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Bets and Bravery: Chapter 999!

The Tobi Roppo appear in all their animal glory: catboys, scalies, and spidergirls, oh my! Marco appears to provide the Strawhats a path up to the action while the 1v1's settle into place. And as all of this is happening, Apoo just fucking dies. Pour one out.


Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, and everybody in between, welcome back to...

Bets and Bravery!

Welcome one, welcome all, we're glad to have you! If you're new to Bets and Bravery, B&B is a weekly thread on this subreddit where users bet with fake currency, the Beli from in-universe, on what they think will happen in each week's chapter in a series of bets made by yours truly. I keep track of everyone's money in a giant Google Sheet, which is available in the links above. So, if you're new, enjoy your time! But, if you're a regular on this thread, we're glad to see you back at OnePiece's unofficial official pasttime!
I hope you've all had a good week so far with whatever's been happening in your lives. If you haven't had such a good week so far, I'm wishing the best for you and hope I can brighten your day even a little bit with this post.
Before we get started, let's refresh your memory of last chapter to get you back on betting track!

Last Time on One Piece

So, let's talk about that chapter.
With the arrival of Marco the Plotconvenience, Chopper is finally given a chance to do something this arc as he prepares to mass-produce the Ice Oni antibodies. With the samurai defending Chopper, the Strawhats are given an opportunity to head toward the roof with Marco while Drake also gets a chance to kill Apoo like Zoro before him. In a rapid-fire segment of showcases, we're treated to Shogun Franky vs Triceratops Sasaki, Sanji vs Spidergirl Black Maria, Jinbe vs Sabertooth Tiger Who's Who, and a glimpse of Page One and Ulti who have begun to chase down Nami and Usopp. Hiding from the battle, Momo and Yamato arrive at a dragon statue destroyed years ago by Portgas D. Ace, who came to Wano to kill Kaido.
With that out of the way, let's get into the real meat of the thread...

Chapter 999 Betting

The Bets of the Week

Bet 425

Rounding out the last of the battles against the Tobi Roppo is the 4th Floor Cat Café Battle of the Jaws: Who's Who, the Sabertooth Tiger, vs Jinbe, the Strawhat Pirates' Helmsman. Apparently an enigmatic figure from Jinbe's past, Who's Who mentions he met the fishman once before when Jinbe was still a Shichibukai, although Jinbe doesn't recognize him as is. We're not here to discuss Who Who's Who is right now, since I can save that for another day when I can't think up bets for the next chapter but rather it's time for everyone's favorite classic bet: the fight winner!
Wielding an Ancient Zoan Devil Fruit gives Who's Who a clear boost from the start, with plenty focus already on their high stamina reserves following Sanji's clash with Page One. And, given we're reaching the upper echelons of Kaido's crew, I wouldn't be surprised if a couple of his subordinates also had the ability of Awakened Devil Fruits, which further boost a Zoan's stamina and recovery abilities according to Crocodile. On the other hand, Jinbe has proven time and time again he's a force to be reckoned with. As a former Shichibukai, his skills are no joke. He's shown Armament Haki ability able to withstand attacks from Big Mom and Fishman Karate techniques able to send the Yonkou flying back as well. It certainly won't be an easy battle for either combatant, but we still must ask the question. Dear audience, who will win the fight on the 4th Floor Cat Café?

Bet 426

With the sudden appearance of Marco the Phoenix, things are starting to look up for the Strawhats on the Stage Floor. Aside from Robin, who could also conveniently fly the crew up top or raise them up with "Mil Fleur" techniques but won't because Oda is definitely saving her for her fight against Black Maria and definitely didn't forget about Robin like c'mon, neither Brook nor Zoro has the ability to just quickly scale Onigashima to reach the roof. But with Marco's arrival and Drake's vow to keep everything under control, it seems as though a chance has arrived to breach the dome roof.
However, two very big problems are still in the way: King and Queen. When Luffy tried to reach the roof from the Stage Floor a couple chapters ago, he was stopped by Queen and sent back down, forcing him to find another route up top. Although Marco can fly, will he be able to outmaneuver and outpace both King and Queen before they can stop their ascent? I doubt two Yonkou commanders will just let the Strawhats go, especially since Queen has noted that Zoro and Sanji were top-priority threats that needed to be addressed. Dear audience, will Marco be able to take the Strawhats up to Onigashima's roof?

Bet 427

Although he's only made a couple appearances throughout the story, the legacy left behind by the late Portgas D. Ace cannot be understated. Luffy's brother, Whitebeard's son, wielder of the Mera Mera, Ace was a frightening pirate up until his last breath 2 years ago in Marineford. However, before joining Whitebeard's crew, Ace had made landfall in Wano after reaching the New World, befriending O-Tama of Amigasa Village and Yamato in Onigashima.
After reaching a safe place from Kaido's forces, Yamato reveals to Momo that the dragon statue sitting before them was destroyed by Ace personally in his quest to kill Kaido. There's plenty of history yet to be revealed involving Ace's past with Wano: How and why was he there? Why did he plan to kill Kaido? Why didn't he tell Whitebeard about the problem facing Oden's homeland? It looks like Yamato will divulge some information regarding this in the next chapter, which is getting me fired up. Let's make some bets on this upcoming flashback. Dear audience, did Ace kill Kaido while he was in Wano? how long will Ace's flashback last?

Bet 428

This bet is where you can bet how many pages Chapter 999 will feature!
Note: Shounen Jump covers, fan art pages, or translator note pages from early scans or the official release are not counted here. Double page spreads are counted as two separate pages. Color pages and color spreads are counted. Cover story serials and fan-requested cover pages are counted.

Bet 429

Our final bet this week is about the main focus of this week's chapter! The chapter may cover multiple storylines, in which case, the correct answer will be whichever storyline the chapter gave the most attention to in terms of pages or panels, should it get that close!

Weekly Mini-Game

With the return of Portgas D. Ace, it's only fitting this week's mini-game focus on the man of the hour! Dear audience, I want you to guess in how many panels Fire Fist Ace will appear throughout Chapter 999!
Guess 100% correctly on this, and you'll receive a whopping 1,500,000 Beli! If nobody guesses correctly, the closest answer receives 750,000 Beli! If multiple people guess correctly or are evenly close to the correct answer, the bounty is evenly split among them to the nearest 1,000 Beli!

End of Chapter 999 Betting

And with that, we've come to the end of another exciting week of Betting and Bravery! I hope you enjoyed what we had this week, as I enjoyed making B&B for you!
Now, please listen to the following tutorial on how to play:
Perhaps u/BigBetsMcGee sensed a powerful foe and is keeping them off our back!
I see, I've still got a lot to learn about the color of betservation!
9M on 425A!
900K on 426B!
900K on 427A!
9M on 428B!
90M on 429A!
19 panels for the WMG!

Notes and Reminders

Are you new to Bets and Bravery? If so, welcome, we're always glad to see newcomers! As a first login bonus, you'll get to start with 1,000,000 Beli to bet with however you want!
Are all your bets ending up missing the mark? Have your bets and Beli ended up frozen and left you penniless? Worry not, just for showing up each week you get 10,000 Beli for free which you can jump right back into the betting with!

Thanks for Participating!

Thanks to everyone out there who dropped by to read this thread, whether all the way through, just skimming, or just dropping by to see what this thread was. I'm truly grateful you all come by and support my work here as much as you do, so thank you! I hope I can keep living up to your expectations as host!
We're officially one chapter away from the big 1000 now, it's actually so crazy! Expect a very special B&B next time worthy of a very special One Piece chapter!
I wish you all good luck on this week's bets, and I will see you all back later this week after the chapter drops and the results thread is out for you all to see how you did! Until next time!
submitted by MADKITTIEZ to OnePiece [link] [comments]

