. Brady 10 January 2019 Australian’s Have More Fun by Bari Weiss walls 10, AOC wikifeet 9
280 MacKenzie's 60 Billion Dollar Challenge 01:14:16 Amber, Matt, Will 14 January 2019 it's bernie bitch 8, bezos divorce/60bn 7
281 Burger Night 01:19:25 David Roth 16 January 2019 trump burgers and reactions 8.5, shutdown 8
282 Syzygy of a Down 01:23:31 Gillian Russom and Karla Griego 21 January 2019 abortion rally maga schoolkid video 9
283 Contrarian Corner 01:08:42 Felix, Will 24 January 2019 felix contrarian cold open 9, venezuela 7.5, harris declares 7.5, contrarian oscars 6
284 Dave & Busters 01:26:42 27 January 2019 shutdown end-strike, pelosi; immigration; trumpism after trump; bernie 2020; ojeda
Bonus: Venti Schultz Roast 20:02:00 28 January 2019 “Onward” and “Pour Your Heart Into It: How Starbucks Built a Company One Cup at a Time” by Howard Schultz
285 Studio 69 01:16:31 31 January 2019 Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip [2000s culture, serious comedy, credentialism, sfuture sorkin on podcasts]
286 Soul Man 01:08:48 05 February 2019 PSA against M4A, Bookefilibuster, Northam blackface, J Mendoza Ferrer
287 Killy Elliott 01:11:37 John Schwarz 07 February 2019 TOO NICE TO WIN? ISRAEL’S DILEMMA by John Podhoretz
288 So You Want to Start a Union Brace Belden 10 February 2019
289 Support the Tropes 01:13:38 14 February 2019 A Colossal Wreck by Alexander Cockburn omar antisemitic tropes 9*, omar on abrams 8, harris weed 8.5, larouche dead 85
290 Maximum Boot 01:09:15 Lyle Jeremy Rubin Felix, Matt, Will 18 February 2019 The Corrosion of Conservatism lydon larouche 7, max boot memoir+past 8, libs and neocons 9, "anti-war" tucker 8.5
291 Brnie or Bst 01:14:36 02 February 2019 The Classicist Who Sees Donald Trump as a Tragic Hero by Isaac Chotiner bernie declares (2016 rehash), b v warren, tulsi; NYT - idealist Bernie v pragmatic Klobuchar
292 Hats Off to Larry
293 The Nissan Sentra Cannot Hold Niskanen centre-moderation, horseshoe, Tony Blair speech
294 CPAC: Judgement Days 02:10:48 CPAC - wohl/loomer, kirk/don jfalwell jr, diamond and silk, TPUSA party, trump speech
295 Ballistic: Frost vs Menaker 07 March 2019 Sanders rally 7, Cuba 7, AOC on Omar 9.5
296 The Unsullied 01:09:10 11 March 2019 Ilhan Omar is the Steve King of the Left from WaPo and Ilhan Omar meets Mrs Maisel tucker radio leaks 7.5, Omar antis - M Mccain, Maisel fanfic, Omar=Steve King 9, yang gang 8
297 King, Warrior, Magician, Lover Rob Delaney 13 March 2019 college admissions 7, brexit votes 7, porn, NHS, shootings 8
This is Where I Leave EU
298 The Israel Nerd Eli Valley 18 March 2019 Trump’s Hannukah Party reminded me of why America is great for Jews NZ shooting- Chelsea heckled 9, M Mc on E Valley 8.5,
Bonus: Will Interviews Kim Stanley Robinson with The Antifada Kim Stanley Robinson 21 March 2019
299 All Cops Are Burgers 01:12:26 Bill Oakley 21 March 2019
300 EMERGENCY POD: THE MUELLER REPORT James Adomian (as Sebastian Gorka) 24 March 2019 Glenn Beck’s a Christmas Sweater
301 The Magicians Alex Pareene 27 March 2019
302 The Russia House Matt Taibbi 01 April 2019
303 In the Golan Heights Derek Davison 04 April 2019 Jackson Beale, Trump’s Intervention in Venezuela has stalled, The UK has gone mad by Thomas Friedman
304 Moby Dick Energy 01:21:33 08 April 2019
305 A Simple Plan Leigh Phillips and Michal Rozworski 11 April 2019
306 2 Cities, 1 Cup 01:27:53 14 April 2019 The Right Side of History by Ben Shapiro
307 The Inebriated Past: American Conspiracies 01:18:56 17 April 2019
308 There’s Nothing Like a Dame Nick Hayes 21 April 2019 The Rematch: Bernie Sanders versus a Clinton Loyalist, Stop Sanders Democrats are…
309 The Trumpman Prophecies 24 April 2019 The Trump Prophecy
Bonus: Virgil Interviews John Cameron Mitchell on "Anthem: Homunculus" John Cameron Mitchell 28 April 2019
Bonus: Amber Interviews Vivek Chibber on "The ABC's of Capitalism” Vivek Chibber 28 April 2019
310 Marianne Mindset 29 April 2019
311 2 Mountain, 2 Furious 02 May 2019
312 Kenneth Friendly's Scorpio Smiling Yael Bridge and Morgan Spector 06 May 2019
313 A Cure for Wellness 09 May 2019 Who is Arthur Chu?, Trust Pelosi
314 What, Us Worry? James Adomian 12 May 2019
315 A Song of Air and America Sam Seder 16 May 2019
316 PBS: Permanent Revolution Hasan Pikar 19 May 2019
317 Friends of the Pod 23 May 2019
318 Rahm Emmanuelle: The Joys of a Neolib Ryan Grim 27 May 2019
319 Live at Cornell: Perfect Balance 30 May 2019
320 Live from Berlin: Der Fonkybeatz 3 June 2019
321 Live from Glasgow: Bottle of Buckie 6 June 2019