First Contact - Part Thirty-One

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Admiral Yamamoto stood on the deck of his flagship, watching the repairs to his ships through the main viewscreen. Sure, he could transfer the feed from the various satellites to his implants but there was something about sitting in his command cradle and watching it on the viewscreen.
The Super-Carrier Days Night Darkly had taken a couple of broadsides when its main repulsor fields had gone down and the engineers weren't sure if it wouldn't just be better to rebuild it from the ground up. The ship's AI, Scanning Dark Nights, had been killed when its supercoolant had boiled away and two thirds of its crew were either dead or needed extensive biomatter reconstruction. Worse, its SUDS rack had taken a hit and it lost the recent mental engram backups of its pilots. He looked over the damage to the superstructure and computer systems and slated it for reclamation.
The superdreadnaught Tiger Tiger had taken a barrage across the upper decks, wiping out the guns, with one lucky shot hitting the medbay. It could be repaired. He signed off on bringing it back up to fighting condition.
The Arizona had, of course, taken a hit directly to the magazines and had damn near broken in half. Yamamoto shook his head. He never understood why ships with that name kept being commissioned. A quick query of his datalink told him that every single one commissioned since the US/Japanese Hawaii Incident had taken a hit directly to the magazines that gutted the ship. He sighed, signed off on the write-off, and moved on.
On TerraSol's shipyards a new Arizona was commissioned within a year.
The Lucky Shamrock had been boarded but had repelled the boarders after some fierce fighting. Yamamoto looked over the ship's specs and ordered the shipboard marines be replaced by Confed Marines, thought for a second, then sent out the orders that all shipboard marines would be replaced by Confed Marine Corps service members for the duration. All shipboard marines would be moved to other duties.
One of the Adaptus Cruisers, I See You, had taken serious damage and was dead in the water. It's computer system was still working but not responding to signals. It was surrounded by debris and recon drones showed that the resource scavenger pods from it were busy scavenging materials. Yamamoto ordered it destroyed by standoff weapons followed by omnidirectional plasma bursts, marked it as priority, and sent it off. Those things could go real lethal real fast.
The list of damaged ships went on and on, but Yamamoto didn't see anything that couldn't be handled by the XO or any of his other officers still in the queue. He gave a heaving sigh and turned away from the display to see his XO standing by the elevator. The Treana'ad looked tired to Yamamoto but it was understandable. It had taken almost four Terran standard days to flush the last of the Precursor machines from the system and the fighting on the ground on several of the outer planets, barren of everything but resources, was going on fast and furious.
The Terran Marine commander had reported casualties within the low side of the expected amounts.
"These machines can't fight worth shit," was all he'd put in the remarks section.
Admiral Yamamoto had a shipyard's worth the new construction orders that put lie to that. But then, the Marine Colonel had different standards and ground combat was different than space combat. A Marine warborg missing both legs and an arm would redesignate himself as "MATT" and keep shooting with his onboard weaponry. A ship missing its engines was basically a kill.
Yamamoto found himself snorting at his own joke when the computer reminded him that Marines were often referred to as "crayon eaters" and presented him a badly scribbled picture of the Marine Colonel done in crayon.
Rear Admiral (Upper Half) Michi Kaka-lakik watched his CO carefully, noting the exhaustion in the human's movements. He queried the computer and found out that that the Admiral had missed his last sleep cycle.
"Any status changes?" Yamamoto asked his XO, triggering a stim.
"The wog... I mean, the locals want to talk to you," Michi answered, giving the best approximation of a human shrug. Like many Treana'ad in the Confederate military, he found human vocal tones and body movements pleasing to emulate.
Michi's first combat action as a ship's Captain he had stood on the bridge yelling "GET SOME, MOTHERFUCKERS! GET SOME!" at the pirate ships in his best imitation of a human's voice and it was the best memory of his life. He could still smell the stale odor of the armored vac-suit, feel the slight tickle from one of the fans of the ancient suit's air circulation system, and the knowing chuckle of his XO.
"Let me guess, they're objecting that I'm following Unified Population Council directorates and sending all non-essential citizens of the Unified Civilized Races out of the system," Yamamoto said, leaning against Com-7's station.
He and the XO were the only beings in the armored Fleet Combat Control Center.
"They've gratefully thanked us for driving out the robots and are now asking we leave," Michi answered. "They say they have it under control and have reminded us that this planet is property of some industrial concern."
"There's a native species, right?" Yamamoto asked.
"Yes, sir. A small species of lemur, about half the size of a human, furry, tails, opposable thumbs. Looks like they got to radio transmission and the industrial concerns rolled in an took over their system," The XO answered. "Which, sir, presents us a problem."
Yamamoto nodded, feeling the stim course through his veins, pushing away fatigue. His implant warned him that he was at the max for stim injection outside of combat action. "That it does, One, that it does."
Michi checked the ships computer for a split second, looking over Confederate legal codes again. "By our own laws, the possession of the planet defaults to the gensis species. By these Unified goobers," Michi loved that word. How it was grossly sticky and brought into mind grub-mucus. "Think that because they came in and surpressed these guys and rebuilt their worlds and enslaved the species that makes the world theirs."
Yamamoto sighed again. "What does JAG say? And please don't call our hosts goobers."
"Yes, sir," Michi answered. He shifted slightly to signify a return to the subject. "The Unified Civilized Species are not treaty or agreement bonded. They've barely opened up diplomatic channels and it is the opinion of JAG that the best bet the Navy can do is to follow our own laws and regulations."
"Which means turning the system over to the original species once the fighting is over," Yamamoto said. He shook his head. "And as soon as we leave, the Unified Corporate Council will just roll these little guys over again," He looked at his datalink. Not much was known about them except for their physical appearance. There DNA code had a note next to it that the species had been genetically altered in the past to reduce aggression and make them more pliable. "This is a mess, One."
"That's why you get paid the big buck, sir," Michi said, tossing up a couple of amusement icons.
"All right. Space Force is on the way. The Navy is on its own till the big boys get here. We'll ask the locally evolved sapient species if we can start building a starbase here. This system is the leading edge of that wedge of Precursor trash flowing out of the Great Gulf and the last thing we want is the Precursors rolling up and reminding everyone that they had first claim on this system back before the dinosaurs got their skulls caved in," Yamamoto said, turning to look at the viewscreen again. "We're banged up pretty..."
The lights switched to red and Yamamoto got the implant alert at the same time as Captain Naxton ordered all crew to action stations over the intercom.
"Now what?" Yamamoto asked, moving to his crash couch. The ship's medical VI lifted the lockdown on stims for the Admiral but dedicated a code string to watching the biological's vitals.
"Unknown, sir," The XO said, moving over to his own crash couch.
Fleet readiness status started flashing up. Only a fifth of the fleet's ships had been on standby, the rest undergoing refit, rearming, or repair. The crews had been exhausted and Yamamoto hoped that the crews had used their rest periods more wisely than he himself had done as an ensign.
Yeah, why don't you wish for a pony too, he thought to himself.
Icons started shifting from green to yellow, from yellow to amber, from amber to the crimson icon of full readiness.
Guys, you aren't fooling anyone, He thought, watching as the icon for the Arizona went blue with a red ring to just red. The icon started to shift, get into formation, and he shook his head. The ship's AI notified him that the Arizona was under local control, with only VI's, without the ship AI, and that it was not combat effective and should be ordered to shut back down.
Yamamoto told the AI to relax, if the Arizona wanted to fight, well...
Nearly eighteen hundred points had jumped into the system, arriving outside the jumpspace boundary and rapidly heading in-system. They had gathered up in a combat formation, a long wide line, only two ships deep and five ships high, spread out in a razor sharp line. The ships were all less than a mile from one another, dangerously close for space combat.
Looking over the formation Yamamoto curled his lip slightly. That formation had gone out with the invention of the man portable self-loading chemical projectile rifle. If it was meant for combat then whoever was in those ships was about to get a lesson in modern warfare tactics.
"Somewhere, some Space Force strategic officer's head just exploded inside his vac-suit," Michi said, clicking his laughter.
"I think the ships AI's strategy and tactics coding is having a stroke," Yamamoto chuckled as the personnel flooded into the fleet tactical bridge. Yamamoto could feel the air being pulled back into storage, to be pressurized and frozen into slush.
That's not funny, the ship's AI said primly though Yamamoto's link.
"Get whoever that is on the com," Yamamoto ordered.
Captain Naxton had ordered the ships to get underway, let the formation shake out as they figured out which ships were still action capable and which ones weren't.
The Arizona was claiming to have full secondary magazines and that it had repaired and reloaded the primary magazine that had been hit during the battle.
The Fleet AI checked, loading into the Arizona's memory cores. The ship's AI's death screams were still rippling through the computer systems, but the AI could ignore it. It looked at the repair and damage control logs.
The Arizona's captain had ordered the magazines and the feed systems prioritized even over repairing environmentals. Only gravitics had been put on the same weight for the ship's deadbrain damage repair systems. The Combat Gestalt for the ship was a whirling nightmare but as far the AI was concerned, that was normal. The shields were all up, the engines at 100%, and the Fleet AI could hear the anticipation in the crew's comlinks.
The Fleet AI disconnected and reported to the Admiral that even though you could see whatever was on the other side of the Arizona in four places its engines, shielding, and guns were at full capacity.
Yamamoto watched as the other fleet came into the system. The ships were unidentified types, all jumpspace engines, the ships were slow and lumbering with low acceleration curves and what appeared to be fairly low inertial and gravitic compensators.
The recon probes, stealthed and sneaky, whispered back across point to point FTL links and the data started streaming in. The Fleet AI blinked and double-checked, then sighed and sent it to tactical.
You have to be kidding me, Verthimax, the Tactical AI replied.
Nope. No tricks, Gamelon, the Fleet AI answered.
The new ships were of unknown type, unknown paint scheme, unknown IFF beacons, but they all had names on them that fit within the Unified Civilized Races lexicons as well as using Unified characters for the names. Scans showed they were crewed by only two of the Unified Civilized Races species. Weapons were scanned, laughed at by the VI's on the recon probes, then scanned again and the specs transmitted to Fleet with giggling laughing tachyons.
This is going to be a slaughter if these guys get stupid, Tactical/Gamelon said, examining shield strength and armor thickness.
Why is it that everyone looks at humans and thinks 'oh, I can beat these guys. All 10,000 of those other guys just didn't think magical thoughts well enough' or whatever it is mentally defective beings think right before the jump the Terrans? The ship's AI for the CSV Arthur Layon asked.
They all think 'oh, it'll be different THIS time' right before they pull the trigger, the AI for the CSV P'Thok snickered. It threw up a picture of a cartoon duck with its feathers blown off its head, staring at the barrels of a weapon in exasperated boredom.
And it always goes the same way, the AI for the CSV Hobo with a Shotgun laughed, sending a picture of that same little black duck stomping a genie back into its lamp.
Well, we thought we could take them. Twice, the CSV No uWu Zone laughed. We, oh beings of logic and science, looked at a hyperventilating gigantic hairless ape with chainsword arms and a massive erection and went 'oh, let's get naked, slather our orifices in lubricant, and then fist-fight that!' instead of backing away slowly.
That resulted in a ripple of laughter from the AI's, the discussion only taking a few seconds. When the laughter died down they all wished each other luck and went back to the shepherding their ships.
"Ships have been identified as belonging to the Unified Corporate Council," Tac-7 called out.
Yamamoto raised an eyebrow. What do these morons want? The battle's over.
"Sir, they're hailing us," Com-2 reported.
Yamamoto closed his eyes and accessed his EVR Ready Room. He pinged selected officers, warned them that this was an official military meeting and that uniform standards were to be followed, and then waited. One by one the officers appeared, looking as if they were ready for parade and nodded.
"Excellent, gentlebeings. No leather, no iron masks, no neon blue three tailed foxes. Very professional," Yamamoto said.
His officers laughed at the reminder of the last ship's party.
"Put them through, EVR only on our end," Yamamoto ordered.
Yamamoto could never remember what the big centaur looking ones were, with the weird inflatable ruffles, the jowls, and the mouth tendrils. All he knew is it looked like someone made a centaur out of a horse, a cow, and a catfish mouth.
If you weren't intelligent you'd be waiting for a bolt gun to your dumb looking face, Yamamoto thought. His VI noticed that the Admiral was still in combat mode and notified the psychological AI to keep watch on the Admiral.
Admiral Yamamoto expected the being to being mooing at him but instead it put its fists against the front hips, leaned forward, exhaled hard enough to make the jowls shiver.
"The Kilnametik Industrial and Manufacturing Concern demands that you return this system to the rightful owners this very cycle," It huffed.
"I'm sorry. You've reached the Terran Confederate Navy. Were you perhaps attempting to reach our complaint department or the TerraSol Diplomatic Corps?" Admiral Yamamoto said mildly. He managed to avoid glaring at the XO, who was over the there snickering into his grasping hands.
"We know very well who you are and what you have been doing," The creature snuffled. "We know that you plan on turning over ownership and control of this system to the race that was discovered here."
"It's their home," Yamamoto said calmly.
The XO, following the long standing tradition of XO's, turned and faced the snuffling creature and gave off the aura of someone amused at the inferiority of the being addressing the XO-being's captain. To Yamamoto's horror the Treana'ad actually put two of his legs over the arm of his char and began swinging back and forth slightly, rubbing the sides of his mandibles with one grasping hand.
Don't make me hit you, Yamamoto signaled his XO.
"They, and this system, are the property of..." the being began rambling. Yamamoto sighed and tuned it out. Legal precedent this. Property rights that. The being began to notice Rear Admiral Michi's attitude and body language.
The being began to stumble over its words, phrasing, and seemed to puff up every inflatable crest and tendril it possessed.
"Return this system at once!" The being yelled when Michi slowly clacked his mandibles and turned his chair to put his feet on the arm of the Chief Engineer's chair and on the table.
"Or what?" Yamamoto asked suddenly, sitting up. He was tired of this. Two huge fleets converging and this being acted like he was going to talk through the entire battle.
Michi sat up, at attention, as if he was suddenly reminded where he was.
"Or we'll open fire, destroy you, and take the system ourselves," The being said. "Leave, or be destroyed."
With that it cut the link.
"What is it about that posing positions cycle that drives beings so maddening frothing at the orifices insane?" Michi wondered allowed. "Why is the Riker Effect so effective, no matter what race performs it?"
"Why ask why? It's just one of those strange universal laws that can be replicated in study after study but there's no evidence for why it works," The ship's AI said.
"Maintain heading. Let's see what they've got," Yamamoto said.
"And if they fire on us?" Michi asked.
"Then they learn why that is a bad idea," Yamamoto answered.
Michi clicked his mandibles in appreciation. He knew they would. They always did.
It was just as assured as the Riker Effect.
Interstellar diplomatic incident has occurred. All diplomat guard forces move to Alert Level Two.
It never fails. Never.
"Sure, that massive primate just dismembered sixteen other people, I'm sure I can fist fight it!"
Every. Time.
-------NOTHING FOLLOWS-------
"Surely this time it'll work! I'll kick it in the testicles while it's asleep!"
"Pfft, its old. It can't hurt anyone. The future is now. Watch me put my head in its mouth after shampooing with BBQ sauce!"
-------NOTHING FOLLOWS--------
"Pfft, surely this giant ape, furiously masturbating, covered in blood, sitting on a throne of skulls and wearing an iron crown with still screaming severed heads on the points, will surely not respond violently to any action I perform."
--------NOTHING FOLLOWS-------
"I know the other 9,999 of my clone brothers were horribly dismembered and eat, but surely I, exactly the same as the others, is the CHOSEN ONE!"
-----------NOTHING FOLLOWS---------
"They're just meat. They can't... OH GOD, WHY WAS I WIRED TO FEEL PAIN!"
-------NOTHING FOLLOWS---------
Hardy-fucking-har-har. I can HEAR you guys.
-----NOTHING FOLLOWS----------
The small interstellar chatroom dissolved into laughter and giggles, vanishing off into the distance of the information black hole's event horizon.
submitted by Ralts_Bloodthorne to HFY [link] [comments]

Space Runaway Ideon 40th Anniversary Rewatch - Episode 34 Discussion

Episode 34 - After The Meteors Fall

Originally Aired December 24th, 1980
◄ Previous Episode | Index | Next Episode ►
MAL | ANN | Anilist | AnimePlanet | IMDB
Note to all participants
Although I don't believe it necessitates stating, please conduct yourself appropriately and be court to your fellow participants.
Note to all Rewatchers
Rewatchers, please be mindful of your fellow first-timers and tag your spoilers appropriately using the anime spoiler tag as so [Spoiler Subject](/s "Spoilers go here.") in order to have your unsightly spoilers obscured like this Spoiler Subject if your comment holds even the slightest of indicators as to future spoilers. Feel free to discuss future plot points behind the safe veil of a spoiler tag, or coyly and discreetly ‘Laugh in Rewatcher’ at our first-timers' temporary ignorance, but please ensure our first-timers are no more privy or suspicious than they were the moment they opened the day’s thread.
Note to all First-timers:
First-timers, be aware that you too could have unwanted influence upon others’ perception of future events, so please be careful and use a spoiler tag when disclosing any predictions or inferences that you wouldn’t have wanted to know were they to be true.
Comment of the Day
Btw_kek pitches in on the coin flip scene.
The coin flip was an interesting way to end the episode (again, if it ended up tails I would have been pissed). Perhaps it's a concession that people actually can't mutually understand each other, so why not leave it to chance? And truth be told, with people like Kasha around who cannot conceive of the word "trust," a coin flip might be the crew's best bet.
Daily Trivia:
Expecting carnage to befall the characters, Kaneto Shiozawa was glad to voice the narrator, who couldn’t die. So he became annoyed when his narration gets purposely cut off by the sound of the meteors, saying; "Isn't the narrator an exception?".
Staff Highlight
Hidekatsu Shibata
An actor, voice actor, and stage director who provides the voice of the Ide. He used to have a severe stutter, which even prevented him from making use of public transport, and initially joined his high schools drama club to overcome it. He became a voice actor at the suggestion of friend and later close colleague Susumu Kubo —alongside whom he established Aoni Productions in 1969— and his first role was as Mr. X in Tiger Mask. He has won several awards due to his contributions to entertainment industry, and in 2004 he established RME Co., and permanently relocated his office there from Aoni Productions this year. Notable roles include Zenon in Devilman, the narrator in Fairy Tail, Burt Gaine in Future War 198x, Count Mecha in the Galazy Express 999* franchise, Kenzō Kabuto in Great Mazinger, Baron Ashura in Mazinger Z, God in In The Beginning - The Bible Stories, Geese Howard in the Fatal Fury films, Fuhrer King Bradrey in Fullmetal Alchemist, Gregor von Muckenberger in Legend of The Galactic Heroes, and Nigira in Ushio & Tora.
Art Corner:
Official Art
(Be mindful of the links to artist’s profiles, as they may contain NSFW content. Proceed there at your own risk.)
Screenshot of the day
Collection of Wills
Questions of the Day:
1) With the meteors materializing right behind the Solo Ship, it has a bigger target in it than ever. How do you think this’ll affect things going forward?
2) What do you make of Bes’ communion with the Ide’s Sentience?
We possess a large amount of power that we do not know how to control.
submitted by Pixelsaber to anime [link] [comments]

Subreddit Stats: FairytaleasFuck top posts from 2018-09-28 to 2020-09-30 12:25 PDT

Period: 733.37 days
Submissions Comments
Total 999 13788
Rate (per day) 1.36 18.79
Unique Redditors 452 6458
Combined Score 1063853 148851

Top Submitters' Top Submissions

  1. 155700 points, 90 submissions: Iangator
    1. This stunning castle has been owned and occupied by the same branch of family for over 850 years, or 33 generations to be exact. (3957 points, 135 comments)
    2. Castle: check. Moat: check. Stunning? Check. (3564 points, 46 comments)
    3. Purple. Very, very purple path (3448 points, 21 comments)
    4. This place looks soooo majestic (3281 points, 57 comments)
    5. A lovely, warm floating sanctuary (3246 points, 23 comments)
    6. The fog really makes this photo (3192 points, 25 comments)
    7. This is one sexy viaduct! (3113 points, 35 comments)
    8. That is one long dock (2906 points, 50 comments)
    9. Cherry blossoms ftw (2894 points, 12 comments)
    10. An autumn forest. 50% downloaded (2687 points, 19 comments)
  2. 131766 points, 75 submissions: HellsJuggernaut
    1. The Woodcutters village (3603 points, 33 comments)
    2. The Queen's ball is tonight but with this weather will anyone come ? (3588 points, 34 comments)
    3. The Village Path (3164 points, 28 comments)
    4. "It was this very chair that she sat and watched the ducks go by on the water" (3061 points, 54 comments)
    5. Go on a crusade they said, we'll keep the moat clean they said (3033 points, 45 comments)
    6. Mermaids once used to visit here, but that was long ago (2974 points, 28 comments)
    7. Sometimes the water sounds like The Faeries giggling (2947 points, 15 comments)
    8. Pumpkin Paradise (2884 points, 27 comments)
    9. There's no way our donkey can carry both of us up that path (2762 points, 49 comments)
    10. Rasputin's birthplace (2758 points, 32 comments)
  3. 53340 points, 48 submissions: One_Four_Five
    1. The Witches Garden (4017 points, 33 comments)
    2. The Lonely Mountain (4001 points, 46 comments)
    3. Library Fairies (3581 points, 27 comments)
    4. The Huntress (2840 points, 22 comments)
    5. The Huntsman's Hollow (2676 points, 21 comments)
    6. “No king has a throne more beautiful than a bench covered with the autumn leaves!” (2594 points, 17 comments)
    7. Lothlórien (2335 points, 7 comments)
    8. The Huntsman's House [Fictional Friday] (2116 points, 10 comments)
    9. An Enchanting Pathway (2009 points, 17 comments)
    10. The Goblin Forest (1935 points, 12 comments)
  4. 38694 points, 48 submissions: earthmoonsun
    1. Abandoned - and the dragons turned to stone (2453 points, 25 comments)
    2. The magic potion factory exploded (2230 points, 19 comments)
    3. Home of the Forest Spirits (1973 points, 9 comments)
    4. The Dragon's Bathtub (1897 points, 27 comments)
    5. Mirror, mirror on the wall... here comes the Mirror Spider (1853 points, 40 comments)
    6. Not all fairy-tales happen in the countryside... (1793 points, 19 comments)
    7. The well of wisdom (1788 points, 8 comments)
    8. Monarch's Way on Halnaker Hill, near Chichester (Photo: Mark Couper) (1632 points, 17 comments)
    9. A magician played with the sky (1409 points, 7 comments)
    10. Ice princess on Lake Baikal (Photographer: Kristina Makeeva) (1316 points, 14 comments)
  5. 30975 points, 16 submissions: cestrumnocturnum
    1. The Golden Queen, the Lady of the Light (5571 points, 54 comments)
    2. There's something fae and strange about a blue jay that isn't blue (2692 points, 28 comments)
    3. Every dreamer has been here at least once (2633 points, 47 comments)
    4. Waiting for Westley (2505 points, 34 comments)
    5. Lights will guide you home (2471 points, 26 comments)
    6. The Cave of Wonders (2442 points, 49 comments)
    7. Where the wind blows (2427 points, 30 comments)
    8. A secret passage for mermaids and naiads (2421 points, 20 comments)
    9. The bridge in the clouds (2334 points, 18 comments)
    10. A horse and his boy (2272 points, 28 comments)
  6. 24612 points, 20 submissions: loulan
    1. These houses in a French village have so much character they look like they're alive (3324 points, 36 comments)
    2. Imagine being a villager in the middle ages, and your Lord always has an eye on you from his high castle (2698 points, 50 comments)
    3. This riverbank probably looked the same centuries ago (2491 points, 17 comments)
    4. Imagine herding your sheep with this background—Mont-Saint-Michel, France (2054 points, 33 comments)
    5. Alsace looks like it's right out of the Grimm brother's Fairy Tales (1954 points, 29 comments)
    6. In the middle of the extinct volcanoes of Auvergne, France, lays the town of Orcival, which has been visited for almost one thousand years by pilgrims seeking thaumaturgy (1829 points, 31 comments)
    7. This castle was the inspiration for Sleeping Beauty (1531 points, 25 comments)
    8. Chaumont-sur-Loire, Loir-et-Cher, France (1511 points, 10 comments)
    9. La Malène, Lozère, France (1405 points, 2 comments)
    10. Gourdon, a village standing on top of a rock in the French Maritime Alps (831 points, 12 comments)
  7. 16198 points, 10 submissions: DrFetusRN
    1. The Girl and The Fox (2960 points, 53 comments)
    2. A winter wonderland (2613 points, 33 comments)
    3. The forest road (1833 points, 18 comments)
    4. Hall of Mosses Trail (1805 points, 32 comments)
    5. The Black Watch Castle (1517 points, 15 comments)
    6. A truly magical shot of a magical forest (1501 points, 8 comments)
    7. A magical forest in Italy (1485 points, 16 comments)
    8. A bridge to a magical land (1304 points, 36 comments)
    9. Craigievar Castle at sunset (656 points, 14 comments)
    10. The Bridge Tea Room (524 points, 6 comments)
  8. 11498 points, 9 submissions: April_Maple
    1. Devil's Bridge Germany (2821 points, 23 comments)
    2. Astronomical clock, Prague (2553 points, 32 comments)
    3. The Apennine Colossus, Italy (1777 points, 13 comments)
    4. Petra, Jordan (1556 points, 21 comments)
    5. Tintagel, Cornwall (1205 points, 19 comments)
    6. Bourton-on-the-Water model village, England (579 points, 18 comments)
    7. In the "market" for a magic lamp? (464 points, 7 comments)
    8. Micheldever Woods, Hampshire, England (336 points, 5 comments)
    9. Lake Louise, Banff National park Alberta Canada (207 points, 2 comments)
  9. 8501 points, 17 submissions: Turguryurrrn
    1. A herd of deer relaxing by cherry blossom trees in Nara, Japan (2637 points, 20 comments)
    2. I mean, it doesn’t get much more fairytale than this... (1307 points, 19 comments)
    3. Hohenzollern Castle, Germany (557 points, 6 comments)
    4. The Tower of Terror (432 points, 8 comments)
    5. Patagonia framed by wildlife (406 points, 3 comments)
    6. Quiet morning in an English village (318 points, 9 comments)
    7. This old copy of Alice in Wonderland (294 points, 5 comments)
    8. A beautiful sunset in Lapland, Finland. (292 points, 1 comment)
    9. This is your cozy little turf house. (292 points, 0 comments)
    10. Hallstatt, Austria | Imagine having a hot soup whilst inside and observing this scenery (282 points, 3 comments)
  10. 8480 points, 4 submissions: gahte3
    1. Baobab trees in Madagascar. (2661 points, 23 comments)
    2. Hiking in Switzerland. (2392 points, 48 comments)
    3. Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland. (2014 points, 33 comments)
    4. Tiger's Nest monastery in Bhutan. (1413 points, 20 comments)