322 Second Dark Age Alan Moore 10 June 2019
323 Best of UK Live: Toby Young Sex Diaries 13 June 2019
324 Live from Dublin: Irish Valor 17 June 2019
325 Living in America 20 June 2019
Bonus: Virgil Interviews Tiffany Cabán Tiffany Cabán 20 June 2019
326 Beltway Garage: Infinity Candidates 25 June 2019
Bonus: The Marianne Williamson Interview Marianne Williamson 26 June 2019
327 Have You Heard The Good News? David Sirota 28 June 2019
Bonus: Gremlins 2 Joe Dante 30 June 2019
328 Dios, Patria, Fueros, Rod 1 July 2019
329 The Inebriated Past, Part 5: DemoCRIPS and ReBLOODlicans 4 July 2019
330 Hunter on the Loose Will Sommer 8 July 2019
331 The Wide World of Warcraft John Dolan 10 July 2019
332 Fear of a Netroots Nation Brendan James 15 July 2019
Bonus: The Andrew Yang Interview Andrew Yang 18 July 2019
333 One in the Pinker 18 July 2019
334 American Mids 22 July 2019
335 Shrugging Towards Bethlehem Brace Belden and Liz Franczak 25 July 2019
336 Neom 2049 Glenn Greenwald 29 July 2019
337 I Think You Should Leave Brendan James 1 August 2019
338 Live from Traverse City: Michael and We Brendan James and Michael Moore 5 August 2019
339 House of the Rising Sundown 8 August 2019
340 A Big Bowl of Strawberry Ice Cream 12 August 2019
341 Live from Des Moines: Bring Out the Hogs! 15 August 2019
342 The Cuts Stay In The Podcast 20 August 2019
343 Checking the Dipstick 22 August 2019
344 Koch & Poll Torture 26 August 2019
AHOY! The Joe Sestak Interview Joe Sestak 27 August 2019
345 The Conspiracy Files: The Deep-ly Gay State 29 August 2019 JFK
346 Twisted Tales 3 September 2019
347 Renn Faire Stefan Heck 8 September 2019
348 Dragged Across Concrete Marcus Barnett and Osita Nwanevu 9 September 2019
389 The Righteous Fallwells 12 September 2019
350 Gotta Have My Pop! 16 September 2019
Bonus Interview: Tom O'Neill and Chaos Tom O'Neill 16 September 2019
351 Give Up Your Inquiries Which Are Completely Useless Nick Mullen 20 September 2019 Eyes Wide Shut
352 Rod Dreher's The Exorcist II 24 September 2019
353 The Education of a Cynic Jon Schwarz 26 September 2019 Samantha Power's book The Education of an Idealist
Bonus: Tabletop Game Theory Origins: Mr. Jeffstein's House 30 September 2019
354 Thou, Nature, Art My Goddess 1 October 2019
355 North American Scum Luke Savage and Don Hughes 3 October 2019
Bonus: The Bernie Sanders Interview Bernie Sanders 4 October 2019
356 Sympathy for the Joker Jen Pan, Nick Mullen, Adam Friedland and Matt V. Brady 8 October 2019
357 We Have a Rat Problem Tim Heidecker 10 October 2019 Heidecker's film Mister America
358 World on a Wire Naomi Klein 14 October 2019 Klein's 2nd episode
359 SSSSSSSSMoking with Slavoj Slavoj Žižek 17 October 2019
360 Bernie Blanco Goes To Queens Matt Karp 21 October 2019
361 The Brothers Brendan James 25 October 2019 The Reliant
362 Wet Sauce Kenzo Shibata 28 October 2019
363 Epstein Ain't Going Away Brace Belden 31 October 2019
364 Human Deadspinality Project David Roth 4 November 2019
365 Big Johnson's Hard Election Grace Blakeley 7 November 2019
366 The Terminal 12 November 2019
368 High, High Hopes feat. Kathryn Ledebur Kathryn Ledebur 18 November 2019
369 CIA Jim: Caracas Connection 18 November 2019 Jack Ryan
370 WeWork Will Set You Free 25 November 2019
371 Beltway Garage: The Legend of Bernie's Gold 28 November 2019
372 Karmala Police 2 December 2019
373 It's Demon Night In America! 5 December 2019
374 Perverts of Interest 9 December 2019
375 Live in London: Chapo Calling feat. Rob Delaney Rob Delaney 12 December 2019
376 Imagine A World Without 17 December 2019
377 Escape from UK 20 December 2019
378 Imagine A World Without 23 December 2019
379 A Very COBRA Christmas 25 December 2019
380 Imagine Our Dumb Decade 30 December 2019
381 Pod Tweet America 2 January 2020
Bonus: So, I Just Watched 300... feat. Derek Davison Derek Davison 6 January 2020
382 Falcon Seeks Falconer feat. Briahna Joy Gray Briahna Joy Gray 6 January 2020
383 No War But The Meme War 10 January 2020
384 Beltway Garage: Warren Strikes Back 14 January 2020
385 Lyin' Liz feat. Brendan James Brendan James 17 January 2020
386 Brother Magic feat. Josh and Benny Safdie Josh and Benny Safdie 20 January 2020
Bonus: Will Interviews Nithya Raman Nithya Raman 22 January 2020
387 The Royals 23 January 2020
388 A Perfectly Frumulent Episode 28 January 2020 POLITICO - ‘They let him get away with murder’ & Bernie Can't Win by David Frum
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what is the juggalo gang video