Top Commenters

  1. Iangator (3298 points, 93 comments)
  2. One_Four_Five (2309 points, 146 comments)
  3. cestrumnocturnum (1443 points, 48 comments)
  4. loulan (884 points, 40 comments)
  5. earthmoonsun (798 points, 45 comments)
  6. ChillWisdom (713 points, 26 comments)
  7. NZVikingRugger (560 points, 22 comments)
  8. upinyourtree (534 points, 8 comments)
  9. Esc_ape_artist (528 points, 30 comments)
  10. Spoddly (513 points, 3 comments)

Top Submissions

  1. The Golden Queen, the Lady of the Light by cestrumnocturnum (5571 points, 54 comments)
  2. The Witches Garden by One_Four_Five (4017 points, 33 comments)
  3. The Lonely Mountain by One_Four_Five (4001 points, 46 comments)
  4. This stunning castle has been owned and occupied by the same branch of family for over 850 years, or 33 generations to be exact. by Iangator (3957 points, 135 comments)
  5. The mice in this castle can definitely talk. by WiganLad82 (3701 points, 27 comments)
  6. Always walking by this on sunny days by heleninthealps (3619 points, 57 comments)
  7. The Woodcutters village by HellsJuggernaut (3603 points, 33 comments)
  8. The Queen's ball is tonight but with this weather will anyone come ? by HellsJuggernaut (3588 points, 34 comments)
  9. Library Fairies by One_Four_Five (3581 points, 27 comments)
  10. Castle: check. Moat: check. Stunning? Check. by Iangator (3564 points, 46 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 449 points: NCRider's comment in This stunning castle has been owned and occupied by the same branch of family for over 850 years, or 33 generations to be exact.
  2. 412 points: davisherm's comment in Hey! I posted this pic of mushrooms in my garden on a different subreddit and I was post them here, look at them! forming a GAINT ring
  3. 350 points: stoner_loner_69's comment in I bet the cakes here are magical!
  4. 326 points: Spoddly's comment in Ok who forgot to put the drain plug back?
  5. 324 points: turnt_meh's comment in The Lord of the land.
  6. 306 points: snekulekul's comment in Oh how I wish this were OC...
  7. 303 points: Iangator's comment in Castle: check. Moat: check. Stunning? Check.
  8. 297 points: upinyourtree's comment in Chinese Snow Village near Harbin.
  9. 296 points: cestrumnocturnum's comment in The Golden Queen, the Lady of the Light
  10. 294 points: classroom6's comment in This place looks soooo majestic
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Subreddit Stats: fivenightsatfreddys top posts from 2019-08-09 to 2020-08-04 20:50 PDT

Period: 361.66 days
Submissions Comments
Total 999 92944
Rate (per day) 2.76 253.28
Unique Redditors 468 16683
Combined Score 2673090 899246

Top Submitters' Top Submissions

  1. 119418 points, 38 submissions: Tiger_Torme
    1. I know it's a dead meme but... (5725 points, 79 comments)
    2. Can't have shit in Detroit (5287 points, 63 comments)
    3. Pure british (4512 points, 56 comments)
    4. Damn that's deep (4401 points, 54 comments)
    5. Ah yes, enslaved fandom (4378 points, 116 comments)
    6. The Forbidden One (4245 points, 87 comments)
    7. ha ha America go brrrr (4112 points, 55 comments)
    8. Special Forces (4064 points, 59 comments)
    9. But he lived! (4011 points, 50 comments)
    10. Parents in FNAF be like: (3969 points, 34 comments)
  2. 84806 points, 29 submissions: meow_master_
    1. guys??? i lost a bet and i've gotta spend a night in an old warehouse and i am NOT a fan of the weird robot animals there (7490 points, 304 comments)
    2. glass freddy is now real (6654 points, 294 comments)
    3. met this cool guy in a sick rabbit costume lmao (4848 points, 226 comments)
    4. we are devoid of spring bonnie (4429 points, 115 comments)
    5. update 3: found this big bird sat near some boxes. this one sure gives me the willies. (4086 points, 123 comments)
    6. glass freddy 2.0 (3971 points, 102 comments)
    7. the hairy ones (3939 points, 211 comments)
    8. withered chica, but i found out how to use blender fluid simulation (3691 points, 228 comments)
    9. putting a glass material on freddy gives you a really cool result (3630 points, 126 comments)
    10. michael loses (3617 points, 58 comments)
  3. 54824 points, 15 submissions: FuntimeCaty
    1. From the depths of Scott's nightmares (5223 points, 189 comments)
    2. Childhood Memories (4898 points, 143 comments)
    3. Something wanders in the dark. . . (4890 points, 194 comments)
    4. Daddy, there's something into the pit (4754 points, 126 comments)
    5. A beautiful way to die (4461 points, 138 comments)
    6. Birthday party (4404 points, 140 comments)
    7. The playground seems fun today (4194 points, 123 comments)
    8. Daddy, this isn't you.. (3751 points, 129 comments)
    9. Springlock failure (3382 points, 85 comments)
    10. Merry Christmas. (3185 points, 144 comments)
  4. 53905 points, 23 submissions: IllumixOfficial
    1. --AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY-- ❗️--HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AHEAD--❗️Enter the Wasteland Event at your own risk. Recent communication has incoming reports of...Toxic Springtrap! (3416 points, 280 comments)
    2. A Special Valentine's Delivery! All are posted on Social Media but we're dying to know which is your favorite! (3375 points, 303 comments)
    3. Flamethrower Bare Endo's the first to fan the flames of our Sizzling Summer Event 🔥🥵 Think you can handle the heat? (3302 points, 333 comments)
    4. 📣 FNAF AR July Update & a peek into the future 🔮 (2983 points, 330 comments)
    5. Doesn't Broiler Baby just ~warm~ your heart...literally? 🤗😱 Careful about getting too close--you've got to be prepared for the extreme heat of the Sizzling Summer event! (2894 points, 276 comments)
    6. FNAF AR: 'Tis the Season for a Special Holiday Delivery (2883 points, 336 comments)
    7. 🕹--PRESS START--🕹The Arcade Mayhem event is HERE, and VR Toy Freddy is ready to play! 3 other challengers will also be coming your way this month...✨ (2616 points, 209 comments)
    8. ⚠️--ERROR ALERT--⚠️ System Error Toy Bonnie has occurred in the following application: FNAF AR. Please access the Arcade Mayhem event for further details. (2591 points, 146 comments)
    9. Happy Thanksgiving! In-Game Challenge this Friday - Details in the Comments (2556 points, 354 comments)
    10. He's been waiting so long for this chance...and now it's finally here. 😱Look out -- Toy Bonnie is back and he's ready to play 🐰🤩 (2385 points, 157 comments)
  5. 41218 points, 17 submissions: Tutlessss
    1. POV: You did not deposit 5 coins (4529 points, 117 comments)
    2. Lefty during the FFPS ending: (3233 points, 60 comments)
    3. Cornered (2879 points, 48 comments)
    4. Some more Cuphead card stuff (2851 points, 54 comments)
    5. Charlie when she sees 5 kids getting murdered (2768 points, 43 comments)
    6. The Sister Location crew! (2667 points, 83 comments)
    7. The Vent-System (2648 points, 81 comments)
    8. (Repost to fix text) Withered gang reacting to how broken they are (2311 points, 116 comments)
    9. Is it just me or does Mangle look different today? (2216 points, 109 comments)
    10. Guntime animatronics AU - Guntime Freddy and Bomb Bon (2174 points, 75 comments)
  6. 40667 points, 15 submissions: Bravvyy
    1. The circle of afton but I redrew it. (7062 points, 172 comments)
    2. William's backstory (4990 points, 148 comments)
    3. Please scott just give us springbonnie already i beg (4232 points, 200 comments)
    4. the circle of afton. (2954 points, 92 comments)
    5. The first thing springtrap saw after escaping the fnaf 3 fire (2538 points, 68 comments)
    6. Darkest pit of heck (2349 points, 36 comments)
    7. #JusticeForScrappy (2162 points, 173 comments)
    8. #Justiceforscrappy 2: The revenge of the number 1 Afton hater (2015 points, 78 comments)
    9. oh shit no way (2013 points, 82 comments)
    10. Michael during the sister location ending (1868 points, 32 comments)
  7. 38343 points, 15 submissions: skul_bonez
    1. do you still believe that? (4276 points, 57 comments)
    2. i spent too much time on this (3549 points, 104 comments)
    3. fnaf 3 (3070 points, 33 comments)
    4. salvaging (3068 points, 54 comments)
    5. gone fishin' - page 3 (2856 points, 69 comments)
    6. how unexpected! (2777 points, 33 comments)
    7. fredbear & friends! (2690 points, 34 comments)
    8. gone fishin' - page 4 (end?) (2645 points, 81 comments)
    9. a little bit of me in everybody (2470 points, 39 comments)
    10. gone fishin' - page 1 (2109 points, 60 comments)
  8. 37522 points, 9 submissions: The-Nick-0f-Time
    1. These AR graphics are surprisingly convincing (7413 points, 216 comments)
    2. Easter Bonnie (7130 points, 201 comments)
    3. Foxy hand puppet with moving tongue-Test prototype (4696 points, 132 comments)
    4. The Twisted ones but they're based on the novel's descriptions rather than the official art (Details in comments) (4505 points, 264 comments)
    5. Withered Bonnie goes for a stroll (Sorry for vertical filming) (3747 points, 142 comments)
    6. Foggy Night (3027 points, 159 comments)
    7. Life-Sized Ennard Puppet Progress #7: Illuminated Iris (Details in comments) (2884 points, 139 comments)
    8. Life-sized Ennard puppet progress #6: First cost of paint (Details in comments) (2248 points, 129 comments)
    9. Early WIP of my 3D-Printed Endoskeleton (1872 points, 135 comments)
  9. 29099 points, 11 submissions: snazzamazing
    1. Fnaf 1 title cards (night 1 out of 7) (3802 points, 75 comments)
    2. Night 6 out of 7 - 1 9 8 7 (3630 points, 82 comments)
    3. NIGHT 5 OUT OF 7- the job here is done (its baaackk) (3405 points, 57 comments)
    4. NIGHT 2 OUT OF 7 -baking with chica (blood warning) (3287 points, 102 comments)
    5. NIGHT 3 OUT OF 7 - foxy awakens (2427 points, 49 comments)
    6. NIGHT 4 OUT OF 7- your time is up (2386 points, 83 comments)
    7. HAPPY (slightly late) BIRTHDAY, FNAF!! (2305 points, 41 comments)
    8. A bonnie and chica duo performance! (A commission I made) (2148 points, 104 comments)
    9. They call it "the mangle" (without filters) (2066 points, 66 comments)
    10. Fuhnaff vs F-N-A-F (2014 points, 123 comments)
  10. 23971 points, 6 submissions: animdude
    1. The Leaks. >:( (8500 points, 790 comments)
    2. Money for St. Jude is on the way (3984 points, 209 comments)
    3. Thank you! (3955 points, 244 comments)
    4. Let's give this guy some support today! (2990 points, 210 comments)
    5. Just a note about the story. (2841 points, 365 comments)
    6. An apology for the DLC delays (1701 points, 182 comments)

Top Commenters

  1. EpicJosh84 (25983 points, 817 comments)
  2. animdude (19880 points, 25 comments)
  3. Realshow (13328 points, 448 comments)
  4. BallHexagonBall (9845 points, 407 comments)
  5. Enry06 (8124 points, 202 comments)
  6. IllumixOfficial (6742 points, 303 comments)
  7. RafKen593 (6679 points, 280 comments)
  8. SpringPopo (6387 points, 172 comments)
  9. 340340 (6286 points, 292 comments)
  10. BlonglikZombie (4987 points, 163 comments)

Top Submissions

  1. The Leaks. >:( by animdude (8500 points, 790 comments)
  2. guys??? i lost a bet and i've gotta spend a night in an old warehouse and i am NOT a fan of the weird robot animals there by meow_master_ (7490 points, 304 comments)
  3. These AR graphics are surprisingly convincing by The-Nick-0f-Time (7413 points, 216 comments)
  4. Easter Bonnie by The-Nick-0f-Time (7130 points, 201 comments)
  5. The circle of afton but I redrew it. by Bravvyy (7062 points, 172 comments)
  6. Someone FOUND this in a landfill. Just...standing around. I think we know what to do with it by gravity_sux (6749 points, 655 comments)
  7. glass freddy is now real by meow_master_ (6654 points, 294 comments)
  8. Screw the lore, I need to know the story behind this by R_T_B (6262 points, 283 comments)
  9. Vanny is not that good at this whole "killing" thing yet by Tomayyto (6036 points, 176 comments)
  10. Count the Ways Funtime Freddy by _Alexissss (5992 points, 186 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 2109 points: animdude's comment in So this happened in FNAF 1 on Switch
  2. 1714 points: animdude's comment in YO! WE DID IT
  3. 1405 points: animdude's comment in actual footage of scott cawthon himself, walking up to the Funko Headquarters
  4. 1297 points: animdude's comment in [TANGO POP CUSTOMS] The Scott Cawthon Line!
  5. 1078 points: animdude's comment in Totally real FNAF movie casting
  6. 1013 points: animdude's comment in "Things will be happening, very, very differently going forward."
  7. 983 points: deleted's comment in The Leaks. >:(
  8. 977 points: animdude's comment in Scott's Favorite Texture
  9. 949 points: godzilla813105's comment in The Leaks. >:(
  10. 914 points: animdude's comment in For me, Scott Cawthon is a truly wonderful and incredible person who is impossible not to respect. It would be great if he noticed and appreciated at least one of my artworks. As an example, here is my artwork, which I have just finished. Scott, you are the best!
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08-31 07:26 - 'As a tank nerd, I bet they fucking ignored Churchill with its 152mm OF FRONT ARMOUR (well, on Mk. VII, more armour than Tiger I), and it’s legendary climbing ability, stuff like anti-tank ditches were literally just a...' by /u/FieldMarshalFry removed from /r/history within 318-328min

As a tank nerd, I bet they fucking ignored Churchill with its 152mm OF FRONT ARMOUR (well, on Mk. VII, more armour than Tiger I), and it’s legendary climbing ability, stuff like anti-tank ditches were literally just a minor inconvenience to them, and the famed Crocodile variant was rightly feared by the Nazi’s and the mere presence of one was enough to get garrisons to surrender
And then you have things like Matilda II, which was immune to all German tank guns at the start of the war, with a handful almost repealing the Blitzkrieg, or the Rolls Royce Meteor engine which propelled Cromwell to 40mph, and later powered Centurion which would revolutionise armoured warfare
Plus the 17 Pounder which was basically the hard counter to all German armour...
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Author: FieldMarshalFry
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08-31 08:28 - 'He mentioned the Panzer T otherwise known as the Panzer 38(t) and the KV line of tanks? Which of those would you consider obscure? Because both of those were pretty big things, hell I mean Otto Carius himself drove a 38 a...' by /u/Gristlybits removed from /r/history within 643-653min

He mentioned the Panzer T otherwise known as the Panzer 38(t) and the KV line of tanks? Which of those would you consider obscure? Because both of those were pretty big things, hell I mean Otto Carius himself drove a 38 and you would be hard pressed watching any documentary about WW2 and not see a 38(T) since it was involved in ever single action in the beginning of the war. I would bet then you would say a PZ IV is an obscure tank when it was the most widely produced tank by the Germans and was in production for the entire war.
Also the KV series of tanks were actual monsters that the Germans had no way of fighting against to begin with to the point of them just running over gun emplacements after they ran out of ammo. On top of they actually ran unlike most of the Tiger models. Hell the movie Fury is actually based on what a Russian crew did with a KV tank during the battle of Raseiniai.
These tanks of course aren't flashy but that sometimes is the key difference between being actually effective as opposed to being able to make good movies about.
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Author: Gristlybits
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submitted by Hydra_11 to u/Hydra_11 [link] [comments]

Guy who won $1.2m betting on Tiger at Masters rolls another $100k on Tiger Major Grand Slam

Thoughts? 100/1 doesn't look like a particularly generous price. If Tiger couldn't do it at the start of his career, against far weaker opposition, why now?
The implied odds are ~21.5% for each event i.e. 4.65 EU and +365 American for each major. And the current price on Tiger for each event is around ~10/+900...which seems pretty fair (and would imply a fair price of, at least, 999/1).
...admire the gamble tho.
EDIT: even if he writes off $40k in taxes, the odds are still 166/1 which looks very far from fair value.
submitted by xGfootball to sportsbook [link] [comments]

Tiger Vs. Phil - Match Bet + Props!!

Heeeeeey, I'm looking to take a few bets on the Tiger Woods vs. Phil Mickelson matchup for today!
Match: I'm taking MICKELSON and BRADY to beat WOODS and MANNING, and wagering my 6 ounces to your 10 ounces of .999 silver, any denominations - My 6 ounces vs. trent6295's 10 ounces
Manning hits the fairway on his first shot to open the match (YES): My 2 ounces to your 2 ounces of .999 silver - 2 ounces OPEN
Either team holes a shot from off the green (includes the fringe) (YES): My 2 ounces to your 6 ounces of .999 silver - 2 ounces OPEN
Which team wins the most par 5 holes (MICKELSON/BRADY) (Tie is a push): My 2 ounces to your 2 ounces of .999 silver - 2 ounces OPEN
Let's do this!!
submitted by WilliamBott to silverbugbets [link] [comments]

04-20 18:59 - 'Not even going to read the article or comments. Bet it’s Gypos as per usual. Before somebody comments “racist”, get in the sea. / If they acted like they deserved respect they would get it.' by /u/TigerPrawnKing removed from /r/unitedkingdom within 59-69min

Not even going to read the article or comments. Bet it’s Gypos as per usual. Before somebody comments “racist”, get in the sea.
If they acted like they deserved respect they would get it.
Context Link
Go1dfish undelete link
unreddit undelete link
Author: TigerPrawnKing
submitted by removalbot to removalbot [link] [comments]

[4th Anniversary - Royal Archives] Megathread

The 4th Anniversary is almost here! For this special fest event, we'll be facing off against the final form of Kefka - Lots of new goodies and treats to expect, wish everyone the best on their pulls!
Event starts: 24 March Event format: Special
01: Statue of the Gods (D300)
Boss HP Status Vuln. Break Resist
Visage 120,000 None All
Short Arm 50,000 None All
Long Arm 50,000 None All
Tiger 70,000 None All
Machine 70,000 None All
Magic 140,000 None All
Power 70,000 None All
Lady 9,999 None All
Rest 500,000 None All
Elemental Vulnerabilities (Default):
Enemy Fire Ice Lightning Earth Wind Water Holy Dark Poison
Visage 120% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Short Arm 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 120% 100% 100% 100%
Long Arm 100% 100% 100% 100% 120% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Tiger 100% 120% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Machine 100% 100% 120% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Magic 100% 100% 100% 120% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Power 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 120%
Lady -100% -100% -100% -100% -100% -100% -100% -100% -100%
Rest 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Target Score:
  1. Defeat the boss with at least 1 or more heroes not KO'ed.
  1. Visage - 100% magic
  2. Short Arm - 100% physical
  3. Long Arm - 100% physical
  4. Tiger - 100% magic
  5. Machine - 100% magic
  6. Magic - 100% magic
  7. Power - 100% physical
  8. Lady - None
  9. Rest - 100% magic
  1. Visage - Sap
  2. Short Arm - None
  3. Long Arm - None
  4. Tiger - Stop
  5. Machine - Petrify, Sap
  6. Magic - Sleep, Confuse
  7. Power - None
  8. Lady - Sleep
  9. Rest - Trine (Blind/Silence), Doom 30, Instant KO
  1. Visage - Haste/Protect
  2. Short Arm - None
  3. Long Arm - None
  4. Tiger - None
  5. Machine - None
  6. Magic - Haste
  7. Power - None
  8. Lady - None
  9. Rest - None
  1. Visage - Earth
  2. Short Arm - None
  3. Long Arm - None
  4. Tiger - Fire
  5. Machine - Fire/Ice/Lightning
  6. Magic - Fire/Ice/Lightning/Dark/Holy
  7. Power - None
  8. Lady - None
  9. Rest - Fire, Wind
  1. Visage - None
  2. Short Arm - None
  3. Long Arm - Shockwave (strong ST ranged PHY Attack) - used twice on death
  4. Tiger - None
  5. Machine - None
  6. Magic - None
  7. Power - 10-Hit Combo (10 strong ST NAT PHY attacks) - used on death
  8. Lady - None
  9. Rest - Repose (Instant KO on slots 1/5, 303%)
02: God of Magic

Kefka (D???)

Boss HP Status Vuln. Break Resist
Kefka 1,300,000 None All (70%)
Target Score:
  1. Defeat the boss with at least 1 or more heroes not KO'ed.
  • Attack Type: Almost all magic - however, he does have the occasional physical attack, and in his last phase he uses a very strong AoE overflow physical attack (696% multiplier) that he will start using in that phase - depending on how fast you are, you may be able to skip Protectga
  • Status Effects:
  1. Trine (AoE Blind/Silence, 30%) [Phase 1 Turn 4, Phase 2 Turn 11]
  2. Apocalypse Trine (Front Row Blind/Silence, Auto-Hit (can be blocked)) [Phase 3 Turns 3/11/17]
  3. Vengeance (AoE Dispel) [Phase 1 Turn 21, Phase 2 Turns 3/18, Phase 3 Turn 5]
  4. Hyperdrive (ST Magic Attack + Sap, 33%)
  5. Heartless Angel (AoE HP = 1) [Phase 1 Turns 3/17, Phase 3 Turn 18]
  • Buffs Used: None
  • Elements Used: Fire/Ice/Lightning
  • Counters Used:
  1. Phase 1 - None
  2. Phase 2 - 70% against all attacks - Hyperdrive (ST piercing magic attack, 33% Sap]
  3. Phase 3 - 33% against all attacks - Ultima (AoE piercing magic attack)
  • Our first time battling the final form of Kefka! Of course, if you are cruising through 5* magicite, Kefka shouldn't be a big concern, but read below for more details (note that Kefka is 100% scripted).
  • [Phase 1] - Kefka will do nothing his first two turns, then use his Heartless Angel attack (AoE HP = 1), followed by his Trine, and then Meteor (AoE piercing magic attack); you'll need to give MM/DMT to your healer to recover from Heartless Angel (luckily this is the only time you should see it unless you are super slow in Phases 1/3). The rest of the phase isn't too bad, he'll mix in his meteor with fire/ice/lightning magic attacks, and the occasional ST physical attack. Though unlikely, he does use a AoE Dispel on his 21st turn in this phase.
  • [Phase 2] - Kefka will do nothing on his first turn, then use his Forsaken move (AoE non-elemental magic move, bypasses magic blink), and then follow up with his AoE Dispel - be ready to rebuff, because he'll follow up with a Meteor attack that does 55% current HP damage to your party (Auto-Hit), followed by some 3T elemental attacks. The rest of the phase is fairly standard, just try to get out of it ideally before he uses Trine on his 11th turn.
  • [Phase 3] - Kefka will do nothing on his first turn, and then use his upgraded Forsaken move, which deals 1206% AoE overflow non-elemental magic damage to your party, and bypasses blink - do note that it isn't piercing, so raises your resistance will help as well. He'll follow up with his Apocalypse Trine on the front row (due to this, you should either bring status blink, use a back-row party, or blitz him down with SB's at this point). The rest of this phase is him using either his strongest attacks, his AoE gravity attack, his upgraded Trine, and pelting you with his 33% Ultima Counter. If you can't defeat him in the first 5 turns, you'll also have to rebuff when he Dispels you.
  • Overall, Kefka isn't too bad as far as fest bosses go, and with a 100% scripted AI, you can use that to your advantage to plan your strategy.
Other links:
If you spot any mistakes or have suggestions on how to improve the quality of my guides, feel free to comment here and I'll do my best to address them ASAP!
submitted by dperez82 to FFRecordKeeper [link] [comments]