The FBI  Juggalos & A Gang Report  Why It's So Blank ... Juggalo gang - Dont mess with the juggalo gang - YouTube Twiztids Words on the FBI Juggalo Gang List, Fact vs ... Juggalo Gang Related Activities! - YouTube Juggalo Gang Secrets - YouTube Juggalos vs. the FBI: Why Insane Clown Posse Fans are Not ...

Juggalo gang members are notable for their tendency toward extremely brutal and wanton violence. Juggalo gangs generally prefer edged weapons such as hatchets, machetes, and medieval battle-axes to firearms, and said gangs have been linked to a string of grisly murders throughout the United States. (U) A new gang called the “Juggalo Killers” allegedly assaulted a 19 year-old female by knocking her unconscious and carving the initials JK into her chest in Ogden, Utah, on 9 October 2010.7 (U) Two males classified as Juggalos were arrested by the Corvallis Police Department Juggalo gangs are criminal groups using the name and associated imagery from Juggalo culture, dedicated fans of the rap group Insane Clown Posse or any other Psychopathic Records artist. [5] [1] [2] [3] [6] As a result, Juggalos have been classified as a criminal street gang by government and law enforcement agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, [3] the National Gang ... This gang classification came as a direct result of an increase in the amount of organized gangs associating themselves with Juggalos in 21 states. These Juggalo gangs are typically offshoots of pre-existing gangs such as the Bloods, Crips, Sureños, and even white supremacist gangs such as the Aryan Brotherhood and the Ku Klux Klan (NGIC 7). Allies. Bloods, Crips, Gangster Disciples, Folk Nation, Insane Cobra Nation, People Nation, Vice Lords, Aryan Brotherhood, Aryan Circle, Simon City Royals. Rivals. MS-13. Juggalo (or Juggalette for females) is a name given to dedicated fans of the rap group Insane Clown Posse or any other Psychopathic Records artist. According to that FBI report, entitled “National Gang Threat Assessment: Emerging Trends,” ICP fans were involved in several incidents which legitimized the threat assessment issued by the agency, including one case where “two suspected Juggalo associates were charged with beating and robbing an elderly homeless man.” Fans of notorious US hip-hop group Insane Clown Posse have been officially classified as a gang. A new FBI document has categorised the Juggalos as a "loosely-organised hybrid gang," citing the ... Gang Association. Juggalos are a group of lower class outsiders who resist societal norms, but are bonded by their common love of friendship, individualism, and music. Although Juggalos view themselves as a family who faces struggles together, in 2011 the FBI put a damper on their subculture by classifying them as a gang (Linnemann 2016). FBI classifies Juggalos as a ‘gang’. The FBI has classified fans of the Detroit-based hip-hop band Insane Clown Posse--who call themselves Juggalos and paint their faces like their heroes--as a... But back in 2011, the Justice Department's National Gang Intelligence Center decided the Juggalos were a "loosely organized hybrid gang," like the Crips, Bloods and MS

what is the juggalo gang top

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The FBI Juggalos & A Gang Report Why It's So Blank ...

Juggalos are the biggest gang on the streets - we under the streetsso if your a crip or a blood - WATCH OUT FOR THE JUGGALOS!!!!so instead of SOO-WOOPwatch o... The FBI Juggalos & A Gang Report Why It's So Blank Juggalo MarchOriginally Broadcast 7-12-18https://www.BeastHostBeard.comThe FBI Juggalos & A Gang R... Juggalos have secrets that they don't want people to know about. My husband Nappy J displays how us Juggalos roll, we gangsta, we hardcore. West side! You may already know Juggalos, the fans of Detroit horrorcore rap group Insane Clown Posse (ICP), from Buzzfeed lists, television shows like Workaholics, or ... Twiztids Words on the FBI Juggalo Gang List, Fact vs Fiction!The FBI Documents Article: https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2013/mar/07/fbi-reveals-why-it...

what is the juggalo gang

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