Ultimate GUCCI Guide Part 2!! + How to QC

INTRODUCTION(Skip if you just want the links)
Hey everybody! It’s been a while since I did my last Gucci Guide and a lot has changed in the rep game since then. For one, Gucci has become a lot more well known. The good news is that rep-makers have nearly perfected a number of popular models like the ace and coco capitan stuff. The bad news is that a lot of the “high-fashion” pieces, i.e. the crazy embroidered jackets and out-there pieces, have been neglected as far as reps go. These crazy pieces are what define Gucci, and it’s really disappointing to see rep-makers focus on the hype stuff. But hey, it's what sells.
Top Tier Gucci Reps
I would classify these reps as being un-calloutable even to someone who owns retail Gucci. Most of these are in-house reps. This is the only class of rep that I would recommend buying from. You won’t regret the higher price.
Generic Gucci Reps
This is the category most Gucci reps fall into. Nearly every Gucci piece on the site has been repped by these generic factories that just keep pumping out new reps. Unfortunately, little care goes into getting the details right, so they’re fairly easy to call out if you own retail or have been in a Gucci store. I wouldn’t buy from these unless you want the Gucci “look.”
Shit Tier Gucci Reps
This is where you’ll find your 79 yuan Gucci Ghost tees and capitan crewnecks. Use these as an example for what to stay away from.
How to QC + A Few Tips
PS If you know any in-house, kappler-type stores that I haven't linked here, PLEASE LINK THEM. It would be a huge help for the community, and a reward for the time I spent making this guide.
EDIT: Added Links and fixed typos.
submitted by goyarddon to DesignerReps [link] [comments]

Betting Odds for Episode IX Subtitle REVISITED

About a month ago I made a post for submitting bets on the subtitle for episode IX. Well, suckers, it's time to tally up.

I saw a lot of titles in this sub, but no one said anything particularly close to "The Rise of Skywalker". Several people said "it will be something no one has said" at 4:1 odds, and to those brave few, congratulations. But, sadly for them (and happily for the house), they didn't put much money on it. And for one sad soul, he said "something no one has said" but then bet A LOT on "Will of the Force". God bless you, u/paxtoncrawford.

First of all, there were a few people that said a title with either "Rise" or "Skywalker" in the title, whether in my last thread or in the big prediction mega thread. These people deserve a round of applause, and though they win nothing I am generously removing their names from the list of losers. Congratulations, u/bluraymarco (Rise of the Knights), u/Sethodine, u/29mar04, u/dwilleke, u/AlienWhited (Rise of the Resistance), u/friedAmobo (Rise of the Light), u/Sgtmuffinbuns1 and u/GoldSaberSavage (Rise of a New Order), and the closest one by far: u/masterspiden (Reign of the Skywalkers)

Anyways, your official winners:
u/erosead: $40
u/Temiriblagg1: $40

Congratulations you two, you may collect your winnings from the following debtors:
u/alahmo4320: -$10
u/Alcida-Auka: -$10
u/araybian: -$10
u/ArcticKid: -$10
u/ArmaS3ddon: -$10
u/BigTimeSuperhero96: -$10
u/CaptainRegor: -$10
u/dbvjb: -$10
u/ghost_atlas: -$10
u/Ichbinian: -$10
u/JMVII: -$10
u/joliet_jane_blues: -$10
u/LikeAnAnonmenon: -$10
u/Salty_snowflake: -$10
u/SeaDooDave: -$10
u/ThatMyName: -$10
u/TheOneTrueJack: -$10
u/tiger_a_k: -$10
u/WonMonkey: -$10
u/EverybodyGetsCheese: -$15
u/martini_pr0blem: -$20
u/djflipswudge: -$55
u/krohnas: -$100
u/ReformedShitposter: -$100
u/rasonj: -$500
u/paxtoncrawford: -$960 (consisting of a $1000 wrong bet as well as what I generously allowed to be a $10 correct prediction.)
u/FineWithIX: -$1,000
u/EvilEd1969: -$10,000,000
u/voldemorthodontist: -$100,000,000

With so many more big losers than winners, the house (myself) won an astounding $110,003,090. Fantastic. That should really help out a lot with my finances.

Finally, several people preferred to bet in republic credits, which was probably wise, all things considered. There was one big winner and one big loser in this pool.
u/eatmyfriesyoudies: 4,000,000 credits

He can collect his republic credits from the following losers:
u/StarWarsFan9797: -1,000 credits
u/Aidan_Cousland: -2,000 credits
u/Buihelgason: -1,000,000,000,000,000 credits.
u/smaxup: "all my republic credits". That's right, all of them. Hopefully smaxup is loaded.

Once again, the house wins big - more than 999,999,996,003,000 credits. I could probably buy a lot of Nubian parts for that much.

Thanks to everyone for putting their money (albeit fake) where their mouth is. Feel free to pay your debt to the charity of your choice.
submitted by KingAdamXVII to starwarsspeculation [link] [comments]

Estimated number of Allied tanks in Normandy and their allocation to units. Part 2 to the Normandy tank-force series.

In my previous post I listed the German 'tanks' employed in Normandy and the units which fielded those tanks. Today I will do the same for the Allied units.
As you might have noticed the title differs from the first thread in one important detail; I wrote "estimated". For a variety of reasons, I found the compilation of Allied tanks far more difficult. The Allied replacement system made the tracking of vehicles more challenging and while I knew about this long before I was forced to tag the following numbers as an estimate. To be precise the numbers will be the minimum.
Table of contents:
  1. TDLR Tank numbers
    1a. Some remarks and interesting factoids about the numbers
  2. Unit list
    2a. US units
    2b. Commonwealth/Polish unis
  3. Replacement and reserve estimations.
  4. Final thoughts

The final numbers first

I will start with the numbers and further down you can see the detailed lists and explanation for the calculations.
Army Sherman 75mm/76mm Sherman 17pdr Sherman 105mm M5 Churchill Cromwell*** M10 76mm/17pdr M18 Challenger
US Forces & Free French 1993 168 1307 576 144 4188
Commonwealth + Polish 1965 314 456 538 333 400** 11 4017
Total landed in units 3958 314 168 1763 538 333 976 144 11 8205
Army Units landed + reserve + replacements
US total: 6000-6500
Commonwealth + Polish total: 5116
All Allied armies 11116-11616+
The numbers above are low estimate of the total number of tanks brought into Normandy. Not all of those tanks saw combat during the Campaign some units did not really engage in combat. It is up to the reader to decide how to interpret those numbers. I listed the units which arrived late. So the total number given here is tanks that landed on the Normandy beaches sometime during June, July or August which is the roughly accepted time frame of the Overlord campaign. The same rationale was used for German tanks. People will find different arguments about this depending on their prior viewpoint.
The main challenge was compiling the Commonwealth tank forces which in the end made me go with a minimum number. The number, therefore, should be treated as what it is a low estimation of total tanks. After consulting quite some secondary literature I am confident that this here is the best available compilation of Allied tank strength in the Normandy theatre. I found countless mistakes in various other sources which only encouraged me. As with the German data, a jump of point was Zetterlings normally superb book about Normandy, but this time I was disappointed, many mistakes were made. Units were incorrectly listed, some times the admittedly deceiving unit names mislead the author to use the wrong TOE. Light tank battalions were listed as normal TBs despite fielding only M5 Stuarts. Units that were equipped with non-combat tanks like the "Gizmos" or "CDL ( Channel Defence Light ) were listed as normal units despite only the chassis being from M4s and M3s. A TD battalion that had towed guns was wrongly identified as SPG unit. Which brings us to the next point, which tanks are included?
As you can see I went with the common convention of including M10s into the "tank category", the same with 105mm M4s which were assault versions of the M4. The reason for this is simple, I consider those close to tanks in the same way a StuG is but I as you noticed excluded German TDs. German TDs with their only ~ 10 tonnes and without turret were closer to a basic self-propelled gun than to a tank. So while "assault guns" and US TDs are included despite not fulfilling the full criteria German TDs were not. I think this categorization is the best.
Some 'tanks' that were excluded.
Most notably OP/Command tanks of which quite some landed in Normandy, the US did not use those vehicles while the UK made plenty use of them.
Anti aircraft tanks, like the Crusader AA Tank
The Petard version of the Churchill was also excluded, while this vehicle was heavily armoured and offered the ability to directly engage the ground forces of the enemy I think it should be excluded. The Crocodiles are included tho
Plenty of recovery vehices based on tank chassis.
Flail tanks are included

Interesting factoids

As you can see the Allied army was quite massive. The numbers presented here show the truly unmatched ability of the Western Allies to produce and employ war material. The ability to land 11k+ tanks in a matter of months is remarkable. The production and organization efforts seem unrivaled especially if we consider that this happened in 1944.
We notice the modest strength advantage over the German forces but what is also interesting, the tank heaviness of Allied forces.
The total troop strength on 23rd July is given as 812k US soldiers and 640k Commonwealth soldiers[1]. This is an extreme ratio of tanks per soldier. Going from TOE alone and ignoring reinforcements this meant that for 640k Commonwealth soldiers about 4k tanks were employed, this assumes the 4th CAD and 1st Polish to be included. This means 1k tanks on 160k soldiers. This ratio on first glance looks outrageous. To give you an idea of how much this differt from lets say the Wehrmacht they had about 1k tanks per million men for their early campaigns like Barbarossa.
Some historians like Zetterling like to use Bagration as a comparison to Overlord because it happened at the same time. There the Red Army employed about 6k tanks on 2,5 million soldiers. Which would translate to 1k tanks on ~415k soldiers. The perception of great Red Army tank armies appears to be mostly based on nominal numbers than on percentage. The British forces were truly armed to their teeths.
But even more interesting is that the German forces were also exceptionally tank heavy compared to their Eastern Front peers. About 2k tanks for a half a million men. For about 1k tanks on 250k soldiers. This was an exceptional number for German forces. At the same time on the Eastern front, there were like 3k tanks for a far bigger infantry force. This ratio would even exceed the ratio at Kursk the greatest tank battle of all time. Obviously those are napkin calculations but going from the numbers the German Leadership considered Normandy do or die. And still, their huge numbers were still dwarfed by the allies. About 5 tanks for every German tank about 4 Soldiers for every German soldier.
For some likely surprising, we see a rather big force of M5s, while little talked about the Allies showed confidence in the M5 and brought a lot of them. Mostly due to the gun the M5 is considered "obsolete" but with 15 tonnes it was still a considerable threat on the battlefield. About 2000 were destroyed in the ETO this vehicle was certainly still in combat use.
With the strong focus on the M4 people sometimes forget the big production numbers of vehicles like the M10. The total number of M10s exceeded 1000 and thus was more numerous than the most numerous German vehicle. But the numbers also show the doctrine in play, the loss rates of M10s were significantly lower than for Medium tanks.

Unit list

US tank units

What follows is a list of all Allied tank units that landed in Normandy during June, July and August. The US units were far easier to compile than those of the Commonwealth, for the most part US units adhered to a standardized TOE that only saw 4 major unit types:
Then you have some rare oddities like the heavy Armoured divisions with their old TOE, those two divisions had 232 mediums and 158 light tanks. This was a pretty outdated composition but two divisions still had it.
Then there were odd lights TBs which were simply tank battalions consisting of just light tanks. Between 50 and 60 tanks. Only 2 units were in Normandy.
The allocation of 105mm was constrained by availability, the D-Day units, for example, landed with more normal M4s without their 105s. My list goes per TOE.
Now the list of all units:
Separate Tank battalions:
US Tank Battalions M4 75mm/76mm M4 105 M5 Total: Note:
70th 53 6 17 76 D-Day
702nd 53 6 17 76 August arrival
709th 53 6 17 76
712th 53 6 17 76
735th 53 6 17 76
737th 53 6 17 76
741st 53 6 17 76 D-Day
743rd 53 6 17 76 D-Day
745th 53 6 17 76
746th 53 6 17 76
747th 53 6 17 76
749th 53 6 17 76
774th 53 6 17 76 Late August arrival
744th light 59 59 Light Battalion
759th light 54 54 Light Battalion
Not much to say about this. Independent battalions were regularly assigned to Infantry divisions. A "pure" infantry unit didn't really exist in the Allied armies. TDs were used similarly. In terms of combat power, a US Infantry div with assigned AFVs would on its own be comparable to a German Panzer battalion. German units would lose combat power and since no replacements were available a US infantry division sometimes had more available tanks than the opposing German panzer division. The understrength 'Frundsberg' for example arrived with only 77 tanks in Normandy.
US Armored divisions:
US Armored Division M4 75mm/76mm M4 105mm M5 Total: Note:
2nd (heavy) 232 158 390 First of two units to feature 76mms
2nd French 168 18 77 263 French unit equipped like US divisions, late July arrival
3rd (heavy) 232 158 390 First of two units to feature 76mms
4th (8th , 35th , 37th ) 168 18 77 263
5th (10th, 34th , 81st ) 168 18 77 263
6th (15th, 68th, 69th ) 168 18 77 263
7th (17th, 31st, 40th ) 168 18 77 263 13-14 August arrival
As explained earlier the US still fielded two divisions with the older 2 Regiment configuration. The other unit was the 1st Armored Division in Italy. Those two units were also the first to receive the new 76mm tanks which had their debut during Operation Cobra. The 7th Armored division arrived late to the party and had little influence on what many would consider the Normandy Campaign.
In the brackets, you see the tank battalions. In terms of tanks, an armored division was essentially three tank battalions with some headquarters M4s and an additional recce Squadron ( M5s ).
Tank Destroyer Battalions:
US Tank Destroyer Battalions M10 M18 Note:
602nd 36 Late August arrival
603rd 36
628th 36
629th 36
630th 36
634th 36
635th 36
644th 36
654th 36
702nd 36
703rd 36
704th 36
705th 36
773rd 36
803rd 36
813th 36
814th 36
818th 36
839th 36
899th 36 Only D-Day US TD landing ( afternoon )
Comparable to TBs those units were regularly assigned to divisions, also to Armored divisions. Enhancing the firepower of those units drastically. The doctrine, while effective in action, proved a failure, many vehicles were idle most of the time and used resources inefficiently. If inaction those units often devasted German tank assaults. But German tank assaults were rare so were obviously the TD highlight reels.
Cavlary Groups
US Cavalry Groups M5
2nd Cavalry Group ( 2nd & 42nd Sqd ) 34
3rd Cavalry Group ( 3rd & 43rd Sqd ) 34
4th Cavalry Group ( 4th & 24th Sqd ) 34
6th Cavalry Group ( 6th & 28th Sqd ) 34
15th Cavalry Group ( 15th & 17th Sqd ) 34
102nd Cavalry Group ( 38th & 102nd Sqd ) 34
106th Cavalry Group ( 17th & 106th Sqd ) 34
113th Cavalry Group ( 113th & 125th Sqd ) 34
Well... M5s.. Third Group arrived late.
Total TOE again for the US units:
Army Sherman 75mm/76mm Sherman 105mm M5 M10 M18 Total
US Forces & Free French 1993 168 1307 576 144 4188

Commonwealth & Polish tank units.

Now it gets tricky, sigh. The British forces were far more convoluted when it came to their tank forces but see for yourself.
In theory, the Royal Armored Corps would feature only 1 relevant TOE. The armoured Regiment. And then a Brigade would be three Regiments and an Armored division would have a brigade plus an additional Recce Regiment. In practise, the British units all were pretty unique. Here is the list of Commonwealth units.
A British armoured regiment in theory had
Sherman Sherman VC Cromwell Centaur Challenger Churchill Crocodile Churchill AVRE M5 Total: Notes
4th Armoured Brigade 157 36 33 226 7th June landing
8th Armoured Brigade 171 22 33 226 D-Day
27th Armoured Brigade 164 29 33 226 D-Day, later disbanded and its regiments used elsewhere
30th Armored Brigade 240 240 3 Regiments of Flail Shermans -141st RAC
33th Armored Brigade 156 36 33 225 Received Regiments and disbanded one
2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade 171 22 33 226 D-Day landing
6th Guards Tank Brigade 4 181 16 201 One of two full Churchill units
31st Tank Brigade 4 116 22 142 Only 2 Regiments, the third was reequiped with Crocs
34th Tank Brigade 4 174 33 211 One of two full Churchill units
1st Polish Armoured Division 125 25 70 33 253 Reduced in size due to personnel shortage
4th Canadian Armoured Division 225 36 44 305 No Cromwell recce Regiment only Shermans
7th Armoured Division 225 36 44 305 The only unit to mostly field Cromwells as mediums
11th Armoured Division 157 36 68 44 305
Guards Armoured Division 162 36 65 44 307
15/19 Hussars 50 11 11 72 Later replaced the 2nd Northamptonshire Yeomanry as 11th AD Recce
141st RAC 17 50 67 Flame thrower Churchill tanks
1st Assault Brigade ( 6 Squadrons 120 120 D-Day Churchill AVRE with Petard Mortar
Royal Marines Armoured Support Group 80 80 D-Day centaur units with 95mm Howitzers
You might notice that M10s are not included. The M10s were organized not in the Royal Armoured Corps but in the Royal Artillery and there in the Anti Tank Regiments in form of 'batteries'. You wonder why? Good question.
The 4th CAD and 1st Polish Armoured Division arrived pretty late in July and had their first combat on the 7th August during Operation Totalize, besides that most Commonwealth units landed pretty early and the total number of tank units would not change much after Normandy. In contrast to the US Army which landed several Armored Division and battalions post Normandy.
As you see the employment of several different medium tanks and infantry tanks created a quite diverse list of units. The so-called Hobart's funnies made it even more 'funny' to compile those units.
For most units, I went with the common TOE but I noticed frequent oddities which I sometimes had to include into the table. For this the so-called "tank state" documents proved invaluable. Those documents detailed the availability of tanks at the end of the day.
Ah ja the 'Hobart's Funnies' was a unit that included several specialized tanks, like the AVRE Churchill with a massive Petard mortar, or the flail tanks, or tanks with massive light projectors intended to blind opposing troops during river crossings. All those units were pooled in the 79th Armoured Division. This was no ordinary unit but simply the formation that organized all those specialized units. Part of it was the 30th Armoured Brigade and 1st Tank Brigade. The first employing dedicated mine destroyer Shermans with massive flails, the other had the so-called Channel Defense Light M3s.
Take a look at this document from the 16th July[2]. You see the regiments of the 30th Armoured Brigade and how its Flails were allocated to different Corp sectors. Obviously a specialized tool like flail tanks was more dispersed and the "commando unit" of the 30th AB was mostly to manage those Regiments. They would not really operate as a Brigade. The same for the so-called Crocodile tanks ( 141st RAC ) which were flame throwers, they were also shifted around to satisfy the need for specialized close combat equipment.
To make matters worse the Commonwealth decided to randomly disband whole regiments and replace them with others only to mess with me.
The 27th Armoured Brigade for example disbanded at the end of August as a result of the manpower shortage in the British army. Its regiments were sent to other units, which in return also disbanded regiments. The 1st East Riding of Yorkshire Yeomanry, for example, moved to the 33rd AB where it replaced the 148th RAC which was disbanded and fed its men to the 144th RAC.
You notice some other irregularities. The 1st Polish Armoured divisions had fewer tanks in their troops due to manpower shortage. The 4th CAD had no Cromwells in their Recce regiment but Shermans. The 7th AD had only Cromwells as medium tanks and a couple of Fireflys. Some Recce units had no Fireflys. You also notice a varying number of Firefly, in theory every troop should have one so 36 but then again this wasn't the reality.
The 15/19 Hussars were used to replace the recce regiment of the 11th Armoured division which then was also disbanded.
All this made listing British units far more complicated than US units.

Replacement and reserve estimates

A common mistake while judging unit strengths is underestimating or forgetting replacement tanks. The Allied system was set up in a way that ensured quick replacement of damaged and destroyed tanks with other tanks to keep the level of operational tanks high. The tactical merits of this system are debatable but it surely achieved its intended purpose, Allied units received quick replacements.
This means the tanks landing directly with the units were not the only tanks being landed in Normandy. The number of reserve and replacement tanks was substantial.
I want to use one example of a heavily engaged British unit to illustrate the number of replacement tanks:
The 11th Armoured Division had plenty of combat and will serve as an example:
The unit landed in June and moved into combat, I list rough estimates for their losses which includes damaged and destroyed vehicles.[3]
Then they recoup their losses and replenish
They again replenish, they replace their losses.
At the end of the Normandy campaign, the unit peaked at about 175 Shermans[2]. The unit peaked right before Operation Epson with 198[2], the unit didn't achieve 100% again due to constant combat but you see how destroyed tanks were replaced with new tanks. Those tanks often fall through the cracks in secondary literature. A good example would be Totalize. When historians list the strength of forces they mostly go by TOE but forget that Canadian forces, for example, received dozens of new tanks during Operation.
So let us try to decipher those replacement and reserve tanks.

US replacement and reserve tanks

US Total commitment of tanks is far easier to calculate because their loss data is more complete and accurate than that of the Commonwealth forces, furthermore, we have better data about replacement tanks.
Here are my number for the unloaded units again per TOE.
Army Sherman 75mm/76mm Sherman 105mm M5 M10 M18 Total
US Forces & Free French 1993 168 1307 576 144 4188
In theory, the total number of tanks would be TOE + Losses + Reserves – TOE shortage.
The US Army anticipated a monthly loss rate of 7% for medium tanks[4], which proved too low. So they planned a reserve of roughly 20%, We know that the reserves were nearly depleted by mid Augus[4]t and therefore the total number of tanks was likely only 'slightly' above the combined TOE and losses if at all.
There are different data sets for losses that are somewhat contradicting although not as much as for the Commonwealth forces.
Zaloga gives the following monthly losses for June through August, ( data set for the 20th ) [5]
Juni Juli August September
M5A1 52 26 201 116
M4 167 121 557 436
M4(105) 4 3 2 11
Tank subtotal 223 150 760 563
M18 0 0 6 6
M10 1 17 28 40
M36 0 0 0 0
TD subtotal 1 17 34 46
TOTAL 224 167 794 609
Kumulativ: 224 391 1185 1794
Here I have to mention a possible problem. In mid-August the Allies landed in Southern France as "Operation Dragoon" I am fairly confident all mentioned numbers here and later only refer to the 12th Army group. If I am mistaken this would obviously change the numbers and I would have to reconsider several tables so if somebody has evidence against my opinion please post below.
Napier gives slightly different numbers that count until the 26th of August which would be roughly the entirety of the Normandy campaign.[3]
Sherman: 824
M5: 175
Total: 999
As you see no M10s are mentioned and the M5 losses appear drastically lower. The weekly reported losses of the 1st Army alone reported 166 M5 losses[6]. The numbers from Zaloga appear more trustworthy although they don't include late August numbers.
Since we know that the US forces replaced their vehicles very quickly and were close to TOE, the TOE + Losses is a good minimum basis for committed tanks. But there are also tanks available as reserve forces not yet allocated to a unit or damaged vehicles which were maybe replaced by a new one while still being salvageable.
Another helpful data set is the monthly strength report of the US forces in the ETO. Here is the list of Zaloga, those numbers aswell are according to Zaloga from the 20th of each month.[5]
June July August September
M5A1 1489 1545 1693 1695
M4 ( 75mm,76mm ) 2202 2093 2557 2423
M4 ( 105mm ) 114 132 156 163
Tank subtotal 3805 3770 4406 4281
M18 146 141 176 170
M10 691 763 758 763
M36 0 0 0
TD subtotal 837 904 934 933
Total: 4642 4674 5340 5214
You might notice that those numbers are bigger than my TOE list, this is because the data set includes reserve forces. On average about 20% of TOE was calculated as a reserve force. The US tank force consisted of 5430 tanks including reserves. Compare the individual numbers to my numbers and you see a roughly 25% extra for the reserves. Now to this we simply have to add the admitted losses and we get a rather good estimate of the total number of vehicles landed in Normandy. The biggest caveat is that those "total strength numbers" can apparently include tanks still afloat not yet unloaded but since the data was from mid-August and the used loss numbers don't account for late August I doubt the difference was significant.
Here is what happens when we combine the Zaloga data for total strength and total losses for the same time frame:[5]
August Losses Total commitment
M5A1 1693 279 1972
M4 ( 75mm,76mm ) 2557 845 3402
M4 ( 105mm ) 156 9 165
Tank subtotal 4406 1133 5539
M18 176 46 222
M10 758 6 764
M36 0 0 0
TD subtotal 934 52 986
Total: 5340 1185 6525
In total, we see about 6500 tanks were committed to the campaign if 100% replacement is assumed while the rate was slightly lower than that. Also if the reports dated 20th August were compiled at exactly the same time is unknown and there is therefore some room for error. As mentioned above some of those units can be reasonably excluded from the "Normandy campaign" because they landed very late and didn't enter the battle. The 774th TB and 602nd TD. If those were included in Zalogas numbers I am not aware both landed on the 25th of August. For a total of 53 M4 75mm/76mm, 6 M4 105mm, 17 M5s and 36 M18. Also excluded from the total should be tanks being considered on route. The total number of those tanks is unknown to me but considering that the used reports are from Mid August and thus don't include later arrivals the relevant numbers is likely smallish any help to find more precise numbers for the tanks on ships would be appreciated. Factoring not fully replaced losses and the other mentioned factors the true numbers of committed tanks was likely somewhere between 6000 and 6500 tanks.

British replacement and reserve tanks

The British numbers are far more complicated than those from the US, at least they are for me based on my available data.
First, I have not found reliable data for M10 76mm/17pdr, while I identified many units that had M10s there variable set up of different numbers of M10 batteries made this an annoying task. This got only exacerbated by the lacking loss data for M10s. I was able to find the occasional loss data in various unit diaries but nothing that could be considered comprehensive.
Long story short I have decided to estimate the number of M10s based on the available data. I believe 400 M10s committed to the theatre is a realistic figure but if new evidence shows up I will change the numbers. The “small” amount of vehicles did not justify me spending more time trying to figure out the precise numbers.
In contrast to the US units, the UK didn't all share the TOE. Reasons for this are the bigger pool of different vehicles and the decision to create specialized units. You have seen this in the unit list. The biggest problem is that the Commonwealth forces lack proper loss and reserve data. And with 'lacks' I obviously mean that I don't have this data it might exist somewhere.


Different data sets for losses exist. None of those are perfect for the research at hand and nearly every data set is contradicted by other data sets.
You will find two number sets for the 5th August, one with 967 tanks lost by Napier[3] and another from Zaloga with 1142 tanks lost. While the numbers from Zaloga are generally accepted and to my knowledge the most cited data set I am not 100% certain that all those vehicles were full write-offs. Napier who also references the same data has it lower with some vehicles being “recovered” whatever this is supposed to mean. Either way this data helps only so much because it does not cover the heavy battles during August. Another British data set gives their monthly losses, this data is obviously flawed because it includes verifiable wrong data for June and July. This is likely due to backlogging losses, but for June-August combined it gives 1189 without M5s. Back logging was a major issue and gets illustrated by the total wastage of ~2900 tanks in 1944. While only ~40% of those happened during June-August. One starts wondering where the rest was lost.
Here different data sets in one table:
Zaloga data set 5th August[5] Napier data set 5th August[3] British monthly losses end of August[5] Preliminary British report 20th July[3][1]
M5 Stuart 79 75 ? ?
Chaffee 0 0
Sherman 717 616 799 493
Cromwell 193 185 213 81
Challenger 1 2
Comet 0
Churchill 152 91 175 81
Total: 1142 967 1189 655
All the mentioned data excludes M10s. Napier offers more numbers for the remained of the Commonwealth campaign leading to a total of 1667. Sadly he does not specify what constituted a loss in those data sets. Are those knockouts or write-offs? The 5th August data set likely is “write-offs” mostly. Furthermore, the data seems fragmented. The Canadian data, for example, suggests that those numbers are actually “knocked out” tanks which may or may not have been repaired later. This is a problem because the cited US data, for example, are apparently only “written-off” vehicles. I also believe that the 5th August data is mostly write-offs because it aligns with a detailed 20th July reported that analyzed knockouts and found already 655 tanks fully written-off without M5s ( and M10s of course ). The 655 from the 20th July, which maybe did not include a full Goodwood count, align well with the ~1000 from the 5th August so this data was likely “write-off”.
Another interesting data snippet is the number of replacement tanks delivered to forward delivery squadrons. Those units were the direct link between combat units and the replacement system. According to Napier, a total of 1567 tanks were delivered to those units. This sounds awesome and would solve the problem, right? Wrong. The issue here is that repaired tanks would also eventually land at a forward delivery squadron. Now it is possible that those 1567 were actually fresh replacement tanks, but Napier does not specify this crucial information. Napier who offers the most information about this topic sadly is rather unspecific and careless when it comes to correctly identifying the various types of losses. He goes on and claims the wastage rate of Shermans was 35% in July wastage rate normally describes total losses. 35% for the Commonwealth forces would actually be ~600 M4s in July. Pretty high.
Obviously I am confronted with the same challenges as others before me because we still don't know precise loss numbers for the Commonwealth forces.
In general, I believe the 5th August report to be the best bet and by using my expertise in Normandy armoured combat I estimate Commonwealth tank write-offs including M10s at 1400 minimum. This number is actually lower than many other estimates. Some major loss sources post 5th August would be the Operation of the 1st Canadian Army, the D Sqd of the Elgins for example delivered 125 tanks to the 4th CAD[7]. I think the biggest issue in the secondary literature is the confusion with a different type of casualties. In total, the Allies likely lost north of 2485 tanks as fully destroyed, which is not that much more than the Wehrmacht. The total number will never be known but I believe my estimate to be a good low estimate.
Take a look at Wikipedia which gives 4000 tank losses for the Allies and 1500-2400 for the Germans ( Zetterling numbers ). The Allied losses are categorically false if the metric is “write-off”. The reason for this as mentioned earlier is the confusion about different loss categories by tertiary editors.
So back to British tank commitment. According to Napier, the British forces ran low on Shermans, and unit diaries show that several units were not fully up to TOE during August which suggest low reserves. In theory, the British forces had a higher amount of reserves for Shermans because they expected higher loss rates, in practice the units were not full any longer. The nominal discrepancy was likely covered by damaged vehicles sitting in workshops. Furthermore, some units were disbanded to supply other units with personnel, those tanks were likely used as replacements and thus have to be deducted.
And here I am at a dead end that forces me to go with a minimum calculation. TOE + M10 estimate + Losses – Disbanded units
The 27th Brigade apparently still had 208 tanks on the books when it was disbanded[2]. Its regiments replaced 2 disbanded regiments and 1 joined another unit. Also, the Recce Regiment of the 11th Armoured ( 2nd Northamptonshire Yeomanry ) was disbanded. In total 3 regiments were disbanded ( Did I miss one? ). The 4th one likely left its tanks behind when it moved to England so a rough total of 4 Regiments left the TOE for maybe ~300ish tanks.
This brings us to a minimum of 3616 + 400 + 1400 – 300 = 5116
This number has to be considered a very low estimate. There were without a doubt substantial amounts of Cromwell, M5s and Churchills in reserve pools either as fresh vehicles or being in a state of repair. Even tho they ran a bit low on Shermans the shortage would only be in operational tanks but not in actual on hand tanks. Sadly I am unable to give a more accurate estimate and the best I have to offer is a “minimum”.
Which brings us to the total minimum of:
Army Units landed + reserve + replacements
US total: 6000-6500
Commonwealth + Polish total: 5116
All Allied armies 11116-11616+
Here are the German numbers again:
Tank Panzer IV Panzer V StuG III Tiger I Tiger II StuG IV Jagdpz IV StuH 42 Jagdpanther Sturmpanzer IV Total:
Number 897 651 386 123 12 42 104 221 8 28 2289

Final thoughts

In the previous post I claimed that the Allied used more than 10k tanks:
The Allied tank force, albeit more difficult to compile, is estimated by me to be bigger than 10.000 in the same time frame for a rough ratio of 5:1. If there is interest I can also post Allied tank units compilations.
And a spokesperson of the SWS u/wulfehound gave an official SWS statement:
Yea no. Unless every single one of the 13 armored divisions is overstrength by ~370% (186 combat tanks, 216 with M3/M5 Stuarts as authorized) for 797 tanks per division and the 21st Army Tank Brigade somehow is also overstrength by 200% or more, that's not happening. The British fielded just under 4400 tanks of all types, including noncombat versions such as command vehicles or artillery spotters in Normandy with 3444 of those being combat gun tanks, while the US had in total 2845 combat gun tanks in Normandy. That's 6,289 combat tanks for the Western Allies in case you can't do basic addition
Almost as if you're trying to push an agenda of muh uberpanzer superiority instead of being objective
Here you see the mistake of underestimated replacements in action. Maybe the SWS will add its opinion about this here as well.
The contemporary historiography is dominated by Western authors which have, in my opinion, pushed a clear bias in regards to Western technology and tactics. To me, it comes as no surprise that most hobby folks have no grasp of the true size of the Allied tank armies. While arguments about the value of numerical superiority get quickly ridiculed we see here that those arguments didn't just pop into existence without empirical evidence. Obviously not every tank landed was pivotal to the Allied victory and some fewer tanks would have done the job as well. Then again the final outbreak that followed many failed attempts was brought forward with tank force ratios of 10:1[8]. The question; "Was numerical superiority a fundamental requirement?" is certainly warranted and shouldn't be bullied. There is a reason that many historians that are vocal about the prowess of Allied armies and their equipment rarely talk numbers unless they help them. How often did you hear about Arracourt? Have the same historians told you that the Allies landed 10k plus tanks to defeat an opponent that was supposedly outfought anyways?
I couldn't find a better statement than the from Zaloga, that highlight this anti-scientific approach in the most comedic way possible.
In total U.S. First Army had 1269 M4 Medium tanks and 694 M5A1 light tanks at the start of Operation Cobra, roughly a ten-to-one advantage over its German counterparts in medium tanks.
And the just a couple sentences later he unironically says the following:
Ultimately the defeat of the German Army in Normandy depended in large measure on the performance of troops and commanders.
Indeed Mr. Zaloga indeed.[8]
For those of you who are interested in this, I hope you found some valuable information and maybe some starting points for your own research. As explained in the post those numbers should be taken as rough estimates, while likely superior to numbers you will find elsewhere the listed challenges prevented a fully clear picture. To other 15 readers drop the downvotes.
Historical footage of Allied tanks landing in Normandy[9]
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